PC 70-208RESOLUTION NO. P~~0-208 A RESOLUTION OF THg CITy PLpNNING COMMISSION OF THE CITy OF qNAHEIM THAT PETITIaN FOR VARIANCE N0. 2220 gg DENIED ~ ~' . ~~ ~ r!i ~::~ ~ .> ~ :t ~ WHEREAS, the City Plann(nQ Commisston of the Clty of AneheIm dId teceive s veri$ed PetItlon fot Varience from SA.M DOMINO, P, 0. Box 3032, Anaheim, California 92803 fiarbor Boulevard, Anaheim, Cali.'ornia 92802, qgent of~cartain rea1TOVALL, 1739 South ttie Cit}- of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, described as the PJorth 200.00 feet of the Southeast quarter of the Southeast uarter of the SouthwesteruarterLated in 22, Township 4 South, Range 10 West, in the Ran9ho San Juan Cajon de Santa Ana, as ~er ma recorded in Book 51 9 ~ Section or said count ' PaQe 10 of ~discellane.:us Maps, in the office of the County R~corder p Y• EXCEPTING THEREFROM the Northerly 86 feet of *.he Easterly a10 feei. i '~;r ~ ~t WHEREAS, the Clty plann[ne Comml~~toe dld hold a Ilovember 16, 1970, o~ 2;00 o'clock p,p{„ publlc headng at the Clt 1eW m'd i" ecoord°~e wlth the provislons ot the AnnhelmtM nt i alj Code, y Hell ln the City o[ Anahefm on publie hearing heving bem duly givm ae required by end egetnat aaid propeied ~o~ence and to inveati ate end P Chepter 18.68, to hear and conaider evldenee for end E meke flndings and recommendatlons in connection therewith; 19FiEREAS, ~~1d Commiselon, after due lnopectton, inveeUgatlon, end stud tecte: y mede by ltaelt and In ite behalf, and efter due consideratton of all evldence and rcports ottered at seld hearing, doea tind and detertnine the Eollowing 1' T~°~ ~~ Pe~ltlener cequeste a v~rla~ce [rom the Anahelm Munlclpal Code a; f o 1 1 ows : SECTION 18 62 090(B q a) - Maximum nermitted si_ o~ a__~d. ~~~g sQUare feet permitted; 639 square feet proE;osed). ~• That the petitioner is ~a~' square feet to 639 square feePosing to er,pand an existing non-conforming sign from 5• That the existing sign already exceeds the permissible sign arc-a for this k~y 100',~, and by granting this request the resulting sign area would ~e almost 2009; greater th:,r what is permitted. Parcel 4• That the proposed siqn addition could be :ncorporated ~•~ithin the existing sion area b~ chanqing tfn copy of one of the 5. That. t:~ere are no excaptionalaorlextraordinary circumstances or conditions a~ ~o tr~ property involved or to the intended use of the ?:o r.he oroperty or class of use in the same vicinity andr~onet ~P7icable ~~• That the re ue Y that do not apply genera]ly a sui~stantial q sted variance is not necessary for +.he preservat.ion and enjoyment of ~~~~ drnied to p11epert,y right p~ssessed by other property~ in the same vicinity and zone, 7. qroperty in question. That the re uc-sted variance will be materially detrimental to the public welfare or ini~,rious to the property or improvements in such vicinity ar,d zone in which the .s lor,ated. property ~~ Vl-D ~ ~ ~ _1. •;~. - yy ~ '.~ . NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Aneheim City Planning Commission does hereby deny subject Petition for Verience on the basis of the aforementioned findings. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is signed and approved by me this 25th day of November, 1970. . `~~ ' ~ '~~ . ~ ' ~ `CHAIRMAN ANAH ~IM~CITY PLANNING COMMISSION ATTEST: ~ _ '; C~. ~-c-~ f ~-z<~ SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNINC COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Ann Krebs ~ Secretery of the City Plenning Commission of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the fore- going cesolution was passed and edopted at a nieeting of the City Plenning Commission of tite City of Anaheim, held on November 16, 1970~ at 2:00 o'clock P,ryi„ by the following vote of the members thereof: • ~` I' AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Allred, Farano, Gauer, Herbst, Kaywood, Rowland, ~-r. I ' NOES: COMMISSIONERS: None. I ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: ~~ ~~'Y~''-o-~-~-~zi , I IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I ha~~e hereunto set my hend this 25th day of November, 1970. i i I / <~ / / t ; iL ~7- t--~'L ~/~2c.: L s~ai I SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION 'r~ :ix~ ~ ~wc. ~, ..eti~ir<++7~err:>:,~_.....~~ic.'~ ~