PC 70-218RESOLUTION NO. PC70-218 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM RECOMMENDING TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF ~IiE1C2TY OF ANAHEIM THAT PETITION FOR RECLASSIFICATION N0. ~~ 1 BE APPROVED i WHEREAS, t}ie City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim did recelve a verified Petition for Reclessifice- ~ tionfrom HERBERT A. TANNER, 653 South Western P.venue, Anaheim, California 92804, Owner ; of certain real property situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of ; California, described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and referred to herein as though set forth in full. ; end WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission did hold a public hearing at the City Hell in the City of Aneheim on N~vember 30~ 1970~ at 2:00 o'clock P.M. notice of said public hearing heving been duly given es required by lew and in accordence with the provisions of the P.naheim M1lunicipal Code, Chepter 18.72, to hear end consider evidence far and ageinst seid proposed reclessification and to investigete and make findings and recommendetions in connection tf~erewith; end WHEREAS, said Commission, after due inspection, investigetion, end study mede by itself and in its behelf, and after due consideration of al1 evidence and reports offered at said hearing, does find end determine the following fects: I. Thet the petitioner proposes a reclassification of the above described property Erom the R-A, AgriCUltural, Zone to the R-1, One Family Residential, Zone. 2. That the proposed :eclass~fication is in conformance with the land use oroposals of the General Plan. 3. Thet the proposed reclassificeti~^ of subject property is necessery end/or desirable for the orderly end pro- per development of the community. 4. Thet the proposed reclassification of subject property does properly relate to the zones and their permitted usea locelly established in close proximity to subject property end to the zones end their permitted uses genereliy estab- lished throughout the community. I2-A _ 1 - ....._------_-- ._ . - ~ __ . ... ~ __. --- °'-.. °''~~.~:` _^_ .. __.........._ , . .:;,,:~ . ,~,<.~.._„ . ..,~...,...,,~n --- . , - ~•. . -, ' 5 i ~ _ ~ , ~ ' • ~ :/" . i`' i ~. i i. No.Sll-3 ~ '~' 7~STui.N TITL~ i,\TSuRANCE CO` "pANY , LO t u~CK GUAIiAR! t EE SCHEDULE A ~iTective Da:c: ~'cve:r:ber~ Fi~ 137Q ~ ;r~ ~ _.~y ~ ,~ -~ ~ ~' t ~ ~.j, -~'~y ~~ ~ ~ 1 Tiu assurnnces r~fcrred to on the face page arc: That, accordin,^, to t?u Company's property records relative to th~ fo.1.':o~+~i~; ~esr:sibe~~ real propcr~y (bu~ without exnmination of those Company rc,cords maint~rneti ar,~, ir.~rxed by nan:c) : A. The Inst recorded instrument purporting to trar.:;%~: ti~i„ to said real prc,~c-rty i:;: A deed execui;ed by OSA BELLE I~TH"r;R~NGTON, toHERBERT A, TA~~~iR and AD1N H. TAi~NER, husband 2na wife, as ~'oint tenants, ^^eco:ced Narch 30, 1970, in book 9250, pagE 935, OfFiclal Records. , . 3. Thcrc :,re no mortgages or decds of trust which purport to uffect said reul property, other than those shcwn below under Exceptions. ~~, i ~A ~.~ : I ~Q~ 7~~~- ~ ~' '~ ~ , ~ . j; No. S11-3 ~ DESCRI?TION: Tna, portion o, the northeGsti quarLer of the southvrest oua-r~er of Sec ~ion 1<, in ^lo~•:riShiD S• South, fian~e 11 4Jes ~, in the Rancno Lo~ Coyo~c.s, ~n ~he coun~y of Oran~e, state o~ Caliiornia, as snovrn on a r~ap ~hereo~ recorded in DOO:C 51, pa~e 11, Miscellaneous Naps, records oi saia Oran~e County, described as follows: Co„u7encir.~ ~~ a point in the easterly line of L'ne northeas~ quartEr oa th~ sou~'r.~:•est a,uarter oi said See~ion 1~'r, distant thereon scuth 0 1G'02 eas~ 074.59 ~:eet ~rom the northeast corner ther^.of, ~nd • runn•in~ t'r.ence south 89°38'04" ti•rest 45,00 feet; thence south 0°16'02" e.st, ~~railcl t~~ith said easterly line 90.00 feet to the true point of bcginnin~ o: the boundary o~ tre lznd Y~erein described; thence con~inui:,~, ~outh 0°16'02" ~ast 81.~3 fee~ to the beginning of a ~an~an;, curvc, ccncave northti•resterly, having a radi~as of i5.00 :'eet; , ~hence south:•resterly alon~ s~id curve, L-hro~;~h a central angle oi E19°53'S9", an arc distance of 23.53 feet to a line t2n~ent; tner.ce south E9°37T57" wast alono said tan~ent line 2a.58 °eet to t:e be- ~~rnin~ of a tanoent curve, ccncave northeasterly, having a radius oi 368.00 ieet; ~nence northwesterly 21ono said curve, t:~ ou~h a central angle of 1Z°28t42", an arc distance o~ 73.72 feet ~o tY.e beginnir.~ o~ a reverse curve, concave soL•.thw2sterly, havir,g a radius o~ ~-52.00 iee~; thence iaesterly along said reverse curve, throu;;h a centrai an~'~ of 9°9i'S5", an arc distance of 68.10 feetr a radial. line a~ t-hc: end o~ said r~everse curve bears s~?uth 2°04'a4" west• thence north 0°c^2~03" yrest, 80.70 feet; thence north 89°38°04" east 2~'<0.~8 ~eet to the true point of beginning. i l~'3 J 6~~ ~2~ . • ,. _ _ . .,, _ . -__~~~,.~_~ ......:....... . ,;' ~S~ ~ . . . . : . . . . .. . .. .. .... . . .. _ .... . . . . _- ...~---~-..,-. ' ^ . " . . F . •:. ~,.zn:.._. ~ 1 S - • ' - ~ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED thet the Aneheim City Planning Commiasion does hereby ~ecommend to the City Council of the City of Anehelm that nubject Petition for ReclessiEtcation be epproved end, by so doing, that TiUe 18-Zoning of the Aneheim Municipal Code be emended to e:clude the ebove descrlbed property from the ' R-A, Agricultural, Zone and to incorporai:e said described property into the R-1, One Family ~ .°.esidential, Zone, upon the following conditions which are hereby found to be a necessary • prerequisite to the proposed use of subject propert~~ in order to preserve the safety and general welfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim. 1. That the owner of subject property shall pay to the City of Anaheim the sum of 15Q per front foot along Western Avenue and Stonybrook Drive for tree planting purposes. 2. That 'che owner of subject property shall pay to the City of Anaheim the appropriate park and recreation in-lieu fees zs determined to be appropriate by the City Council, said fees to be paid at the time the building permit is issued. - 3. That the cwner of subject property shall pay to the City of Anaheim the sum of ~ $2.OG per front foot along Stonybrook Drive and PJestern Avenue for 5treet lighting purposes. '`'"~~' 4. Prior to the introduction of an ordinance rezoning subject propertyS Condition f'_;~ Nos. 1 and 3, above mentioned, shall be completed. The provisions or rin,ht= granted by ~ ;;:; this resolution shall become null and void by action of the City Council unless said ` i conditions are complied with within 18~ days from the date hereof or such further time i;.,; as the City Council may graiit. ~ .; THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is signed end approved by me this lOth day of December, 1970. ~ ~ ~~ ~-C~ ~~ ~ ~'`/ -CHAIRMAN ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMM?SSION AT.TEST: i e 12-72/ ~~'.~(1.2' SECRCTARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION ~. STATE OF CALTFORNIA ) COUNTX OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM 1 I, Ann Krebs, Secretary of the City Planning Commission oE the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolutio~i wes passed and edopted at e meeting of the City Pldnning Commission of the City of Aneheim, held on ~lovember 30~ 1970~ et 2:00 o'clock P,M., by the following vote oE the members thereof: F.YES: COMMISSIONERS: Farano, Gauer, Herbst, Kaywood, Rowland, Seymour. NOES: COMMISSIONERS: None. ASSENT: COMMISSIONERS: Allred. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I heve hereunta set my her,d this lOth day of December~ 1970. ~`~ ~ -'~ '~( I~/ / ~;~ Ci~!/YLyL' /~"LC.-~`~7%~ ~-~ ' SECRE'IARY ANAHGIM CIT'~' PLANNING COMMISSION ~~ A : ~ RESOLUTION NO. 2 ~8 R2-A _Z. ~