PC 70-33%
RECOf01EPfDQtG 'f0 THE CffY CqniCn, p!' ?HE CITY OF ANAH6p( 'I'HAT
PE'fIT10lf !'OR RECLASStl7CATlON lip, 69-70-39 g~ AppROVED
~i ' ~
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WlfEREAS, the City Plrtnln6 Cosaissioa of Hie Clty of M~Ns did initiate a verS fied Petition
for Reclassification on ceri;ain real property situated in the City of Anaheim, County of
Orange, State of California, described in rxhibit "A" attached hereto and referred to
herein as thou9h set forth :r. full.
Prooertv owners
~ ~
Joseph Troesh
6972 Fee Ana Street
Anaheim, Calif. 9:?SOi~
Bert f~llfillisch
7082 Fee Ana Street
Anaheim, Calif. 92806
V. K. Development Co. Inc.
17805 Walnut Ave.
Anaheim, Calif. 92£i06
John Vetter
17832 Walnut Ave.
Anaheim, Calif. 928U6
Virginia Astier
17842 Walnut Ave.
Anaheim, Calif. 92806
; and
NHER6AS, tAe City Pl~snie~ CoMluloa 1id Iwld ~ public h~ule~ ~t t6~ Clty Hdl le the Clty ot M~heim
on Feb. 25, 1970, ~t 2:00 o'clod~ P.M. ~oHee of W~ prWic h~~rL~ 6wlaQ b~se dnly ~lven u rpulrod by
ln- e~ le ~ceo~duc~ ~ith th~ peovlda~~ d t1~ Ae~Mia lloofdLMl Cod~~ Ci~t~r 1l.74, to M~c ~ad contider
wiM~c~ tx wd Kai~~t ~Ud pwpow! redwl8c~tlae ~rd w iavestlpt~ ~ndMk~ findinp ~nd+~ooe~~nd~tfon~
in can~ctioa tb~rewith; ~nd
wF1EREAS, add Canmyss(on, ~(t~r due iA~p~~p~~ ieve~ti~etion, ~nd stody e~de by it~elt rd in Its be-
Y~lt, ~ed ~k~e dw consider~tian ot oll ~vidMCe ~nd reporta ofter~d ~t ~~id h~~rin`, do~s tind ~nd detarmine the
foilowlnQ t~ct~:
1• 7L~tth~ Commission proposes a reclassification of the above described oroperty
frnm the R-A, Agricultural, Zone to i~;-1, Liqht Industrial, Zone.
2. That the pzoposed reclassification is in conformance with the Anaheim General
3. That the proposed reclassification oi subject property is necessary and/or
desirable for the orderly and proper development of the community.
4. That the proposed reclassification of subject property does properly relate
to the zones and their permitted uses locally established in cdos~ proximity to subje~t
property and to tlie zones and their permitted uses generally established throughout ttie
5. That the proposed reclassification of subject property requires the dedication
arid improvement of abutting streets in accordance with the Circulation Element of the
General Plan, due to the anticipated increase in traffic which will be generated by the
inter„ification of land use.
RD .1_
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_ i...... parcel o~' laac iocatec ir. _:G C01Ai.,~ o~ p~~;~5~~ State of Culirc~rnia, '
Cescriaed as ~ollows:
~`'g1~~=n5 a~ u point i~ the e:;is;,ing City li:~it line cf t;e City o~
ynahei:a as establisheci by t: e 1Tortheast h::~ex~~~on ,~o. 3~o tnc City o~ Rna-
nei:~t, passed by Ordiaance ~o. 1542, Janwary i7, 1~~1, ..i_eci w'~
c< <•i
i~n t~e Secre-
tary o~ State July 10, :964 ar~~i recorce~ July 13, 1964 in O~~icial Recores
o~ Oraage Count~~, Cali~or:~ia, sa: d noir.~ o:. ~egi:z :ing ~eir.g d• sta :t :Cortn
Sg~ ?8' 1~" EcZSt 30 reet f~OfR t~'16 ':eY1t'G'Z'11riG- inteYSeCtlOri of' La Yc.l:;a
-''^ Avenue ~LOi::~@~],V }i.^.OWll d5 SGalnut St.-eet) ~::SG ~C'G-' FfI7~ Streec, cu Sd1G~ inter~
sectio:~ is shcwa on a Record of Surv,y i~.ap ~iled in ~3ook 7g, page 1 of Record
.' ~ o~ Surveys in the office oi the Coun~.y Recorder of said Orar.ge County, Cal:.-
~ ~' ~ornia; the:~ce
i/ r=~',-,Ti~ i/ a ~ = ! /.~
"_ ~~orth 0° 11' S0° West 398.35 fee.t ulon5~%;;'-;~ existir.g Cit_, 1i:;1it _ir.e
o~ the City oi ~:nanei.l, bei:~g a line 5ara1icl with ar.d 30 ~ee~ Easterlv o~
t2'i~: CC:riLCr11riC' Oi Said Fee A::d Street, t0 c.Y. ~.i1~~YSCCt1G:1 W:;.11 triE: SOilt.^.
line of t'r.e ivorth 143.52 , ~eet of Lot - -
13, ~ioc'.{ 36 0:. tne Yo~~~ ~i7da lract,
as snown on a:•:ap recorded in IIook 5, pa~as 17 and 18 0~ .discella:~cous :a~s,
records oi prance C~unty, Cali~crr.ia; t"r.e :ce
Nort:~ 39° 48' 10" ~ast 617.00 ~eet contir.uing zlo^g a por;.icn o~ t'r.e
~.;~ sa_d 2::1S~.ing City Lli~ll{: ZlrO Oi ~:6 Cl~V OL Ane;~ei:~, D(.'1^C`j Z~O~t1GII o~ tne
i~,i South line of tne \orth 14•3.52 ~eet o.: Lot s.3, Bloc~ 36 0~ sa~d Yorba ;,i;~da
~; . _
i. i~cCt t0 d;l intersection Wl~l'1 tne C'Testerly Z1A0 Oi t:':C ZdrC CeSCx'1..^.~G lri
deed recorded October lr, 1966 in 3cok 8075, page 782 of O~ficial Records
. of Orange Countl, Cali~orniz; ther.ce
~: i
Soutn 0° ~1' 50" East 451.35 fce~ le4v~n5 tne said ex'_stir.g City 1~.:;it
~• line o~ ~he Cicy o~ Anahein, follc~oing alor.c ti,e t~7esteriy 1i: e o.` the land
cescrii~ed ~r. t:e last nentioned deed and tne Soutrerly prolon~~aticn ~nereof
~~~ ~O di7 intersec~ion 471tR a line ~2.':dj,],@], ~ql~n g;ZC j3 ie@t SOut: 2Ti~I Oi t;.~
ce:~te~line of t:~e aPoremen~ioncd La Palna Avenue (~or;nern,~ kno~•m as :4a1 :ut
Street); tnence ' .
:~Qrt'r: 89° 42' 10~~ ~ast 1~6.13 ~eet aiong ~aid ~ara11e1 ~ir.e to ~n inter-
~ secra.on with `.'ae p7esteriy line o~ the aarcel o~ lar.d ciesignar.ec as ?arcel 3
snown on a~eco•rd o° Survey ;dap filed ir. Eoox 79, nzr,e 1 0~ Reccrc o~ SL•~vevs
. lri til2 O~_`_Ce G~ ~:1G COllri~y RecordeY Of w1G Crange COttl'itV~ Cdli20:rild; t:.e;1C~?.
' +~G+i.II ~° 1~ ' jQ° ~'~2St ~?3.::: iL'G'~ d1.0i.C'j. $'~JOri.lO:l Oi t: 0 j'!C'S~t.~1V L.lIIO 0=
the last ::,entio:ed parcel of l~r.d to an ir.tersectior. with a ~.T:e ~arallci wit:
~ .
~ d:1a ~~ 2GG't SOL~.rlCrlj OL ~f3C' centerline Oi Sd1C~ Y,d Pc31;,13 :.V~:I:LiGj ~P~:11C@
~ .. -
~~ . .
~ .,
~; :~~
, ~ ~ . ~ . ~_:,,:.-: c~ ...- ...:..~..~;:~o i
i , I ' _ :e C~ ;.y oJ`..:,:..:oin '
' :~0~~.. u9u ..J ~v' E:35L ?J4.vO ~..~~ ..iO:i~ L'iC ia~~ :S1CLt;.O:CG ~i.;Y~3i~(:1
•~ ~
' ~ 11^~: LO d:l ..i.t~YS~Ct10:1 t91L:': :.:.0 S'iCStC~~1,! 11::C O~~ ..:.C Zf7 :4' C:C3C" "GU "7 C@GC
~i ~
k'. I •
~~.J i.
:~corcan ;:arc?: 30, 19u0 _n Bcok 5170, 5age _07 0~ 0«ici~::i Re ~
ccr@s o.. Orange
County, Cali:ornia; thence
Soutn 0° 11' S0" East =r32.00 ~eet aio: g tc,e t•lesterly liae of tne land
cescribed in the last mentioned deed ~o tne Southwesterly corne~ e~ said lar.c;
Soutz S9° YS' 10" h'est 1007.13 feet along a liae parailel wi~z the
ceaterl:ne o.". t:~e aforementioned La ?alma Aveaue to an intersectio:~ with a
.% liae p~r.s11e1 with and 30 feet Easteriy of tne centerline o~ said Fee nna'
Street, said point o~ int~rsection being a point in tne e{isting City limit
1_ne o_ the City o~ rnanein as establisncd ~'y~
, by a~orementioned 2~ortheast
_ ' yr.nexation :~o. 3; thence
- \'ortn 0° 11' S0" West 462~ feet along the last :aen;.ioned a~ra11e1 1ir.e,
bei^g a portio:~ o~ the said existing City o~ nnaheim City lini;. lir.e to t'r.e
c: point o~ beginning.
, ;. .
•, ..
~ , • .
I• . . .
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Page 2 0:: ?,
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. - ..~..
NOK', THERErC~E, iSE IT `. E30LVED th~t the An~h~im City plamin, ~ommiseion do~s hneby recommead
ta tha City Council of the City of~Anoheim that subject Pctition for R~c1u~iHcation be ~ppmved and, by so doing,
that Title 18-Zoning of the MaheIm Municipsl Code be ~mendsd to exclude the obove described propetty irom the
R-A, Agricultural, Zone and to incorporate said described property into the M-1, Lic~ht
Industrial, Zone, upon the i'ollowing conditions which are hereby found to be a necessary
prerequisits to the proposed use of subject property in order to preserve the safety and
general welfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim.
1. That all engineering reyuirements af the City of Anaheim, such as curbs and gutters,
sidewalks, street grading and paving, drainage facilities, or other appurtenant work shall be
complied with as required by the City Engineer and in accordance with standard plans and speci-
fications on file in the office of the City Engineer at the time the property is developed.
2. That dedication shall be made to the City of Anaheim on all streets within the area,
according to the Circulation Element of the General Plan "Highway Rights-of-Way," prior to the
adootion of ordinances rezoning the property.
3. That the owner of subject property shall install street lighting on all streets within
the area, as required by the Lirector or Public Utilit:es, at the time the property is develop-
4. That a preliminary title report shzil be furnished prior to the adoption of an ordinance
rezoning the property, ;howing legal vesiing ef title, legal. description, and containing a
map of the property.
5. That ordinances reclassifying the oroperty shall he adopted as each parcel is ready
to comply with conditions pertaining to such parcel; PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that the word "parcel"
shall mean presently existing parcels of record, and any parcel or parcels approved by the
City Council for a lot split.
THE FOREGOING RESOLUTIQN is signed and appro
~_!~!lz~L-/~~/J ~~-~~
I~.P•.nn Krebs ~ Secretary of the City Plenning Commission of the City of Maheim, do hereby certify that
the foregoing resolution wes pessed and edopted et e meeting of the City Planning Commission of the City of Aneheim,
held on February 25, 1970, et 2:00 o'clock P.M., by the following vote of the membecs thercroF:
AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Allred, Camp, Farano, ~auer, Rowland.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand Ehis 5th day of March~ 1970.
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