PC 70-43_ i - ;~. ~; ;.. I;vl::;:'_ ~i ' _,. .. . . . . i ,, ...C ,I ~kj~'il:.. ~ _ ...~ ~:J ~ "- ~~~ ` n~- PC70-43 ' !j . . . RESOLUTION N0. ~;,, ~. .~, ; . ,. `. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY PLANNING COMYISSIQN OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIN ;, ItECOAaNEI~iDQpG Tp TNE CY'fY COUNC::, UF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM THAT ~,- PETITION FOR RECLASSIFICAT10Pf NO. 69-70-QO BE APPROVED WHEREAS, t6e City Planning Commission of the City of MeheIm did initiate a verified Petiiion for reclassification on certain rea.l property situated in the City of` A~iaheim., County oF ~! Orange, State of California, d~scribed in Exhibit "A" attached hrreto and referred to herein as though set forth in ;ull. ~;:.;~~~ Propertv owner .~.''~ ~ , ~~. Kenneth Reilly 15282 Miraloma Ave. `,.~ Anaheim, Calif. Y •' ~ ~~'1,1~ 4- . . ; OOa OHEREd1S, the City Pl~enia~ Commi~rlon dld Iwld a public h~adnq ~t the City Hdl ia the City of An~heim on March 9~ 1970, ~t 2:00 o'clock P.M. notlc~ oS ~~id public Ande~ 6avin~ bNn duly Qiven as ceyalred by law ~nd in ~ecoed~nce wlth th~ p[ovidops e( t6e M~heim Munlclpd Code, C6~ptet 18.72, to he~t ~nd cansider evidatce fot aid spinEt sai@ peapowd ncly~ftlc~tloe and to ioveatipte ~ndm~ke flndiep ~ndeecommend~tlon^ in eonnoctlon'therewith; and IVHEREAS, said Commiaeion, ~fter due inspection, inve~tigation, and study m~de by itaeif and ln ite be- hai[, and efter due coneideretion of ~11 evidence and reporte offered u, sdd he~dn~, doet tind ~nd determine the following focts: 1. Thatthe Commission proposes a~~clzssification of the above described proparty to the City of Anaheim9 R-•A, Agricultural, Zoney estaplishing zoning on property hnown as the Red Gum-Miraloma Annexatior. which became a part of the City of Anaheim February 2G, 1970. Ci .- ~~T , 1 •/ 4 ' ! '~ '.1I : I ..t ,. ~ ' . ~ ~, i ~ ~• l. ~C) ~ C~ ~ 1 • ~ Red Gum - ~~iralc: .a Annexation '~~ ~- . .-..__, . .~!~~ _. . To ' The City of Anaheim That certain parcel of land located in the County of Orange, State of California, descxibed as foltows; Begin~i~;.y ar a point in the existing City limit line of the City of Anaheim as estabiished by the Northeast Annexation No- 2-A passed by Ordinance No. 1269, August 12, 1958, filed with the Secretary of Stai:e September 12, 1958 and recordEd September 27, ~958, records of Orange County California, said point of beginning being a point .in the east line af Lot 18 of the Eucalyptus Forest Tract as shown on a Map recorded in IIoo;c 5, pages 29 and 30 of Miscellaneous Maps, records of Orange County California, distant from the centerline inter- section of Miraloma Avcnt~e and Red Gum Street the following courses and distances South 73° 43' 00" West 264 feet, South ~6° 17' 00" East, 2p feeL-; thence Leaving the said existing City limit line of the City of Anaheim, South 16° 17' 00" East, 310 feet along the east line of said Lot 18, to the southeast corr.er thereof; thence South 73° 43' 00" West, 132 feet along the south Line of Lot 18 of said Eucalyptus Forest Tract to tYie southwest corner thereof; thence ~ North 16° 17' 00" West, 310 feet along the west line of Lot 18 of said Eucalyptus Forest Tract to an intersection with a line parallel with and 20 feet southerly of the center- line of Miraloma Avenue said poiiit of intersection being a point in the existing City limit line of the City of Anaheim, as establisr,ed by the aforementioned 'Northeast Annexation No. 2-A; thence • Following along a portion of the exiGting City limit line ~ of the City of AnaheS.m, being the last mentioned parallel line North 73° 43 " 00" East, 132 feet t:.; the point of beginning. . NOW, 'p[;~EFORE, BE T'`~,'ESOLVED tMt t1e Ae~hdm City Pl~as ~~} Comm(seioa does heteby mcommcad to the City (;ouncil of t6e City ol'' An~}»in t~t subjs~t Petltion for RAel~u!$utloa be appmved and, by ao doinB, thot Title 1&Zoning of the Meheim 17~ulclptl Code b~ ~~roded to inciiude the above described property into the R-A, Agricultural, Zone, unconditionally. ~1 THE FOREGQING RESOLUTION is et~ed ~nd epproved me thls 19th ay of Marcl~, 1~,'0. I,` , ~ c ~~ ~ AIRMAN ANAHEIM CITY pLANNING COMMISSION ATTEST: ~/ i /G~2-vt~ '.-Cb~ ~ SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION STATE OF CAL[FORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) es. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Ann Krebs, Secreta of the Ci Plennin Commisaior. o[ the CI of Meheim do here ~Y ty g ~y the focegoing resolution wes pessed and edopted et e meeting of the City Planning Commiasionlot the City o[ Anaheim~ held on March 9, 1970, et 2:00 o'clock P.M„ yv the following vote of the ~embers thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Allred, Farano, Gauer, Herbst, Seymour, Thorn, Rowland. NOES: COMMISSIONERS: None. ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: None. W GYTNESS WHEREOF, I heve hereunto set my hend this 19th day of Marcli, ] 970. t•i * ~ RESOL,UTION NO. 43 `) ~ R2-A _[!L-~~x. ~~~ G~~,/ SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMLSSION -2-