PC 70-71PC70-7). RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF TNE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM THAT PETITIOPI FOP. VARIANCE NO. 2170 aE GRANTED ~ --:~i~1~~ I ,~~ .~ .~ ..~ ~ ~ '{ ~ , WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission of the Clty of Anehelm did receive e verified Petitlon fot Verience from DR. JC6EPH P. GLEASON, 9581 W~.st Bail Road, Anaheim, California 92E04, O,vner; ROWE DEVELOPMENi COMPANY, P. 0. Box 3066, A:?ah~im, California 92803, Agent of ce:tain :eal property situated in the City of knaheim, County of Orange, State of California, d?scribed as that portion of the ^Jorth half of the Northwest Quarter of Se.:tion 7, To~nship 4 South, Ranqe 10 West, in the Rancho Los Coyotea, as per map recorded in Book 51 Page 10 of Miacellaneous Maps9 in the office of ihe County Recordez of said County, 3eginning at a point on the PJest line of s Northwest Quarter, South 366.00 fee•t f:om the No:thwest co:ne: of the Northwest Qua:tez o~~• said Section; ti~ence East 6G6.00 f?et pa.allei with the Idorth line of said S2ction; ~~er_- South 220_ ~ faet pa_allel with the VJest line of said section; thence VJest F66.G0 f~~t parallel iv:th the North iine or saio Section to tiie West line of said Section; thence IJoz:t 220.00 feet ~:ong the NJest line oF said Section to the point of beginning. Said land is shown on a ~,: p filed in Book 11 Page 38 of Record of Surveys, in the ofFice of Said~Coun2y Recorder. WHEREAS, the City Planninq Commienlon dld hold e pnblic headng et the City Hell in the City of Anehefm on May 4, 1970, et 2:00 o'clock P,M., notlce of seid publlc hearing heving be~-n duly given es required by lew endln acoordence withthe provieions of the Anoheim Munlclpel C~de, Chepter 18.68, to hear and consider evidence for end egeinst seid proposed variance and to investiQate end meke findings ead recommendetions in connection therewith; and WHEREAS, sald Commiselon, etter due inapecttan, Investigetion, end study made by itself end in its behalf, end efter due conaidetation of ell evidenct ond repotte offered at seld hearing, does find and determine the following fects: 1. Thet the petltioner requesta e veriance (rom the Aneheim Munlclpel Code as fol lows Y to establ ish : 100-uni: apa:tment complex on subject properr,y: a. SF.CTION 18.28.050(?) - Maximum buildinn siie area pPr dwellinn unit. (Code requires a minimum of 1200 square-feet oi net land a:ea per dwellinn unit: paatitio,~er is proposin9 1175 square feet). b. S[CT10N 1H.2~',050(3j - M;nimum floo= area of a dwellir~ unit. (7G0 square-feet required; 490 square-ieet proposed for 4 of the 100 units). c. SECT]~N 18.28.050(5-d - Maximum buildin tiei ht. (Two-stories pe*mitt~ci: three-storie, p:oposed C~~ ~ ,~x. z. Tha~ v~aiver 1-a, above mentioned, is hereby ~rante~ on the basis that the 25-square :oot shortaoe of land ar5a per dwelling unit is of mino: significance and has been granted in Y.he past. 3. That waiver i-b, above mentioned, is hereby granted nn the basio that the P:anninq Commission and City Cou~cil previously have granted up to 30% of the units to be bachelor type units, and only four units or 4% of the total units are preposed as bachelor type ~fficiency ~nits. 4, That v~iaver 1-c, above mentioned, is hereby granted on the basis that ;imilal waivers have been granted in the p..;t9 and the petitioner is piovidina a de.orative 8-foot mascnz~y wall to assure privacy for the adjacent single family homeo~~~ners. 5. That i.he requested variance is necessary for the preservation and enjoymer:,, of a substantial prooerty right possessed by other property in t':~ same 2one, and dericd to t;~e property in qu~stion. b. That on? person appedred representi.ng four persons present in th~ Council Chamb?r in op;~osition to the three-story height req~.iest. ~ ~, --.~!`i~ c 7 7HE I~OREGOI;JG kESOLU'fI0:1 is siqned and ap ved by me(this 14 h day o A1ay, ;9%0. r ~/~ C!1 IR:!A'1 ANAH'?IM Ci . i' PLA.,. ~JG ~ ONd~i?rSIO,'J ATT6 T: P!OV~, 7'~xEFu•.c, IIE IT RFSOLVED that tne Anaheim City ?lanning Commission does ~~,ereby grant subject Peticio~ for Variance, upon the followin9 conditions which are hereby :°ound to be a necessary prerequisite to the proposec~' use of the subier,t property in order to n~eserve the safety and general v~elfare of th? Citizens of the City of Anaheim. 1. That t;^,e owner of subject property shall pay t.i the Ci*y of Anaheim ±he sum of 15Q ner front foot along Magnolia Avenue, for tree plantinq purpose=. 7_. That trash storage areas st~all be provided in acc:crdance ~~iith approved plans on file with the office of ths Director of Public VJorks, 3. That fire hydrants shall be in=tallcd as requi-ec and detar~~incd to be necessary by t:ie Chief of the Fire Department. 4. That an 6-foot decoracive masonry wali, 'he ur~.er portion of e~hich shall be openwork, shall be constructed alonn the south property line, ~rd that a 6-foot masonry tival: s~~a.l be const:ucted along the east property line. 5. That subject property shall be served by un:,arqround utilities, 6. That the owner of subject property shall . ~ to tne City of ~naheim the sum of $75 per multiple-family unit, to be used foi• par}; and i:cation purposes, said an,ount to be naid at the time the bu;lding per,r.it is iss:~ed. 7. That all ai.r-conditioning facilities s': 1:,e properly shielded fro::: vze~:~, and the souno bufiered from adjacent propert.ies, to preserve the residential inteority o~ thc- area. 8. That any narkino area liyhting proposed shall be down-liqhtin9 of a maxinum heiynt of B-feet, v~hich lignting shail be directed av~ay from tne property lines to protect the residential integri.ty of the area. `%. That 22-inch box type specimen trees shall be olanted on 20-foot centers ei*_her alonq thc soutn boundary of subjcct property oi• alono the north boundary of tne adjacent R-1 pronerty if t~ie aojuining property owners so desire. 1C. That Cor.dition IIo, 1, above men'ioned, shall be complied with prior to the commencement of the activity authorized under this resolution, or prior to the time that the builoino permit :s issued, or tvithin a period of 180 days from date hereof, tvhichever occurs first, or such further time as the Planning Commis:ion may arant. ll. That Condition 'los. : 3, %,, 5, 7, n, and 9, above mentioned, shal.l be complied ~vit.h ~~rior to final buildinq and zoninq inspections. 12. T'hat this variance is grantcd subject to the completion of keclassification :;o. 6?-64-~g, no~~~ pendinq. 13. That subject nropert.y shall be developed suLstantially in accordance ~;~ith plans and sceci- fications on file with tiie City of Anaheim, marked Exhibit tdos. i, 2, ', and 4. / - ~ ~7/ ~-~ /~•~ l SECRE7F,RY kWAHEI~l C1TY PLA'JhlT~'G CUMfl1SSI0'1 STATF Of~ CALII=ORI~Ik ) COUt1TY Of Of?k:1GE ) ~„ CITY OF kIJAfIEIfd ) I, Nnn I~s~~b,, Ser.retary of the City Planning Co^~miscion of t},e City of Anaheim, do ~.~~rr;by certify that the fureqoin9 resolution was passed ard ~dopted at ~ me~tinq ~f the City ,=lannin~3 Commission of the City of Anaheim, held on hlay 4, 1g70, at ?_:UO U'clock P.h1., by the fol;o•,vinn vote of the mernbers thereof: AYES: COMSdI~S3GiJEkS: A!~sed, Gauer, !lerbst Se rnour Rowland. ~IOLti: COh4JiISSIG;JLf~: ;lone, ' Y ~ ASSENT: COh4JISSIUidEkS: ;;on~•, IIJ '1JIIN~S ~7HERL-GF, I have hereunto set my hand this 14th day of A1ay, 1970. ~~~- ' ~ ~ ~ 7 ~)2 ' /' SCCRETARY kIJA.HEIM CITY pLAIJtIi~JG COMfdISS1G'1 ,.~ ~ t~~,. t,o. 'i~