PC 70-75f_ . RESOLUTIQN NO. P~~V~5 ~ A RESOLUTdON OF THE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM RECOMMENDING TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF~~&ITy OF ANANEAt 1'FipT PETITION FOR RECLASSIFICATION NO. 53 BE APPROVED ~, WHEREAS, the City Plenni~g Commiasion of the CIty of Anahatm did receive e verified Petition for ReclassiHca- ~ tionfrom ALVIN PFSIHALI., 1540 East Ocean Street, Balboa, California 92661, Owner; BURGER KING, 2101 South Atlantic Avenue, Los Angeles, California 90066, Agent of certain real situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of Califo_nia, described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and ref property erred to herein as though set forth in full. a ~T; ~~ ~~ t ~ ~ f ~ ~ -. ~ - ; end WHEREAS, the City F~lanning Commiselon dld hold e public headng at the City Hall in the CIty of Anaheim on May 4, 1970, at 2:00 o'ciock P.M. notice of said public hearing having been duly Qivm ae required by law and In accordence with the provislons of the Aneheim Municipal Code, Chepter 18.72, to hear and conalder evidence for end egainst saId propoard reclasaification ond to invesrigate end make flndinga and reeommendetions In connectfon therewith; and WNEREAS, said Commisslon, a(ter due 3napeNion, inveatigotlon, end study mede by itsel[ and in !ts behalf, and aft~r due conalderatlon of all evide~ce ond reports offeted at seid hearing, does fin2 and determine the following (ecte: 1• That the petitioner propoaes a trclaaaification of the above described property from the R-A, Agri cultura ], Zone to the C-1, General Co~nmercial, 7..one,to ~stablish an enclosed restaurant on a poi•tion of subject property, 2. That the oroposed reclassification is in conformance with the General Pl~n an land uses established in this area. 3. That the proposed reclaaelficadon oE subJect property is neceasary endjor deslrablr for the orderly end pro- per development of the communfty. 4. That the propoaed recleaalficetion of aubject property dosa properly relate to the zones and their permitted uses locally esteblished in cloae proximity to subject property end to the zones end their permitted uses generally estab- 1lsheC throughout the cummunlty. 5. That the petitionex stipulated to plantin9 tree screen land=_caping in a 6-foot planting strip along the easterly property line to screen the commercial effects from tiie single family homes. R-A -1- ~ ~ t , • . .,: ~ . ._ _ ' ' _ ~ . ~e~<; ~-- . • . ^ :1 ~.U~ ' : ..-, , i, -~. J~_~ ~~~t'~ ~nsurance ~c,_roration . 3030 WEST SIXTH STREET, LOS qNGELES, b1AILING qDDRE55: p, CALIFORNIq 80064 ~- ~ ` O. 80X 54385, LOS qNGELES, ~ TELR?}jp~~~ ~ 4~ ' ''~' ' January 2y CALIFORNlA 90054 '~n ~ ft ~. . I970 _ ~^Y 7MPORT/-NT ~. ~~ i~ . B~rL'er Kin When rep]ying refer to ~ ~ 21G1 Sou[}~~Atl3ntic ~ur Ivo. 114823 LOC ~n~alea. Cnlifornia 9q022 ~ ~~: PAUL CA:tPggLL Your Np, Paahall ~ "~ The followinN Ic a rrport on the titlc to the land described in j Ifebility xnJ wlthout obli~;etion to iswe such po~~~y, ' Your npp~i~o~~an (or~~~~y of Tllle Iniurrnce, II Detrd ns of JCnuat / / °nd (i mode wlthout 26~ ~ -~~ 297~~et7:30e.m. V~.; " /i"~ Vutee: ---~~_'~:</~ ;,~~~ ;' /~ . ESStiEF TSAE PE:lrl1ALL K2CIi.U~D E. DtliRSlJALl. ' emhoNa(d s.tor. ~~ER M, PENhALL ' aA co parccl 1 an~i ~;LVI~~ n. pEiJIt , Uu,~bar.d auJ e+tfe. ea to parc~l y ~' nnd ~_ E ceadz- '~__ DESCBIPTZOy: ~G.~..,.'--:: `_„_ -•T-.~.•.,~, L=`--•---• , . ~:r,'----i '~ _ = '~'"M vA=;. 1'IIIC11 1: ~ Tl~st portion ot tho eouth half oP lot ]3 of 2lelen and Lynch'~ Subdtviaioz oP ti~e vest bx2f o: Soctior, 16, TovnsY,ip 4 Soutli, ~~80 ~:-,~~'~,;~~3\ lU k'cat, Saa Dornardino Saen and l:nriJian. ia thn Cicy of ~aal~eira, Coc:~t~ of O:na~o~ State of Caltfornia -~'?w ia baol; 442 Pc~o 18 of Daoda, rccorda ~ofAaQid~Orangu Co~~q~~~a ,!;^~ '~'' ~ c, _ crlhad aa fnllo~ra: ,I ; C</, ~)O A Dnginaing nt che aouthwoat corncr of aaid aouth half; thoncc North p• `''!,,'/~O ~ 18' 00" Wc~t, alon~ tho v~a~ lin~ of eaid Iot 13~ 240.19 fcet to tha o I J~:.~"nt tlarn65491,trecordaddJunui8ed1955Pinabookh3096 1^of tha Officinl Recorda of oaid Ornn~e Coun~ P••EQ 227~ eaid lcnd, :Iorth 89' 11' 11" East 166YOOifeee~and127orthh0•~igndpp of W¢at 90.00 fcet to the north lino of satd south hulf; thnncQ North g9• 11' 11" F.rwt~ along aaid oortli li4c 68,37 feet to the northveot corner ~f iYact No. 6451. aa uharn oa a mup rucorded in book 238 pages 12 nnd 13 of Miacollnnnoua Htapa, recorda of sald Orunge County; thonce along tha ~ boundary of onid tract thc followin j u ~3~ ~.:st 241.74 fcot to ttio bcginningsof antnngeutncurvesconcavn I ennterly having a rudiua of 127.00 fect; thence eouthorly along esid curva, throup,h a cnntrAl ang1Q of 22' 22' 43", an nrc dietanco of 49,Gp • ' feet to a point in a ruyerae curve concave un~tnrlq havinE a zadius of , 73.00 fant, chancc oouthorl alon said curvc, through n centrai nngie of 36' 45' 42"~ aa nrc diatanco of 4G.84 fant; thenco South 0' 18' 00" ~ ~t 0.40 fcnt to [he eouCh line of aaid soutli half; thenca leaying ~ anid bouadary, nloiig oaid oou:h line, South 89' 1G' 28" Wnst 270.01 fcot to Chn poini of beginning. ,~tx P~rccl 2; Dagir.niag at tho.northvoat cnrc~r of oouth hulf of the vaet lialf of tha aouth half of Lhn ~outhvctBt quartcr of thn norChWCat qi~nrter of Scetion 16, Tounck~ip 4 South~ Range 10 Wcct, San B¢rnardlno IIaso nnd r~ridian, catic~ated L-o coatnin 10 ncrcu~ being lot 13 of tiolca nna Lyn~h•~ '~~~divno~ich~~ ~on ~ap tharQOf rccoracalin b~~442 4 soutn, Raa~a 10 recozdc of Los An~clco County, California• Fasa 158 of Dooda~ narth linc of oaid south half 166 fent to~athanco eaotcrly along tho pnrallol t~ the vact linc of said aouth 1ia1fp90~feethtoca ~outhnrly ~.vaterly paralleY to thn northerly linn of said south ha1fA166tfuc~~nca ~ a point in thQ vcaterly line of aaid south half; thancn aorthazlr ai°nS C1:o w~st lint! ag said aouth half 90 fent to the palat of bc~iaAing, - -- - - ---- -- _, -•--•--~__.~. NOTF.: Sui~ lxnd ia doacribed on thn County Tax A~ssanment Roll for tho fiacal qoar 1~69~7n . . ,-_._.~7 ==~::.+~ D1UV~, THcREFORE, BE IT RF$ OLVED that the Anzheim City Planning Comrrission does hereby recommend to the City Council of the City of Anaheim that subject Petition for Reclassification be appro•~ed and, by so doing, that Tii;le 18-Zoning of tne Nnaheim Mu~icipal Cod~ be amended to exclude "the above described property from the R-A, Agricultural, Zone and to incorporate said described property into the G 1, General Commercial, Zone, upon the followin9 conditions which are hereby found to be a necessary prerequisite to the nroposed us? of subject property in order to preserve the safety and general welfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim. 1. That the owner o: subject property shall pay to tFie City of Anaheim tne sum of ~2.00 per front foot along Fuclid Street, for stree± lighting purpose~. 2. That the owner of subject oroperty shall pay to the City of Anaheim tne c~~m of 15~ per front foot along [uclid Streei, for tree planting pur~oses. 3. That vehicular and pedestrian access rights to P.lvy Street shall be dedicated to the City of Anaheim. ". ~ 4. That trash storage areas shall be provided in accordance with approved plans on iile ~r~it'r. the office of the Director of Public Jlorhs. 5. That fire hydrants shall be ir~stalled as required and determined to be necessary by the Chief of the Fire Department. 6. That a parrel map co record the approved division of subject property be submitted to and approved by the City of Anahei~n and then be recorded in ihe office of the Orange County Recorder. 7. That subject property shall be served by underqround utilities. 8. That all air-conditioning racilities shai2 be properly shielded from vi~v,~. 9. ;hat parkino area lighting proposed shall be down-]ightino of a maximum heiaht of 6-feet, whicfi lighting shall be directed avray from the prop~rty lines to protect the residential inteority of the area. ]0. That the final parF:ing plan shall be approved by the Deveiopment Seruices Department, and any landscaped areas in the parhing area snall be protected v~ith 6-inch hig5, concrete curbs, and concrei:e wheel stops shall Ue provided for parking spaces as required by the Development Services Department. 11. 7'hat ordinances reclassifying the property shal] be adopt=d as each parcel is ready to comply with conditions pertaining to such parcel, provided, however, that the word "parcel" shall mean p.-esently existing parcels of record and any parcel or parcels approved by the City Counci] for a lot split. 12. That tree screen landscaping at 20-foot centers shall be planted in a 6-foot planting strip along the easterly boundary of subject property, as stipulated to by the petitioner. 13. Prior to the introduction of ar, ordinance rezonin sub'ect and 3, above mentioned, shall be completed. The provisions orJrights~nranYedCbydthisnre~olution~ ' shall become nul] ano void by actio^ of the City Council unless said conciitions are cornplied with ~, within 180 days from the date hereof or such further time as the Cit~ Council may qrant. 14, That Condition Nos. 4, g, ~, 7, $, 9, lq~ 11, and 12, above mentioned, shall be comi~lied _ with prior to final building and zoning inspections. THE FOREGOIIJG RL-~OLUTIG;J is signed and approved by ~ne this 14th da cf ASay, ;1~~10. I ~C~l / , Cf 1RMAh] AFJkHFIM CIT PLA^!H ., CON~hSISSIO>1 ATT67: - / . G - "1 L I C. ~ ~/ .YZ ; ; ~-~~ SECRCTARf AtdAHEIM CITY pLA~~ltIItJG COMPdISSIO;J STATC- OF CALIFORfJIA ) CUUIJTY Of~ OkAidGL- ) 5~„ CITY OF' AIJAIlC-I~d ) Ftes. No. 75 .~x P ~ r, .,-.~~ i~ i~ i .~ , I. ~ ~I ,!~ ,' ~; * : ~x ?, Ann Kre~bs, Secretary of the City Planning Commission oi the City of Anaheim, do hei•eby certify tnat t}~~ foregoing resolution was passed and adopted at a meeting cf the City Planning Commission of the City of P.naheim, held on May 4, 1970, at 2:OU 0'clork P,h;., by the folloiving vote of the members thereof: AY6. COhiPdI3SI0!JERS: Allred, Farano, Gauer, Herbst, Seymour, Rowland. N~Fa: COMh1ISSI0;dL-RS: P1or.e. ABSE'IT: COG1~,f?SSIO~JE.RS: ;Jone. IPl PlITN6S W;IEE3[OF, I have hereunto set my hand this 14±h day of N~ay, 797U. _C-, ~ '-c 1 c_ , ~~~~2-c ~~-:~ ~ SECRL•TARY ANAHEl~d CITY PLP.!1';I;1G COV~h1ISSIG'1