PC 70-92RESOLUTION NO. p~~~'92 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY PLANNING COM;dISSION OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM THAT PETITION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 1175 _ gE GRANTED WIiEREAS, the City Planning Commission of the City of Anahein did receive a verified Petition for Condicionat UsePermitErom JOFN AND ANNE hRAJACIC, P. 0. Box 3716, Anal_:im, California 92803, a.vr,er of certain real property situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, described as Parcel 1: The South 222.00 feet of ;he North 288.00 feet of the East 108.00 ieet (measured along the Northerly and Fasterly lines) of the Northwest quarter uf the IJorthwest quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section 13, Township 4 South, Range 11 tNest, in the Rancho Los Ccyotes, as said section is sho~ar. on a map recorded in book 51, oage 11 of Miscellaneous Maps. in the office of the coi~nty reco:der of said county. Parcel 2: The L•ast 1.uG acre of that portion of the Northvmst quarter of the Northwest quarter of t'. tJortheast quarter of Section 13, Township 4 South, Ranga 11 West, in the Rancr,o Los Coyotes, as said section is shown on a map recorded in book 51, page 11 of Miscellaneous Maps, in the off~ce of the county recorder of said county, lying Southerly of the North 268.00 feet thereof, saici 288,00 feet being measured along the Easterly line thereof. ,' la ?; , and WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission did hold a public hesring at the City Hall in the City of Anaheim on Jur,2 2, 1g7p~ at ~:00 o'clock P.M., notice of said public hearing having been duly given as required by ~ law and in acrnrdance with the provisions of tne Anaheim hluoicipal code, Chapter 18.64, to hear nnd consider evi~ence for and agair.st said proposed conditionel use and to investigate and make findings and recommendations in connection therewith; and WHEREAS, said Commission, a(ter due inspection, investigetion, and study made by itself end in its behul(, and a(ter due consideration o( all evidence and reperts offered et said heering, does (ind and detertnine the tollo wing facts: 1. That the proposed use is properly one for which a Conditionel Use Permit is authorized by COde: Section 18.64.020(2-d) to wit: establisn a 48-space, overniqht travel trailer pazk in conjunction with an existing motel. 2. That the prepused use wiU not adversely atfect the odjoining Iand uses end the growth and developmrnt ut the aree in which it is propused to be located. 3, That the size and shapc of the sitc proposed for the use is adequate to allow thc full development of thc proposed use in e manner not detrimentol to the particular area nur to the peace, health, sefety, and general welfare uf the Citizens of the City of Anaheim. '1. That thc grenting of the Conditional Use Permit under the conditions imposed, if nuy, will not be detrimental to thc peece, health, safety, end generol weifare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim. 5. That the pcY.itioner stic;u]ateJ that the D:0~05~?d travel trailer park would he used for recreational veliicles or~ly, that a recreational veiiicle wo~ald b~ ~llov~ed tc remain within said park for a rraximum o: tro-:;ee~s for any sinqle tir~e period, ~~nd that mobile homes would not be allowed in tiii; p<~rG•. '~ ~ ~ C1-G .1. i~ ...:~ ;~ ~ ~ ^:'~~r, T:?FKci'~RL. B~ I: RESOL"cD that ~ne Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby grant suhject Petition fo- Conditiona] !!sa Permit, upon tne follovrinc~ conditions which are hereby found to be a necessary prereyuisite to the f~rorosed use of th, suoject ~~roperty in order to rres?rve the safety and oeneral welfare of the CitizFns oY the City o` Anaheim. :. That all engineering requirecnnts oi' the City of Anaheim a!onr. Lincoln /,venue, including n,-epa*ation of all imorovement ~:lans and installation of ~il improvements such as cu:bs and gutters, sidewalk.s, streei giading ar.d pa~:~ir:g, drainagc far.9lities, or other a,:purtenant work shall be complied v~ith as required by thc '.'ity Engineer and in ac~ordance with standard olans and specifications on file in the office o', the City Er.n;neer; th~t a bond in 3n amoLnt and form satisfactory to the City of Anaheim :.~al~ be posted with tne City to guaiantee the in- stallation of the above men'.:oned requir~• ,. 2. That the owners of subje~t pro <~rty snall pay to the City of P.naheim the sum of 3~7.00 per front foot alono Lincoln Avenue. ;r,. street liqhting purposes. ?. That the owners of subjec± ;, uperty st~ali pay to the City of Ananeim the sum of 15Q per front foot alonq Lincoln P,venue, Ec tree plantinq purposes. 4• That irasi~ storaqe areas ~11 be provided in accordance with approved plans on iile with the ofiice of the Di.ector of Pul- c, ;7orks. 5. That fire hydrants sh~ll ., insta'led as zequired and de*ermined to L-e neces~ar•~ by the ~hief of t}~e Fire Denartnient. 6. Crainage of subject prooerty shall be disposed of in a manner th~~*. is satisfactory to the City L-ngineer. 7• That any uarkin~ ar'ra liqiiting ~>ro;osed shall be down-lignting o: a maximum heinht of 6-feet, which lighting si:a]1 be directed away from the proFerty lines. 8. That the pro~osed developm,~-nt snall be in arcor~lanr,e v~ith the requ;rements of the State laws pertaining to travel trailer r,ari:s and that plumoing shall be provided in order tha*_ ?he mobile hor:e parH will ac~,;om;r.odate a:l trailers and not be restricted to "California approved trailers" only. °. That accessJ~ays in the travei trailer park shal] be surfaceo •;~ith asphalt concrete. 10. rr~at thc Nioposed travel trailer par:: shall ~e served by underyround utilities. 11. 'I'hat ~11 ai:-conditia.ii:q facilities shall be properly shielded from viev~, ar~d tf~e sound 'ouffered from adjace;~t r~~sidences. 1;. That Condition tdos. 1, 2, and 3, zbove mention~~d, shall be comnlied with orior to tlie commencement of the activity {uthori:ed under this resolution, er prior to ihe time that the building permit is issued, or ~vithin a~eriod of 180 days from date hereof, ~vhichever occurs first, or such further time as ihe P;anning Commi~sion may qranC. 13. That ~ondition Nos. 4, ~, 6, 7, 8, 9, i0, and 11, above mentioned, shall be complied v~ith prior to final buildina and zoning inspections. 14. That precise plans for the devalopment of tne r~roposed tra~,~el trailer park shail Le submitted to the Planning Co:ninission for review and anproval prior to the issuance of a buildinq permit. Said rl3ns shall incornor~~e desiqn, lar 'scaping, and other .+~;~.ni~.i~~ ~onsistent ;vith the goal, and object:ves of the City of Anaheim. 15. That ihe ~~ro~~osed travel uarH sha:l be !in,:ted to recreationa] ~-ehicles only ~s defined in Section !H.~'_`~.5 of t.he California Auvinistrative Coc~e, and tl~at a rerrnati ~ al vet~,irlc sha;] be allowed to rcmain within said r;:~r}. for a maxin~um o: t~NO-vaeeks for any si;.o]e~timc~ perioc ,~s stipula±ed to by the petitioner. - \ 1 TIiL- PORFGOIPIG itESOLl1710;1 is c irmed acd a~.f~rov~ ty r~~• tlii~ llth d~y~ of Jun~ ;9iG, ` <~~ ~J ~ - ~ C~A~rN~~;: A~1AHF.1'!; CITY PLF~dti1!~l~ CGh'~d,1SS1U;~i ATT6 T: l C-~~ z ~.z .% /`~-2:~ .l -,, - S[C~tI.IAkP PlJAfIi:Ih1 CI'TY PLArdIJl~ii~ COIr;IJ,I`'GIGf S7P.Tfi OF CALI~Ok;Jlf, ) CGUhJ7Y OF ONNJGE~ ) ss. CiTY OF A:JAI{EI~d ) 1, Ann Y,rebs, S~~cretary of tiie City 1=lannin~ Commissiort of tf,e City o; i•.:iahein~, cto Ir r~ :. certify that the forcr~oinq resolution v~as f~assed and adopte~i ;~t. a me~:ing of the Cit ; Plan• inn Commission of the City of Anahain~, !;elcl on June ;, 19"~0, at 7:OD U'r,locF: p.~,;., by t'~~i~ follo:;n: vote of the ~uember~. ti,ereof: P•YL-S: CO~1ddIS5I~~IJi_k~: Allre~l, Farano, Herbst, Kaywood, Seymour, Rov~land. P1UL-S: CUMNISSTO.`IL'}~: `Jonc. F,f3SE4T: CON~h]S~Ifv;~AS; Gauer. Itl V~ITiJ[5S Y:R[RfOF, i iiavc~ iurcunto se*_ my hand this lith day of June, IS7p. .~ J 1 Res. No. 92 / ~l, ~ ~ ~ - ~~ ~ . L~_ SECR[TAf3Y A'Jp,i!EI6: CITY PLk"P„1;IG COI'd.;]`:~IC';