PC 70-95RE~OLUTION N0. PC70-95 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY PLANNING COINMISSION OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM RECOMMENDING TO THE CITY CO[RQCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM THAT PETITION FOR RECLASSIFICATION NO. 69-7G-59 gE APPFOVED WIiEREAS, the City Plenning Commission of the City of Anaheim did initiate a verified Petition ior Reclassification .n certain real property situated in ihe Ci±y of Ara;~~eim, County oi Orange, State of Caiirornia, describcd as Lot IJo. 2 of iract h1c. ~E7. -~kdi~f Pro~~ert.v ownez 9. 'i~ ' Russell Nelson j~ P.O. Bo~ 1 + Orange, Cal;fornia 9%669 ~ ; and WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission did hold e public heacing ai the City Hell in the City o( Anaheim on Jure 1~, 1:~7p, at 2:00 o'clock P.M. notice of said public hearing having been duly given es required by law and in accordance with the provisions ot the Maheim Municipel Code, Chnpter 18.72, to hear and consider evidence !or and against seid proposed reclessificetion and to investigote and make findings end recommendetions i;~ ccnnection therewith; and WHEREAS, seid Commission, efter due inspection, inveatigetion, end study msr!a by itselE and in its be- Italf, and ofter due consideration of all evidence and reports o[fered at said hearing, 3oes find and determine the follo vi~g Eacts: 1. T.:.atthe planning Cominission p:oposes a reclassification of the above dascribed I~I~F'-rty ~.~on: the R-A, Agricultural, Zune to the Fi-3, I~;uitiple-Family Resi.dential, Zone. =. 7har the proposed re:'lassification wfiile not in ce~formar,ce ~vitti the General Flan, is in con,'orr~aoce with the land uses established in tiiis general area; no~vever, the ~cope o: tha p*oposed reclassification does not warrant ar~ amendment to t'r;e General Pian at thc: present t:rne; but its relationship to th~ Gcneral Plan symbol will be :on~idrre~ at the n~.xt annual review. 3. Thar the Comrrission determined that since subject property a;as the onl~• remaininq pa:cel fronting on Ball Road in this aiea not yet developed or rrorosed for dev°lopment, and since the other E,roperties to the east, v,est, ano north I~ave developed with n;ui?i;.:e family rvs:dectia? lano use, tne logica. zoning for subject ~:onerty v:ould bF R-3 in orde= that comrnercial and residentia] uses are not miied in an und~si:able manr,r: , 4. '!har, tr;e p:oE::osr-~ tecl.assification of subjer.t p:operty i, neces;ary and/or de,i:abl~ for the orderly and proper deve]onmont of tne ~.om;nunity. 5. Ttiat lt:e proposeci ~ccla,sification of subject property does properly relate to th~, zone, and their nerm_tted ~.~ses locally establ;shed ir close p:oximity to subject propsrty and to the zcnrs and tlieir permittecl ~,:ses generaliy e5ta't~i:sh~d throuqhout the cUmm:.in i ty. 6. That ~he proposed reclassification of subj~ct proparty requires the dedication and improvemer.t ef ~buttir.g s?reets in accordance witl~ th~ Circuiati.on [lement of the Genera] Plan, due to tl~e anti~:.ip~ted increase in traffic whic'~~vi]] be generated by the inter,;fication of land uses. .~4~ { -1- 4J~ IJOVJ, Tii[REFORE, BE IT RFSOLVL-D that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does nereby recommend to the C'ty Council of the City of knaheim that s~bject Petition for F;eclassification ne approved and, b, so doing, that Title 18-Zoning of the Anaheim Municinal Code be amended to exclude tlie abede described property from the P,-A, Aqricultural. Zone and to incorporate said •' .. .:t i::rc':.:;~:-~, '.'.lt;~,]~. Fami',y:;csidcnti~'..~occ i:.un t:~: tol]ui:~in~~.orr~itions tvnic'~ are he*el-ry found to be a necessary prerequisite to the proposed use of subject property in order to preserve t.he safety and general welfare of the Citizens of tha City of Anaheim. I. Tnat the owner of subject property shal] deed to the City of Anaheim a strip of land 32 feet in width from the centerline of the streat alon~ l7ebster Avenue, including a 15-foot radius property line return, for street widening purposes. 2. Tnat street lioi~tina facilities along Ball Road and 7;ebster Avem:e shall be installed as required ~y the Director of Public Utilities and in accordance tvith standa:d plans and ~ sp~~cifirations on file in the office r~f the Director of Public Utilities; that a bond in an amount and forrn satisfnctory to the City of Anaheim shall be posted v~itii the City to guarantee the installat.ion of ti;e .=.hove mentioned requirements. '. Tiiai. tiie o~vner of subject property shail pay to the City of Anaheim the sum oi 15~; pcr fronl foot alon~ Ball n^oad and UJ~i:,ster Avenue, ior tree plant.ing purposes. 4. Prior to i!,e introduction of an ordinance rezoning sui.ject property, Condition iJos. 1, %', and 3, above mentioned, shall be completed. The provisions or rights ~;ranted by ti~is resolution s;,.;l] become nu11 and void by actior. of tne City Council unless ,aio conditions are complied ~a~ith ~.vithin i80 days from tiie date hereof or such furtner time as the City Council n~ay grant. 5. That the sidev~alks shall. be installed alonq IIall Road and 6'Jebster Avenue as required by the City ~nginee* and in accordance with standard plans and specifications on file in the office of thc- City Enc~ineer. C,. That f:rash ,tora9? areas shall be provideo in accordance v~ith approved plans on file w:th tne office o: the Director of Public UJorNs. /. That fire f~ydrants shal] be installed as required and determined to be necessary by the Cliief of the Fire Department. ~ That all air-co.iditioning raci!ities shall be pro~;erly si~ielded from vii:~a. 9. Tiiat suFjec;t ~~ronerty shall be served 'uy underoround utilities. 10. 'f!iat the fina] E;~:~:ing ;;lans shall be anproved by the Development Services Department, and any landsc~~i~t:d areas in the par~:inq area shall be nrutected with 6-inch high, concrete curbs and concretc ~ai~r..] stops shall be provided for parkino snaces as required by the Development Servic~s Departric~nt. I'. That ~.i;e int;•.~or ~~~alls of the ,r.ronosed carports shall oe stuccoed; that enclosed sto::;:~ a::incts ~,i,ail f;e ~~ro:~ided alonq the rea: vrall of eacn rarnort; that adeyuate bumper guaros si~a!; be orovidcd to protect the interior v~alls of the proposeo carports from da,nage. 1?. "Chat Conciition ~dos. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11, above mcntioned, shal] be complied with nrior to final l:~,iildinn and zoning inspectior~s. 1?. Thai: the owner of ~ubject nroperty shali pay to the City of Anaheim the sum of 5~~~5 per mu;;.iple-family unit; to bc used for par~: and recreation purposes, said amount to be c~aid at the time the bui!c'inn oerr.;it is issued. T!ii: FC'~ReG0Ih1G RLSOI_UT1G;d is signed n appr v d by m~ this ?5th day of June, 19~0. I CHAIFMA61 A",A}IL-IM CITY PLAIJtJ1IJG COhihSISSIO;J ATTGS T: /~~7-"L ~yL-'~-~~ c~_-~.% SECRF_TARY A;~1P.!IFIhi CITY pLAIJ~dItdG COtd~p,1ISSI0IJ STATL OF CAL1 FOFf:I A) COUh!'IY Cr ORFt~~1GF ) s . CI'I'Y UF A~IAiICII~S ) i~:es . I10. 95 ~x ~ , .. + I, Ann Krebs, Secretary of the City Planninq Commission of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted at a meeting of the City Planning ~ Commission of the City of Anaheim, held on June 15, 1970, at 2:00 0'clock P.M., by the following vote of the men~bers thereof: AYa ~ COMMISSIONERS: Allred, Herbst, Kaywood, Seymour. ' NO~: CO~dh1ISSI0NERS: Rowland. A~ENT: COMMISSIONERS: Farano, Gauer. IN WITN ESS W}1EREOF I have hereunto set my hand this 25th day of June, 1970. / , ~C~'L'1'l ~ -/~ ~ G ~/ S ECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING f~MMISSION ~ '•. Res. No. 95 r ~` f ~ . ~ ~ ~, ~~