PC 71-114~ ,._ _... _. ._. ? , ,_ _ Eti;SOLUTION N0. PC71-_ 114 A 12~SOLUTIUN OF' T}iL CiTY PLANNING COMMISSION Ur THE CITY OF ANAH~IM CLART.FYING T1,E TNTLNT OE TI~G COMMISSION AS TO THE llSE PEE2MrTTED IN TtI1;II2 ORIGINAL APPROVAL ~r CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0, 658, THERCTO W11Elt~AS, rhe Anaheim Cicy Planning Coimniasion in Etesolution No, 1446, Seriea 1964-65, dated December 7, 1464, did grant Condztional Uae i~ermit Ho, 65o Co establish A church and Christian education facilitiea; and ~; WHEREAS, the Planning Commiesion on May 17, 1971, received A request fr~,~ the S Tr~niCy Lutheran Church for c).arification of. the planning Commisaiun's inrent in ~''k ~ ~pt~r~ving Christian education facilities to detercnine whether iL included a ~;.~ for kin~ergarten thru eighth ~rades, since it was their ic~ daY echool ~! achool Eor 120 students; c~nd tent to estaUlish such a ~ ~~" WH~REAS, the Planning Commisaion detezmined that auch a clari.ficaGion should be {~r.~ considezed at an advertised public heuring; And 1`~ WH~REAS, the City planning Commiasi.on did hold a public hearing at the City llall in the City of Anat~eim on June 2, and June 1 4, 19 7 1, a t 2: 0 0 o'c loc k P.M.~ notice of sai d pu b l ic hearing having been duly giv~n 3s required by ].aw and in accordance with the provisions of the Anatieim Muntcipal cude, Chapter 18.64, to hear and consider evidence fnr and a~,ainst sa,td proposed conditional ~~se and to invesrigate a»d make findings nnd recommendations in connection therewitti; and WHEREAS, said ~.,,.,,,iission, after due inspection, investigation, and study made by itself and in its behalf, and after due consideratic~n of all evidence and reports offered at said 'hearing, does find end determine the fullowing facts: 1. That it W2•S the intent of rhe Planning Commisaion to include a Christian d~y school r~s a permitted use of sub3ect property, since it was an accepte~ norma'1. procedure for a parochial school to be built at the time the church was financially able to provide a school, 2. That the maximum number of students should be 120 incluei.ve of all grades propose:l, ~, ~ P ,,; k ~ _ ~ ~a 3. That the existing entrance-exit on Church Havsn Drive shou3~d be removed and replaced with standard curb ~nd gutter, L•o insure the privacy of the 2xisting cul-de-sac street. 4. That although the use was a permitted on~, additional safeguards should be provided for the adjacent singie £amily homes from the li.ghts oL vehicles arriving and leaving the church parking area, and from normal children's noise~ during play time and lunch, by the provisi~n of dense landscaping along the north and east praperty lines. 5. ThaC c.onsiderat_on by rhe City Council should be given to providing a four-way stop end a crossing guard at the intersection of Nohl Ranch and Nohl Canyon Roads, sitlcQ a public elementary school, now being cor.structed on the s~uth side of Nohl Ranch Road, would serve children residing on the north side of said road and the existing posted speed was too great for children to accurately judge when it was safe to c.ross the street. 6. That seven persons representing rwenty persons in the Council Chamber at both hearings ;ppeared in apposition, an-? tnat a showing of hands ind:tcated that 15 persons were present in favor of the Christian dAy school. ~., .:_- , .,.._.,a . ~ ,~.~~ _ .». ~~ <, - . ' w .~A' ia. . ~--- -•~ ~ h .. ( , ,~ NOW, THCREI~OR~, I3C IT RESOLVF;D that the Anaheim City Planning Commiasion does hereby clarify ita inten~ in approving a church with Chriatian edUCakion Eacilities, thst ir included tlle ea~ablishment of a day achool on sub~ect property. d~ IT FURTH~R R~SOLVED in ~~r•der thaC the day school will be more compatible wit:h thp reside~itta]. us~s, the followii~b conditione are deemed necessary Co implemenl• aaid compatibiliry• 1. That the exiating atructure sha11 be Urousht up to the minimum standards of. the City of Anaheimy including the Uniform Building, Plumbing, I;lectrical, Hausing, Mechani.cal and I~ire C.aes ae adopted by the City ot Anaheim, prtor to the commencemen:: of the activity authorized under this resolutton, 2. Thal. ehe existing dxiveway on Church Fiaven Way shall be barricaded immed~ately to preclude church traffic from using Churclt Naven 41ay. 3. That the exiating driveway appr.oach apron and.entrance-exit ro Churcli Haven Way shall be remover~ and replaced with standard curb and gutrers. 4. That a 42-inch decoral•ive masonry wall andJor dense landscaping shall be provided alung the entize frontage of ChuYC:h Haven Way; plans for said wal]. and/or landscaping ::hall be submitted to the Dev~topment Services Department for approval. 5. That ciense lands~eping, including trees, ahall Ue provided along Che easterlv property line ad,jacent to the area proposed for recreation purposes; plans Eor said land- scaping to be sub~nitted to the Development Services Deparl•ment for approval. 6. That CondiLion Nos. 3, 4, and .5, above mentioned, shall be compliP~i with withici 180 dayq from date hereof or such further time as the Planning Commission and/or City Council may grant, provided however, that the commencement oL the school use shall not be dependent upon completion of these cunditions, 7. That aub,ject property shall be developed substantiAlly in accordance wirh plans and speciEications on file with khe City ~f Anaheim, marked Exhi.bit No. 1, Revision No. 1, ar.d Exhibit Nos. 2, 3, and 4, in addition to the conditions set forth above. 8, That a maximum of 120 students shall be permttted in the Christian day school. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is signed and approved v me.thi 24 d~; J~ ne, 1971. . CHA ??MAN ANAH~ M CTTY PLt1•~;~ NflcN~ COMMTSSIO ATTE ST. . N SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ;~i COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. ,;; CITY OF ANAH~~:~1 ) ' ;; 'r, .:~:' I, Ann Krebs, Secrelary of the City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim, do ~;; hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted at a meeting of the ~~;; City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim, held on June 14, 1971, at 'L:OG 0'clock ;"s;: P.M,, by the following vote of the mpmbers thereof: ;, ;Y ';;:ti AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Allred, G~uer, Herbst, Kaywood, Rowland, Seymour, :~ '~ NOES: CObfMISSI0D1ER5: None. ,;. ~i ;i ABSGNT: COMMISSIONERS: None. '~ ABSTAIN: rOMM'ISSIONERS: Carano. I ~`.~ ;-~ ''~ IN WITNBSS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 24th day of June, 1971. I ~~ I ;~~ ..• ~ SECRETARY ANAHE'IM TY pL~P7NING CUMMISSION ., ,s~. ,'~ Res, N~. 114 * ~ - . ..,,, -~: ~ ~ ~