PC 71-119~ i~~ ~S'. i.'~, ; ~~,,;s ; ~T~;t~~. a~ `~a r ~;4, ,~~ ~~;~ ~~; : ;,, `~~ ,~+,' . ~i f~, ~ Y RESOLUTION N0. I'C: i Y. - '11 ~ A RESOLUTION OA` THE CIxY PLANNING COMA41SSi4N OF TIIE CITY OF ANAHEIM THAT PET1TiON FOR VARtANCE NO. 22~7 B~; n~~[~ROV~U ~t'l1EREAS, the City Planning Commieelon of the City of Anehelm did receivo a verlfied Petition for Verience from LARL P. CAI.LAN, 10634 Levicu Way, WE~st Los Ai+.geies, Caliloc•,~i.a, (honer; MAI~I~Oh ItIiAL i~,S1Aft., 60U South Harl,or 6cu'levard, Anahtim, CeltforniA 92$05, Ag~r~'.~ of.' c:erta~ . rea'l p~upFrt ~ af~ualed it; ti~e CLt-: u£ Ar,eheim, Coun2y of' Urarige~, fitate ot Caliiorrita, de~scri'!.ed as ;~arcel 1~ t't:at Porti~~.1 oP Lote 2 and 3 of thc: Juseph T~Lscus Subdiv~slori., ~a~ SIIJWr on a m~+p reiorded L_. liuuk H P~g~ 73 o f. hiiscel].Aneous Maps, rECUrds of Qrange Count y, lse~~ irr~ inK ac~ a poin;. o~; ~'r~e soutt~et~iy li.ne ot satd Lot 2~ dJ.t~tanl. Su~~th 89 54~ 3U" F:as~ li'i8,~8 feEt Ir~~m tr.e ~u~~tlwe5t. corrier of said Lot 2; CY~er,ce nortt~ 6 4$' 30" Wesr 32?. 1'~ f'eek paral'ie'i wi~ r, t} i wester T,° 'i ine of t}-e 5«te Eii hway• 100,00 feet. wtde~ as sni.d ~Hi ~hwAy exist.ed on Apr~t~l ?.9, I930 tu Lhe ~~.ortherly ltne o~ saic~ Lot. 2; t~rence Sourt~ 89 54 ~U" 'i;ast ~a : ha -,.or~r:~a~,c c.orr;r:r of ~aLd ~,ol ~; t~~enc.e soutt~erly to the southeast rorner of said Ioe 'l~. theT~c:~ Nc~rth 89 54' 30" wes~_ to l}~e ~:otn~ uf' beginning. 1'arr.ei 2: thal: port ior. of lhe nurthwesL quartEr of t'~e soutE~wesl quarter of t'rr northwest quarrer oi SecL~to;~ 23, Township 4 Sout:~, Rat~ge 'l0 Wes:. S. h,B,.&M. ~e~ir.nin~ ak tne nort.heast corner ot Lot 2 vC rric Just:ph Ftscus S.rbdivisioY , as sr,ovm on a map recorded i•,~, 13ook 8 No$e~ '~'3 of Mts.~ilane~~j~ Maps, r~corav oE Urari~e Gour~'/; th~T,c~e Las~~er'iv alon~ t he pr.oYong~t Lun of t.he• Norther'iv l ir.e. of eai d~o!: 2 i.o its ir~t.er • serfion with the WF$i:eriy line of thE~ State Highwhy, 100 teet wide, ~s said higi~w~y existrd on Aprtl 299 1930, '•he-?re soutt:Easler'io• along tt~•e Westecly LtY;F ol said St.~te higi~wa~,~ ro its intersectiaia wirh the Gasterl_~ prolonga!:ion of tl~e ce~~i:er line of Mtrlwa~ Drive, as st~,r;w~.i on said map of the Ja~ep'F: P'iscus Subdivision, thence Wester]y alonti s~id prc~lon~ation t:~ its Lntersect.Lon wit'h lhe So~.~ti;erly prolon~ation oF i~t~e Easkerly 'li~.~e ~f said Lot 2 ~f t.~:.e Joseph Fiscus Subdivisi~•,,; ihence Northerly along saiJ prol.mgation and along ti;e I:asteri, line of Lots 2&rd 3 of s~id Joseph Fiscus Subdivision ~o t.iie puint~ of beginninb. ~ ; i`~ WHEREAS, thr City Planning Commisaion did hold a public hearing at the City Hall in the City of Aueheim on ~~ JuY~e 14 , 19 i'i ., et 2:00 o'clock P,M., notice of said public hearing having been duly given es required by ~ lew end in accordence with the provieions of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter 18.68, to hear and consider evidence for ~'~~ and againet said proposed veriance and to investigete end make findinga and recommendations in connection thetewith; i 5~~ dnd _ . a,~. WHEREAS, seid Commission, after due inspect9on, investigation, and study made by itself and in it~ behalf, end efter.: due consideration o£ all evidcnce end reports otfered at said hearing, does Find and determine the following facts: 1. That the petitioner request~ e varience from the Anaheim Municlpal Code a s r.o~~ j o~,rs : a. SLCTIO;V~~8.40.020 - rermitted uses. (Tht proposed mobi'lehome ar,d t ravet ~ ~ traiYer sales and servic..e lot i5 r~ot a peTmi`:ted C-Y use. !~ i:~ b. SECTIOA` i8.40.020 -'f~ermttted uses. (T~~E propostd u~e o~ a mobi ler~umr_ 7' as an offi.ce is not. ~ P, permiltrd use). c' ~ ~° .S.E~.1i~i ~ s. ao. o.~~, •• S~e re~~irCn~.nS:_..L~~x_~~~s.~_s~~s~~~~..~Ls:~_~. ~: ~ , ~ ' 1~ ~. ;s. ~; II~.. }; ~' 2, 7'r.~at tt:e pet:Ltioner propo~es to es~~ablish ~ trave:l. tr~ i:er sale~ a~ld sPr. ~re ~~ '~, facility together wit:h d isplay of au¢omut tve L-owing equipmer~t. u~c ~ub jtc~ prupcrt:. , ui.i'i Lzir.g i i a mobiiec,omE as an af.i'ic:e, r~~ , 3. T'r~at tt~e petit:iorer s~:ip~alated that no automotive mechanic:a'i tepa.ir would ot• p~rl:ormed , ~1 `~ ; on sut,jecr property, ;# . I~ 4. T;~at r_he use chould be gr.a*ited for a peri.od nf ~ne }~ear onZy Co de.rTtnl't~r wt~E;'r.~er an-Y ~~ deLr.imental effects mi.gi~.t resuit f.rom the outdoc.~r sal.es ar.d servire aperatiuti. 5. T},at there are ex:cep+~ional or extraordinar.y circ~.~mstances or cond3rions applicar.-z co ~" ~ the property invaT.ved ur. to the intended use of rF~e prupert~ that do nc+t a~1.y 3~ ~' P6 Senera3'l.ti t o the pr~~perty or. c.iass of usE in the same vicinit:y a•nd zo~ne. `` 6. That tiie requested vari~~~r_e is necessary f'or the preservat i.u~ and eri joymer:t of a `~ autistantial propert, right possessed by other propert:y in the samr vicini~y and zune, and ~ de.ni~d to the pro~erty in questton. 7. T'hat ~he requ~sted variance wiY1 not 'be mat.erialiy detrimEntai to the puhiic w~itare ~ ; or .in jurious lo lt~e proper. t.y or improvements in suc.l~ vicirlily ar:d zune in wr. ic;i t~i•~e pr~~per! y is :locat:ed. j. ~ ~ .+t~ ul~ti -1- : :,; : i ~ ~ 1 NOW, TFIERE:FORE, BE 1T RFSOI,VEb thet the Annheim City Pl~nning Cornmiaelon does hereby grent aubJect {'etltion (or Verinnce, upon the tollawing condiNons which Are liereby found t~ be a neccssury preeequls{te to the pro- posed usc of the subject property {n order to preserve the safety end generel welfare oF the Citizens of the C1ty oE Anaheim. 1. 'ChaC thia variance is gratited auUjec:t to the complelian of ReclASSi.fi.caCtori No. 'i0-71-58. 2, That a 6-foot w°_de planter atrip, winc ~oncrete curbing ar.ound it, ahall Ue provlded adjacent to Anaheim Boulevard and Midwey Drive, except at drtveway openings, and that land- scaping approximately one-foot in height shall be planted and maintained in sAid planter. L'urthermore, a mtn.tmum of 2% of the interior of the diaplay tot shall be landocaped; plans for said landscaping ahAll be submitted to ttie Developmenr Servicea Department for ap~,roval, 3, ThaC denae landacaping sh~ll be provi.ded along the west property Iine acijacenr_ to tt-ze exiating chain link fence to adequately shield the commercial use from ttie exiating schooY; plana for seid landscapin~ ahall be submitted to the Development Service3 pepartm~nt I'or approval. 4. That t}ie use af a mobilehome as an office shall be granted for a period ot one year. S. That L•he o~itdoor sales and aervice activity sha11 be granted for a period of one year, to $llow time ko determine whether said use would be detrimental to the nre~, aEter which time, i!' the petitioner requeats an additional period ot time, it may be granted, 6, That a mAximum of two sewex hookups f:or testing purposes only shall Ue permttted, provi.ded however, that these sewer hookups shall be of such aize that no reaidential use of t:he facilities wauld be poasible. 7, That Condition Nos, 2 and 3, aUove mentioned, shall be complied with prior to t_he commencement o£ the activit•y aut;horized under this resolution, or within a period oF 180 days, whichever occurs first, or such further time as the Planning Commission or Ci.Cy Ccuncil may grant. 8. That subject property ahaYl be developed substanti.aJ.ly in accordance with plans and specifications on file with the City of An~heim, marked Exhibit No, 1, and the conditions oul~lir_ed aUove. THE FOREGOING RESOL~ TION is signed and npproved by me this 24th day of. Jun~, I971. . ~ CHAIRMAN ANAHEI CITY PLANNING COh1~~lISS10N ~ :~ ` ~ ~ ~x: ATTEST: ~~''~C/ /~~J'k-~J SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING CQMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) ' -'i ?; 'n I, An~t Krebs, Secretary oE the City Planning Commission of the Ci;y of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the fore- going resolution was passed and adopted al a meeting of the City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim, held on June 14, 1971, at 2:00 o'clock p.M., by the following vote of the members theteof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Allred, Gauer, Hetbst, haywood, rarano, Rowland, NOES: COMMISSIONERS: None. ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: Seymour. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 24L'h day of June, 1971. SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION N0. 119 V2-G _2_ .. ... ~;, ;~ . `} ~ ~ r ~