PC 71-127~~ ' ~ ~ RESOLUTION N0. F'C 71-127 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION OF ~'HE CITY OF ANAHEIM THAT PETITION FOR VARIANCE N0, 2270 BE APPROVGq ~~ 8 ` A ~ ~ WHEREAS, the City Plannina Commla~ion of the City of Aneheim did recelve e vorified Petition for Varience from '~~Lr !,;1,11~, ;.:1~1:,!~;;K'dlA iNSI;RI~N~.H; COM{~ANY, ].477 5outh Mancheste~r Averiue, P.n~+.P~~~.,n, ~:c~l . r.:r. r; ~a 9l~sO :, i)•oner ~ A~:VANC~' f.LhCTRT.:; S7,GN COMhANY , 11Z0 'i'ow»~ F,vuru;•~, ~...~ 1+i~~,r...lr~~, , c:al.~ .•~arn~ a ~00~1, Ag~nt, oi c~rtatn real pro~,c•,rty sltuatc.~' ~.r; r:tit, ..:r.~ c` ;,n~~l•.~:_r, ~'~unr_~, c~t Cr:~nyc~, St.atc ~~f C~~li,`orn.ta, descr.k~ec.l a~~~ r.har. ~.~:~CT.i.Uil ~:):' J.~~~;, i;); .Jp;;Lr,h E'luCl3S .~illf)l"~'V:I.~+1.011 dS shown UCl d~4d}'~ Y.eri~CClc~~. il~ I~~:U.': '~, {.d~7C ~~.; ~ I~1i:~Ct?l.laneouy h~aF~s ~ YE?L`OYCjS Of Sc1.LC~ Oranye ~:OU17CV ~ C~rz,~~ :!. ~, f.1 ~ ~a• {al~~~.:: ,'c~a~.nriiny at the llll:t?,rS^CL'IOCi of. the Southerly Llr~r: of ;;a~~' lr.~ , ~~ , th ~~., r« i,:ir~:. ~.e;1 ~ti ~ th and cli.stant Southw~Ster.ly 45.00 f.eet, ire•~a:~t;rr~c ae ~,+;~r. ~~' ~,i;;.~ ; C~~~i' t't~E: (inuCh~v~rterly line of thr. Southern RaalYOad C~oii~;:~arr, '.. c ~ :~ .c :;1 ~•a~; ~.:>r l~c.iak 9u7, ~,au~ ~17H, nf.f.~c.ial Re~:or!~~; :~ald inter:~cct;o~~ '~~: ;:.._, ;.;_ ~'c,:~•.I~~ :,,t corner of t:h~ laric? drscri.bed in thr~ deed to chu .:c~;i.e. _. ~.~t ~1 .,cc:_~s : c?~~r.ci _e-,cot~i~d c?ct.ober 2, .1~,0 in 9ook 20Ai, ~age :'sU1, u{:t ~•:. ~, k::c:u~d~;; tr,~.r.;.e: ~alo,iu ::he Southw~stcar.ly l.l.ne of satd last ment.aned d~e~~d, - ;, :ir t.rt ~"rU , ~ ~)'' l~? ~ '~ ~ c:>t .t44.67 feet; L•hc:nce Soutl~ 68 U7' Si" WF•,t 46~.c~0 ~~c t~:; *.I•ie ~:~,e ;.~;:e~ c:,t tidJ.G I.,ot 7~ th~~nce alonq sald ~~ast linE, souch U° 1.:` ~%~~ ^.:a.~t: t's' ~. , eE,;: c:~ +~fi~ ~outl~we5c cozner of said Lot i; thence alony r1:e : ;~ I, !,r.r:, ~,i •,.~„-. i.c~t ~,or.th FU° 'i7' 10" East 654.].6 fcet to the i~olnc: of. br.;~~r,~., ,. ' r WHEREAS, the City P1annIng Commieaion did hold a public hearing et the City Hall in the City of Anaheim on J ~irie 28 , 1`~ ;' t, et 2:00 o'clock P.M., notice of seid public hearing having been duty given es required by law end in eccordance with the provisions of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chepter 18.68, to hear and consider evidence for and egainst said proposed variance and to inveatigate and make findings end recommendetions in connection therewith; and WHEREAS, said Commission, aEter due inspection, investigetien, and study made by itself end in its behelf, and after due coneideration of all evidence and repotta offered at said hearing, does find and determine the following fects: 1. Thet the petitioner requests e veriance from khe Aneheim Municipel Code a ~ f o 11 ~w s: a ~,'r:..C.. :.N i~i---i;=~--i;•y~•~=8-1~- ° uax~mum_numher o.f free_ ~tand~r,_~ ~,n~ ~ I'Pwo exist.~.ng arid prcpo:ed;~oi~;, i~arrn~.i.:..:r.':. ~ "',::;: ~.~•V 18 c;~_O~U~(E~-21 - M~.namum he~.uht o~ a irec-starid~r::, ~,c:r~. -- ._ ~ ~.. _ ~.._--= - i8~f~et~required; 4 feet ~roN~sed. c :~!~'CIi...v 18 62.090(a-•5) - P~rm.t.tted location of a free-~*_anclin~ :.~.~~•~ (~tLni:~um~of 120 feet fYUlTI j~YppCCtj~ L1:1:` r~~~uired; 60 feet exlsting and pro~~o~::~' l. ~~'~.~>c t;;~, r~:z.~tion~e proroses r_o rebuild and structurall.y a.l.tee an er.~~c.r.:;, non:;c:n~or!aing, Pree-standing si.qn on the property 1 T•i~~~ r_;,e ::~.an hes com~~atible architectural desian. 4. ~h~t ~_n~ seccnd *zee-Standing .sign was approved ln error se~eta~ }~ua:~ aao 5 Pt~;t -.i~e pet~.tioner was not ask?.na ,°or another free-stand.~ng s~~n, t~ut t~ rea~,: 1~ the ax~st;ng tree-s*_andina s.tgn. ~:~. ;f:ut ~.h~ .~ .an w~il r~ot detYa:;t from Y.he ar~a. _::..i~ r.L~~:f~ aze exceptlonal ~r extra~rdi.nary ;:ircum~zan~:s or cond~t_:,ri:; a~,p.:: .:al-:l~ r,; t-t;,~ f,ropzrty ~nvolved or to ttle .i.ntendec~ use of the F~r~~~,ert; tl~-a: f~:i I1:iL cx.JF'~~~ aen;~::a11y t0 the property c)r CIdSS O~ U_~G' lII tl'12 some ~1~i:;,L~ d[l~ 'LU:l6? ~i. rt.ar thc r.eouested variance •~~: necessary for the preservation a:;:3 En joym~.nc. of. a:;ubstant.lal property right possessed by other ~~roperty .~~, t.h~ ;amE v..: i ~~ ~ t; ar.d aoriu , an~ denic:d to tne property in question. + '`.i-,r• c~^ c-equesta~ var;.ance ~~~ill not be naterially C~EtL1IT.~:~nta1. 1_:-:: ~~'1)'.',,~_ t~'E'iti]1~ JC 1R~UCIOUS t0 ~kl@ ~~YOpEYt~; OY' impxovrments lll :~11C11 V~.:..Il_.°.j ancl zor~•= a: wi-,.~.:~1~ th~ p~~per~y ,~s located.. "1^ ?; ,~ fl: ~~.. --:,;, ~ ~ .~ ~..~ w NOW, TIiEREFORE, BF. IT RESOLVED thdt the Anaheim C1ty Planning Commisaion does hereby grant subject Petition for Varlance, upon the following candltions whlch are hereby found to be e necosaery prerequiaite to the pro- poaed use oE the subJect property in order to preserve the safety and gc~nerel welfere of the Citizena oE the Clty of Aneheim, l. That sub~oct property shall be dRVeloped aubstantially in accordAr~ce with plan~ and specifications on file with the City of Anahelm marked Exhibit Nos. 1 and 2. 2. Tha~ adequate alearance of ~xisting electrical lines sha11 be provided as requtred by the Electrical Division, Departmant of Public Uti].itiAs, and the State of Calif.ornia G.0.95. ~"~F 3. That Condition Naq. 1 and 2, above mentioned, shall be complied with {r prior to the commsncement c~f the activity authnrized under this resolution, ;';~ ~ ` or prior to the time that the building permit ia issued, or wi~hin a period ', , ~ of 180 days from date herao£, whichever oacurs first, or such further time as '? ' the Planning Commission may g rant. •~ ~ THE FOREGOING RE50LUTION is signed end approved by me this 8th day of July, 1971. ~~ / ; ;~ ~ ~~ ~~" ,• ~ i i~ _- ' ~'~~ CHAIRMAN ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION ;iit , ' ::r '~ ATTEST: ~ `~Y /~ ~~' .d ~~ ~.itit , , ~ ;~`, SECRETARY ANAHEIM CiTY PLANNING COMA~IISSION .,r, STAT~ OF CALIFORNIA ) i, COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) .j I, Arin Krebs, Secretery of the City Planning Commission of the Ci!y of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the fore- ~'' going resolution was passed and +~dopted at a mpeting of the City Planning Commission of the City of AnahEim, held on ~ June 28, 1°71, at 2:00 o'clock P.M., by the following vote of the members thereof: ~ , i AYES: COMMISSIONERS: ALLkED, GAUER, HERBST, ROWLAND, SEYMOUR. NOES: COMMISSIONERS: KAYWUOD. AHSENT: COMMISSIONERS: FARANO. ~~ , s ~ ~~ RESOLUTION N0. 127 SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMIS3ION . ~ ~ Vz-~ -2` ~t~ ~ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hend this 8th day of July, 1971. -- -..~~ • • ~y~~- ' . , . . . ~ ,` _M