PC 71-137, ,~' RESOLUTIQN N0, PC71-137 A RESOLUT[ON OF TFtE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION ~r TNE CITY OF ANAHEIM THAT PETITION FOR VARIANCE NQ, 2276 BE GRANTED WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission of the City of Aneheim did receive a verified Petltion for Varlance trom JAMES A. AND VEItA R, AU~ST, 1108 North Acacia, Anatieim, California 92805, Owners nf certain real property aituated in the City of Anaheim, County o£ Orange, State of California, deacribed ae that portlon o£ Lot 22 of Golden State TraGt ~J..~. 2 as shown o:~ a Map thereof recotde~l in Book 4, Page 68 of Miscelleneous Maps, recorde of Qrange CounCy, Iieginning at a ~-.., point in the West line of said l~ot 22, said line being considered as Along the center line of `~ Acacia Street, and located 526.21 Eeet- South of the Northwest corner of said Lot 22, said ~~ point Ueing the Southwest corner of the North 8 acres of said Lot 22; running from eaid point ~'~ of beginning East 281.85 feet al.on a line ~;~ g paralle? to the North ].ine of eai.d Lot 22; thence ,<,, South 62.64 feet along a line parallel to eaid West line of Lot 22; thence West 281,84 ;r~~ feet pars11e1 to said North line to e point in said Weat line; tbence North 62.64 feet ,~~ to the point of beginning, ; and ~9 ' WHEREAS, the City Plenning Cornmission did hold a public hearing at the City Hall in the City oE Aneheim ~~ on July 12, 1971, et 2:00 o'clock P.M., notice of said publir. hearing having been duly given as required '; by lew and in accordance with the provislons oE the Aneheim Municipel Code, Chapter 18.68, to hear and consider , evidence for and ugainst said proposed variance and to investigete ancl make flndings and recommendations in connec- .' ; tion therawlth; and 1'~ ,` , WHEREAS, seid Commissinn, efter due inspection, investigation, and study made by itself and in its behalf, !; ; and after due consideration of all evidence and repotts offered at seid hearing, does Eind and determine the Eollowing ~ ij ~ fects; '. ,3 1. That the petitioner requests a variance trom the Anaheim Municipal Code ats : follow&: ,+, , ;'.;: SECTION 18 28.050(3-b) - Mi.nimum required floor area. (1225 square feet 'i: required; 1000 square feet proposed). `,; ;} ~~ 2. That the petitioner proposes to convert an exieting 2-bedroom guest house into ~`~ an apartment . ~ :, .,r ,,~ ,1;~ . ,,~, I~ 3. That there are exceptionaf or extraordinary circumstances or conditions epplicable to the pruperty involved ~- or to the intended use of the prope~ty that do not apply generally to the property or class of use in the same vicinity ~ ; and zone. (~ 4. That the requested varian~e is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a substantial property right possessed by other property in the same vicinity and zone, and denied to the property in question. ,~ 5. That the requested veriance will not be materially detrimental to the public welfate or injurious to the ~rop- ~ erty or improvements in such vicinity and zone in which the property is located. .. ~ ~~~ ` A ;~ .~ryc '~ v 1-G -1- y.. ~ 7~1 t~. ~v~ i ~ y~ ~.,~~ SECRETARY ANAH M CITY PLANNING COMMISSION ~ ~~ STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ~~ COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. ` CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Ann Krebs, Secretary of the City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certiEy that the fore- . going resalution was passed aod adopted at e mee'ing of the City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim, held on ~fi July 12, 1971, at 2:00 o'clock P.M., by the following vote of the members thereof: ~~ AYLS: COMMISSIONERS: Farano, Gauer, Kaywood, Rowland, Seymour. ~. NOES: COMMISSIONERS: None. ABSf NT: COMPIJISSIONE~S: Allred, Herbst . IN WI'"NESS WHEREOF, Y have heceunto set my hand khis 22nd dey of Juiy, 1971.. ; j~~ THG FOf2EG0ING RESOLU'I'ION is signed and approved by me this 22nd day of July, 1971. • , ~•a, _ j .~~~ . ;~ CHAIRMAN ANAHE M CITY PLANNING COMMISSION ;~, . ATTEST: , :^ s ~ ~ NOW, TNEREF'ORE, BF IT R~SOLVED thet the Anaheim Clty Plenning Commission does hereby grant subJcct Petltlon for Variance, upon the following conditions which ~are hereby found to ba e necossery prerequisite to the pro- posed use of the subJect property in order to preserve the sefety and general welfere of the Citlzens of tlie City of Anaheim. 1. That thi9 variance 1.A granted sub,~ect ko the campletion of Reclaseification No, 70-71-3, now pending. 2. That aubjecl•. property shall be developed aubetantially in accordance with ~lana and specificationa on file with the City of Anaheim, marked Gxhibit Nos. 1 and 2. RESOLUTION Nc). 137 V2.G _ : -~. . .., ~: ----~~~?- ~ .~- ~ SErRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION -2- • ~•-~w. ._ r~,G,~..x ~ , . , ~ -'" „ ~ ''~_ ~i~