PC 71-140~ ~ ~~ ~ 121',SOLUI'ION N(1, PC'i1-140 ~i ~..~.~._._ A RCSOLUTLON OT' THE ANAN~IM CTTY I'1.ANNiNC~ COMM[SSTON R~CO~IMLNUTNG TU TI{~ CI'CY CUUNCIL 0~ T}1C CTTY Ot~ ANAHEIM 'THI: AUUE C1t~N 01~ (;LM~.RA1, PLAN ANIENDMGNT N0. l24 AM[:NGI^1(; TIIE CIRCULE1T10N ELL'MGNT - IiT(;lndAY RCGNT-UT-WAY L'STALLISHINC NGW CLASS"[I~I- ' CATIONS FOR tMP[:RIAI, H1GliWAY iiOTH NURTH ~~NU SpU'CII UF SANTA ANA CAM'ON ROAD 'fH[RLUF WF'GRE~S, besed upon revised proj~ccions ut vehicul~r tralfic demt~•td resi~leing Lrom the recent cha~,~e (General P1en Amendmet~t No. 123- Anaheim Hills) in land uae policy E'or a portion of ~;•,~ Santa Ana Canyon 3rea, i.t }ias been letermined that tihe traific carryin~ capaciLy for T.mperial Highway should be incres:~ed by t+pgradin~ the erterial l~~ighw~y clbaRiEtcation to a ma~or highwey norl•h of Santq Ane Canyon Road, and a hillside pri.mary l~i.~l~way south ol~ Santa Ana Canyon Itoad; and ;; WHLRt.AS, the Anaheim City Planr,tng Cnmmission seC for puUlic hearing General Plan Amendment N~-+. 124 for July 12, 19'll; and ,r WHLREAS, the City Planning Commission did hold ~ public heariag at the City ;'; liall in Che City of Anaheim on July 12, 197I et 2:00 o'clock P,M., notice of said "~ public heering havin been dul ;~; g y given as required by law and in sccordance with ~~, the pr~visions of Che Anaheim Municipai Code, ro hear and consider evidence Lor ~ ";';'` and against said proposed General Plan Amet~dmenr, and to investigate and make ^j findin~s and recommendation~ in con tion thereuith; and : i~: ;: ~ ;. WHEREAS, said Commiseion, ~tter due inspection, investigatton, and ;~tudy made by itaelt and in its behalt, and atter dus consideration of all evidE:nce ~ ~ and reports o£t`ered at said heari.ng, does find ai.d determine the following facts: 1. That the pro~ected trof[ic volumes for Imperi.al liighwey north of the Sant~ Ana Canyon ltoad are 30,000 vehicles per day whereas the existing desi~nation of a primary highway may accommodate u~, to 30,000 vehicles per day; and that Lhe portion south of Santa Ana Canyon Road is pro- ,jected f.or traiiiu vclu,,,;, o: ~erwPen 25,000 to 26,000 vehicles per day however, the existing desi.gnation nt a secondary highway is prejected to handle up to 14,000 vehicl~s per day. ! 2. That in order to accummodate tl~ese future traf.fic demands, additional rigtit-of-way and travel lanes would have to be provided which the proposed reclassificntion would provide. 3. That the Orange CounGy Road Department - Traffic Secrion has concurred with the City of Anaheim's proposal to upgrade Imperial Highway. 4. That the Cities of Orange and Villa Park hgve al.so reviewed and con- curred with the City of ~itiat~eim's proposal to upgrade Imperial 1-lighway as it affects tieir scope uf inLluence. 5. That one person EppQared requesting information as to how the proposed change in classification would aff.ect his property. ~ Y~:~. -~, ~........--,. ..+..--. ~...,:,u:,:;~.u,~- _ ..,-.,~:~:; '.,::,...,-r,:.~.. .~.r,~ ...~ ' . . A - , ~~l~:cii4' ...... i~ . '~ _ . ~,'~r C - , . .,r, . .~-,1` . . ~• IF. , ~ NUW, T}[ERErORL, 13E IT RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Planning Cammission doea hereby adopt and recottnnend to the City Council oL the City oE Anaheim, rhe adoplion of Genera9. P1an Amsndment No. 124 amending the Circulation Element - llighway Itighta- of-Way egtabliahing a Ma~or Highway deaignatLon for Imperlal liighway on the portion north af Santa Ana Canyon Rosd, and a}lillside Pr:tmary highway deaignation for Imperisl liighway on that portinn south of Santa Ane Caciyon Road. !~ TfIC rOREGOING RESOLU'CION la signed and approved by me thi 22nd day oL Ju1y, ;<. 1971. ;~ ';'~ . `'~ / ~ !> CIiAI N NAHEI CIxY PLANNING COMMTSSIpN t ATT~ST: s`:~ rR~ ,~. ~~r SECRETAItY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSIUN ~ `~~ STATE ~r CALIFURNIA ) '~ COUNTX OF ORAI~?~E ) 33, ,, ~~ CITY OE ANAH~T:~i ) ; ,'~ ''1 I, Ailll Krebs, Secretazy of the City Planning Commisaior, of the City of Anaheim do ,~y hereby certify khat the foregoing resol.ution was passed and adopted at a meeting of tne ,`;;~4 City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim held on July 12, 1971, at 2:00 o'clock ~ y P.P1., by the foilowing vote of the members thereof: ~ ~~ ~~r AYES: COM1~fIISSIONERS: Farano, Gauer, Kaywood Se ' ~~'t , ymour. :;i ~'~-, NOES; COMMTSSIpNERS: None. •i ;';!: ABSENT; COMMISSIONERS: Allred, Herbst, ;: ~`--' ABSTAIN; COMMISSIONERS: Rowland, ~ `s;; ; IN WITNGSS WHEREOF, T have hereunto set my hand this 22nd day of 3uly, 1971. ~~ ~ ': ~ '~F k ;~~ -~.~~ ~;~' SECRETARY AIVe1H~.T CITY PLANNING COMMISSION Kes. No. 140 ~ ~ ~ . ~ ~ * ,,...,.,.,,~.~ , ~, ~ -•~- .__._~ _....._,.,.,._,_,,,,,,q,,,,,f_. _ ..~ . ... . , -~,.w.a~a.x ~ , . "^'Mw~M R?r.N ' ~~ 1 ~ ' .. a... . ~ ' h