PC 71-141~~ R~SOLUTION N0, PC71-141 A R~SOi.U'1'ION Ui' THE CITY PLANNING 'COMMISSIUN OT' THE CITY Or ANAHLIM RECUMMENDING TO Z'HE CITY C~UNCII, Or THG CITY U1~ ANAIi~IM TIWT 1'HE NAMC rOR WALNIJT CANYON ROAD nE CHANGED TO ANAH~TM tIILLS PARKWAY, TH~RBTO WH~RGAS, the developers of Anaheim Hills propoae to estaUliah Walnut Canyon Road as the main gateway to their 4200-acre projecC located in the Santa Ana Canyon Area; and WNCREAS, a requesC was preseneed to change the name of Walnue Canyon Road to .~neheim Hills Perkway; and WHERGAS, the AnaheLm Planning Commission aet for public t~earing on July 12, 1971, a~nsideration of a street name change Lor Walnut Canyon Road; and WEIEREAS, the City Pianning Commission did hold a public hearing ~t the City Halt in the City o£ Anaheim on July 12, 1971, at 2:00 o'clock P,M., notice oL said publtc hearing having been duly given as required by law and in nccordance with the provisions of L•he Anaheim Municipal Code, Chepter 18.68, to hear end consider evidence for and againet said proposed street name change and to investigate and make findings and recommendations in connection therewirh; and WHEREAS, said Commission, after due inspection, investigation, and study made by itself and in its behalf, and after due consideration of all evidence and reports offered at said hearing, does f'.r•:: and determine the following facts; 1. That the proposal is to provide a meandering roadway with. a very wide landscaped median between two travelways with the alignment being changed so that Walnut Canyon Road will "T" into Nohl ~tanch Road. 2. Thar the requent of the preaident of Anaheim Hi21g Corporaticn to rename Walnut Canyoa Road between Santa Anb Canyon Road anrl the extension of Nohl Ranch Road to Anaheim liills Parkway would not affect any industry, commercial uses, or residents, since the property tl~:u which said street wi11 traverse is owned by said corpor.ation. 3. That a street name change at this time, raL•her than i.n the future, will eliminate complF,ints when the area has been developed for. residential uses. NOW, iE!EREFORE BE IT RLSOLVED that- the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby recommend to the City C~~.:ncil of Y.he City of Anaheim that the name for Walnut Canyon Road be changed to Anaheim Hills Parkway between Santa Ana Canyon Road and the extension o` Nohl Ra;;ch Road, on the basis of the foregoing findings. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is signed and ap ove by me thi T.2nd day of July, 1971. C I N ANAHEIM C.ITY pLANNING CObfMIS5I0N ATTEST: ~'~~~---~~, ~- SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PI.ANNING C0~4IISSIUN ~ ~ c +~ M '~ STATE OF CA~IrORNIA ) ~ ~. COIiNTY OF ORANGC ) sa. ~ CITY OF ANAHCIM ) I~ Ann Krebs, Secretary of the City Plann~ng Commisaion of the City of Anahelm, do hereby certify t~~at ehe foregoin~ reaolution was paased and adopted at a ineeting o.f the City Planning Commisaion of the City of Anaheim held on July 12, 1971, at 2:00 0' , clock P.M., by t;he :nllowing vote of the membera chereof; AY~S; COMMTSSI('iVERS: Farano, Gauer, Kaywood, fiowlend, Seymour, k~i' rr. ' ~C: NOFS; COMIrIISSZONER5: None. ~x'(~ , p`'~ AIlSEivT: COMMISSION~RS: A11r~d, Herbst. ~y.~ LI ~ 1 Itr WITNCSS Wtt~REOr, i have hereunto set my hAnd this 22nd~day of July, 1971. ~ ~ p '~ ~-t.~~ ~(~-- SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANN:[NG COMMISSION Rea. No. 141 ~ `* , i~ -•,_~a, . ~ , . ., _ e~