PC 71-153~ . ,. . r ~ ~ E . RESOLUTION NQ. - n c ~ i-15 ~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY PLANNINQ COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM THAT PGTITION F0~ VARIANCE N0. z 2 a 3 BE ~ RAN ~r [: n ~. I WHEREAS, the City Planniae Commiseion of the Clty of Aneheim did recelve t~ voriGed Petition for Verlence from k3ER.NARDO YORB~1, 125 South Claudina, At~ai:eim, Ca'l.iFornta 928GS, Uwner; Lur~nd West , b3U~. Melrose Aver~ue, Los An.geies, Califurn.ta 90046, Agent o£ c.ert+~in real property si.r.uar.:ed in t-:.c Cil-.~y of An~aheim, Count3r of Orauge, Stat:e oL CaliEorr,ia, de:scribed es LoCa 6, 7, ar.d 8 oi" Tract No. 936, at~ per map recorded in t3J0~t JV P8}~@S 1 ancl 2 of Miscellaneous M~ps, in the oi'Eice of the CounL•y Record~r uE Said Count;. Cxcept fram Eaid Lot 7 and 8~hnt portior.. lyln~r Norther.Iy ar. the Southerly linE o[ tkie land desc:tbed iri the Decds to the State nf CalifotniA, recorded May 18, 1948 in Boolc 1638 ['a~e 365 ot OCticial Records, Recorded May 26, 1948 in 13ook 1543 I~a~~ 306 of: Of.f.Lcinl Recorda at~d Recorded June 4, 1948 in 13o~~k 164 J Page 532, oF Offici.rl Recorda. A portiun ol said land is included wLtnin t.he are~.a s}~ow°; on a map filed ir~ Book 74 L'~ge 2 of Recorde uf Surveys in ttie ofEtce ot the Count~~ ftecorder of seid County. WHEREAS, the City J~lanning Commieaion did hold a public headng ot the City Hall in thc City of Anaheim on August 9, 1971 , et 2:00 o'clock P.M., notice of seid public hearing having been duly given ea required by lew and in accardence with the provisions of the Anal+eim Municipel Code, Chepter 18.68, to hear end consider evidence for and against asid proposed variance end to inveatigate and make findings and recommendations in connec4lon therewith; and bVHEREAS, sald Comm9.ssion, aEter due inapection, investigotion, end study mede by itself end in its behalf, and efter due conaideration of all evidence and reports offered at said hearing, does Eind and determine the Eollowing Eacts: 1. Thet the petitioner tequests a variance from the Aneheim Municipal Code; ~s £o'llows: a• :ECTION 18.40.Oi0 - Mi.rcimum number of ofi-str.eet parking stalls ~ (62/ stalYs rQquir~d; 556_ s~~talle proposed). 2. That the petiti.oner proposes t~.~ deveZop a commu•nity shopp.i.ng center havi;.g a ba.~k, supermarket, drug store, smell shops, restaurar.t, service station, and theater or, sub}ec.t property. 3. That W~iver 1-a, a~ove mentiuned, is her~b~ ~;rez~t~ed i>n Che basis t}ial- i~~ Lhe evFr~t the theater is not built, the propo~ed parking would bz ~dequate, a^d t:t»t if the rre~ter wer.e developed, tiiere. would be dual use of the parking spaces, si;1ce most~ uF the sY~ups a?id bank would be clused during lhe ~hedi:er's r.ours ot operacion. 4. That Lhere are excepttor.a.l or extraurdinary circumstentes ar conditions appiicabie to thE properr,y involved or r.o the ir~tended use of the propert::v 4hat: do not apply ge•_:erally to the prupert_,~ or class of use in tYce same vicinit~ and zot,e. S. T~,at the requested variance is r.eces~ery for the preservat~.ian a~.d enjo~,znetit. of a subst~tntial propErt:y rigt-~t posaesaed b-y uther propert~ in the same vicini.~:} and zorie, a:~d denied to ttie property in question. 6. T'hat the requested variance wi11 r.oi. be maCerial,ly detriment~:l ~u ti~e public welfare or injuri~us to the property or i.u~;roveme;~t~ in suc11 Vic:i?:it,~- and zur~e ir: whicti ~he pruperr., is located. 7. 'I'nat alti;cugh the Scenic Corridcr ~verla~ (, i} ~:~i;e l~as not been epplied '_~o sui~jE:ct: property as yet, the planning Cammissiun e:xamined t:`~e propor~ed dev2Zupment plans ir, iight of. the Sceric Corridor regulations and considered ti~e various poin[s wherEin the pruposed dr~velap- mene deviates from tY~ose r~.;;ulations. Aft.er conbiderable del.iberation, the P18X1liltl$ C(1i11iI11SS10'(1 determined rhat it w~ruld not be appropriar.e t~ impost ~11 of the Scenic Corridor rrgulati~~-.s on this particular deveiopment for the lollowing rEasuns: V 1- G -1- ~ ~a a. 'Tt~at leases have beeti recorded with ~he major tenenCa uf t•he propnsed shopping center for a conaiderablo length ot tima ~nd rhe imposirion of the Scenic C.arridor regulat:ic~ne would require ma~or re-negotiationa by ~h~ property owner, b. T~~•t the overaYl deviation Lrom the Scenic Corridor buildi.ng aetbACka is mi.ni.mbl wi~~n compering actual building frontsge to rhe total elreek frontage, and tl•,e extensive landacaping and berming alang Santa Ana Can}~on [toad and 7mperial H.ighwey help in meeting tCie basic. inten~ of r.he Sr.entc Corrtdor ro^~cep~, c. 'T'hat the quality of t.he propased devFlopment is sucti l•hat• thts ~roject ah~uld be considered un its individual mer.iC. 8. That the Planr~ing Commission action an thia application sk~all Ytot b~ construed as aetting a precedent f'or simJ.lar action throu~l;out the 5anL•a Ana Canyun, since each requesk. ahould be considered on its own merits lo insure that the intent: of tliQ Scenic Corridor concept ie maLntained, -''~~ NOW, THEREFORr, 13E IT RESULVED thal• the Anaheim City Planning Commtssion dces hereby ~'~ grant 9Ub~~Ci YetiCion for Variance, upon the following conditlons wltich are hereby Lourid ~'; to Ue a r.eceasar rere uisite to the Y P q praposed u~e of Lhe subjecl property in order tn pre- ; serve the safery and geileral welfare ot the Citi.zens of the Ci~y of Anaheim: ~, ~ (1) T.hat th~is variance i.s granted sub,~ect to the completion of Reclasaificatic~t; Nos. 64-65-64 and ~1-72-7. ' (2) Tha~ subject property shall Ue developed substent.2ally in accordan.ce wi,rh plans ` and apecificat•ions on file with the City of Anaheim, marked Exhibit Nos. 1, 2, 3, [~, 5, 6, '', and 7 filed with ReclassificatLon I~o. 71-72-7. ', '~~E TH~ FOHEGOING RESOLUTION is signed and approved by me this 19th c?ay of August, 1971. it ~ . ; ,'~ ~ ' ,.,. :1? . ! ii ,;•, "~~ CHAIRMAN ANAH~IM ClTY PLANNING COt~MISSION ; ~. ~ ti ATTEST: Li^~/N~if/ / SECRE:ARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION ~; STATE OF CALiFORNIA ) ;y; COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. ;i~. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Ann Krebs , Secretary of the City Plenning Commission of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the fore- going resolution was passed and adopted et a meeting of the City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim, held on August 9, 1971 , at 2:00 o'clock P.M,, by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Farano, Gauer, Herbst, Kaywood, Rowland, Seymour. NOES: COMMISSIONERS: None. ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: Allred. M \ ~ ~ ~ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, 1 have heceunto set my hand this 19th day of August, 1971. A/1~~`'r~ i ' SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COfi1MISSIn'V t' RESOLUTION N0, P C 71-1 S 3 p ~. ~~. V2'~ _2_ U, ,~ ~' i ~ •.-~.'•`~'-~"~., ..._..-./ ~ . . . . . .. n wr.~.v ~" '~' ''1 "` ' ~T~. ._ ,~'Gr.s.` ~ . , . ` ne