PC 71-185; 4~. ~w' Qvi ~~}. ,~ . ~~ ~ ~i.~ ai; 'i~ RESOLU'T ION. ~l . P C 71 ~ 18 5 ~_ A RES(1LUTIQN OF THE CITY PLANNING CUMMISSION OF THE CiTY OF ANANEIM THAT PETITION FOR CONDITIONAL USE AERMIT 126 3 BE GRANTED IN PART W}~EREAS, the Citp Planning Commioeion of tha City of Aneheim did receive e verlfted Petiti~n for Con- ditional Uae Permit from TTC T~C MARKET, 2588 New~ort Houlevard, Costa Mesa, California 92627, Ownerj RAYMONn H. DANCY, 530 Nor.th East Streot, Anaheim, California 92805, Agent, oE certain real property situated in the Ctty ot Anaheim, County of Oranqe, State of California, described as tha Aautherly 749.75 feet, measured fr,om the center line of Sycamore street, lying westerly of a line parallel with and South 74° 31' 10" West 815.00 feet from the easterly line oE Lot 1 of Anaheim Extenaion, as per map of su.rvey made by Wil l i am Hamel in 1868 , and fi led £or record in Los AngQles County, a copy of which is Eiled in the office of the county rocord~r of Orange Countv, on pages 163 et seq. of book 3 entitted Los Angeles Count,y Maps . EXCEPT the southerly 5. 25 feet, the southerly line of which is ~he northerly line of said Sycamore Street ; and WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission did hold a public hearing et the City Elall in the City of Anaheim on S e p t e mb e r 2 0, 19 71 , at 2:00 o'clock P.M., notice ut said public hearing having been dely given as required by lew end in eccordance wi+h the provisions of the Anahelm Munlcipal code, Chapter 18.64, to heor and conslder evid~ ,~~e for end egeinst said proposed conditionel use end to lnvestigate end make Eindings end recommendations in connection therewlth; and WNEREAS, said Commission, efter due inspection, i~ivestigetion, end study made by itself and in its be- helf, and ef4Pr due consideretion oE all evidence and reports offered ef said hearing, does find and determine the following facts: 1, Thet the proposed use is properly one for which a Conditional Use Permit is authorized by Code SECTION 18.40.060(g) to wit; permit on-sale liquor in an exiating restaurant with waiver of: a. SECTION 18.62.090(B-1) - Maximum number of free-standing signs. (1 sign permitted; 9 aigns proposed within 300 feet of each other)~ ~ b. S~CTION 18.62.090(5) - Permitted free-standing stgn location. (This ~ ~ waiver no longer required) 2. That Waiver 1-a, above mentioned, is hereby denied on the basis that the hardship alleged by the petitioner is a aituation self-fmpoaed by the property owner when he ellowed Tic Toc Market to have the only permitted free-standing sign without cor.sidering future signing needs of other tenants. 3, That the proposed aign could easily be incorporated on the same pole with the exiating Tic-Toc sign and still comply with the aign ordinance. 4. Thae apptovsl of the requeated waiver could establish an undesirable pre- cedent for similar requests from each tenant for additional free-standing signs. 5. That Waiver 1-b, above mentioned, was determined not to be necessary and was withdrawn. 6. That the proposed use, as approved, will not adversely effect the adjoining land u~es and the growth and developmen~ of the area in which it is proposed to be located. 7. That the nize and sh~pe of the site proposed for the use, as approved, is adequate to allow the full development of the proposed use in a manner not detrimental to the particular area nor to the peace, tiealth, safPty, and general welfare of the Citizens of the City of Ansheim. 8. That the granting oi the Conditional Use Permit, a~ approved, under the con- ditions imposed, if any, will not be detrimental to the peace, health, safety, and general welfare of the Citizene of the City of Anaheim. CI-G -1- ~ II~ ,,~ > ~ ~ i n pdrt V, THEttEFORE, BE lr RESOLVED that ths Anahelm City Plannina Commission does hereby arant/subJect ~ Condltionel Use Permlt, upon tha tollowin~ conditlons which aee hereby Eound to be a necesaary preroquisite iosed use af tho eubject property in order 'o preeerve the satety and general welface of the Citlzsns of the helm; ) Tha~ subject properCy shall be developed eubetantially in accordance with plana i£ications on file with the Ciry of Anah~im markecl Exhibit Nos, 1, 2, ~, 4, 5, ~nd ded however, that signing ahell be in conformanae with Che Sign Ordtnance; and fur- vided that the propoaed bar and bar etools ehall be removed and aerving of alcohol.ic s al-all be incidenta~. to the serving of fuod as etipulated to by the petitioner, ) Thet Condikion No, 1, above mentioned~ ehall be complied with prior to the com- t of the activity authori~ed under this resolution, or prior to the time that the permit ia ieaued, ar. within a period on one year from the dare hereof, whichever irst, or such further time as the Planning Commiasion may granr. 'HE ~'OREGOING RESOLUTION is signed and epproved by me this 3 0 th ~9 ay o f S ep t e mb e r. , 19 71 . CHAIRMAN ANAHE M CITY PLANNING COMMISSION YI~L~ RY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION ~ CAL.IFORNIA. ) OF URANGE ) ss. ANAHEIM ) n Krebs , Secretnry of the City Plenning Commisaion of the City of Anaheim, do herehy certlfy that ~ing reaolutlon was passed end edopted at e meeting of the City Planninq Commission of the City of Anaheim, e p t e mb e r 2 0, 19 71 , at 2:00 o'clc.dc P.M., by the followinq vote of the members thereof: ~YES: COMMISSION~kS: FARANO, GAUER, KAYWOOD, ROWLAND, SEYMOUR. 10ES: COMMISSiONERS: NONE. ~BSENT: COMMISSIONERS: ALLREU, HERBST. N WITh'ESS WHEREOF, I heve hereunto set my hand this 30th day of SeptembQr, 1971. ~~~-~'~~ri;~:~i SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION CION NO. 1'C71-185 -2- ~ ,Q ~. y~~p~f~ -:. i .~F~~X~".++1W'~ R~MY .M vsMxW ~ ti:._~. .. ~ .._ . ~ . S~'~+'~'~ ~t~h ~ ~ . .•~ .~ ~`li~r ' . - 1 . . ^ 4 `` . r.•