PC 71-196 _ _.._ .. . ._.,....,.. . _ , . _„ , .,1 ~~;snt,urtotv tvo, ,~ ~• .6 A f2ESOLUT~ON OF T1~E CJTY PLANNIN4 CQMMJSSION OF TF~E CITY OT~' ANAN~'IM TIiA7' p~TIT10N FOR CONDJTIONAL US~ AERMIT N0. ,~y_, ~~ ~RANTE,D WtiCREA5, the Clty pl~nnln~ Cammis~lon ot the Clty of Anuhelm did rncelve w vor!(!ed F~etltla L1eb ~ormlt trnm .~i~~ JW~;N C~7Mi~ANY , T , , 4:~s:;tutnla y0q1'1 0~ Wa~al~.ze Br.ul~yvuid nforCondldonel ~ nwnaz r V1~TCFt K ~ HARDIN ~ S~~i ~d 530 ~ Lo~ Angel~ y, ~r~«nc~ im, ~a ~ t iocnia 9x~1US ~ A a~t ~ 1300 South Anahaim Houlevdrd, ~ i t,r ut Anahbim, Cuun~Y ~~ Uran ~i~ cartalu rael p ,~ ei cuated i.n the c'~c~:e ~,r 5v r„Cdte Ato e~t~ ~ tl:~~ Nurth ~~i0 fe~r., and Lot ,~ ~~ ~alitornia, dr~ecribad e4 Lot 3, T r,y;-.t 335: ! hn N o z~. h 1 35 ~~xc~~t the sout h 9 4, d 5 Yebt, all in ,~x:~~~~ k ~~et ot thc~ Wast Z00 t'e~c. M~~c~i letny~~~s Ma~;~s, L~aok 1:0, pege~~ S to '7 ~ tan~~3~ Cal.ttozr,.d therao£~ d~ per , Otfic~al .k,~;;czd~, County ot~ WHG~REAS, ths Clty plunnl~g Cpmml~glon did hold • publtc honrlnq ~t the Clty Ha1! ln tho Clt '°nd ~~ ~~~~~' ~~' 'i ~' ~- at 2r00 o'eSock P.M., notlce at ^Nld publlc hs~r~n~ h~vln boen ~4W nnd In accordwnce wJth th~ provl~lon~ of ths Anphafm Munlclpp~ code, Ch~ptee 18.64, to h~ y~~ An"h~lm on ~p~ +~nd nQaln~t ~p~~d p~o~QNad rondltlonal u~e and to InveetlQate ~nd maks ftndin~~ ~nd re ~ulY ~,Ven ~~ rMquir~d by ther.~W~th; and •~ *nd con~ld~e evid~nce cumm~~drt(onr !r, aonnsetlun W(i~~~AS, ~nld Commlaalon, attar duA Inapeatlon, tnv~etl~~tlon, and ~tu~ly m~do by ltv~l! attdr due conrldmcetlon of all avldmnce and n orts olfared et sald hep~ln p q, do~~ lJnd Nnd dotorminv tho l~llowlnK,[ac~tu~ 1, Thot the pcopoaad ure !w proparly ond lor which a~pndltlon~l U~• Pormlt !a auEho~lrm ,;,,'Ir;~;'f lUN ~.8 b4,U~0 ''~,a , d!+y L'Odi I~Yi~ ~ j 11 f i ~""'~""~~..+...~L..w..~..~.~.,:n~~ (, ~'l~ W f. t: ! kN'F~iU`,^1y 1i",', 0~)f ~ VI ~' ~"'~!~ IY'.G~ :1~I~1~~ ~~!y IMM ~'A'1~ ~'11f~ ~I {~ f ~~ r wtc~ w+~tver c~.Cs t (~ p S~'~;;,'C 1 f~N ~, ~; ~., ~"~~ ,. " 1~~+~,,:( r. ~2 Uli4),l' ~ al~~r ,~ ~N t~t~(~t • y~w,~ay.rn.w~ i~ ~~/'7, ~ ti• M r~~r yl ii ~i;11Ri:V1 i ry tf q y `' »~.~.'~rd',..1~T rn..,~ U y«()~.-.rq.9J;Tjd ~ ~'+•"b ~R'. ~ Iwr~i.'~ wY,!U.9di.~~,':IGrM1it.E ~.~ 2UA t'~M~ cai ~w~~, vc~tvr~iil~"•~~,S,r`~~ ~-~tiR~~,~~ hra~ wRtt~(rti pre~prawt~e!) Y~ w v c~dq t r~~11 1'~1~»1:~~~ 2. That the propo~ed uAO wil! not edvor~ely affact the ~d)oinin~ land ueNe hnd lt~n growth end tha areb ~n whlah lt !a prapoWed to bo loceted, 3. That tho NIAO and whH e duvulapmant aC ProApRed u~e in u mcnner not detrimonteltrto tho~p rti ular qrept ~Q~"~o !hn p0 ca, h0~° allnw tha iull dovulopm~cnt af thr~ the Cit9~mn~ n~ the Clty of Anohalm, 4. Thet tho lth, ~sfoty, and gpqd~p( Wnlf~re af to tho Si'antir.g of the Condltlonel Uso Pe~~t under the condltlonE lmpoaed, iE nny~ will not be dmtrirnent~l Pecce, hoAlth, eatsty, ond goner~l welf~re of the Cltisen~ of the Clty ot Anehelm. 5. 7'har: thb pb'.i~:lnnar et~{pv].at~d ro pruv:[dtn e,. radwvod el+sc~~ ~Ia..;~ ch~ nortF bnund~er~ ~~~ b-fc~ot .,E.;1, -~, r,. %,~~J:'u~~: m~monr.~• wr~I]a~ +~Iur~g t.h~ norcl:rr•ly~•~ 3S~t'~:eat~~~.~~~~ ~+ ~, ~, ~ c, ~.,, 1l~k f~t:~r.~ w•!.";~:. t'c-et~ oi' ~~,~e~ecr. ~,.. 1~ fdr~ ot' ~:t.~'t~ J~i': P*'~+ er,. ~e w~rd.. t,~~.t:d~r•~~ Prapert~y, +~Y:~ ~r~ I9, P y, aud a1onK t:F« ,~,~,~yr.,yr~t~• 5Q feet o f' t i•~ a ., .,~ af hhd eirt~rl y y;~S w~, r ~ t~r~l f~et; oi' e,.r.b i g r-; p r a p~ r t::r' d~ epp~ d c lowYi t•i~ ,Y 1 47 ~'or~t: of t:l:~ nnrr} ~~u 3(l~.i,:~r:h iAl.~q{~ GQm,nr~y,c:~ d~~w~Zoz~~~,thpe~r~,,. ~ bocandei~y af r.i•~~ wt*et:er.1J L97 fna~ 01' ~s:~i~;~a,~r prop~rtg~, C1•G <. •...-,.:,.~,., _. . e ,..._ _._.__.. • 1• ~ ~ ~ rr;. :~;,', ,:~~.: ° ~,t~:; : • -;;t:P ~''r~,.y~, ~~p~... ~ ~~t.::, ~.:.~'. '~;.: S: ~;, Nc)W, 'L'IILRGFORI;, Iili l.T R~50LVED thaC the Anaheim Ciry Plnnning Commiesion does hereby gr.er~r s;~bject Petition Cor Condi.~l~nal Uae t'ermit~, upon C.he Lollowi.ng conditions which are l~~ereby L'uund to be a neceasary prereyuieite to tha propoaed use of the sub,ject property in ordFr G,~ preeerve th~ aef:ety and general welfare of the Citizens of the City ot Anaheim; ll) Thar Lhe owner(s) of sub j~ct property eh.all pay to the City oE Anaheim t~~e eum of $2.OQ per Lront Loot along Anahetm Boalevsrd for atreeC lighting purpoAes. (7.) ThaC the owtier(e1 c~f sub~ect property ehall pay tn the City oE Anaheim ~he sum of 1S~ per EYOnI• foot along An~'~eim Aoule~srd L-or tree plan~inII purposes, (3) 'fhat trash storage areae ehell be provi.ded Ln accordance with approved plana on f-11e with the office of the llirector of Public Worke. (4) 'Char. ~ire hydranka ehall be lnstalled as r~quir.ed and determined to be neceseary by rhe ct-ier of the 1'ire Depar.tment, (5) Thar all air canditioning tecilities shall be properly ahielded from vi.ew, and the sound buftered Irum ad.jacent u~es. (6) Tliat a percel map to r.ecord tt~e approved diviaion of eub,jecC property be auUcnit- ted co and approved hy the City ot Anaheim and then be recorded in the office of ehe Orange Covnty Recorder, l-) That suUJect property ehall be develnped aubsta:~tinlly ir~ accordance with plane aitd speci.Elcatiuns on File with the CiCy oL• Ar~aheim marked Gxhibit Nos. 1 and 2; provided, however, f:hel• the owner(s) ot' st,h,~~ct property sha11 provide A 6-Eoot high chain link Eence with redwood slet:s elong the north boLr,dar~r of tY;e easterly 145 feet of sub,ject property, end b-foot meaonry walls alon~ tlie norGherl~• 135 fee~ of tt~e west boundary of L•he easterly 145 Ceet of sub,jecC property, and along the easterl~ 50 feet of the north boundary of the wester.ly 197 feet of ~t~b,ject property, atepped down to e 30~•inch higl~ maaonry wall along the wegterly 147 Feet of the north bour.dary of the weeterly 197 :eet of sub~ect property, a~ de- picted on Cxhibit No, 3. (8) That Conditi.ott Nos. 1 and 2, above menti.oned, shall be complied with prior to the commencement of the eckivit5 aukhorized under this resolution, or prior to the time that the buildin$ permlt ia issued, or within a period of 180 days from date hereof, whichever occurs fixst, ur auch further rime as the Planning Commission may grant, (9) Ther. Condition Nos. 3, 4. 5, 6, ~nd 7, above mentioned, ahall be complied with prior to final buiZding and zoning inspections. THE T'URI.GUlN~ RESULUTION is aigned and approv by me thi 14th da,y of October, 1971. C I N ANAH.LI CT.TY PLANNING C.OMMISSION ATTEST; SECRLTARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COI~IISSION STATE OF CALIi'ORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) s4, CITY OI' ANAHEIM I, Ann Krebe, Secretary o:E ehe City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certif}* that the faregoing resolution was paased 9i1Cj adcpted at s meeting of the City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim, held on Oceober 4, 197I, at 2:00 o'clock P.M, , by the following vote of the member~ thereof: AYES; CO~ISSIONERS; ALLRFU. FARANO, GAUCR, HEKIiST, KAYWOOD. iJOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE. ABSFNT; COMMISSTONERS: RQWLAND, SEYl~IOUR. i . w ~ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 14th day of OcCober, 1971. C/~ ~~ SECRETARY ANAHEIri CITY PLANNINC COI~iiISSIOPd RESCLUTION N0, PC71-136 C2-G -2- r. ~