PC 71-202r y r ~ ; ~ ~~. ; ~ RESOI.U'CION N0, PC71-202 A RESOLU7'IQN Or THE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION OF T~IC CITY Or ANAI-IE1M THAT PB'fITiUN FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO,._?.~,7o BE GRANTEU WFIEREAS, the City Plnnning Commisslon of tho City of Anaheim dld rar,elve A veriEied Petitlon for ConditionFil , Uae Permit from MELO~Y~,~Np CFIRZSTIAN C~NTER, 10 ['reedman Way, Anaheim, California 92902, OwnerJ z,.~; PSYNETICS FOUNDATION, INC., BF.RNCLL L„ AUSMUS, EXLCUTIVE UIRECTOR, 1212 East Lincoln Avonue, Anaheim, Ca1i fornia ~2;~05, Agent, oE cer~ain real property situated in the City of Anataeim, County of Orange , State of California, doscribed as Lots 1, 2 and 3 of Tract No. 1120, as per ; map rerorded in book 41 page l.2 of Miscpllaneous Maps, in the offi.ce uf the county recorder of said county ' ; and WHEREAS, the City Plenning Commission did hold a public hearing at the City liall in the Cit~~ uf Anaheim on ; C~c tob e r 18 , 19 7 7, , at 2;00 o'clock P,M., notice of said public hearing having been dul , ~` law and in accordence with the provlcions of the Anaheim Municipal code, Chaptet 18,64, to hear a d cons der evid nce ; for and agair.sk sflid proposed conditlonal use and to investigate and make findirags and recommendations in connection ' therewith; and . . ~~ WEIEREAS, said Commiscion, after due inspection, investigation, and stndy made by itself end in its behalf, and ~' A after due consideration of all evidence and reports offered at said hearing, does find and determine the follow.ing facts: 1. That the p~oposed use is properly on~ foc which a Conditional Use Permit is authorized 'oy Code ; SECTION 18.64.020(1-b) to wit: establish ~ pre-school far the trainable and educable, mentally retarded i.n An existing cl~u:ch bu3ldirig. j~' 2. That the proposed use wi11 r,ot adversely affect the adjoining land us~s and the growth and develnpm~ant of ~ the area in which it is proposed to be located. , 3. That the size and shape of the site proposed for the use is adequate to H11ow the full development of ttie proposed use in d manner not detrimental to the parlicular area nor to the peace, health, safety, and qenerai welf;ire of the CitizEns of the City oE Anaheim, ~ 4. That the granting o( the Conditional Use Pertnit under the conditions irnposed, if any, wil! not be detrimental i t to the peace, health, safety, and generel welfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim. I 5. That the petitioner stipulated to a maximum of 75 students. t .. 2~ . ~ df:t C1-G _ 1_ ~ ,, ~. _""i4i~r:,"~qC,°~.,:. _.... ~ . . - W , NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RE50LVCd thet the Anahelm Clty Planning Commiaslon does hereby qrent eub)ect Petltion for Condltionel LJae Permit, upon the [ollowiiig conditlona which are hereby found to be a neceseary prerequleite to the propoaed use of the aub)ect property in order to preaerve the safaty and general welfare of the Cltizons oi the City ot Anaheim: (1) That trash eCorage areas shall be pcovide:l i.n accordance witl~ Approved pl&ns on file with the ofCice o[ the i)ireccor of rt~hlic 4lorlca, (,2) That all air conditi.oning Eacilities shall be praperly shielded from vtew, end the sound buffered fro~n ad,~acent pr.operties, (3) That ~he exisl•ing BLruCt~ire sha11 be brought up t~ the minimum standarda oL rhe City of Anaheim, including the Unlform Building, .Plumbinb, Eleclricel, liousing, rlechanLcal and rire Codes as adopted by the Ct.t.y of Atiaheim, ~ (4) Thal sub ject property ahall be develo ed subsl-antially in accardance wtth plans `;;~~ and apeciEicaeions on file with the City of. Analieim marked CxhibLr Nos, 1, 2, 3, end 4. ' ~J~ r i=`, (5) 'Chat Condition Nos. 1 2, ~, anci 4, Above mentioned, shall Ue complied wtth prior Go L•he commer.cemenl of the acl•ivi.ty au~horized under this resolution, or prior to ;'~r the time ehat the buildinb pexmir is issued, or. withln a period ot one year Lrom the daee ~. ~ hereof, whichever occure first, or such further ttme os the Plamttng CommissLon may granc, THE FORE~OING RESOLUTION is signed end approved by me(t is 2 8th day ~ F October, 19 71 . ~ , .~---.. CN• IRMA ANAHE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION ATTEST: SECRETARY ANAHEIM C1TY pLANNING COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) Sa. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Ann Krebs , Secretary of the City Planning Commission of the City ot Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted at a meeting of the Cicy Plenning Commission oE the City ot Anaheim~ held on October 18 , 1971 , et 2:00 o'clock P.M., by the folloKing vote of the members there~f: AYES: COMMISSIONER5: ALLRLD, FAP~ANO, HGRBST, KA`IWOOD, ROWLAND, SEYMOUR, NOES: COMMISSIONERS: hONE. ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: GAUGR. IN WITNESS Wf-IEREOF, I have hereunto sel my liand this 28th day of Uctober , 1971 . ~. ~ RESOLUTION N0. P C 71- 2 0 2 ` ~,.~C C2-G ~ ~ ~~ ~i'7'r/J'2.~", SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION - 2- , . . ~