PC 71-220} J RESOLUTInN NO,._.r.,_~?C71-220 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY PLANNINC3 CAMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM TNAT PETITIOId FQR VARIANCE N0, z Z 9~ HE DENIED WNEREAS, the City PlwnninQ Commiision of the City of Anahelm did receive e veriEled Petition for Verience from GRACE BAP'PIST CFIURCH, 25J0 Was~ La Palma Avc~nue, Anaheim, Cali£ornia ~2801, Ownerj I4YMAN ZANDGR, 6268 San tiarco C.i.rcle, L~uena Park, California 90G20, Agent oE certain real property situated in 1:he City of A,iaheim, County af Orange, StAto of California, describod as that portion oF the North ha.lf. ~f thQ North- ~;;~ wogt quar.te+- of the td~rthwest quarter of Soction 7, Townsliip 4 South, Range 10 ' Wes~, as s~.~d secti.on is shown on a Map recordec~ in Hoak 51, Pae~e 10 of Miscex- ~~'' laneous Maps , in t}-t~ o~ficca of: the County Recorder of sai.d County, descriLed as ~i' Eollows: Beglnning at a po.i.nt on the North line ~~~' said Northwe~:t quarter, ~~' fiG6.00 feet East oE t}ic~ Nor.thwest corner c~f thR Nor.tk~we~at quartcr o•E sa~.cl ',r Section 7; thence South Si;6.00 fee~ ~ ,. parall~.l with the l•Jest l.i.ne of said Sc~ction ,, ' 7; thence East 1F~0 feet parallel witli th~ North line of sai.d Sect.ion 7t thence ;' North 536.00 feet parallel with the I4est l.ine of. said :~er.tion to the North li.ne " or said Northwest quarfi.er.; thence West 180.00 feet alon~.i s;.id Nor. ~h line of ~: said Section 7 to the ~oint o:: beginniny; and ~,~ WHEREAS, tt~e City Planning Commiesion dld hold a public headng at the Clty Hall in the City of Aneheim on No~~ember 15, 1971 at 2:00 o'clock P.M,, notice of seid public hearing heving been duly gi;~en as required by lew end in aceordence with the provia~ona of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter 18.68, to hear end consider evidence for end ageinst said proposed vorience end to investiQete and meke findings and recommendations in connection therewith; and .. ;~~ WHEREAS, awid Commission, after due inspection, investigetion, and etudy mede by itself end in .tts behalf, and efter due cons~deratian of all evidence ond reports offered at said hearing, does find end determine the following fects: 1. That the petitioner cequests a veriancesErom the Anaheim Municipel Code: a. SECTIO'.V 1$.15.U20 - Permitl•ed buildinQs and uses in the R-A Zone. (Executive otL•ices proposed; office buildings not permitted) b, S~CTION _L8.16.050 2-a - Minimum lot area, (1 acre required; 7,800 square feet proposed) c, SECTION 18.16.050(2-b) - Min~mum lot width reguired (140 feet required; 60 feet proposed) d. SECTIO?V 18.40,070(4-a-i-a) - riinimum number of v~rking spaces (16 required; 10 proposed) e. Si:CTION 18.1~.05~~4_n) - A'~axim~.im hei~;ht, 5 feet permitted; 20 feet pro- posed) 2. That the petitioner has not submi~ted evidence to substantiate that ~ hardship existed. ~~~ 3, That approval of subject petition would estaUlish a uninue precedent, which could r, be perpetua~ed indetinitely, L•hereby making invalid the requirement that a hardship must be , ~~ proven whenever a variance is tiZed. ,~ 4. That there are no exceptional or e•r,traordinary circumstances or conditions applicable ;*~ to the property i.nvolved or to the intended use ot the property that do not apply generally to .'~ " the property or class of use in Lhe same vi.cini.ty and zone. '` ~ ?!~ V 1-D q ~ A ~~ -1- ~ `:~i ~ i f ~ 5. Tiiat thQ requpRted variance is not necessary fox• the preserveti.on and enjoyment of a subatantial property righe passessed by other property in th~ eome vicini.ty and zone, end dRnied to tha property ir~ queation. 6. That the requested variance will Ue materially detrimentel to the public welfare or in- ~urioue to the property or improvements in such vicint,ty and zone in which the pcoperty is locaCed. NOW, THEREFOkE, BE IT RESUL~~ED that the Aneheim City Planning Commission does hereby deny sub)ect Petition for Varience on the basls nf the aforementtoned findings. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is signed and approved by me his 2 4 th y o f N o ve mb e r, 19 71. ~ ~s~a, CHAIRMAN ANAHE M CITY PLANNING C.OMMISSION ATTEST: _ ; ~ , ~.5 - ~4 t "~ SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION ~~ STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) C7UNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF' ANAHEIM ) I~ ~ad~~A'sbs, Secretary oE the City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify tl~et the fore- gaing resolution was passed and edopted at a meeting of the City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim, held on N o ve mb e r 15 , 19 71 at 2:00 o'clock p,M, ~ by the foIlowing vote of the members thereof: AYES~ GOMMISSIONERS; ALLRED, FARANU, KAYWOOD, ROWLAND. NOES: COh1MISSIONERS: HERBST, Sr,i?10UR, ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: NONE, ABSTAIN: COMMISSIONERS: GAUER. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I heve hereunto set my hand this 24th day o£ N~vember, 19 ; 1. ~, ~ ~" ~ i:~~ RESOLUTION N0, p C 71- 2 2 0 V2-D ~~ sq, ~ ~ ~* SF.CRETARY ANAH IM CITY PLANNING COMINISSIQN -2- ~