PC 71-2384-. ~ . ~'_~. 4' ~ RESOGUI'ION IYO, Pc71-238 A RFSOi.UTii)N OF THG CITY AI.ANNING COMMISSION OF TNE C1''Y ~[' ANAHEIM TIIAT PETI'CION F'OR VARIANCE NO. 2313 BL GRANTED WHEREAS, the City Plann,ng Commission of the City of Anaheim did receive n veritied Petition for VArience from LG CHATCAU MA,JOK~A ANU TAX ADVISORS rUND, 410 South Cuclid Street, Suite 5, Ane~~Pin,, California 92802, Ownera; HLANC:IE Es, STItAND, 5ecretary-Treasurer Ta~; Adviac,:s i~ucic~ 410 'outh i~;ucli.d Street, Sut~e 5, ;'~ahpim, California 92a02, Agent oi cerrain real property situ- al•ed in r.he ~tty of. Anahelm, ounty o£ OranRe, State of California, deacribed as thak portion of Tract 613, as pPr map recorded in Baok 19 i~age 19 of miscellaneous maps, in the office of L•he ~.bunty itecorder. of said county, deacribed as follows; Beginning t,t th~ northeast corner of: said '~racr 613, said point being soueh 7° 15' sast 25,00 feet and nurth 97° 19' weat 20.00 Ceet Erom the interaection of tt~e centerlines of Placentia Yorba J31vd,a and the unnamed street on the eest af said tract as shown on the map thereof; rhence north 87 1~~' wwst 644,70 feeC; L•hence south 7~ 15' east 278,3~- feer; thence soutli 75° 20' west 202,59 feet to the true po;~it ~f bpb'.nni.i~~; thence couth 7° 15' east 1208.11 feet; to a point on r.,~ aouth line of said t:ract; thence south 73° 12' wes~ 603,G~+ feet to a point which is north 73° 12' east 2t3.4J feet from the souhhwest corner of sai.d tract; thence north 7° 15' west 1230,60 feet; thence north 75° 20' east 600.31 feet to t-he true poinL• oI beginning. Except the southerly 20 feet, as granted to the Count~ of Orange, Staee of California, for road purposes, by deed rECOrded i'ebr.uar.y 24, 1926 in Aook 626 Page 387, Deeds, records of sai.d Orenge Cuunty ; end WHEREAS, the City Plenning Commission did hoid a public hearing at the City Hall in tiie City of Anaheirn ' on December 13, 1971 at 2:00 o'clock F~.M., notice of said publ+c heaiing naving been duly given as required ~; by law and in accordance with the provisiuns of the Anaheim Municipel Code, C;hapter 18.68, to hear and consider ;' evidence Eor and against said proposed veriance ond to investigate and make findings end recommendations in connec- tion therewith; and j WHEREAS, said Commissi~n, efter due inspection, investigetion, and study made by itself end in its behelf, . and after due consideration of all evidence and reports offered at aeid hearing, does find and determin~r the follnwing ~ far.ts: 1. That the petitioner reauests a variance from the Anaheim Municip.' Code ds fol lows : 5L'~:~'~.;~.1 18,32.020 - Permitted uses in the R-3 Zone (Beauty shop proposed; aeuuty shops not permiLted), ~`; I'r 2. That lhere are exceptionpl or extreordinary circumstences or conditions ;+~ lacable to the property involved E, ~;or to the intended use of the property that do not a 1 ;'~ ~,end ~one. FP Y generally to the property o ass of use in the seme vicinity 11~ ~. 3. That the requested variance is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a substential property right ~'possessed by other property in the seme ~,~icinity and zone, and denied to the property in questior.. ;? i' 4. That the requested verianc~~ will nc,t be materially detrimenta! to the public welfare or injurious to the prop- ;'erty or improvements in such vicinity and zone in which the properiy is located. 5. '~'l,at approval of subiect variance shall no~ be construed as sptting a pre~edent £or ., ' ~ for similar• requesL•s, since rhe petitioner has indicaL•ed that the use proposed is not obtain- ? able L-or a disi:ance of several mil.es in any directior. 6. ~ilAC tne petitioner stipuiaked that the prop~sed ;~se would be fvr tenants oi the ex- g isting apartm~::;: complex and no efforl would b~ made to solic:~~ business outside of the con- ~,. ~ fines of t;:is complex. ~ V1-G „~r ; '1" ~~ ;: ) ) ~~~~-;:~, . ,. _ '~~~;~'~' NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED thet the Anaheim Citu Planning Commission doe~ horeby grant subJoct ~ Petltion Eor Veriance, upon the follawing c:ondltiona which are hereby found to bo e necossary prerequigite f.o the pco- S'?,: pose~: use of the subJect property ln order to preaerve the safety and gc~neral welfare of the Citizens af the Clty of ;„~,. Annheim: ~~ f,,. ~ ~~,-'~~` ~ w....`,. '~~; (1) That aub~ecl• properey sha11 be developed auUstantial~ly in coniormance wirh plana q,; and specifications on file with the City of Anaheim mariced Lxhibit Nos, 1, 2, and 3. '.,,-: ,. 4~,., (2) :hat the use shall be provided for eenants oF the exiating apartment complex only a; and that no advertieing aigns otl~er than a smell raall atgu ahall be permi~ted, i;~. ~,. .~~, (3) That there shall be a maximum of ~wo operators in rhe propoaed beauty sliop. , i ;; ` '~ ~r~! ~.~ ,f~ Ik~ ~,~ ~.a ~ k CA '~;! I 0 '" THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION ia ei ed end e roved b me thie '~ g" PP Y n 23rd day q~f December, 1971. ! `; i -~ /l i ',y: ~ -' I ''~' ;. /~ _. l~,iLtG'~~-L~ ''` CHAIRMAN ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMI ~SIVN ,'-~- ATTEST: ri M i , * [. ,a~x: ~~' -.~.~5~'~ ;.'; SECRETARY ANAHE M CITY PLANNING COMMISSION •.t ;'ti STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) `~ COUNTY OF ORAhGE ) ss, -' CITY OF ANAHEIM ) ,~ '~~ I, Ann firebs, Secretary of the City Planning f~mmission of the City of Anaheim, do hereby ccrtify that the £oregoi~g resolution was passed and adopteci at a meeting of the City Plar~ing Commission oE the City of Anaheim, %- held on December 13, 1971 at 2:0~ o'clock [~.M.~ by the following vc. : of L;e members thereof: ~,;' ~` AY~S: COMMIS$IONERS: ALI fir;U, GAUGR, HERBST, SE'~MOUR. x ;< ~; NOES: COMMISSIONERS: Ft. .~NO, KAYWOOD. F; i3 rF ABSENT: COl9MISSIOtIE. ~S: ROWLAND , IN WITNF:SS µ'HEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand th3e 23rd day of December, 1971. RESOLUTION NO. V2-G PC7i-238 SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION_~ _2. s .~p~ -,,, ~ , . .