PC 71-240RGSULUTiON N0, YC71~240 A RESOLUTION OF THE CI'TY PLANNING COh1MISSION OF THE CITY OF ANANEIM TNAT F~ETITION FOR VARIANCE NO, 23~ 6 F3~ GI~ANTEn WHGREAS, the City Planning Commission of the City of Anahe{m dld raceive a verifled F~etItian for Veriance (rom DUNN J'ROPCL~TIES COI:~ORATION, 2009 East Edinger Avenue, Santa Ana~ California 92702, Owi~er; NAR01J W, STRI;KLAND, 10361 Brightwood Drive, Santa Ana, Calif.ornia 92705, Agent af certain rea: property situated ~.n the City of An.aheim, County of Orange, State of California, de~ ~ibed as that portion of Lor 19 of Anahei.m ~xtension, as shown on a Map of Survey made by Wi..iam rtai~_: an•d filed in the office of the County Recorder of Los Angeles County, a copy of wh~.ch ~a recorded in Book 3, page 163 at~d following, entitled "Los Angelea CounCy Mapr~" in the oifice of the Recorder of Orange County, Call.fornia, described as followa; Parcel 3 as ahown on a r1Ap filed in Ilook 37, page 16 of Parcel Diapa in the of~ice of the Caunty Recorder of Ordnge Cuunty, Californi.a 1,~:. 1 ~y ' ',f i .~ , ,. ~ :z ~.i ~ '~ ; and i .'t ~,? WHEREAS, the City Plenninb Commission did hold n public heering at the City Holl in the City of Aneheim ;;: an DecemUer 13, 1971 at 2:00 o'clock P.M„ notice of said public hearing havirg been duly given es required ~„by law and In accordance wlth the provisions oE the Anaheim Municipel Code, Chapter 18.68, to hear and consider i;; evidence for and egainst said proposed variance ond to investigete and make findings end recommendations in connec- ~ ; tlon therewith; and ~` `' ~ WHEREAS, said Cummissinn, efter due inspection, investigation, and study mede by itself and in its behalf, ,''~ and after due consideration oE all evidence and reports oEfered at a~ald hearing, does find and determine the following ~j ? Eacts: „ ~ ~~ "' 1. That the petitioner requests a variance from the An~+heim Municipal Codeas follows: ' SEC'iION 18.52.020 - Permitted Uses (~.etail sales not permitted; retail sales proposed), :~ ~ ,~:, k ~ , !` p _~- ~~ 2. That there are exceptional or extraordinary circumstences or conditions epplicable to the property involved r to the intended use of the property that do not apply generally to the property or class of use in thu same vicinity nd zone. 3. That the requested variance is necessary fot the preservation and enjoyment of a substantiel property right ossessed by other property in the seme vicinity and zone, and de~iied to the property in question. 4. That the requested va~iance will no4 'ne meterinlly detrimental to the public welfore or injuriou~ to the prop- rty or improvements in yuch vicinity and zone in which the property is located. 5. '~'hat the petiti.oner stipulated there would be no shop work or modifications oP motor- pcles on the premises. 6. That the proposed use would be orily incidental to the primary use, namely, a mail order upply house of motorcycle supplies, 7. That the existing sidewalk waiver on the site si~oulC remain in effect sinr.e a sidewalk ould encourage more retail sales than incidental sales in conjunci:ion with the primary use. * +Va_G .~ 1::~, _~_ _~ , ~ i: ! ) ' NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RGSOLVED thet the Anaheim Clly Plenning Commisalon dons hereb ,; . Petition for Varienco, upon the following conditione+ whlch ate hereby found to bn a necoasacy prerequisit~e~to he prot {~ased use of the subjact property in otder to peeserve the eaEety and genetal wolfero of the Cllizens of the Clty of Anaheim: (1) That subject pruperty eha'11 be developed eubatantielly in accorc.ance with plana ~ and apecifi~ationa on fil.e wihh the City of Anaheim, marked Exhibit Na. 1. (2) That there shall be no ehop work or modificati.one of motorcycles on the premises, as stipulated to by the peril•Loner, ~ THE FOREGC-ING RESOLUTION ia signed aad apacoved by m~ t is 23rd day of December, 1971, ~; ~ ~ ; ~ -- ; ~ CHAIRMAN ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING GOMMISSION ATTE:ST: I ~~ ~ SEC;F'ETARY ANAH CITY PLANNING COAMMISSION ; STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUrxTY OF ORANGE ) ss. I CTTY OF ANAhEIM ) I I, Ann Krebs, Secretary of the City Planning Commissi~n of the City o: Anaheim, do hereby certiEy that the faregoing resolution was passed and adopted at a meeting of the City Planning Commission of the City of Annheim, held ~~n December 13, 1971 at 2:00 o'clock P.M., by the following vote of the menbers th~reof: I AYES: CQMMIS9IONERS: ALLRED, FARANO, GAUER, HGRBST, KAYWOOD, SEl'PIJUR; i NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NON~ . I ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: RO'WLAND . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I havo hereunto set my l~end this 23rd day of December, 1971. ~, . ~ ~ ~~~ . `' SECRETARY ANAHEIM.CITY PLANNING COMMISSIO RESOLUTION N0. p~71-240 ~ , ~ V2~G -2- il ~k: ~~ ~. . . -~~I~...._....~~ ..... .... ...... _...__~.....JIWr~ r. ... _~ .~.. .:t,y ._ I ~ " - -- ~,~I+r~e~ r ~ ~ ~ . G ' _ . ~" ,