PC 71-2431 RESOLUTiON N0, PC71-243_ A RESOLUTION OF THE CI'I'Y PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CiTY OF ANAHEIM RECOMMENDING TO THE CITY COLINCIL OF THE C1TY OF /-NAfiEIM THAT YETlTI4N FOR RECLASSIFICATIOIV N~, J1-72~23 Bl:, APPROVED WHEREAS, the Citp Plenning Commisslon of the Clty of Anaheim did receive e verified Petition for Raclassifice- tion frort~ HAI`.OL,D D, STEVENSON, 916 South neach Boulevard, Anah~~i.m, Califor.nia 928Q4, and 1-11:I:13LRT J. BCI,StIE, 9781 Royal Palm Floulevard, Garden Grove, California 92641, Owners of cert;Ain ree?. pr~per.ty situated in the Ciey of Anahetm, Counly of Orange, State of Cali•- fornie, described as thet port•ion of l•I~e Sourh helE oL tt~e snuthweat quar~er of the south- west qaartar of Section 13, Township 4 South, Range 11 West, in the Rancho Los Coyotes, a9 pe1~ map reco;d~d in boolc 51 page 11 of Miscellaneous Maps, in the office of the county recorder of sai.d count~, lying westerly of the follawing described line: Beginning at a poi.nt on L•he ~;outh line of seid Section 13, ea~terly 464.20 Eeet [rom the southwest corner of sa3.d :;ecL•ion 13; thenc.e North 660.18 feet along a line parallel wil•h the Weat line uf sr~id Section 13, to the North line of the South half of the souGhwest yuarter of the south- west quarler of sald Section 13. GXCIsPT the northerly 235.52 feet thereof. ALSO ~XCEPT ~he ;~outherly 235.52 Le~C rhereof, ALSO EXCLPT that portion thereof deacribed in a deed to the at9Ce of Calffornia recorded AugusC 23, 1951 in book 2220 page 936 of Official Fecorda. ALSO ~XCE1'T that portion thereof lyi.ng southerly af the northerly 94.00 feet an3 westerly of the easterly 1~f2.00 feel:. ; and ~~ * ~ WHEREAS, the City Planning Commissinn did hold a public hearing at the City Hell in the Cir• .~-~~eim-on ;'ecember 13, 1971 et 2:U0 o'clock P.M. notice oE said public hearing havir.g been duly giver =~- ~•,q~yr~! by law and ln accordance with the provisions of ti:e Aneheim Municipal Code, Chepter 18.72, to hear end •ccm~~~er e•ad'ence for and egeinst said proposed reclaasification and to investigate and make findings end recominendaCime~. -~ ccsmre~tnon therewith; end WHEREAS, seid Commission, after due inspection, investigation, and study made by itseU ~;ni :a-its fir+helf, end efter due consideration of ell evidence end report:; ofEeced at said hearing, does find and determine~:»~firltow.ing fects: 1. That the petitioner proposes e reclassification of the above described property from the , ..~RT.CULT~JP,AT., ZONI: to the C;-1, G~Pd~RAL ~~OI~IIvIERCI~L, Z~~NE, 2. Tliat ttte pt;oposed reclassifica~tion is in conformance wit~: thc la>>cl ~u~ ~i~esignntions of ;:~;e '-eneral Plen. 3. That the proposed reclesaification of sub~ect pccpect~ is necessary a~~l.!^• ~iPsira~fle tor the orde~ly and pro- per development of the c:ommunity. 4. Thet the proposed reclessification of subject property a]oes properly relete to the zones and their permitted uses locally established in close proximity to subject property an+;~ to the zones end thair permitted uses genec,ally estab- lished throughout the community. 5. That the proposed reclassification of sau}nject ~aroperty requires the dedicatlon and improvement of abutting (streets/alleys) in accordance wi.t_h the Circulation Element c~f rr~e General Plan, due to the anricipated i.nc:rease in traffic, which will be generated by t}ae inrensification o:E land use. 6. That the proposed reclassiFicae:Lon is ~r. conformance wi~t: a condition ot approval of Conditior~al Use Permit IVo. 1227, K-A .1_ . :,,:~ ~ ~. I ~ NdW~ THERE~ORE, BE IT RESOLVED that th~s Anahe9m Clty Plannlna Commleeion does heceby recommend to the City Councll of the City ot Aneheim that eu~>ject Pet~tlon for Reclaeslffcation bo wpproved and, by eo doing, thet 'Title 18-Zoning of the Anahalm Municlpal Codn be emended to exclude the above deecrlbed p~operty from the lt-A, A~ItICUL'CUt2AL, 7,ONE and to incorpor~~p said described p~~operty into the C-1, GEN~RAL CCTMr1~RCIAL, 7.UNI; upan•~tt~ #'ollowing cnn~l~.tfons~ which are hE~reby found to be a necessary prerequisi.le to the proposed use of sub~ect pr~~perty in oxder eo preserve khe safety and general welLare oE the Citizena of the Ci~y of Anaheim: (1) Thal• ttie sidewalks ahald, be insta.lled on Parcel 2, along }3each Bou?.evard, as re- quired by Lhe Ciey rn~ineer and a.+n ~~:cordance with a~andard plana and specitirationa on ti2e in the ot[ice of the City L~gir,eer. (2) ThaC etreet l,ighting f.acilikies along I3each tiouleverd shall be inatalled as re- quired by the Director c~ n~,~.~lic UtiYiti.e~.t ~nd in accordance with atandard plans and speci- fi.cations on Lile in the o[f.ice o~,' the Director of Public UL•ilities and that e Uond in an emount and Eorm satistacrory to t.he City of Anal~eim shall be posted wil•h the City t:o guar- anl•ee tho install~tion of l•lie al-ove mentioned requirements. (3) Tl~at ehe owner(s) of subject properk,y shall pay ~o the City oE Anaheim the aum of 1.5G per front £oot on Yarcel 2,:along Beach lioulevard, far L•re~ planl•ing purposes, (4) That sub~ect properr.•y s1;a11 be eerved by underground uti.lities. (5) Prior to the inl•ro~uctior oi' an ordinance rezoning aubject property, Condition "us. 2 and 3, ab~ve meneionFd, shal.l be completed, The provisi.ona or righta granted by thi.s resolution shall become n!all and v~aid by action of ~he Cil•y Council unless said con- dLti~~a~ are comnlied wikh wikhia ].80 days from the date t~ereof ar such further Cime as thP City Council may grant, (6) That Cottdi.tion No, 1, aUove menCioned, sha11 be cnmplied with prior to tinal building and zoning inspeckiona.. (7) That subject properky sh811 be d~veloped suUstantially in accordance with plans 811C~ speci~icattons c~n file wi[h L.ly~ Ci~y of Analieim marked ~xhibit No. 1, 'CHE FOREGOING RI'sSOLUTDON is signed and approved by me thi 3rd day of December, 1971. '/` .~~V~~~~ CHAIRMAN ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION AT.TEST: SECRETARY .".;;,;;y~1M CITY PLANNING COMMISSION STATE t~F CALIFORNIA ) COUNTX OF ORANGE ) ss, CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Aan Krebs, Secretary of the City Planning Commission of the City o[ Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoi~tg resolution was passed and adopted at a meeting o: the City F'lannin~ Curtimis ,ion of the City of Anaheim, held on December 13, 1971 at 2:00 o'clock P.Nf,, by the Eollowinq vote o[ the members thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONGRS: ALLR~D, FARt1N0, Gr1UER, HERBSf, KAYWOOD, SEYMOUR, ' ~~t ~ COMMISSIONERS: COMMIS~IONERS: IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this RESOLli fION N0. 23rd day of December, SECRETARY ANAHEIM PLANNING COMMISSION ~ rv