PC 71-247a~~~; ~~~.~- ~,~~. , ~~~~ ~,~~.: ` 'y~~i ~,~,. w, ,,'1'. '~ ,' • ,, , ,, ~; ~~ ~ RG50LUTI0[V NC. PC71-247 A T:ESGi~UTTON OI~ T1~li. ANAHr'IM CITY PLANNING COMMI.SSION RIsGOMh1ENbING TU THG CI7.^I COUNCTL Or TkIF C 1.'CY OF ANAHE.TM A STRI.LT NAMF FOR A PORTION Ol~ SANTA ANA CANYON itOAll WTTI3IN `Tlll, ANAHL:TM CTTY LIMITS TU ~3E CNANGLC; 'TO VALLEY F~)RGE DR1VI; ~dNE12EAS, Sar,ta Ana Ca~7;~on ;toad f.ormerly er.tended from Tustin Avenue easterl; h~yond mperie'1 Highway; et~d WHGR(:A5, upu~~ the c~natruction uf the Newporl- rreewa,y, a remnant porti.on of Santa Ana Canyon Road remairied wester'ly oF the f.reeway right-of-way; and WHt;P.EAS, approv~al of Tract No. 5222 for development with multiple £amilv developmenL- also includPd ~pproval of a str~eC that would abut the treew~y rigtit-of-way extend.ing I'rom the present lerminus of saLd Sanla Ana Cenyon ltoad to Tustin Avenue on thF nc~rth and to conlinue tlis nomenclature of Senta Ana Canyon Roed would create two intersectiona of 5anta .ana Canyon ','.oad and Tuetin Avenue and could create location problems for emergency ~~ehi.cles; and WI;E;REAS, tl~e City Planning Commission did hold a public hearing at the City 1-iall in Cl~e City oE ~1nahEim on llecember 13 and December 29, 1971, at 2:p0 o'clock P,M,, notice ot said public hearing tiaving beea ciuly given as required by law and in accordance with tF~e provisions of the Anaheim Municipal code, ~o hear and consider e~~tdence for And againat said propoaed street name change and to investigate and make tindings and recommendations in corinect.io,i therewith; and WHLRLAS, t~ai.d Commission, after due inspection, investigetion, and stud}~ mede by ik- self:' and in ita behalf, and after due consideration of all evidence and reporLS offered at said hearing, does find and determine the Following facts: 1. Tt~at opposition was expressed to Che original name proposed nf Riverport Drive by residents of this general area due ro the similar:Lty in name to Riverdale tlvenue. 2. That the City Council on December 21, 1971, approved the finel map of Tract f'o. 5222 and, at Lhe same time, approved the street name, Valley Forge Drive, for thak portion of the street within the tract. 3, ml-~at si.nce ehae portion of Sante Ana Canyon Road preseiitly being considered for street name change would be an extension of the aforementior..ed street within Tract No. 5222, it would appear logicel to extend the street name [o thst portion of Santa Atia Canyon Road now being considered. UOW, THFRErORE, BE IT RESOLVED, th~t the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby recommet;d to the Cil.y Council of the Ci~y of Anaheim a street name change for Santa Ana Canyon Ro~d within the c:ity limits and extending from approximately 500 feet east of Tustin Aven~e to it's present eerminus on the west side of the Newport Freeway be renamed Valley rorge Drive on the ba~is oF the foregoing findir.gs. 'I'I~E 1~OTtCGOING F.F;SOLUrION is signed and approved this u•h day of January, 1972. ~ ~'v~'~'`~ CHA RMAN ANAHGIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION AT7'EST: ~^ G SI'CR~;TARY ANAH~T. CiTY PLANNING COMi~II~SION STATE Or CAI.IPORNIA ) CC)UNTY OF OP,ANGE ) ss, CITX OF ANAHEIM ) ~ y'~ I., ~r:r, Krebs, Secretary of the City Planni.ng, Commission of the City of Anaheim, do hereby ';~. cert:ify tf;at Lhe foregoing resoZution was passed and adopted at a meeting of rhe City Plan- ~., iiing Commisrion of t~~~ "it.y of Anatieim, held on December 29, 1971, at 2:00 o'clock P.M., by 'i r~; tt;e L-ollowing vote o~ members thereof; AYES: COMMLS:. ~•~~.VI;EtS; ~1LLRGD, FARANU, GAUBR, HERBST, KAYWO~~, SEYMOUR, , ;:~ NOLS: CUr'AIISSIONI:RS; NONE. ~~ A.BSENT: CONIl~'fISSIONERS: ROWLAM), * ~ ?;f Ii~T WITNESS 4JHERGOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 6th day ot• January, 1972. t'h~ .,1 x J. ,. I;4~ S~ R AF,Y ANAHEI C TY PLt1NPItNG COMMZSSION ~ M1