PC 71-39~ RESOLUT~t~~ NQ. PC71-39 '' . ~ A RESOL'JT10N OF TEiE Cl'I'Y PLANNING CnMMISSION OF' THE CITY OF ANAHEIM TFIAT PETITION FOR CONIQITIONAL U5E PERMIT 1226 BE r1PPROVGD ~ ~ ~~ w ~ WHEREAS, the Clty Plenning Commiseion of the Clty of Andhoim dtd receive a voriEled Petltion tor Con• dltional Use Permit from JOCL L~SdIS, ,?R., 19i52 Lar.lcrldge, Yorba Linda, Califor.nia 92686, Ocaner; URANCO INDUSTRIAL PROPCRTIES, DUN C~IRSON, 4332 Gast [~a E~a1mA Avenue, AnahQim, California 92806, Agent of cerCain r.eal property aituated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, ~'• State of California, describEd i.n Gxhibit "A" aetached hercto and referred to herein aa though aet f.orth in Eull, ; ar.d WHEREAS, the City Planning Commisslon did hold e pi~hlic hearing at the City Hall in the Clty of Anaheim on March 8, 19~1, at 2;00 o'clock P,M., notice of said public hearing having been duly given as required by law and in accordance with the provisions of the Anaheim M unicipel code, Chapter 18.64,to hear and consider evidence for and egeinst said proposed conditional use end to investigate end make findings end recommendatlons in connectlnn therewith; and WHEREAS, seid Commission, after due inspection, investigetion, and study made by itselE end in its be- half, end after due consideration of ell evidence and re; orts offered at seid hearing, does find and determine the following facts: 1. That the proposed use is properly one for which a Conditionel Use Fermit is euthorized by Code: Section 18.52.050(1-a) to wit: estat>li~h a r.owing service ar~d impau~nd yard in the M-1, 'Lighr Tndustr.ial, 2une with waivers af: a. SECTION 18.52.060(2••a-1) - Minimum required landscaped setback. ~5 Feet pr.oposed; 50 feet requi.red). b, SECTIOI3 18.52.060(3-b) - R_equirc.d 6-foot maaonr_y wall. (The eppli.caat is proposing a chainlink fence). 2. That waivers, 1-a and 1-b, above mentioned, ar.e hereby tempurarily granted for a period of two years and 90 days fram da~e hereof on the basi.s that the petitioner hae stipulated to developing in accordance with the Site Developcrent Standards of rhe M-1 Zone within said time perind. 3. That the proposed use will not adversely affect the adjoining land uses and the growth and development of the area in which it ia proposed to be located. ~+. That the size and shape of the site proposed for the ~ise is adequate to ~11ow the fu11 development ot the proposed use in e mamier not detrimental t:o the particular area nor to the peace, health, safety, an@ g~ eral welfaze of the Citizens of the ciry of Anaheim. 5. That the granring of the conditional use permit under the condtkions impcsed, if any, will not be detrimental to the peace, health, safety, and ~eneral welfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim, 6. That the Planning Commission has determined r.hat it would be unnecessary and undesirable to require the immediake installation of the off-.site improvements on this property as required under the re~olution of intent for M-1 zoning since development has not occurred on any of the a3joining properties in the area. 7. That the Plannin3 Commission recommends ~.hat the City Caunci.l grant a temporar~ waiver of installat.ton of street improvements and street lighting facilities required und~r Reclassification No. 70-71-5, and instzad require that a bond be posted to insure that sa•Ld impravements slialY be installed within a pesiod of two years and n.inety days from date hereof or upon demand by the City Engin~er whtchever occurs first. 8. That the petitianer stipulated that the propoaed opera~.ion would be a towing service and impourd yard and would nnt be a wrecking or auto salvage and dismantling yard, and that ttiere would be no stacking of vehicles on the property. 9. That two persons appeared, and two letters were received in opposLtion to waivers requested. . _. ~ . ~ . ,_ ,,, , i .~. "c`-"~ ian,.....~.~...~.... .- ~. A ~ JCrT, Llr,ldIS, -;;cnan~ ~ . J~, and I:L S"'~J~ ]CAX ].~£:WxS, husb~.nd ~nd ~-~.fe, as ~oint- ' . .k1 '. ~.~_ I ~...._. ... _.. _ . '1'hc lai~~~l rcfcrrcd to i~i lhis report is situated in tl~c Statc of Culiforni;i, Counly of nnd is descril~cci 1s follo~ti~s: Oran~r~ . ~„~,us,~ '1.'flc'i~ ;~OT'L"LO11 Of :1 ~c1I'CC]. O~ ],1rid ~.~t)C].Cd ~ZOSf:I ~'02'b1 ~.:1,3 ~1CI'Cu~ Ori Z i,;.1~ ~ho~•rir.~; paz~t;it:i.on o~' Lhe A1. Xorba rctate:i reeoz~decl xn boolc 1, p1~;c~ 27, ~ o; ~ ecorcl oS' Stu~veys in the office of the'Coun~:y Recorder of said Oran~e Count;y, de;;ca.•ibecl a.~ t'o1lo,vs: ~3e~inninF; ~L• a Point on the ?~or. thr,r].,y cxL~:n~1on of thc Sde~terXy 1~.nc of sa.td Ro~a ~'orb~, p~recl ti~lest 3U fecL i'rorr, Lhe North~•resi; corner of Hloclc B 01.' Yorb~~,~ a;; ,hot~rn on a m1p thcreaf reeordeci in boolc 31, pa~c ~~ tdi.seel- laneou:~ }~;c:cor. ds of LoU /ln~eles Count;y, Calii'ornia; thcnce South ~2° 16 - 20" F?~'~st 71~.].9 ,fceL- r~1on~; ~he ldorther~ty line of 131oc1c I3; t-hence Sou~h 3° 4J.t 5'l" WesL• 1UG5.~~ i'cet- Lo L-he t;x~uc ~~otnt oi' be~;innin~; ~hence Sout;h 30 1~~' 57" j•lcr~t 3Go Sect; L-t~ence I4ortl~ II2° 16' 20" ZdeNt, 60~.~~ fcet to sa3.d ~~!c~sterly J.1ne of thc Fto~a Yorba parcel; Lhencc rr~r.tr, 0° 36t 50" 19e;:L, 3G2. 8G fee~ a1onG s~~xd t9c~l;erly l:Ine to a point 10711.83 S'ee~ Southerly from the ~~o3.nL hcre3.nl~efore described a~ ti~1esL- 30 feet from ttie North~•,est- corncr of I~1ock I3 oi' Yorba; ~liencc South 82° 1G+ 20" ~as~9 636.93 1'ec:L• L-o tihe point of bc~j.nriin~. L"Y.CI;YT]:A1G '1'il1:RI;I~~}~pt.t tiy~~1L pori;ian thc~•caf descri~cd as folloti~rs; IIe~inni.i~F; at ~hc 1doz~Lhwe~t cori~cr o; ;;hc land described in Lhe clcecl t~ 1i~;nz~y ;~i. CoaL•~, eL ux., recorded .T~tnu7ry 13, ].9~17 in Uoolc 111G~, ~a~,e 323, Ufi'icl.al Records; thencc~ Sou.th ~32° 1G~ 20" Is'zs~, a~.on~ L-he 1~Torth l~.nc~ of Lhc land t;o Coats, 636. )v Teet of the A;ortha~cl; coz~ncr Lhez~eo~'; ~:hence rout;h 3° 41 ~ 5`I" ti'~e~t. alon~; the ~~sterly line of said l~~ncl to Co~i; ~, 1C3,6G fee~; tio th~ SouL-he~~st-erly cornez• o~' the land de:~crl.t,ed 3.n thc: c2eccl to Sevcr~.~u~o G. J'~,nene7 nnd ~~r~.~'c, recoxded Ji~].~ 2, 1959 in book 117f32r paE;e 333, Offic:S.al I~ecords, t:hence ~].on~_L•hc SouLhcrly •~~ J11 ~a ~.';.r, r ~' ` ~`'~cr .~~~'' f -. r . c, , , p~•~1 r;~ . c~ ' ,~ , , f , --C01'lt~.l'lUC'Ci-• c tr~c' ,~: :C ~o~ ~ `~~ n~ . ~{~~`'A~` .3 ~' r ;~, ~ U~'~i.), ~ :,~. 1'[:i~;~'~`I~~' ?11~) ~' ~ ~ `" ;;~~,r;•''.•~>' ,~-'~ t~•t~r~.~• (a.e,.) ~ ~ ~ t• a~•• ti CI.TA ~'irlltnlnnry Tloport Totm tp1 '~~ / `------~-~--..`...«-.......,.,,..~(;~~ ~ .~,,,~ J . - y? / J Cl,•'. ~y2 r l:tnQ of c;;~ict land o~` Jim~enez and it~ l~lc~tcrly prolon~;aL-1on PJorth B?_° 1Gf 20" 1~r'est, 6U~I.5~I fcet Lr the t,resl;erly line of Lhe land o,f Coats; ~hence Pdorth 0° 3~' >0" lJest- ~1ori~ aa.:f.d 1~1ea~eray line, 1G~,00 feet Lo the point- oi' bcF;innir-~ . 1307'3s': 5a1d l~~nd is dc~~~,•lbed on the CounL-y Tax A~~cc~menL 2to11 ror tihe £~.~cr~]. ycur 1970-71 ~4 A. p. No. 7f.-190--3G; CA a0--0~.0. ~ ,.%.';, ~ ~';.~, ~ _~, NQW, THERI;FOR~, Ai: }'1' RESOLVF.D that the Anahe ~ Ci~y Planning Commission doe~ t~ereb,y gxAnt aub,ject PRt~.tion ~or Conditional Use Permit, upon the Eo ].lowing condit•lona wh:icli are hereby Founcl to be a necessary prerequiait-e to tlle propased uae of the aub~ect proper.l•y in oi~der to preserve the safety and ~eneral welfare of the Citizene af the City of Anaheim; (]) That tl~ie Conditional Uae Permit ia granG~d eub;~ect to the compleeion o£ Recl~eaificAtion No. 70-71-5, n~w pending, provided however, tliat for puxpuses af h~ving an ordinance en~cted to r.eclasaify Rub~ac t property to the M-1 , T,IGHT. INDI7STRIAL, 7.ONE the poa t ing of n bond in a form and amount sntiafactory to r.he City af Annheim to insure inskallati.on 4f the atreet improvementA and eCreet 1iRhting .acili. ties within a per:lod of two (2) years niid ninety (90) dnya fram dste hereof or. upon demand by the City, whichever occurs £irst, sha11 be Condition Nos. 2 and 3 of Clty Counc:l~. Raso].ut~lon No, 701t-420 (fteclaoaiPication No. 70-71-5). (2) Thnt traeh storAge xreas shal:t be prov~ded in accordance c,~ith approved ~~',ane on file with tlle office of t11e Director ~~{ 1'ublic Wurks, (3) The fi re liydrants shFll be installed as required nnd determined to be ztecessary by thc~ Chief of the Fire Depurrment. (~~) That all ai.r conditi.oning facilities shall be nroperly shielded from view and the sound buffered fr~m ad~acent prapertiea. (5) That ttie existing structure shall be brought up to the minimum stundards of the (:ity of Anat~eim, including thr Uniform IIuiJ.din~;, Plumbtng, Glectrical, houaing, rlechanical and Pire Codes as aclopted by the City of Anaheim. (6) TI~At e ub~ect property shat l be developed aubstantially in accordance with plans and apecifications on file with the City of Anat~eim marked Exl~ibic Nos. 1, 2, 3, and 4. {7} That Cvndition Nos. 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6, above mentioned, shall be compli ed wi.th prior to the commencemen uf the activity aurhorized under this resolution, or px~tor to the time thAt the building permit is iss ued, or within a period of 180 days from the date hereof, whichever occur9 first, or such further l•ime as the Planning Commission may gr ant. (8) That al1 site development standards of the M-1, LIGHT TNDUSTRIAL, ZON~ s h sll b e complied wi th wi th in a pe riod of. two ( 2) years and ninety ~90) days from 3ate hereo f, as s tipulated to by ~:he p e ti Cioiier; said de~~~lopmenk standards shall include a 6-foot masoi-ry wa11 enclos ing Che vehicular storage area and impound yard; removal of the existing and any new structure must comply with the required 50-f.oo t set.back from the ultimate right-of-way of Lakeview Avenuz; installation af all street improvements and street lighting faci~ities; and any other requirement of the M-1 Zon~. TH~ FOP.EGOIIVG RESOLUTION is s:.gned and approved y m° this 18t1i day o~ March, 19 71, I~'` _ ~~ ~~ ~ ATTEST: ANAH~IM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSTaN STATE OF CALIFORNTA ) COliNTY OF O RANGE ) s s. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Ann Krebs , Secretary of the City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was passed and a~lopted at a meering of the City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim, held on Mar ch 8, 1971, at 2:00 0' ClOCIC P.M. , by the following vot~ of the members the reof: AYES : COMMISS IONERS : NOES : COMMISS ZONERS : ABSENT: COMMISSI~NERS: Allred, Farano, Gauer, Herbst, Kaywood, Seymour, Rowland. None. None. IN WITNE5S WHEREOF, I have herPunto set my hand this 18th day of March, 1971. SECRETAIt~C RESOLUTION N0. 71-39 .T"! CITY PLANNING COMMIS5ION ~ ~.