PC 71-72RESnLUTION N0, ._. ~'~- ~1" ~2 A RESOLUI'ION OF TIiE C1TY PLANNING COMM1SS10N OF 1'1{E CITY pF ANAHETM THAT PE'I'ITION FOR COMDITIQNAL t1SE PERMIT NO...JL~.~_ BE GRANTEU ~~ ,~ . ~ ~ ~: WFiEREAS, thc Clty Planning Co:nmisslon of the (;ity o[ Anahe;m dld rocelve e ve~iEf~d F>eti~tion Eor C:on~liti~~neii Use Permit from 7.ION F.VAl1Gl;LTCAL LUTHGRAN GHURCH, 1l8 North Cmily SPreet, Anah~i.rn, CaliLornia 92805, (?wner; ARTHUIt W, GRAY, ,YR. , 914 West Lincoln, Anaheim, Cel! forniA 928fi5. l~gent of certeln real prore~rty situated in rhe City a£ Anaheim, County of Otenge, StF,te of (;alifornia, dcecrlbed as Parcel ]; Iieginning At the NorCheaet curner of Lat 1.n lltoc'k F of. ~he Re- subdivisir,n of I~lock r, Vi,neyard Lot D3, as ~howc~ on a Ma~ af 5urvey r.ecor~ed in ]3ook 1, page 24 01 Record ~~C Surveys in the office of rhe County Recorder of Orange Co~anky~, runniag thence Weskerl.y rilonK the Souther.ly ltne of Ctiartreo Str.eet 96 Ceet to the Northwes~ c~irner oC Lot 2 i.n sAid Block F; thence So~.tt•herly along the Weaterly ]ine of said Lot 2, 90 feet ta a point; ~hence Gae~:erly pArallel to the Southerly line uf Chartres St~~eet 96 feet to a}eolnt an the (.as~ line ~f 1,01- l. ot' seId E31ock F, and un the Westerly line oE Hedwig, Street.; tf:e~ce Norlh- erly alon~.; ar~id La3terl.y ltr~e of said Lot 1 in Block F, 80 feeG to the poin< <~t be}rinning, Parrel. 2: Lots ~, 4, and 5, in Iilock F of the Resubdivisi.on of Bloc~c H~, Vinr.yard ?,ot D3, as shown ori a map of survey recorded in Dook 1, pa~e 24 of RecoY•d oF Surv~eys, in the oLFice o.£ rhe (:ounly kecorder of Orange County. ; and W1iEREAS, the Clty Planning Commisston did hold a public hearing et the C3ty .F{al! in thP City ot Anaheim on ~pr i l. 19, 1971, at 2:Op o'clock P.M., notice oE said public hearing havinq been duly given as required by lav, end in ,• curciance with the provisions of the Anaheim Municipa! code, Chapter 18.64, to hear an9 consider evidence f~~r ~,nd agai~,st said pruposed conditional use and to investigate and make findings and recommpndations in connec:tion 'tfF+•~with; and WHF.REAS, said Commission, After due inspection, investigation, and study made by itself and in its behalf, and s~fter due consideration of all evidence end repc+tts offered at said hearing, does find and determine the following facts: 1. That the proposed use is properly one far which a Conditional U~e Pcrmit is authorized Ly COde~ 5Pr_LlUli L8.64.02(1(1-f) to wit; 'fo permit a privste hiAh school In an existinY churrh complex wtLh waiver uf; ~ECTI(1N 1~i.04.030(h-5) - Minimum cpyutrec) parktiig, (l~i spaces reqi~i.rr..~]; I, s ~ces proposecl) , 2. Thet the propused use will nut adver~ely atfect the adj~~ining I~nd uses ~~n~l the Rrowth aml ~Iev,rlnp,nF•nt uC the area in which it is p~oposed to be located. 3. Thet the ~ize and shape of the ~ite proposed fnr the use i~ ecleyuate t~~ ellow thc full clevelopment ot the proposed use in a mauner not detremF~ntel to th~ patricula~ area m~~ tn tlie pPace, h~alth, safety, an-i t;eneral w~lfaue of the Citizens ~~f the City r, Anr+heim. 4. 'Chat the R~anting of the Conditional Use F~ermit undec the conditions impused, if anv, will nol I~c ~le~rimental to the peace, health, sofety, end gPneral wetfare of the ri~izens nf the City nf Anaheim. ~. 'i'liat t:l~e petiti~,nQr gtipiiLarp,l tci pr.o~~irlinN a~IP.r~11Aln ~~~f-RI1'PPP 4~:1~1-~~~,~ sl~~,~~lii the six ot~-sil•e spaces prove insu{Cicient. 6. 'fhat the petitioner stipiilated to terminating this use on or before January 1, 1974. 7. That two persons appeared in opposirion to waiver of the minimum required parking. C1-G .1_ ~ ~ ~ i ; _. N014, fI~iLKE:P'UR~, $E IT F2ESOI,V~U thot the A~nahoim l:ity Planning Commlaeion doe~ hetebv g~ant enb)e~•t I'etitinn tor C~~nditionAl Uep Permlt, upon the toliowing conditlone which ere hereb,y found to be a eeceasery prerequiaite to the proposed use o( the subJect ptoperty #n otder to preeerve thc eafety and general wel(ere ot the Citlzena ot the City of Anahei,r: l, '1'1~at the existing structure ahall be brought ap to the minimum atandArda af the City c,f Annli~im, inctud~ng khe UniEorm l~uilding, Plumbing, Electrical, Houaing, Mecrianical and l~ire Codea aa adopted by tha City of AnahE:im. 2, That subject property F,hall be developed ~aubsteatially in accordance with plane auci spec:ifications on file wiLh the City of Aneheim, marked Exhibit Nos. 1 and 2. 3, That Condition No, 1, above mentioned, ehel.J. be complied with prior to the Conunence- ment of the acriviCy aurhorized under ehis resolution, or prior to the time that ~he build- ` in~ permit is isa«ed, or within a period of 180 days frrm the date hereof, whichever occurs M f.irat, or such furlher time as L•he Planning Commission may grant. ~,':;"~ 4. 'I'hat Condition No. 2, above mentioned, shall be complied with priur to t'nal building '~ ;~~~ and zoning inepections. ~;'r 5, 1'hat Adequate off-atreet parking ahall be made available to meet the parkir~g demanda, ; should the exisring six spacea prove int~dee~uate. :1~ 6. '1'hat the proposed u,se shali be granted until January 1, 197~+, unless an extension of eime is appraved b,y the Plamning Commisaion. TNE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is si~ed and approved by me this 29th day of April, 1971. ----- ~' .---~. ~ -_ ~ , , ,- ~ ~' • ~ ~ ~%r. t,:.~ -z~ `- CHAIRMAN ANAHEIM`C;Ti PLANNING COMMISSION .. j~'~i ATTEST: ~j1~2~Z ~ ~ , .C..~~, ~ SF.CRE'CARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNI'~1G COMMISSION S'fA'CE OF CALIFORtJIA ) COUNTY OF ORAIJG~ ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM j (, Ann kr~-ba, Secretary of the City Planning Cummission of the City of Anaheim, do herebY certify that the foregoing resoltttion was p~issed and adupted at a r,~peting :,f the f.'ity Flannin~ C'otnmissinr u( !h~ C"~~~~ ~~ ~nahPim, held on April 19, 1971, at 2:00 o'clock P.M., by the folluwin~ vote of the members thereoi: AY~:S: COMMISSIUNERS: Allred, Carano, Gauer, Herbst, Kaywood, Seycnoui . NOFS: COMMISSIONERS: None. AE3SENT: COMMiSSIONF.R5: Rowland. IN W11'NE;SS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this ~?tti ~lay rt ~~.~•c '. ~, 7'+' ~ _ ~ ~~ v~~ . '~Z - ../.. c.. ~~.,~ - SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION ~i RF.SOLUTION N0. 72 A ~ C2.G . 2. ~~ ._ .... ti~•` ... . .~ .;~, t mv-,rww ~ h