PC 71-75~ 2{ ~ ~ti' ~ py- ~ ~ r`.' PV 7 ~' 7~ °~:~ RESOLUTION N0, ~~. ~;~ ~~, A RCSOLUTIQN OF T1~E CITY PLANNIN4 COMMj~SS~~N OF TNE CITY OF ANAHEIM ~ TNAT PETITIQN FOR VARIANCE N0, ~ - BE GRANTED WlIk:HEAS, tho Clty PlAnning Commission of the Clty of Aneheim dl~ ~eceive a verltted F~otitlon for Varlance from LUCIO 0, ANA ~STIiER U, MUNOZ, 416 North Sabina Street ~ Anaheim, Caliiornia 92805, Ownera o[ cerlein real property aituated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of. Caltfornia, described as the Southerly 79 feet of Loe 1 in Block 2 of the Olive Street Tract, as ahown on a map thereof rscorded in book 5, page 3, Miecellaneous Mapa, records of said Orange r,ounty. ~ ; and WFIC1~ S, the City Planning Commission did hold a public heering at the City HAII in the City of Anaheim an April 19, 1971, at 2:00 o'clock P,M., notice of said public hearing having been duly given as required by lew and in eccordence with the provisions oE the Aneheim Munlcipal Code, Chapter 18.68, to hear rend consider evidence (or end egainst seid proposed vAriance and to i~vrstigate end make findings and ~ecommendetions In connec- tion therewith; and WNEREAS, said Commissi~n, after due inspectian, investigetlon, end study made by itseif end in its behalf, nnd aFter due consideration of all evidence end reports offered at sald hearing, doss Eind and determine the following facts: _~i; 1. That the petitioner requests e variance from the Anaheim Municipel Code: S~CTION 18,32,010 - Permitted uaes. (A beauty salon in an existing residential structure ia proposed; the use is not a permitted R-3 use). 2, Thnt ihere are exceptionat or extraordinary circumstences or conditions applicable to the property involved or to tF~e intended use of the property that do not apply generelly to the property or class of use in the som~ vicinity and zone. 3, That the requested variance is necessary for the preservation and enjc>yment of a substantial pcoperty right possessed by othe: property in the seme vicinity and ~one, end denied to the property '~ question. 4. That the requested variance will not be maherially detnmental to the public wcllare or injuriuus tu llu~ Nn~p~ erty or impruvements in such vicinity and zone in which the propec!y is tocated. 5. The petitioner st2pulated that only one chair would be used in the operation, that no signing would be used aud that a time limit of 3 years, aubject to review and considerati~n 5r an additional period, would be satisfactory. ~i ~ ~ - ~ , ~ ' V1-G , al:t ,.,..,, , -1- ~ M . ~ ~, ~,~, NOW, THGf2EFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Anaheim Cit Plennin Commfealon aoos he~eby grant subject . Y 6 Petition foc VArinnce, upan thc following condltfona whicl~ are hereby found to be a necuasary prarequielte to the pro• ~~; po~aed use of thc sub)ect property in order to preserve the aefety end en~aral welfare oE K the Citizena of the City of 5*~~ An~heim. ,,~, r~ 1. Thar the owners of eub~ect property ehall deed to the City of Anaheim a etrip of ,;t: land 10 f:eet in width from the cec~terline af the a11ey for alley w~dening purpoaea. ,.., ~~~ 2, That trash storage ar~as shall be provided in accordance with approved plane on f•ile Y~, WLt~I t:he nffice of the DirecCor of Fublic Works. ~ 3. That the exiating atruct ure shall be brougl t up to the minimum atandarde of ~he Cit:y ~ oE Anaiieim, including the Uniforrn Duilding, Plumbing, Electrical, Ftousing, Mechanical and t l~ire Codea as adopted by the City of Anaheim. t; 4, That aub~ect property aha11 be developed subatantially in accordance with plana and i(~;,f speci EicaCions on file with the C ity of Anaheim, niarked Exliibit No,. 1, provided however, that `r1 only a one chair beauty ahop opert~tion and no signing ahall be permitted. '^~4 5. That Condition No. 1 above mentioned ahall be com lied with p prior to the commence- F; ment of the activity auChorized under this resolution, or prior to the time that the builcling ~~? permit ia iasued, or within a per iod of 180 days from the date hereof, whichever occurs firat, `` or auch further time as the Plann ing Commi.ssion may grant, %~~t 6. That Condition Nos. 2, 3, and 4, above mentioned, shall be complied with prior to °`= final building and zoning Lnapect iona. ~~~:~`~ 7. That the uae ahall be granted for a period of three years, sub~ect to rev~ew at the ~'~?' end of that time for consideration of an additional period, ,',~ ,,M;{J ';;.t•~ Y.-,~! I: T: ~5i '~r~ '.~ ~" THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is signed end approved by me this 29th day of April, 1971. ~4 j ,'6 ~ .F i ',~~~;! ~ • ~ T `! r; •' `1 / ' ' : ~ .G:~i'~-G~ i~i l'.y ~ 6i2 ~ '" CHAIRMAN ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION ;i ATTES'T: ~t ~~L•-~L'L i:'L'~ f ~ ~..P.(i`~.:~ ~i - ~;,. SGCRETArY ANAHEIM CITY PLA.NNING COMMiSSYON STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ~ COUNTY OF ORANGE 1 ss. i, ~; CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Ann Krebs, ,ecretary of the City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify thet the Eore- going resolution was passed and adopted at a meeting oE the City Planning Commission of the City of Annhcim, held on '; April 19, 1971, eit 2:00 o'clock P,II1., by the following vote of the members thereof: ' '; I';; AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Allred, Fareno, Gauer, Herbst, Kaywood, Seym~ur. ~ `' NOES: COMMISSIONER5: None, I :-~ I ';y ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: Rowland. I `? ~`~w IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have heceunto set my hand this 29th day of April, 1971. I .:;' ~ ,; ~. ~ ;. ~ ~ RESOLUTION N0. 75 V2-G //~ ~ / L,-'L--2z -~-t. . ,~"L<' `'~.~ SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PI.ANNING COMMISSION -2- .:,tw, ~ ni