PC 71-78... ~ , . . _ . :. . .. ........... . RESOLUTION N0, PC 71- 78 A RESOGUTION OF TNE CITY PLr ~,D?iNG COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM RECOMMENDING TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF TH~C~'~Y OF A~IAHEIM THAT PETITION FOR RECLASSTFICATION N0. 70~ ~~" BE AP°.^.Oz'ED WHEREAS, the City Plennirg Commission of the City of Aneheim did initiate a ver.ified Petition for reclassification o~. cerLain real proper~y eituated in tlie Cily of Auaheim, Count,y of Orange, State of ~ali.f.or.r:9a, described in f;x~iibi(: ~,'' aCtached 'nereto and referred to herein as though aet forl:h ii~ full. Itesolutions mai.led to 50 proper, . owners. • ~IiM i ~ 8fla F~ ~ ~ ~adt~r. ';; WNEI2EAS, the City Planning Commiesion did hold e public hearing et the City Hell in the ~ity of Aneheim ,~.~ on Apri 1 19 , 1" 11, at 7; 30 o'clock P.M. notice of said pubiic hearing having been duly given as required by #~ law and in eccordance with the provisions of the Aneheim Municipal Code, Chepter 18.72, to hear and consider '~~' evidance i.,c and against said proposed reclassification end to investigate and make findings and recomrnendations ; ,~ in connection therewith; and ~~ i~ WHEREAS, said C;ommission, after due inspection, investigetion, and study made by itself and in its be- s halE, and after due consideretion of all evidence and reports offered et said hearing, does find and determine the following facts: i~ 1. Thatthe Commission proposes a reclassificaCion of the above described propr<rty Erom the County of Orange ;I1, ~nd 100,r[1,20,000, Light Industrial Districts tu ~he '~ City of Anaheim, R-A, Agric~~ltural, 'Lone ~~ 2. Ttiat the proposed reclassi fication will establish (;i.ty of Anat~eim zoning on ~ rhe subject property sr such time as rhe property i.s annexed into the City. :, ;; 3. ~,'nat the propcsed reclassification oE subject property is necessary and/or ! desira'~le For the order.Zy an,i prnper developmenl of L-he community. ,~ 4. That Che proposed reclassificalion oE subject property does properly relate ~u the zones and their permitted uses locally establist~ed in close prossimity to subject ;~ -ti property and to the zones and their permit~ed !~ses generally establishecl throughout the ;~ communi.ty. RD ---- ~. , -1- ~ h i:- , il.. • ~(~V • e'~ . ;i': ~ ,~4cY ~ . _,, , ;~;, , ' ,~ .,..r....u..~.~..h..~',~ .~. + LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR RECI~SSIFICATION NOS. 70-71-46 and 70-71-47 ~;~ ,~ ;~. ~;{;, Those certain p~rcel.s of land located in the County of Orange adjacent to 4~, '-' ~he c~,ty limits of the Cit;~ of Anaheim, State of California, descxibed as ~OZZOW3: ~t;!, z; ~' ARF~1 I ,; - ~~y ;; .L~~ts 55 tY~raugh 73 and Lo~s 80 ~hrough 97 and the East 60 feet of Lot 98 ,f~ and Lats 124 through 131, all of the Eucalyptus Forest Tract, as shown on a map recorded in Book 5, pages 29 and 30 of Miscellaneous Maps, Records ~. of. Orange County, California. ~ ~ . AR~A t I , _._. ~ :~~~ .~ Those portions of Lots 20, 21 and 22 in Block K of the Kraemer Tract as '; shown on a map recorded in Book 1, pages 111 and 112, Miscellaneous Records, ~; Records ot Los Ang~les County, California, bounded on ~he North by La Palma ~'' l~venue, on the East by Kraemer Boulevard, nn the South by the Ra.ver~ide ~'~~ Fr~ew~ay, and on the West by the existing Anaheim city limit linE. ;;,~ ,, ~~ Exc:epting therefrom any portion thereo£ lying within Lots 197 thro~e~h 201 ~~ of the Lucalyptus rnrest Tract as shown on a map rECOrded in Book 5, ~;,~ pa~r~s 29 and 30 of Miscellaneous Maps, Records of Orange County, California. ~~ AREA III ;~~ That portion of Lot 1, Block K of the Rraemer Tract lyinq Easterl of ~ ~ast line of the West 77.28 acres of said Lot 1 as shown~on a mapyrecorded ~ in Book 12, pages 87 and 88 of Miscellaneous Maps, Records oF Los Angeles r~ County, California. :,; ~ Fxcept.ing thereProm any portion thereof lyin3 within said Lot l, Block K, ;~ described in the docu.*nent to the City of Anaheim by final Order of ~ Condemnation recorded January 18, 1962, in Br~ok 5988, pages 618 through ,% 621, Records of Orange County, California. :~ ;,~ Lots 35 and 42 of Hazards Subdivision as shown on a map recorded in Book 2, `4 FaQe 2 of Miscellaneous Records, Records of Los Angeles County, California, Y Excepting t.herefrom the Southerl~• 256.67 teet ± measurec? from the existinq Anaheim city limit line to the center line of Miraloma Avenue. Also ;; excepting therefrom any portion ther~of lying Southeasterly of the ,~ Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad right-of-way. ~; :;; AREAS 1'V AND V b , ;; Commen~~ing at the center line intersection of Orangethorpe Avenue and ~ LakeviEw Avenue (formerly known as Taylor Street) as said intersection is ;;; shown on a map of survey tiled in Bock 37, page 25, Record of Surveys, ' Records of ~,range County, California; thence S 0°48'16" E 4A7 feet ± along ~~ the center li.ne of said Lakeview Avenue tn an intersection with the 1`` Westerl ~~ y prolor~gation of the Southerly line of the land described in deed ~ recorded August 12, 1964, in Book 7175, pages 493 through 495, Records of ~ti Orange County, California, said point of intersection being the true point '~ of beginning; thence S 82°27'46" E 690 feet along said prolongatic~n and :~~ Southerly line to an intersection with the Westerly line of the land described in deed recorded August 25~, 1949, in Book 1893, page 188, Records of Orange County, Calif~rnia; thence S 3°41'S7" E 860 feet ± along said a West line to an intersection with the North line af the lanfl described in the deed recorded April 19, 1957, in Book 6228, page 947, Records of Orange County, California; thence following along the boundary of the land described in the last mentioned d~ed the following cour~ses and distances N 82°~6'20" W S25 feet * to the center linE of Lakeview Avenue S 0°48'16" E 198 feet ± S 82°16'20" E 609 feet ± to an intersection with the West line of the land described i.n decd recorded January 15, 1945, in Book 1298, page 178, Records of Orange County, California; thence S 3°41'S7" W 384 i feet ± to an intersection with the Northerly line of the l~nd described in i the deed recorded May 22, 1951, in Eook 2191, page 307, Records of Orange Courity, California; thence N 82°16'20" W 650 .feet ~ to an intersection . A I ~ i ~ i' rd ~ ~ n~ -a- . M~~ ;:~ ,~+t~r with a line par~].lel with and 40 ~~et Avenuc; th~nce N 0°48'16" W 320 feet ± linc to an angle point in th~ Rnahej.m th~ Northeast Ann.exatian No. 3, pa~sed 1961; thenc~ S 82°16'20" E 40 £e~t to AvPni~c~; thence N 0°48'16" W 1,175 feet Avenue to the true point of beginning. AREA VT West o£ the center line o~ Lakeview along ~he last mentioned parallel city limit line as ~stabli~hed Uy by Ordinance No. 1542, January 17, ~the center line o£ said .Lakeview ± along the center ].ine of Lakeview Beginninq at the center line intersection o£ La Palr~a Avenue and Lakeview Av~nue, farmerly known as Taylor StrePt, as said intersection is shown on a Map of Survey £iled in Book 89, page 48 ai' Record of Surveys, Records of OrangP County, California; thence S 0°27'00" E 297.24 feet along the center line of said Lakeview Avenue to the Southwest corner of the land described in the deed r.ecorded October. 5, 1953, ~.n B~ok 2587, page 548, OFficial Records of Orang~ County, California; thence S 75°14'48" E 1,165.12 f~et ± along the S~utherly line of the land described in the ..ast mentioned deed ard the Southeasterly prolonga~ion thereof to an intersection with the ,~outher].y line ot that certain 1,26 acre parc~l of land designated Ralph '.Javarro as shown on a Record of Survey filed in Dook 25, page 37, Record af Sur~~eys, Records of OrangE• County, California, said point of intersection also being a point in the Nor.therly line of the North toe of the Dyke of the Santa Ana River; thence Westerly and South- westErly following along the Northerly ].ine of the North toc of the Dyke of said Santa Ana River to its intersection with a line parallel wi.th and 30 feet Easterly of the cent~r line nf Fee Ana Street; thence North~rZy along said parallel line to an intersection with a line para]..lel with and 462.00 feet Southerly of the center line of La Palma Avenue; thenc~ i1 89°48'10" E 1~007.13 feet along the last mentioned parallel Zine i.o thc Southwest corner of the land described in the deed recorded March 30, '.960, in Book 5170, page 107, R~cords of Orar~ge County, California; thence N 0°11'50" W 432.00 feet along the West line of the land described in the last mentioned dc~ed to an intersection with a line paralle]. with and 30 feet Southe.rly of the center line of La Palma Avenue; thence S 89°48'10" W 194.00 feet along said parallel line to an intersection with the West line ~f Parcel 3 as shown on a Reco.rd of Survey filEC3 in Book 77, page 1, Record of Surveys, Records of Orange County, California; thence S 0°11'50" E 23 feet to an intersection with a line parallel with and 53.00 feet Southerly of the center line of said La Palma Avenue; thence S 89°48'10" W 196.13 feet along the last mentioned parallel line to an intersection witli the Southerly prolongation of thp West line of the land described in deed recorded October 14, 1966, i.n Book 8075, page 782, Records of Orange County, Califo.rnia; thence N 0°11'S0" W 451.35 feet along said prolongati~n and West line to an intersection with the South line of the North 143.52 feet of Lot 13, Block 36 of the Yorba Linda Tract as shown on a map recorded in Book 5, pages 17 and 18, Miscellaneous Maps, Records of Orange County, California; thence N 89°48'10" E 920 feet ± along the South line of the North 143.52 feet of said Lot 13 and Lot 14 of Block 36, said Yorba Linda Tract to an ir.tersection with the center l~ne of Lakeview Avenue; thence S 0°11'50" E 398.35 feet alonq the center line of ~aid Lakeview Avenue to the point of beginning. AREA VTI Beginning at the Northwest corner of Lot 3, Tract No. 925, as shown on a :nap recorded in Book 29, pages 42 through 44 of Miscellaneous Maps, Records of Orange County, California; thence S 0°15'40" E 1,236 feet ± along the West line of said Lot 3 and the Southerly prolongation thereof to aii intersection with the Southerly right-of-way line of La Palma Avenue 106 feet wide, said point of intersection being in a curve concave Southerly and having a radius of 1,947 feet, a radial line beaiing N 9°29'24" W passes through said poi.nt of intersect~on; thence Northeasterly along said curve through a central angle of ~°22'S4" an arc distance of 318.8 feet ± to an intersection with the West line of Lot 2 of said Tract No. 925; thence S 0°19'S0" F 700 feet ± along a portion of the West li.ne of said Lot 2 to an intersection with the South~rly line of said Tract No. 925; thence following along the Souther.Ly line of said Tract No. 925 the ~ M - 3 - f.c~llowing cours~s and distances S 75°28'30" W 329 feet t S 44°53'10" W 1SlS £eet t L-o an inters~ation with the Sou~herly 1inc: of the l~nd describPd i~~ Par.c~l 3 in the deed rocorded February 26, 1970, in Book 9225, page 680, I2ecords oE Oranqe County, Calitornia; thence Southwesterly along th~ Southwesterly prolongation of. the Southerly line of the land described in said Parcel 3 ta an intersection with the South~rly prolangat:Lon of the ~ast line af the land described in deed to Warner-Lambert Pharmaceutical Compan,y recorded June 21, 1965, in Book 7563, pac~e 262, Recor.ds of Orange County, California; thence N 0°29'58" W 3,350 feet ± along said prolongata.on and East line to r~n i,ntersection with •the Southerl,y right-of-wny line of the Atchison, TopEka & Santa Fe Railway rigizt-oF-way line; thence Southeasterly along the Sautherly right-of-way 1:Ine o£ said railraad 150 feet ± to an i.ntersection with the Southerly prolongation of the Westexly 1i.ne oE Tract No. 4181 as shown on a map r~corded in Book 156, pages 21 through 23, Miscellaneous Maps, Reror.c~s of Orange County, California; thence N 3°26' W 145 fest ±~o the Sou~h line of said Tract 4181; thence S 78°].8' E 1,260 feet ± along the South line oi' said Tract 4181 to the Southeast corner of Lot 34 of said tract; thence S 1°34' W 4G.11 feet to an inter- section with a line parallel with and 50 feet Northerly of the center line of Orangethorpe Avenue; thence S 78°18' E 525 feet ± aiong said para11e1 line to an intersection with the Northerly prolongatian of the West line of Lot 3 of Tract No. 92S as shown on a map recorded in Baok 29, pages 42 through ~4, Miscellaneous Maps, Records of Orange County, California; thence S 0°15'40" E 90 feet ± along said prolongation to the point of beginning. Beginning at a point in the East line ~f Lot 1, Tract No. 925, as shown on a map recarded in Book 29, pages ~12 through 44, Miscellaneous Maps, Records of Orange County, California, said point being distant S 00°02' W 1,163 feet f.•rom the N~rtheast corner of said I~ot 1; tP .nce N 79°43' ~ 114 feet ~ N 88°33' E 150 feet ±; thence S 1°56' E 586.68 feet; thence S 86°30' W 150 feet ± to an intersection with the Sout.herly prolongation of the East line of said Lot 1 and the East line of Lots 6 and 7, all of said Tract 925; thence N 00°02' E 600 feet ± along said prolongation and East line of said Lots 6, 7 and 1 to the point c~f beginning. ~ M ~'~~~v~ THEREFORE, 13E Ik°RES~LV~D th~t the Aneheim Clty Pl~nritng Commission doea hereby recommend to thF Clty Council of the City of Anaheim that subiect Petition foe Reclaesiflcation be epproved end, by so doing, tl~r . Title 18-Zoning of the Anaheim Municlps( Code be amended to exclude the above descrlbed property from the Co~tnty of c)range M1 and 100,M1,20,00Q, Llght Industrial Disrricts and to incorporate said described property inta the R-A, Agricultural, Zone, upon the fol.lowing conditions which are her.eby f.ound Co be a neceasary prerequiaite to the propoaed use of aub~ect property in order to preaerve Che aafeGy and general welfare of the Citizena of the City of Anaheim. 1. Ttiat these reclasaifica~ion procee~linga are granted sub~ect to Che completion o[ annexation of eub,~ect property to the City of Anaheim, ~ r ~;, THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is signed and approved by me this 29th day of April, 1971. ~. ~ - IN / r / _~ ~ ~ , ,~ y/1 G ' .~ ~ CHAIRMAN ANAHE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION ~ -~ ATTEST; :, . ~ ~~yL-~~Z. ~ j~~G~..G~:=,~ i i?~'~ SECRETARY ANAHEIII1 CITY PLANNING COMMISSICIN STATE OF CALIF'ORNIA ) ~ COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss, CITY OF ANAHEIM ) , :~+ I, Ann Krebs, Secr etery of the City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim~ do hereby ~ertify that i~ the foregoing resolution was passed and ado~'ed at a meeting ~f the City Planning Commission oF the City of Anaheim, ; held an April 19, 1971, at7:'i0o'clock P.M., by the following vote oE the members thereof: I ~~ .~ ~.~~. AYES: COMMI5SIONERS: Allred, Farano, Gauer, Herbst, Kaywocd, Seymour. ;;,~ NOES: COMMISSIONERS: None. ~ry ;:`'~~ ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: Rowland. r ;~ ~'" IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 29th day of April, 19i1. ~ ~ ;1, ~b . I~ ~: a i ' ~ I ~ /f . ~~12-'?'Z ~~ /~E- fM ~- SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION N0. 78 R?.-A _2_ ._. ~~~..*3~ . .... .,A . ~ ~ ^ .. r _ . ~y„~ ~~-~----~........-. t . ~ . , . . ~ r.