PC 71-87RESOLUTION N0, p C 71- 8 7 A RESOLUTION OF THE C1TY PLANNING rOMMISSION 0~ THE CiTY OF ANAHEIM THAT PETITIOh FOR VARIAtiCE NQ, 2 2 5 4 HE DENIED J '~ ! ~d~: WHEREAS, the City PlanninQ Commi~aion oE the Clty of Aaahelm dld receivo n veeified Petlticn for Varienae from S.V.U. Catholic Universities, Tnc., Ownert Fedezal Si.gn & Signal Corp,, Attention Jack Barham 1100 North Main Stree~, Los Angeles, Cali£ornia 90012, Agent of certain re+• l property situated in ~11P. City of Aiiahe.im, County of Oran,qe, State of California, described as that portion of the Southwest quartez of the Southwest quarter of Section 18, Township 9 South, Range 10 West in the Rancho Los Coyotes as shown on a Map recorded in Book 51 paga 10 of Miscellane- ous Maps, recurds of said Orange County, descri~ed as 'o.llowa: BEGINNING at a point on the S~~~th line of Said Section, Ea3t 294.00 feet £rom the Southweat c~rner thereo£; thence North 0° 17' 20" East 236.00 ~eet paral].el with the West ltne of ~aid Section to the Southwest corner of Lot 7 of Tract No. 1446, as shown on a map recorded in Book 72 pages 5& 6 of MiacQllaneous Map~; tl~ience South 89^ 59' 47" Eayt 200.00 feet along the South lir~e of said Tract; thence South 0° 17' 20" West Z36.00 feet para11e1 with the West line of said 5ection to thp Soutn line of said Sectionl thence North 89° 59' 47" West 200.00 feet to the point of beginning. EXCEPT the East 80.00 feet tYiereof. WHEREAS, the City Planning Commiesion dld hold a public hearing et the City Hall in the City of Aneheim on May 17 , 19 71 , et 2:00 o'clock P,M., notice ot aeid public hearing having been duly given ess required by lew and in acoordence with the provisions oE the An~heim Municipcl Code, Chapter 18,68, to hear and considar evidenca for and sgainst seid proposed variance end to investigate end make findin~a end recommendetions in connection theeewith; and WHEREAS, said Commission, efter due inspection, investigetion, end study mede by itself end in ita behelf, and qfter due conaideration of ell evidence nnd reports offered at sei~: hearing, does find and determine the fullowing facts: ; ;~: ,b ~~ i!:j ,~ >j ~- ~: ,~; ~~. _. ~ 1. Thet th~e petitioner requeats a varience from the Anaheim Munic:pel Code as follows ; i a. SuCTION 18.62.090 (A; - Maximum af~gregaCe sign area, (120 sgua•re feet permitted; 265 square feet proposed). b. SECTION 18,b2.090 (R-2) - Maximum free-stsn~Ing aign hei~ht. (25 feet permitted; 35 feet propos , c. SECTIaN 18.62.090 (B-4) - Maximum free- _at~ding sign area. (120 sQUara feet permitted; 265 sq~iare feet proposed). d. SECTION 18.G2.090 (C) - Maximum area of a wall sign. (4~+ square feet perin{ttec~ 57 &quare feet propoae d), , ~~~~ R i~ ;';~ t ~t . :,, y ..a ~i~ I• :,: i .~: ~ ;.~ !` ', . 2. That the peti;ioner proposes to constr~ict a~5-£oot high 265-square foot free-standing sign on suUject nroperty. 3. That no hardahip has been shown which would warran~ approval of these ~vaivers of the si~ ordinance. 4. That no evidence was submitted to show that the property was denied a privilege enjoyed by other Froperty in t~is general area, 5. That appxoval of the waivers would establish an undesirable precedent which wou2d lead to similar requests in the area. 6. That there are ne exceprional or extraordinary circumstances or conditions a~~plicable to the rroperty invo?ved or to the incended use of the property that do not apply generally to orher propPrty or ~:lass of i~ae in the samP vicinity and zone. V 1'D _1_ * ,~w,.... - ~+'~ - - f' ~ ' ~.:" a r~~a,..- . ~ r. ; ' ,a; ; .:,~ ;, ,,~. . ~;~ `,~ r i:f~ ~'~~ ~r ' ;~ ~,. ' .;,t. i{;1 ~ .~} . ~ ;;;~ 1: +i i~ '„; ,r _ ; :;' ; ~'r +: ~ : ~s -~~ ~ .j4 ,~~i ~ ', j; ~, NOW, THEREFORE, BE I1' RESOLVEll that tlie A.naheim City Plenning Commission does hereby detiy subject Petition for Veriance on the besis oE thP aforamentioned findings. THE FORE~OIPIG RESOLUTJON i; s.igned a~d appr~vPd by me this 27t1t day of May, 1971, ' I / ~ ' ~ ~ '+. -' ~ _,~._ .,_ ~.~~•^Y ~:J •` CHAIRMAN .AN.AHEIM CITY PLANNING COM;AISSION ATTEST: /- i' f ~~-~"j2~YL/ ~r~,c. C~a ~, SECRETARY AN~HEIM CIT}' PLANNING C061MISSION STATE OF CALIFOkNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. • CITY ;r ANA'.IEIM ) I, Ann Krebs, Secretary of the City Planning Commission of the City cf Anah~im, do heraby certif}• thet the fore- going resolution was passed and adopted at a meeting of the City Plenning Commission o; the City of Anaheim, held on May 17, 1971, at 2:00 o'clock P,Nf,, by the following vote oE the members thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: A11red, Farano, Gauer, Herbst, Kaywood, Rowland, Seymour. NOES: COMMISSIONERS: None. ABSENT: C~MMISSIONERS: None . IIV WITNESS WHEFiEQF, I have ltereunto set my hend this 27th day o1: May, 1971. / `~ ~. c/ -~2.~-~. ~ yt.~ ~~_~ SECRETARY ANAHEIM C[TY PLANNING COMMISSION ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ,~ ~ * RESOLUTION NO. 87 V2-D -2- ~; :`~,. ~. ~--°-~--t, -- ~ ~ ..