PC 71-97' ~ 1 RESOLUTJON N0,_ PC'; (-97 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY F~LANNING COMMISSION OF THE CiTY OF ANAHEIM THAT PETITION FOR VARIANCE NO, 2258 g~ APPRQVEU WHEREAS, the City Plqnning Commisaion of the Clty of Anaheim did recetve a varified Petltion Eor Varience from ALI:CE ADGtL ARAOY rIVA AND DAR13Al~A Jf:hN FIIDLf', 12802 Garden Grove ~oulevard, Garden Grove, Caltfornia 92640, Clwnere; W11.l,IAM J~ };LtUEGCR, 14482 Reaci~ 13oulev~ard, Suite W, Westminster, CAliCorniA 92683, Agent. of' cerCAir- real prcperty situated in the City uf An~heim, County of Orange, Stnte o[ Cel~ifornia, descri.bFd as C~arcel 1; T'he North 2S acres of ~17e South a0 acres of the Sout.hwest quarter of the Northwes~ quarter of Section '1, T.ow»ship 4 South, kange 9 WeRt, S, A. I3, & ld. ALSO EXCf:PT1NG TfIGRi:CEtOP1 t.h~. Goat.erly 520.OU feet and the Gascerly 641.80 feet of tlre h'ortherly 330,b1 Eeer. WHEREAS, the City Planning Commiasion ~did hold a public heerirtp; at the City Nail in the Clty of Aneheim on June 2, 1~71, et 2:00 ~o'clock P.M., notics of said public hearing having been duly given as required by law and in accordance with the provisions oE the Anah~e:m Munlcipel Code, Chepter 18.68, to hear and consider evidence for and against seid proposed varience and to inve~tigete and make findings and recommendation~ in connection therewith; 8:1d WHERFAS, eaid Commission. after due inspPction, investigation, end study made bv itseif and in ita behalt, and eft~r due considetation of ail evidence and reports offered ~t said hearing, does find a:~d determine the foilowxng facts; 1. Thet the petitioner requests a variance from the folloWing sect.toris oE tl~e Anat;eim Municipal Code: a. SE;CTiC)y 1;.26_p5p(~_h~ - rtinimum regutr~ ed yide vard. f5 feet zequired; 0 fPet pro~osed), b. SECTIGV 18,04.0%5 - Code requirement thar reszden~~ ots rear on an sr.terial hi~wav, (One parcel is propose t~ side on Rio Vista Streer., an arterial liighway), c, SECT.IOiV 18,24.030(1) - p1.inL, m~iim required f'ror,: ~ard secbaclc, rea_uired tor It-1 1o~s; 15, I7- and 2p Eeet ~rotosed - P P )• > t k ~ * ~ ?• 1'tiat waiver 1-a, above mentioned, ts '~~Freb~ grar,t~ed on rhe nas~s chat [he method of- developmenk wa11 provide more usabl~~ side yards and still maintain s~.ifficientd separation between bu~ldin~s, 3. That the pe[itioner nas demonstrat~d tha~ tie woicld be denied a privi"lege enjoyed b~ developers of other trac~s i.n the area if waiver 1-0, above mcnttor.ed~ were not granted, and on l-hat baais che Plannir.g Cummission bra:~ts ~:,", waiver. 4. 'i'hdt var~ing setbaclcs havc been granced tn this gerirral arEa ir: the past wi~ich have resul[.ed in rather a~tractive homes, cher~Eore waiver 1-c is nerec. yranr.ed on that basis, S. 'TFiat chere are exceptLonal or extraordinary circums,ances or condi.tions epplLcable to [he proper~y invo'lved oc to the intendEd use o,f tl~e property ~hat do i;ot apply general.l5- to the property or class oi use in t'-,e samF vicir..iky ar,d zone. 6. Th~C the requesrE~ variance is r.ecessary for the preserv3t10T1 and enjoyment of a sub- stanttal proper[y right pussessed b.,• other propert~ in th~ sainF vtcinity end zorie, and denied to the property in question. 7. That trie requested variance wil: no! be macerially detrimen,al to the public welfare or injuricus to the property or improvemea,s in sucli ~%icinit.y and zone ir: which the property is located. 8, Tnat the petitioner s;ipulated to provlding a minimum of re::: (10) feet between the main structure aud the side lot. lirie Lor t~.e side ;ard oppusite che "0" 1ot 1ine. -~ a , '!~ ~ .... . y . r v ~ f,., * - - -- y - . . ~ . ~ ' rr 9, '..uc khc peritioner st;ipulatecl tn providing a solid masonty wall, of lhe same color ~nd material As the well of Che main sCructure, alc~ng lhe "0" lat line from the rear loC 1Lne c.o thz mAin scr.ucture and Acrosa the front yArd, A~ a permiasible locetion ot the adjar.ent parcel to ki.c-in with ti~e atructure on thak p~r.cel in order that a continuity of color and texture rnay be maintaine~d. `' NUW, TIiG[tFl'ORG, DG IT RESULVL;D t~~ak the Ai~Ahe~im City °lanni.ng Con~miasion duea herebj~ ~; granl euhject Petition Lor Varlance, upon the following conditiona which are hereUy found ~;~ to be ~ necessHry prerequi.site to the proposed use oL Lhe subject properLy in order t~ ' pres~rve the saLety And general wel£are ot the Citizens of the Ci~y of Anaheim. ~r, 1, That this var~Lance is granted sub,~ect ta the completi.on of Reclasaification No. ~ G9-70-19, now pendinb. ~ 2. Tliat all lots sti~ll be developed wir.h a minimum oi ten (10) feel- between main ~;~ structur.es on ad~acent Lots; provided however, rhet this requiremenl ia not intended to r; ;,;~~ preclude an uiienr.losed paeia roof from being canstructed in the required ren (10) f.ool• side ';~,.; yard as l~ng as the ~upport mNmbers do not extend closer than five (5) feet L•o the aide k,'j~~; loC line, as atipulated L•o by the prtitioner. '~ 3, T~nat L-he main struceure wall along the "0" lot line shall be constructed of a natural ~,::;; + 1; mt~so~~cy finish ~nd shall remein unfinished to preclude unharmonious colors which wi.ll face ~'.~~ the adjoining property, as stipulaled to by the peCiti.oner. "E 4. Thac the wall to he constructed along l.he "0" lot line [rom rhe main structure to the '< rear lot line and the wall to Ue constructed in the front area oF the lot trom the "0" lot '~+a line to the structure on khe adjacent parcet shall be of the seme material, color and texture as rhe wall of the main structure on sAid "0" lat line, as stipulAtc~d to by the petitioner, ~ 5, That sub~ect property shall be ~eveloped substanttal.ly in ~accordance wi.th plans and :~ specific~tions on tile with the City of Anaheim, maL~ked Exhibi.k Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, and the conditionr outlined above. 7'HF FOftE,GUING RESOLUTIUN is signed and approved by this 1 h y Ju e, 1971, ~ ~ CHAIRMAN AN . CITY P NNING COMMISSLUN ATTGST: SECRETARY ANAIIEIM C. TY YT.ANNING COr1MISSION I •~ STAT~ 01~ CALIT'ORNIA ) ' i~~; CUUNTY OF ORANGG ) ss. " ;~ CZTY OF ANAHEIM j ~'~ I, Ann KreUs, Secretary of the City PlanTting Commission of ~l-!e City ot Anaheim, do hereby <, o~rtiEy that the foregoing resolution was passed and adupted al a meeting of the C;tty ~:~~~ Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim held on June 2, 1971, at 2:00 o'clock P.M., by '>~ the following vote of the members thereof: ~~ i,; AYES: COr1r1ISSI0NGRS: A11red. Farano, Gauer, Herbst, Kaywood, Ro~wland, Seymour. NOGS: COMMISSIONL"RS: ~one. ABSENT:COMMISSIONERS: None. IN WI'TNESS WHERE:Uf~, I have hereunto set my hand this lOth day of June, 1971. SECRETARY ANAHEI CITY PLANNING CO~ISSION Res. No. 97 ~r ~ ~ ~ ~