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PC 72-120
4~ ~ ~ RESOLUTION N0. PC72-120 A RESOLUTION OF TSE CITY PLArNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM THAT PETITION FOR VARIANCE AIO. 2375 SE DcNIED K'HEREAS, the Clty Plenning Commission of the Ctty of Aneheim dld ceceive a verlfied Petition for Verience from ERNEST I.. DANKER, ET AL, 5132 South Ohio Street, Yorba L:.nda, Califurnia 92686, O~mers; CLASSIC DEVELOPDiE*IT CORPORATION, 12700 KnotL• Avenue, Garden Grove, Caiifornia 92641, Agent of certain real property situated in the City of Anaheim. County of Orange, State of Califor- nia, as descriUed in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and refe.rred to herein as though set forth in full. OWNGRS: Ernest L. Danker, 5132 South Ohio Street, Yorba Linda, California 92686. Ralph C. Danker, 16730 Oleander Drive, Joahua Tree, California 92252. J~an Fal~lo Peralta, 21082 Santa Ana Canyon Road, Anaheim, California 92806. Leo Yorba, 460 South Cambridge Street, Orange, California 92667. Ora Brougher, 20745 Santa Ana Canyon Road, Anaheim, California 92806. William II. Gwaleney, 20725 Santa Ana Canyon Road, Anaheim, California 92806. Glen B. Young, 20631 Santa Ana Canyon Road, Anaheim, California 92806. Dorothy B. Travis, 21146 Esperanza Road, Anaheim, California 92806. Santa Ana Valley Irrigal-ion Company, 154 North Glasaell, Orange, California 92666. WHEREAS, the City Planning Commisslon did hold a public hearing et the City Hall in the City aE Aneheim on May 31, 1972, at 2:00 o'clock P.M., notice of seid public heering heving been duly given es required by law end in eccordence with the provisions of the Anaheim Municlpal Code, Chepter 18.66, to hear end consider evidence Eor end ageinst said propased vertence end to investi¢ate end make findings end cecommendetions in connection the:ewith; and WHEREAS, eaid Commiaslon, a£ter due Inspectior., investlgetion, and study mede by itself and in its behelf, end eEter due conaideretion of ell evidence and reports offered at seld heartng, does find and detecmine the following Eacts: 1. That the petitioner requestsvariancesfmm the Aneheim Municlpel Code as followa: a. SECTION 18.24.030(1-a) - Minimum front vard. (25 feet required; one lot pro- posed with lesa than 25 feet) b. SECTION 18.24.030(4-a) - Minimum lot width. (70 feet required; 60 feet pr~pos~ed) c. SECTION 18.24.030(4-c) - Minimum lot area. (7200 square feet required; 6000 square fooC lots proposed) 2. That the petitioner proposes to aubdivide aubject property intu 454 R-1 zoned lota. 3. That tl:e Flanning Commiasion has consistently recommez±ded that the land uae policy under General Plan Amendment No. 122, Exhibit "C",be upheld wherein low denaity residential development is indicated. 4. ThaC low density reaidential is interpre~ed as being single family development wiCh lots no smaller than 7200 square feet whereas the petitioner is proposing approximately 51% of the lots with less than 7200 aquare feet of land area. 5. That the City Cocncil denied a request for R-2-5000 (5000 square foot lots) zoning and adopted a reaolution approving R-1 (7200 aquare foot lots) zoning on this property on April 18, 1972. 6. That Che petitioner has not demonstrated a hardship existed to warrant favorable con- aideration of any waivers frocn Code as has been requeeCed. 7. That there are exceptional or extraordinary circumstancea or conditions applicable to the property iavolved or to the intended use of the property that do not apply generally to the property or class of use in ~he same vicinity and zone. S. Ttiat the requested variance ia necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a aub- stantisl property right posseased by other property in the same vicini.ty and zone, and denied to the propert~ in question. Vl-D -1- ~ :iC:T~7ilL~ A ~-uo.~.'.7~~Z~~L'.6.1' 'ce~Y>> 7i~le i:o eail cst;nu_ or {uterec'c i.~ ~~~ ~~ r._•r~r sa 4~ctec~ in:. 1?!'.~ ~-it 'P. L?~2,-r.,~R, ea to Percc].a 1 cr..? 2i . TJ. ~i PAIlLO I'~::~TA, a~. ta Parcel 3; 3~~~T•,~?' L. 1)'..~.~.r"t rtrd fi~F;i lll~~I~T, at~. u~J:ivideci ts.~o-th3r~ 3ntcreat~ an:I ~~.c:i3~ DF,;,:'~;.:,, Ail UlL'i3.~:i.t;~CC: onc-::hirc:. :s:h:rca~, r.a i~o I:ircel 4; SOi-aSII: XOR;','~ i~U"f i~?'.T, 1'0:1'c.:,A YQR~A ?'~'.u,i•?~~ L'cO:iC?0 ~• YCR~fI nnd 'l:l]e he3s8 ~ o~• d~:.h*i^ec>.~ os' i.~ w~':~•IO ii. 1~::~: 4~ cl~;o lTo~m rs l:.i:tl:TIO 1'~Oi ::s`1 YCZIN, ucc.~c~d, :v.'.~;js~t tn tlic s:a-iini~tratlt,n of i•he c:a~~si:e oT ;^.id dececicnt; •`s'as i~3r~t l:::i:i.c•:al E:i~i: oi' Crancs l:c:~ity b~ia;y c:v7;l 07~~~,iccd rand qunli~.ied L:;ecutor, ~~ ~~Aor Conrt Cn~e lio. A-y~6Jj, ~~to 1'rscela 6 uci 16; ORt~ 1'. LRC~C]?I7? und A~~LI!! D. L~c2G:;Gii~t, hucL•nztd r.nd ~rife, as ~oint tenantn, • s,~ i;o Parcels 't ar.fl 'jA; ' c~r, ~;;a~c~~ ~ra a.:~~ n,:,t~i ~a~si;~rc, Ynicb~..n3 rmd trlYe uc ~oss~t tcn~nt~, ~~ to Pr.rcc]. 7~; WXI.L~.tf D. G'~.'.~Z27fiY en3. F%ti'LT.Y;' ~. GNl~Iii?L•"i, l.u~bcc~d mid zrl.fe, c+s ~oirit ~L-^..r.an~;a, as; ~0 2~rce1 a; Gs. :.':1 E. YCUt~G u.~d IUUIu:: :.. YCUt;G, l:acbend end ~~i~c, a~ Soi.n~ 'tanenta, c,a to Faiccl ~; . . i . ' . _ ~~~~930~~~; ~ ti r . ~ ,p~. ~y~ ~ N r Q~, ~ . . . ;., °~. • ~i_ '9~c, ~, ~ i . . • ~~, `•-~ ~ : ~r, •i . . . ~~'~t~:/i~~% VAf~IAf~ZCE NU: ~ ~7-.~-------= DC„?!;:!Y L. ',.":.'.'T_~, ..ccc_..^^r ^rur.'c^.c ~~rith t,h~ ~:vu~r o~' ~nla t~^..dcr t!int cert~:at T:CC1.C.::I~Gl~il C~ ..:il::.. ~_.^i'J. ..::.t'c:1 ~JJ =~iyJt C.C::.l'.~~'w L,}~ J. CU:.~_:C.~1 ~11'II4~.~ t ~ ~ CR_~;,." ,i',, , . .. SC.~JIr i: (con.Iriucd) '4lrac~i:cr", rec~~r3r:; t,s~rch 31, 195~ a~ I~-:. ~:rur.ent ito. 3~~n34 t~1 :~_ol: 3016, r.~;~ ~,Gl of oT."ici~t P,.acrrd., r:. tn P;:rccl 1S; Sf ;;PA J.'I:, 1':.is~l' ITRTG;~TSO1t CO'•'?lJ:Y~ A Co~~~ration, ~:.; to Fsc=~7. 18. . ~~. ~ ' , •. ' ~~1 T~ ~.',,_ :~ •' ~_• / 9 ~^ ~- ~i ~~ `~, v ~ J \~ , S •' ' ~ \ ``~~j vnRi~,r,c~ r~o. _._.~.3~ . ~ ~ 0:~2-11C":+7l~ .,..~C:tIP'i3:::i ' E31 ~:._.1: c~.: t;:3•a 1a-1 ^i.'~a`.ci: in :1.^ St~tc ..i C:~1i~orri~, Cotu~ty oS Oranr=a E:sicuo ~.~zCyc;;ro c'_c ~:~rl;~ I.na, c:c:~cr:ib=1 L: fullo;.~~: P:+i~CT~`.•L 1: L`c~5.nnin;; :~'c ~. pna.t• a:i t:hc er.terior bcui~:iary cf ~he 'anc~~ ~t'-cr.a ae ~.-"nt3 „r.<i ~hcr: ~::: ~ai.d 1;•,: i.n~cr:eci;~i ~t:e J.~ne ir:~:.ce7 ,~~.T;~.-,_c 3 crcl S`•~~.^,ts ~. ~• 1). ii ~i:. j~i ^!7CC ~C.1i't~l ~U C. :~17~~~ t:i..^.11M ~~.C~'G U Cfl'_~?271ij ~i1CriCC +.Ol'~}] 1~%h~ [~cat 1'j.:;~ c;:~ir.a io •C.~:~ cxtcr:~.c.~ bc~~d:.ry of ~cid 1~^.nc?t~; thcr.c~ i,ortli ;;9' E^~:,t ?3 r.:~,..i~ ~ to ~'.t°.-:.1cn 35; t::•~::cc Lorth 45' r:,~t (i.~~~ cti~in; to tY.. poiirt of beM~ir•g. ' . S;tccnt:.n~ ti:crei~o~ ~L•hc pcrtiorl lYir.'; Soutl:e.'3ti~:rly of ~h~ lJorthwc-otrrJy lin= o.f •t?:,~ J~:-:•.". ci~scrine-i in ihc ciec:i 1'rc:t .~oL1:~a: ]::.':b~,r Cc:.~^n;; r.u3 o~i~~r~ to `ante I~r.:s Yc11ev T.*ri~ticse Ca~r~ctx,r recarded July l:i, .193~t in ~o~k Gt35r I~~;;- 255 of Ufficirl i,: car'ds. Aleo er.c.ent3n~ tl^.at Portion (not h~retofo;~e exc~hted) in:.ludcd uithin 1:2~. :i ollc~r~ n~: ' ~~"innlnt; at rs no±r.t :in khc E.~st J.ir.~ o: t?i=t ccrt~.in tz~.ct oP 2~n3 co:rvcycd~ to £anta 1~n•, V~.11.Y I:~.r..~:+t3oi~ C:c:~ ~:[~y TSY G~.C~4' TCCO:'d~d i.r.ril 1.{3, J.~J~ in Lool: Zl;~~ p~ ;r. Ga of D: c~i~, :':ili TYCJ.ilt: ~!i:111:T 2J :f'~ei: :;cc~th frc:a i:he ~o~~ i:crt~icrly corner oi •~:::ii; c~ri;::.in 1;r:.ct cf 7•~i•,1 d~acriu::cl in 1:h^_ ucCit rrCar~etl J~tly ~U, 1;~1, in ~.,,. C2, r="e ;:L~ of i~ccc_.,,; ri:rnin~ ~tt~enc~ iJe.~. 1~ aeet+=.t r:i~;ht a;:a~c; ~o"t~.. ..~d _...~;; 1:.rw; 'c':...__ tu.~n r:lo~^ ci li: ~s,..llcl ;~ith ~Y,e :saict is-~:?~i; 13r,s t;o^~~e cemter l.iu: of t:~ .::.nl~ I+r.•~ l:c:r.yoa ~;o-d s c::i^~ is ue~criucd • ~r. ~};e iioc~t r•=cor~ec2 5aa~ "7, 1;:..i _r. T:.o:: 1"fl, ^x~e 1•.~4 ci iiLi9.ci^1 :,•: cerc?a; 't.1CL'CC 3;0:-~~,..::.:::~^r.l;~ t11GT.1; thc c.~.~.:u centar li::~_ o~ 1;~io ~:ntz~ t.~u C•;7:•.~rl ripCt(1 to t.hc :?~xa:.er~•sctien 1riLh •tlie saici ;3.s~ li.~; i:::ence Un•r1;i3 ulpz~g a1=a ==sC 13r.~ -to, ~3~c poir,t of be~.inr,ir.g. . i•.l~o cxcc.-,ti: ; i;2~^rc~rr,.'t t}i~ poxtio:~~ it uny, include~2 ~itl:i3 'tk:~ ~t•r_d denc:•~'-~~_u in tli~ Q~ca to Fr.tst~~3 i+, i:arcuez. rcccsdcxi Ju];/ 13, 1911 in I;oo's 19~7,, ~,~~;e ~,,%4 of Dcectr.. i~? co c~:ce7c~r. , trere:!'rc:~ t.~:at norticn dc~criL•c:l c:s be~inn;ng ~-ti ~ P~int on i:t:c• ~ cr„ 4',.. I. c':~cMicr ?:c~..r.riar~; of ".~ i~~r:~ho ..,.r.i;lnr'o d~ ~~t~ ~na tri:orc r,L:'~ li.:_~ in..cr- A.^.Ci:.^i '.:_ l:i ... 7?C{::!CCn i:?:'S^ Zi :il:•:~ ..:1'~' ~7 u. J1. i. it i: Bi~•- rC..:111; Je~~l~ '1;:7C 1.~.C3M'..:'."~:::3'~y CC:7_r:t 01 L::3a C^` l".:tL`1 ~::.TUC~. O~ IL.i.u'I:LNG~/'~i~.~w"~`-`i»=~;<:vEC: rec^:_,_;l .;o~~cr.. cr 17~ tc.'~~ ?n icc.~ 1170, 3:r~;c ~G~ Gi' Giig•.';,,//,~^+~•~eGe'~;-~u~,~~ ,..,,. ~:1 U,J ~J= ~~ ~ ~ ~~ . .. • ..::.il ...'.:' ~ Z~: ~/' i.~~:.:.~+.~'t~.:L~G ~: :~ ~q' ~i T~'~..~' :i"''~cl rJ+° ~111~v•~~~ •i~~~t J~~t~.~:7 f.C:•L''r0,.(~.~iiT.:t~~OSI ?~ O~l 6i~3Q'.j~3rC~iO~..till~')lCC ;:e-r~h^4j"~i;'~~ L.~;B ~~~i3.:,;3 teec i:~ t,h:; 7~cLnt oi t^~i.uiil.t~;. ~; 4~~,~~;.~.~~~c, ~ ~ <<, , ~ ; ~~~ ~ L1co ~:CC^~ ~i.nq t~zt „r.crl:ion r.o~vcyccl ~Co tL•e :; ~•.te of CelJ.:~o'rniu'bY deeci s corcicc J~:x:uu+_•y GJ~ 1~~~ 3n i'•u•~:: :5+~97~ l"+:~e bj!- c: Gi'i'ic1a1 i,eco.^d~. `~~~~~~/.`yt,,~`; P;,:~C~L 2: ~ . ~~. ,~ ., . ~ t.~ ;'::.~~-~ 9 trrs~, :'e;;'~:;:ai~~ a'~ •t'.::. ~c~x:.....:tiY, car:^r of :o~iea~ ;,.;, ~ - ~vi' wl V Cl~SJ:'.i j vl:_•il:t: ::C.:u ~: :i. ~l. ii. ~.. Ii.~ 1'L:ti:_ .ef'~iic..'1~1: ~iE'~::. V._,1C~L%~~~j i~~ ~ ~ OR_11C~:7lt 6 c~~~:i.:a; 1.`.:c::..~ Scntli G cl~.ix.; 'to ti~c beg~r.g. J;,;r_~rti~,~ c.`_^.*ci)~cct t'~::~ nor~icn ly'_r.^ ucr,LY.Y.~.•r,~^_rlti• of thc Y:ort?:•:a.^.t~:ly 15r: o^ ~i.?~e l^: ~j d~ccribe;~. i.n 'the dce~i i;o `~..:,.~nt~ ~~r_, ti~llcy irri~atlon ~c::~~n~~ny, u coz~or:..t:ic::1 rocm-aca ~uzy 1~, iy34 in Pao?c 6ci~, gzGe 255 oP Ui'Sicic~l liccord~. PkT?GIiT. 3: ''i1.at ;.a: ticn ~: ch~ ~c,~'.;2nxat gu:atcr cf the Sccth•zcst ~u:lrt_~ oY 8~_tion 31, Tcr.mr:nf.p 3:~cuLh~ P,nnre ft 17e~t; S. li. Il. ~!•S., deneribcd w3 Yollovs: "^.;:s.::i~~ nt a po7t c^. th~ ~lr_.t lir._ oP ~aicl ~=ctic:l 31, ].5 c?~13n:. S~~-uth oY tlic intez:.~ctio;- oi :~:id S•Icst 1ir:s utth tl:~ i:erth llr~ e£ t~ Ra~icho S.uti:~~o d:: ^:~tt~. %u:s; t';ence S:;.ith 51}° 30' ''~:~t: 9.21 c1:~3ns to n noint on •bl.~ 1le~i;~rJ.y 1;.::e o;' Loc 12 of '~'4~:c~ ;;o. 1.17, r-s ~'.:~;m on c~:^.p recordc<! in ia::~: 'lJ., ~-~e ~~ „^ „~t~r~~ii~,~ce:±z i.;^^nr r,^r.orc?: ef G~~r.-r_ Cc:er.ty, Cr...lii'orr.ir,; ii,^,u~e ~iit!i 10.6G cti~l.ns tn 'w':e i.ior t:h= ~st ec. ner o£ Lot 11 of onic2 1~`ract :io. 117; ~r^_r_ce F:cab, alo:~~ ~ihe ::orth lir~e o~ ~~~.id Lot ]1 e~r.3 i:}:c 1:'c~tcriy er.te.~:fCn th.rcof~ 7.j0 cc~i~ to ss~^o!nt cn the i,e~t lin~ oY .,~id ~cctien 31; t?:~,^.ce l:or~~ 16 cl:air.~ ~to tl~c po~~t oi bc~:,in.nin,;. • . rcec~tia~ tl:~rci~cra Llic tollouin~ deeeribed lc:nci: Ec;iimir.,, ct a pc?nt in tl:e I'arth lir~ of Lot 11, i'r:ct 110. 117, c~ shaRm on e. ;:~u recorded in Eoo!; 11, pa~~ lj ef idisceLL•.naou.a I::~.ns, rcecrds oi CZ:_r.~ Cc±L~ty~ Ca].~.i'orn:i~., n:i~l no1n~ Uein;s dta~~nt tiouth ~i9° ;9~ 20° l:nr,t 1.40 1'eet i~c:~ t?~e ]:ert~aca~t corr.er ox eaid Lot 11; :,rcr.c~ uonth L9° 59' c0" 1lcat, ~:lor.,, t};~ i:crt:i l~i:... c. .~ir: Lct 11 t::_.. i.`.:c I;e:,turly c:~~_...-icn ta~rco~, ~.:i j.4) Scet i;o n poir_i: an^t;l:~ l~e~t lir.e oS.,:.~c~i;i:,n 31, 'i'c:.+r.~:~ir 3 5oui:h, 13~.n^c ti, F;est, J• /J. 17• t!. /{. j ia:~fiC~'. :.Ul'~:] U~ C.~~ ~~17~~ 4~.1.i1: .:~C:?'y' C'~j.Cl liC:iV Zi.:lr ~.~~ri.3r- '1LCf'i to ~ noiat :ai 'che c^.^.t~r lli:e eP ~~~sii:n l~ru Cu~„'cn :~o::d (lOD.00 f'~:ec v3r.e) oa cic^cr3bcl ~n t.iic dcc:l i•acerc~d ~ia~~ it, 1;~3~t :n :~ok (~i'f7, .F:':e 3G0 c•?' G::icicl. i,ccord.~: i:iicr.ce .:~: i::i ~~ 6° ~+b~ u:.~ t ~len ;.,.:13 ccnicr l:ne 21ii.40 ~'ec~~; thencc Sa+,~th ~Ey° ~+0~ L•:vat ~:y'T•u'~ rc~t to ~i~c point oP bc~lrxiln~;. i.lco er.cent).n? t?ic:ct~•c=a ~Lhe por~J.cy cor.voycQ to the St~ta of (:r.J.i:o:nia by uc~ed c:aficU ~~;i~ F~., 19;2 s.d recorded Sur.e ~j, 1G52 3n L:.oi: 2j49, n~~c 3;~ o£ G~'iSc1:1 ::ccorda. r•r::zcr.~ ~~: A 2`~ u c ~ at .land lcectc3 in Section 31, To~.~Y.in •3 Sout.h'I~~~ ~,c 8't;tsrrt~ S. D. D. E: 21. Qc~crib~;i r:3 io1lo~;a: ~ ,~ ~'•, ad \ }'c~;n.n?.n~ et n~oi:it •9.n t"~ l±r.^ hc~r~en P^r.-~n 3~ r.3• (~~tc^t~'.'f l~;.hi i 3 ~rnrth, L:ai1 poi~st bcinT cii.L-iiL i:orth 1.:;~,.7 icet frc•:,i i:i~° cc1,~:.•:~n ~COrr_s;~ oi ~ciic:rt ;;7. ~.t:l ::i~ '.+.ct :.., :±~ 3:.~ it?~ ir:1 r..e~niora '1 c:xl b oi '.ci~ r:~i~i•~t S~ ~i;~~J ~:i' r_~,id i'z~n~,:::, tf c~:d <1^~~c.;t•, ra;.cl .:oSnt L': .:^ ~co r:a: L' .,orti:~riy~~t,~r.;.° f~~ ~~:ia 1~1tu r.ctr . ~.~ cr ±'c.;.^i•1y c::~ .:cir~ic._ lc~ri~~: d~ ilc ~1L:.•; ~Ke:.:ir..^, t':_ncc ~:~~i~i ~.~~ .."-id n~~int c~' 1~r . ._... •~ .:ic~ , , .._ '' _ ._ .. _~:,...: n res~ e:~ ~S ..-:1 ~, .. ::< <:1 fc ~ c; -c':^ :~o l:crt'.i I:j° C::~' .....,.'j~;;f.C'~ ~~~:. •,ti1;~1=cc _.~:th t~~. ~,~~~ _..:t ~~1.1iL':cct tio ,.w^ 1:i:~L~x1,Y li..c ci L:.~ ~'j cx .-.ctL::c. 117, :~' ~:::•.71 c.1 ~:-.? recoru_d in 5:~~::yJ_1, ~^<~c 1~ ..,.. • l.i:lii(i"': 61:Li.".! ' .T.LO V~ 1''9 oi ,i°ccll:::i_vac L::nu~ iticorci:~ oi c.i•1n~~c CcvaiLJ', ~~y 7F~-,' ~%'` • ~ (iJl~~.l~i J~ f ~~ S;~ ~t ~l~ ~~ eatd ,...;t ~^ttc~,cd 1.1^~ : r.~: thc grnlor,.lt,i~n i.;,_rc~~f 1°30.Q2 ;<•et to tf„ ,:,rtr._:~ly :ZJ~,c cf ~ti•. .~... _ ii:r•:,::.y r~ d.cr.cr3.`_,cd i.n c:~A3 rcco-:irc1 J;:ly 17~ l~i~'I zi: ..,t:: G;~l, °^r i?7 0;• Cz'~ic',~1 !ic^om^; tia::nce ::lur.^ .:~~~ i~cr•~:~..ri~~ lir.:: o: :.. ~d ;:uz~... i: -:z::..yVt_lc•~•. .. c:u :~_ cc;~~:vc t~ .::: ::cv~`:i ct:rt 1~_vin ;,t r. ,L~ :: of ~~.,p r~~t~ f'c.'~ :~cc ct' ~:.';.73 ~'~ct; t?~^ncc ccntiin:in~ c3.ca~g ~•~icl 1!~e :,;utii 27" lu~ ~j~~~~~:c~~y;-~33.Ci ~c.:•t i:o t`:e be~~,i:nti.r; cf' s eur~e e~r.:c~.vr: to t.i~e ?~crt.h hati~i::3 :_ r:a~?~~•; oi 19j0 ie~t; t!~~r.ce :i.~;?~~tc~t~rly ulcn, e~i:l c~wc, ~ cii;i.^nce o~ c~(.6j Scct to ttie rao~t :i:~,~crly cor; ::r oi ^-.id l:~r.d no:r er S'or~e:ly ?.'et~nida ]~,•.~ cic ?ci:+ll::; t.".encc lc^:ii~; ~:icl licri:':erl~ 1!r.e of Stute )i3E}ia;%Y~ I~~lth 5~-' ;,0° i;e::i 7'vj.G~ aeet ~;o ~::o Z~oiat of be~~inm.n~. I:xcepi:ir_~ iJierefrc:~ t::c j~~-ioot ~trip cc:xveycci to tl:c Ssn~ti An~ ~`a11c~ Irri~stion Ccs.;g.~.a by ucc3 r~crn•ded .it;ly 1F1~ 1g3~+ in baok 6~5, pagc 2j5 oS OfSicl:.l. n~corda. i.lr.o cxce»ti?;; t:~,=t nor.iio:~ oS ~i~id ]:,:r.d conrcyed to thc St.=t~ oY C~•12Sorrla by deel reeorc;e~ Au;,-uct c3, l~jl in ~ook 2.F.2a na~e 18J ~~i Gfiieinl Reeo:cL:. Pl.RCc:L G: ~~ ;i,~iin~ at ~ Poilit in tt;c ceai~r of t•hc r»~in ditc?~ of the ±antn Ati~ Vr.]1ey Izrx~:-•cia:~ Cc:~r.~ny, ssid pa3nt L-cir~g 2G~.3 t'cet liorth ol u p=~int j95 ~eet licsst ot t~,e c~:~._:r.~ c~:•r.:x oi' '.cc::aonip 3 L~al ~~, i~an,^,cn ~;_r.3 q 1:'est, ~. B. 1,. w'.•;.~ ~s c;c~:n oa tii^ ";:c;~ oi t~:c ::.nci:o ;:ar.~iu~o ci: :`:~i~~ ;n-", ~i3icd tiritl3 •Ll~c I'iml L`acrcc of Y~rtii;icn oi s~:i:. ~~:~ncho in i.iic c:•-ce of Abcl 5tearn.^, and o~.i:,:ro~ ~3. LeG~:;?•<io Cat~1 c.:.;i othcrr, rr.~~ir.r 1;2:en:~ iiorth t:35.3 fce~ to tl~e SoutY,~:~st cor- nur at u fi3.~~0 .:cre •~;_ci ci1eG::.:u ~o':_,:iu Pc~•^.].1•.~t i:.^_ 11:'~rcz b;~ ~:i.ci'_;;.^.r:l Decrcc of P.:st~i;ia~; tha:zcc i;orL•ii ~E2-1/~?' ~icnL• ~lon~ th^ ~ut:~x~sterly :Li: ~ of culci'i'r::.ct clic~'ud to c~z.l ::arS:s ?cr::li; c;e P,lti~.:rc•:: ?C23 Si~cC to n j x~; ct.Y.e rj.rl:c3 "5:~~" cct on th2 Iforthcrn brnir.•.is,y of t:~a =~^T.^ho :'.antiaro dc S~ntz l:r~i; thcn~c Seut~i 39° `lewt alci~.,; :::ici ~~c: `..}li: tl DOLtilY:il';r 5:%5.5 i'r:c t to a~~ x~. L~s:ted ~~.lii'~~ «C'C L•'~ ~::_ i~ori;~ern CU:71L'I' Ul' i: tZ': C1: Cl 1::.::1 01..:(1 bj~ L~• ~i~...1~G:r I',y't.:~ ,?n_~~^•` '~si: c7.c.: ~ t.:~ ::crc.hc:Lntrrn ucr,~n:i~•• ~u ~{`jr~l::r i~ ci ~aid thcr.cc 5c;ita . .» - ~u , i. l,ulter P~:~c~1'~"~'3 icet to ;~ po2xc in ti:e ccnt~:r oi ,,.~s::::in ~fy~,~h eS zi:~ l:unus P r.~ 'i :llc~/ :i:•r~^-- ::ion Ccc-~:.r.; ; :,1~_ncc ;;.::rth 4',' ~~ ;' "~=, ~ ~lu'~•; ;:' s ent_r o~ c:.xd di ~cn ul'T. 5 ~~-c ~ io c 1oir.t; t:~ncc conti:zai.4 alor , i.i~~ -c.r ui oi' yeid 31,~, ~~ . D cLt~c}i i.r,rvi k'(' 1~' ~:xcL ~~~r.7 I'ect ~to ~;.:.. poiiit c.~ uc~iiL:i..;:;,.v~ s ~• • ; '~Q F:~:cc~tir.•; thcrc:Yc7 tY.xt purticn af w~~3.1 ler:l ccrn•t^/el3~Lo`tk~~ ~1n.y.y 1a:3 Vn],.l.cy Iz:l~_.ien Cc-_a:ny t,;; dced re:cerci::Q ~uly 1J, 193~` in '~~~i~,~r,,:r~c cji, of Oii'icinl :+ecords. • _ .., { f- Y;:1;Cc:L 7: 'v~~~r~l:~i~ ``~U• ..._ .._..~.__..+,,..i.. ~^n n~ r..,.~. nt' !r-4. .^rt.ien o'S .}7 ~ ~ OR-.110`.)'•17~a .: 1'~ C:iP~^_a '~TY Is;~:}1C .'~v Gi .Ti:~'7.._IY'i;!; U~ 'LI]~ .~.:;'Cll.'^C'P.'~!] : ;..~~C~~>Y ~;.i ~,rict Cctn•$ Ui~ 7:... ..:~: <._~a Cc>>ui •, G~].ii.^.:rr::. lo<:atc1 in ~L'ie Cctini,,y o~ ~rc~i~gc~ Stcii:e oi ~.:~.1..G~ilA1:~ G.Ct1l:C~:IJ::~: J.f"a IUZ~.:ia-fi: ~ . 1;e;;i.~:r'ir_~ a~: a pofnt on tt:e P;or~;hei.l; J.~.~ oi' ~l~e x.'.rht of ury ~r.n~ted ~l:a ~~:.~it,2 !!.r~. b'_~.L.e~~ Irri~~::t.l.cn Cc:. »::ny b;~ cZeed. meorcl.eu. Uetenr:r 9, 1^47 ~ n Bee~ 1~~3~, n~~~ la`v7 c: C::?oi.~l ,:~cco:d; oi .,::iu C.:.~n~:: Ccurst~/, raid poini: bcAng ;sar~ii ~J° 1~;' IiL:~~ ....i14 `j~.13 1'CC~'. iT'C~. I. ?)p17:t: OY3 'G2'.c c~r.t,er Zj:IC Oi 'C?:•~ ~~'.Tlu1 i~.2L L~Sf;/GII P,O?.Cl G+.:;cz•ib~d In _ r;~ecl tc~ i:l;e Ccaniz c:' ~.-.:nra recorded Ji:..„e j, i;~3j in 1%uo}; 1'~1, ;'- - i1:4 cf~r'-.~icial _~co.cla o~ ..~id G:ur.=~a Cqt:r.ty~ :aid no'r~,• cn .;:i.ct ceii- ' t~•r .1S.r.e'bein~ 7?3, ~ i feei; Jicr.rt.h 4!E° CO' 30" x~.st £r. c~;n u Uoli: t:*'~r:ci.ns th~ ~',ar.,t- u).;~ t~r~~{n,~ of a cune 1~. ~~1.d center l~tac des:[f~.~~tcCt in sa:id eced L~a )rzvi.n;; H ._.....~L<~i C:r Z:~~ ? ::T:CZ .. C::^.L?':~ ~:1:-~],•• ()t` ?7° C~~ tl)~~~ i.??~_^.CC 1'iC~ : j.Ll y~01:2i. ~SjT~a,;:.r~.iny i:ort:h'3d° ~~~~ ~~2" i;est 1G~1.70 ~eet to t%:e 1]ortii lino oPyt?ie ltsazcho •°.:1:4.~~.t~:"J (~_ :;l.:l~'1 !'.Il'_, t:?ET!GE'. ~C:~i?: 37'' ?>~ a.'~J~~ [~C.^.j.: ~7.717 :~CC~ t:4 11 G-~.1'.Cil CO:].~ ' t:r_•'u_, *:c:~tt„_nt; •tl:~~:ce Sca~~h 40° 2~~a 0~~~~~;cst l~40.97 ic~t to r~ 1_::e uh~ch b::_x~ . 2tr..r;'i ~:0`~ f!7' h~" ,.^^•b i~•r.-! r_ ~^3„t en tr~e llr,:l-~.terly 1:1~~ o~' :;a~?d r~~^ht o~ •m~~ ~n-az~~~d tn ~an~t;:i f.r: i',•.~].:lc,v .irrira.ti.c;z :~.n1nS 4aid .lu:~~G ~nl:to*_~.^d poa.r.t Let~r, Sciti:h ~F~~° 00' 30" i:es c ltl~.n, Q7. i ec c fren ~,1:^ pcint o: be ~•1n7in.z; t:er.ce Scuth ~i0° G'f° !:5" i:st 1015.°8 ~"ec~ to ~he ~2cz~~ti lir~ cf' :z~d ri;;:i~; ei' ~r:;l of t:1¢ wan't,:. 4r.a Vc+].lcy I:r~~1tio;i Cc~_uany; t?~c~r_cc i~or~~~h 4~+° 00° 3p" L•'~s-t 4~f9.Q1 . 3eri clc~n~ ,a3d r3~h1; oi' zroy ~o thc po:,.nL• oP b~gir.n3.n~. I;xce~t •~3i•~rc~i4~cin t~~nt eeri;ain v^11 ctte, 270.00 Pect by 10j.00 i'act locatrl in ~E1.e t^,^.c:t '.1ort?ir.r'! ~* co.n:x oP e~Zd l~r.ci cy de ,c. _tbccl In an u~ee;~~.t hy :.. l,';iter Pyr.e e.r~i A. 'L. :d:,rzo s.r:d ~-iTC recrr~de~l J~~nuaz~,v 31~ 1934 i.n Dccl; (~j„ p~ge ].f31 o~ t` ~'w icial ReCOro.s of s~c1 C: c.~~e Co+anty. . Lxce~t'!: r.,• ~,!iereirc•7 Tor e»er:i.a! oi 2j year.a ~`ro?a kpril 3~, ??~5, ~:5;i eS c.ll o'.X, _~, ni~cra'± ;~.r.d h~ril±-cc~_.:~ca s~:ba1:^x.c~~ no;,r ~rcti~ucad or t;n:icii ~tiy Y:cre- u; t~~^ :~e pra:uc::d i.^~ or ~;:.c.cr :^id 1:..z::i, ~ui: ti;it'acu1: ~L:.e. rin,rit L•o cazer u~.i.Ct lni:~, •to ex~.raci; or roncve t;:^ ;~x:a, <~, re~ervel in tiie deca S'rc:~ Cl•=reuce Bor~3 e~:1 :'s.z~cl Ii. ~0.-~1 record.cu lapz•il :].j 1955 3n 3co;c 30jE3, ~~c ~jl~ oi ClzYcia?_ Rscords. PI•.P,CwL 7..1t: ' , i~i~ Essc^z:it ovcr c: ;,.ri.p ot .7 r..r1 2Q.00 fe::i: tiri.d.e aver th:st 50.00 toot strip of 1:rwt u•: .~r•lacd iii ci.ee~ to tlie :'::n~,a f,n; Vu.l'le:~ Trri;;at_e~i Cc~~;~2:y, reeo•rc.~d Cc•L•o~er.'~r ?~=~'( 2n i3t~?: 1J,;G, ra,,e %K;7 c~ Cs"iicial :,~cores, .:a .,..;.cl 20.G0 t'ooL ~tx:tg i.:z ztinez•ve:1 in ~~.ia ~:cc:i i.o ~1:~ ~:.:2ii;a n:,:x Vallag lrri~a~;icL Ca.^_x:r;r. PA1;C::I. 7-D: ' - • • . '.~?:': ~ c~•rtliai t;::lJ. ;:J.'L~~, 210.C0 :f~e~: by' 1Gj.G0 i'e t.,:, 4 i. '`, •~ e~'`+ * ~~, c;c: ~, ~cc~, src:a P<s- CC.L ? .~?O'7~ t=:i.~ .-"S C? .S^Y`1~J:::Z ~.?1 :.?1 r• !'C^~]i?'G Z}~r _P,~ t''i~:°S. J.~+?ti ?i2'~ ~::;~. .._._.'.0 c_r:d wi.da, ~t:cvrctc•3 ~~nuax'Y 31, 193~~ ;at Loo.~, 6:3r Ps~,:`"131 `o..,G7.f~!ia7~'~~"ccx•d.~ or ~::.:a c,~•u~,~ co:~~~~,i~. \NN .`'7.+ u c~Lj ~:,::cuz, n: 2';~:t4 T7,'., :~{0Yl U° ..^.. ~.!iT.~. t3~.~CG$8C% i:0 1~:1t+1.^. PCl'<^~.i1 C~.C DO~;;•.,•ur,~- cree Oi l~~rt~•~..c_~ o~ ~Le1;,r~~~:li~ :;aa~.i4~~ u.e ~~aCa i:r_: i~cord~i! :tr e3.- ~.,. '~ ~~ f~R1A~'~~ N{~' ~'~i `~-- V Fa,r,a ] 5 ~ ~ ~ 0 ;-11C;1•'i.~Zf . . ~ c :; , +:. ~t r° ~~ ,~,~ o ,.. !~: ~~c].c~ C^±~-~;•.•, C.~.t~.iar??in, of t:• :•~c:_it.^_en 'i Jt~ c:t.cl T~tr ~; ~o .J t ~ T.,c^ . 1c~<...~.1 i.n i;'::c C;;u.~.:~:.r o~ Ur.:-tic, Jy~+i.~ Oi G~J.iie :ti.a, clescril~:2 r~ Pollo::3: ~~r.tllT~.:?u (Lv L1 T70'~'1'G OTi '~S?C T'ort•},.~r~.;/ ~.]~.".'= Uf {'.L ~ S{.";?1'.: tl~.' :*.'.•J ~":^7'!'I:CCI ~'.O :i.^,!?{'1 Ara 'ti'al.lcy Irz•_ _~;c~r. Co_•, :iY L~~; Qcc:3 r.:c~t3e3 Octoi_r g, ~;1;7 _a ..^o'_; ~.3 ~, lx=.r_e ~t:i7 et C:_°±c::.~~~ ~_cor~~ c:° °id U__._ Cct+::t:>•~ :~I.d nQLL~ ii_:~±;; 1';ox~th g~1' 459 4c' ;(e:L' 7%'.;i~ icei, iYc:.^. a~~oint an i:;:e cenLer 1i~.c oi •;:!:e :::a:~~a l,n:a ~cr~yon Rand ~~ cicHcriLed •in ~ c;ecd ~~•a ~;'r.;: C.r.,in~ti cx Cn~n~;e x•ecor~:ed ~t~~~~ 7, 19~3 in ltoo:c 171: r~~e l~ib oz OSf:?c+~.l :'•~cor~ c~ ^F~~d Cr.r.^c Coun*y, c^_ict po•Ln4, r.;~ S~iC: ~CY.'tCI' ~.:tY'ti~ GCj.i.~,7~ ~(~v~`l~ 'A'CCt. :iCrl`:1 1;.1}° L`[1~ j/~~~ i:-...5' ~ aY'~:1 .^. liC~i. L'3r'r._7:u-^ ~2C' 1.:.:3L'.:T'S.y~ T.!'Y'L':Xlll:'. Ol LL f.i:2't'i: an rsuiel c~ul:e:r J.a'.'r.''. (l~u:C~~'1LGi.L i'ia LiELli~ (..Ei:~.i 85 }iElt~L~ FL Y.:i~ilt5 OI' ~icjn iF:£•'~ .^.1':Ca. C CE_°Ii:TCl.l. C?9^'1C O:[ ~7~ ~:?s ~i)~~~ Wtic.r.ce fro:a es9.d no_ni: cn_' be~~^.'_*:.r_i.t~; I.or•t~l ;;s~ !+5' 1E2" i;eat ]t:~.l Seet to ~c'r.: ;io~tli 1in~ oY '~:~.'C Y117C}20 ~~.:.~.^i]t.~~.;^,O RC.' ."•`3.T:'u:, i.l'I'1~ i.~1~IIC° GCYt2'~,$ j7° a.ji. ~8~~ i;C'.;L j7.7~ =i;Cf. ~O 6~~:Zi:Cl] CC'i:CTC ~@ 1.:::?tl:::cTl'L: i.::~J1C~ :~i:U'~il fiL'~ i~-'.~ ~JU ~.~•'•Si. ~{~}n.) ~:~i:C ~'l:0 ~. ~.ii.:.: t~h~ci~ be•ar:s Iic: i.h ~;q' 0 j' ~,J° `:e~t i~•c:~~ r~ ~ oiut on ~L::^ iTor{:':~r7;,~ lir.~ q~ ^id ri(;,iit oi ;:ay g:::r:E::;'t to fi:_~n~:L Ar~_ 'vai?~y rrri,;=tic: Gcr.;~:si~~ s~i:i. J.ast ~~niio~-.;: d po~zt t;~~'~~;; ~o+.tt.h 1!!y' ~~~ 3~~~ t:est ~~~r9.01 ~'::~t f~•e~- tlr goint ot' b~r;innir.~;; y lr ~A thencc :~o~itl~ ~~0° ~7° :;~„ ~:.~t 1Q15.33 i'c_„ t~ t~^ J,oNt:~ Zir.c o:f •;3c1 ri;;~. ~ t:tiy of tiie P.~nt; ~ln.z Valley Irri,;,a•tion ~cy~;~r~/; th~~ec I:ortti 4~i°~UO' 30" 'r~n'L ~~49.O1. ~'aet al.onr~ ~aid ri„h1: of ta•~y to t::a point of bcg3nnir.,~,. • l~ccept th~ I:orthe::ateily 239.Q0 tcet thereof. Fxcept2ng ~ur a peri.o3 oP ~-> 1~e<,r~ :r.r.cen : prSi 15, 19~5 ell ot1, ~:.a, ~r.ixwrr-].:; r..nd 1~;,•cl~ a~srbon ctiia;,tsace~ but ti:.tt:~cu{,: th~ rirh~ e4 ytsauce cntry, .~1.~" TC:)ez :~Cd in dee3 xr~n G1are~.c~ iond unel ki~e by dec~cl recorci~d l~aril 21~ l~jj in Loo'_c 30~7~ x~~~,~ 55~ oP C~f3c'le.l. i;ecord,c. PAR'~ L 9: Th•a{: port<_es oS ~ie'irziui a~ ~ ot;t~c; •tq I•;a.til.u Peralti ~:~ Uo:..a.n?Ziez ln aeci~e oS p:stitiu:i of 1;'~c i;^_: ~i:o S::ntaa^;o cie °..~nr~ Am, r~corG~•3 3a ::co's P oi •~u3,~~en-ts of t~.e 1'j~'~ J~3:1c5.!t Ti~s'~:~ct C;:urt c~ C'~.].taornia, 1.cestctl ;Crt ~h~ Cotmty oY Or~s~;e, S~.~t~ ot Ca].ii'c..~-;i1.:i, described er. zo:Llo,r~: ~~~.r~ni.n ; nt a no•~i~L .on ~he ilort?i:;c;aterly '.3^..~ o~ t1:a ri,^.:ht oY u:sy ~;rr.sited to t::c :.:,:;i~;a ~;;~ Vallcy- Z:r•it;cti.cn Co:.scsr.,v 8y 4cec! rc:coi•ded Qc1;oAcr ~~ 3;47 9.t1 l~ae'c 1~,'~J~ r. ~e js:~'j G~ Ci"1"i:i.C~'~a, l~c^.COY'(~S 7i ~}i.tli;^ v0~:71 j j S:1:L~ t)fiiial: i'.Cl:lfj ll~f~.n3. 2E._•~t `uCl~?I 1F~o L't7p ~~~r '.~~:^t O~ LL `•;U121~ '(~' C~ z~~^.Cv 1:0i.•~~l ;~~~ ~j~ ti'Z~~ tiic9t. 11c:~ r. pc~:~c en c;;e c^nt=r 1~,,:e cl ;'~;.c, /,~a Gar.yori i,oarl dcacr.''n;~~,Nj c?~c:t z~:- corde•.'. ~.n ~:ek 1'fl, ..~ ;i: 7.`4-3 Gi Gi'i~cl~_1 i:;ccr;?~3 ci' Ci-:t. C;.;e:~:~l~ ~~L,~oi.izt h o' :=r: cn c^•_'3 c~r_~;c•r. l~r.~ beix.;, 72~3.;: ~cct i:cz•t~ j~4' QO' ~0~~ i;- ~:.rc•..:,±; ;ts' '- ~l".~ i:ilC :_~.^.:G'1A 'l":1'~1:1.1iU`3 U'w' ~;. CllTVi: (~:1. L%~.:1Ci Ci:]ltit'P a.].1:2t `~'i=-': ^~~VL,~'bL:~.: ~p i~~S~ i~`s'~.c~i. :i..n a.zd dcc:z c::s h:;'~i.n,:, a. r.:iliv,. a? :D.GU ::c~t e.s::i =c:~rrn,t~r;1,E~;Sr,u;~c:=-.:1 A11,:,i.C Ul :j.('a ~:?~ :i~.~ ,.~C~'! ..SS.iI. ).~Oitll: [:7~ I; "1!'.1'lll~ ~) 2•:iGAS.S}.7c'7't•~;~~C'~,.i~qY~l1 +1~7 , ~C,~.:~ ~V\ ~7e Iti" ~~•'~~t IC?r ~3 5~.~•t i;o n_:~int o:~ .:~ i:cr;~_7 3.•ir.^ aY ~,r1 j4•.iicl o~N ~~t~fo ~:~ ~1r~ ~ii: ~~_ ~, f 1~O £•a~ ;j'" ;;c:;8 t;.~, icst to Si;:z{r~ ;;o ' :.: 5. c:e S^~ .; ~ ca:.i 3 , Ci ~_ ,~,,~. l,.~ ~^.i;? r;'f+1~:'~.~O)il ~L'C:::~; ~...:'.:CtA ~JY L' ccr.ci:.,.~ ..~:rw ~~lii:; t`:encc SoLY:~?t~~';'I'..~D1e ~1:~vU i.:lC•~.~~ ~r AV. _.~..~17.~.'~i1.~'. /.JJ~~~ 1'~.:'1: LO!•^ "::J1i1~ CJrC"J TC..~ 1:C1'~}3 ~~G~ j~S~ j'Jn ... i:~:.i :L C`• Cl CC..__ ...... i." "_.. o~..:.I'.....:~ •:Ci1 i76. Jr ~% ~ ~t. j 'l.i:::J:~i:J:"v~.1.,i1 ....:i~' ~)~` -,l' .._...IL' i._j.~~~.~^«:cC~~ :~1C11C~~VUO`~i~l 0~ ~ riJ~~ .~ ;$ `> 7~ J~~-•JJ ~ECi; 'CO a;?OSAt Oli 1.;3 C.•?t't.:1` J.;.i'C hi ..::i(i :.ri~a tiT13 GJ.A~{OL i:0:id l:f3 ur:;C2'~1~Cd ?h t::': C~~il GGU:'.. ._~`ui.~l":• '?.j ~;`~71~.. ::G:'`...7 t:?° Q~~ l7u y.t ri7.C::(j S)11C~. 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''U \, f's `'4 ~ V1t1~INI iLL ~U. r P::~7,~ 1'j , ~ ~ :::t_11~:;-F;'~ r:~:;c~z, a5: Ccwi°ncing ~t ~cst ~~rlied "C", 91b.5 :Cect :desu frc~ ~lie S~uthrest coz~~.er o.° ~° i::,rthe^...". ~ c!usrtcr OI" ~CCvj.CZ! d4•~ .~~:0:*I79}2:1.1) 3•~iLvt.il~ -r_L27~;'v' Q l~L"3~) v• ~• ~~., ~?!., ;:~i;ich co~•~^r ~ ~~~.'lsu S~.r..tio:~ i^i~. 13 0_ •th° .estcr:iar b1rn-.u~.?:-xy ci.Vr,oy.id ~ti.riC'll~j Iiai~Y:i.G' u~.u~1 ~.y ~:~~ ltiuV ~~i~~C.~V ~L: L~v:~ Uii~ i:.7~i.~.Vi~..1'~;j t+vlA:~~~:J Vl WZ~ 1;ai:eLo; i;t:ence So~~th y9' ti'.e :t iC•`.i~] ie::t; tl:er.cc i~ortlz 1° ~: ~' ~Je:;t 12,~)7 ~'eet to ;,i:~ :tio:•~i:_=1~ b:;:r.:nt;r' oi Eaid. _,.?:c~ o; cr.3 th~^ce F.u~t '1~ !+ .~eet ro c': pl: .. ef be~5ir.~.i.:x a.nl t:~•~i:^.' .ro=ticr: e~ ti?:e ~~:ecz:3 az~:t 1.'il"~2~d Cl^:~c 7.ar.un .11ct~ed~ to Vic_zz~e Yero~ nn:luto i'~•i_;ir:*:cio 1oru~ l~;/ 1'iiu7. ?%ecrce oY F~rti~t•! cn oi' snid i~s:cl~o rc~?3ered Pebrusiry ~, 1t3'~1~. ~centing t'r.~rc:Prc~t t;l~at rorti~ 1ti~_?n ; itort?rresterly of the ScutHe~3r~t~r'!y li:~e oz tu° lnn~l d~~cr:i.hc3 3n P~rceJ. L1 3n tt~e I'~:~~il Cz~d_r o:f ~o:xlc~^.~~io:i rer:x2rcd ~. t!:. ~;~•~r•Lc: G'c,~t o~ Cr.:r..~ Ccu:~t:T, C~~c iio. ].;;5'~2, :~ cer. v~±.fie1 eo7y af ti;:^~eh tr°.s reeorcied t•s,y 21~ 1970vin ncok ?~,~, p.;;e ~93 of ~Pficirl ?:~cord: y z•ecord:: o: C::.nr~ L'cuat;~, f:1'liforniu. pi,r;c?~L 16: • ~.11 ~r:st c~r•;iiis lexl si•tu4i,ed in tY:~ F~r.cho Cnncn de S:tit~. An^, Qescr3.t;eQ cc xollm.r~: . ,. . ~~4~~~~;t•~a~';. Ee~i.n:iin~~ a~ a'pc:,at• an La~ it~r,cno I.in~ bet~rc:en t'.:c'i.anc;:o~c`:~:~n,p~:•'dc ~;itr~ l~rz • t o , ,: ~ ~.,Y. L'.iiti ~~:Lllt7::t,0 (;C ::;..trii:: .. .~ G_.'lit T:~:~~Ii~. ii:D`1.17? JiGTi:l ~V i J tcr~ %~L .~' ,C:~J.k71y ~c;7 Si::ti.•n 36 0~ i:l:~ ..._acho ~~~~i:Li^ro cle :~.n~.:.ln~~. s;:idll~u~.'t;}iori;;;f~:'~,:.x~°~31.1~i liliii;.: ,.t...'. U£:'u'qi'2'f~ ~7µ f c;.ai:zi 1;;:; o: ::~e `i~.~:~a;;iin corn_r i_•t t.i~~ cui•r.a:• c~ 1°~ ~' :, ~ 4~ a~ui,;:~ °~ 3Vi.c ., ., fl t~T;3 j iica~~ .`'',. F~. :3. Ei I•l.~ i::i:l8. rG12it ~;o~,;,, "t!lro ti.~~.~aDUZh- '+ .. :`.,. ~. s~sut ecrr~r c•i'~~?;a ~(..'?~ cr__c i,rz,ct di;~cxiliutecl ta L•'rr~~sLo~~~-~c:i^,~,,,k>,~~uccrc~ rccurdes i:. i,c;~.,. ~J, ,r.: ~33 eA :._..a~ ~hc-.;ca i;~r+:ti~ 1° ~:~' ~:c,~o"~'iv.~7 c'.;alna to ;:o..:~t; ..._..cc ;~.. t:~~'j~` z~3y ~~~; ?~.?0 ci:sis~ i.o u p~ir.`,. C:1'i:.~1~ G:'=_11L ~=,L'C:} '~7Ct?CC:+:iOUth 40' ~~j~ ~ri:iG't l.G? G~)2:~%].4. t0 ~istic~. ;j'j Oi ~»:6 ik1I:C:110 :;::ntiaFo , p r ~ r, ~- ~ ~P~ VA~~in~~~t f~U. 0=3 ~~~ a;: , • ~ ~ C: t•-xlG;:i•F'tlE . ' c2e ~ant^. l.r.~t; ~~i~flC.": ~Gi1t.I: I{Oo ^~o lTe~t; c~lcn~ t:Y,e I:n~;et~o 13.r~ 1C.~F1 caairs ~i 'l~~e 1.o'in~L oi bc ,1:Li:ix,~. • F.xc~~:';inr; •.'.:^re1:c-~ •t':~t pori;ion •i~Zr_1~.OC lytr.^. I';or~:?>cr:Lj of t~;: Scut?;cr~.l~ 3:'.:~ oS i'a•cc:l ?' (:,:.L~r~c.::t) rn r.c.~c~•:1~:,:i 3n ~.l~~c. ...r~e3u 2':~r•=1 G~-der o.i C~::lc~n^~ f.fcn, ~:!n:~rier Ccurt C~._ ii«. ~;', ~2, n ccr~~.~?.ca cc~-•: of ta;i:tch s:._ ~,:corQed Oc~!~~:r 9, 1;59 tr.::co:;^1103, r,e;;e ~:a3 oi' Ci^.iicial j,ecorus, oi u33c1 c%r:~s:~,e Cv`un'~;/. r~acL~ Z8: Tkat porticn ef t!:o: e c~r~trtii~ Etrips af 2~.nd conveyed co 8;tin~~x l,;nz ~'ai7.ey I;-ri~~•t::on Cc:~ma~-',y dced record^d July 1f3, 7o3t~ 3n L'•oa1: C35, p•'T~ L,~J O~ C ft ~ ~~. ~ 1+y de,•d r~cr.-:tc1 Cct^~_^ ;, 1;w7 i.. 1cc~s. 1°''~ ..° !$7 i_. c_~l :,eco_r..3 cr.N ,~,., 1..;;;_ t of Ci'Sic.~,al itccorc?:~, ?~i;~=; :;ox~tiicrwa~rl.y ot the l;ortiiwa>~erly 1i~^~ o:C Eant~e l.ra ~::°to?i .,~_.ci, :~.G:) ..~::t t•.*:ci~, 1.y~~•, 'v:ca~xlv oi t:; :i;crJ.,y 1~.~.~ ci I^u.cel ~~ l~ere?~L.bo•; Y c1e :eribc;Z ~nd lyi:;~; Eas.t~.rly o.~ the S7eai~rly Z3~~.e o~ Pcreel 7 ' 1?e.rean~:~ove aeccz•ibcd. • ' E.~ceptin,r., thcmi'rt~n any ~:ert3on i.ncluded ttith;n Ibrcc]. ~ dcccxiUcd above. _._- ' • ~- ==~y.. ' ~ . • ~ ^o~~~n~t-f,,~v • . • ~~'1 ,~ '~, I~a ss, ~ ~~ •: ~ r,, .. ~ ~ ~.n ~',' ~•` \ N ~ ` ' 'LT ~ ~ . ~ ~^, Q ti~ i ~;, ~ ' ~°~'~~rt~ay~"%~ ~~~t~i~;c;t ~u. ,~ 3~______------.- . '~ ~ ~ 9. That the requested variance will not be materially detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to the property or improvements in ouch vicinity and zone in which tt~~~,property is located. '"`"~~• Z0. That one person appear.ed repreaenting the homeowners association in oppoaition, and that a letCer was received,also in opposition. ~ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED thet the Anehelm City Plenning Commission does hereby deny subject Petition for Veriance on the basis oE the afocementioned findings. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is signed end epproved by me this 9th day of June, 1972. H IRMAN/ANAHE~M CIT LANNING CO ISSIO PRO TEM A'TTEST: C%~~ SECRETARY ~~_1HEI CITY PLANNING COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFGRNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Ann?,Kreb9', ~ Secretary of the City Plenning Commission of the City of Anaheim, do hereby cedlfy thet the fore- going resolut:on was pessed and edopted at e meeting of the City Plenning Commission ofthe City of Aneheim, held on May 31, 1972, at 2:00 o'clock P.M., by the following vote af the members thereoE: AY~:S: COMMISSIONERS: ALLRED, GAUER, HERBST, KAYWOOD, SLYMOUR. NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NUNE. P.BSENT: COMMISSIONERS: FARANO, ROWLAIvD. IN iYITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto sct my hend this 9th day of June, 1972. RESOLUTION NO. PG72"120 V2-D ~~%~~F~ SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION •2- _~,