PC 72-125RESOLUTIOI~;. PC72-125 '~
14HEREAS, the City Planning Cnmmission of the City of Aneheim did receive a veritled PPtiteon ~n' Con-
ditionel Use Pcrmit from CALIFORN7A LUTHERAN BIBLE SCHOOL, 1345 South Burlingca:t Av~rtue,
Loa Angeles, California 90006, Owner; HOWARD M, ULBE2G, 193k Queen Anne's Walk, Fomo?a,
California 91767, Agent of certain real praperty situated in the City of Anaheim, Cou,nYy
of Orange, Skate of California~ deecribed as The South one-half uf the NorL•h~ast quarCer
of the Northeast quarter of the Southweat quarter of Section 14, in Township 4 Scuth,
Range 11 West, in the Rancho Loe Coyotes, as shown on a map thereof recorded in book 5i,
page 7, et seq., Miscellaneoua Maps, records of said Orange County
; and
WHEREAS, the City Plenning Commission did hold e public hearing at the City Hell in the City of Aneheim
on June 12, 19 i"L, at 2:00 o'clock P.M.. notice ot seid public hearing heving been duly given
es req~ired by lew and in eccordance with the provisions of the Aneheim Municipel code, Chapter 18.64,to hear
end consider evidence for and ageinst seid proposed conditional use and to investigate and make findings end
recommendations in connection therewith; and
WHEREAS, seid Commission, etter due inspection, investigetion, end study made by itself and in its be-
helf, end efter due consideretion of ali evidence end reports offered et seid heering, does Eind end determine the
following fects:
1, Thet the proposed use is properly one for which a Conditionel Use °ermit is euthorized by Code Section
18.64.020(1-f) to wiL•: estaolish a private educational instit~:ion with wei~er of:
a, SECTION ]8.04.090(2-a) - Minimum setbsck from renidential to a parking area.
(10 feet required; 0 feet proposed)
b. SECTION 18.16,050(4-b) - Maximum buildinR heittht adiecent to a reaidential
zone. (7,5 feet permitted; 10 feet proposed)
2. Thst Waivere 1-a and 1-b, above mentioned, sre hereby denied on the basis that
the petitioner cdn develop within the requirementa of eite development etandarde applicable
to this property.
3. That the petitioner did r.ot demonstrate a hardship would Exist because ~f the
size and ehepe of the parcel or that the waivere were nece6sary to enjoy a subetantia~
property right enjoyed by othera ir, this general area and denied to the petitioner.
4. That the proposed uee, as granted: will not advereely affect the adJoining lanc9
uses and the growth and development of Lhe a~ea in which it ie propc+fa~ to be located.
5. That the size and ehape of the eite proposed for che use is ~~~:quate to allow
the full development of the proposed use, ae granted, in a manner not d~etrimental to the
particular area nor to the peace, health, eafety, end gei ~ral welfare of [he ~itiaens of
the City of Anaheim,
6, That the grenting of the Conditian~l Use Permit under the con@'=tions imposed, if
any, will not be detrimental to the peace, health, eafety, and generel wslfa::! of the
Citizens of the City of Anaheim.
Cl ' 1'
~ ~
in a04~, THEREFORE, BE IT RESULVED that the Anahe~m Citp Planning Commiasion does hereby
,`.gran:/ sul~ject Petition for Conditional Use Permit, upon Che following conditione which are
hereby found to be a ueceesary prerequiaite to the proposed uee of the subject properzy in
ordec to preeerve the safety and general welfare of the Citizena of the City of Anaheim:
(1) That the owners of subject property ehall pay to the City of Anaheim the eum
of 15 cente per front foot along Western Aveaue for tree planting purposes.
(2) That the vehicular access rights except at street and/or a11ey openinga to
Courson Drive, ahall be dedicated to the City of Anahei~n.
(31 That etreet lighting facilities along Western Avenue sh~ll be instaZled ae re-
quired by the Director of Public Utilities and in accordance with atand~rc plane and apecifi-
cations on file in the office of the Director of Public Utilities; and thnt a bond in an a-
mount and form Batisfactory to ii~~ ~ity of Anaheim ehall be posted with tlie City to guarantee
the installation of the above menLioned requirement.
(4) That tcaeh storage areae ehall be provided in accordance with approved plans on
file With the office of the Director of Public Worke.
(5) That a modified cul-de-sac shall be provided at the terminus of Couraon Drive
subject to the epproval of the City Engineer.
(6) That fire hydrants 3ha11 be inatalled as required and determine~ to be necessery
by the Chief of the Fire Dep,artcoe~tt,
(i) Thst a 6-foot masonry tiall shall be canstructed along the south, west, and north
property lines adjacent to the R-A property.
(8) That a 5-foot chainliTik fence sh~ll be constructed alon~, the north property line
ad3acent to the Orange County Flood Control channel in accord~nce with the atandards of the
Orange County Flood Control Dietrict.
(9) That aal air conditioning facilities ehall be properly ehielded from view with-
in 120 feet of the adjacent residrntial p^operty.
(10) That any parking area lighting proposed ehall be down-lighting of a maximum
height of 6 feet, which lighting shall be directed avay from the property lines to protect
the residential integrity of the area.
(11) That subjeet property shall be served by underground utilitiee.
(12) £h.t the drainage of subject property shall be dispoeed of in s menner satisfac-
tory to the City Engineer.
(13) That aubject property ehall be developed substontially in accordance with plana
and apecificatione on file with the City of Anaheim marked Exhibit No. 1 and Exhibit No. 2.
Revisian No. 1~ provi~led, hmaever, th~t plans ehell comply with BiCe davelopment atandarde
epplicable to the proqerty,
(14) Tt~et Condition Noe. 1, 2 and 3, ~bove mentioned, ehall be complied with priar
to the commencement of the activity authorised under this reeolution, or prior to the time
th~t. the building pecmit ie ieeued, or within a peri~d of 180 deys from d~te hereof, which-
ever occurs firat, or euch further time as the Planning Co~niseion m~y $rstit,
(15) That Condition Noa, 4, S, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 ind I3, above mentior.ed, ehall
be complied with pr.ior [o finol building and zoning inepections.
I, Ann Krebe, Sec~etary of the City Planning Commiesion of the City of Anaheim, do hereby
certify that the forcgoing xeeolution was p~saed and adopted st a meeting of the City Pl~nning
Coffiniesion of L-he City of Anaheim, held on June 12, 1972, at 2:00 o'clock P.M., by the follow-
ing vote of the members thereof:
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hrnd this 22nd day of June, 1972.
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