PC 72-131~ ~ RESOLUTION NO. PC72-131 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY PLANNING COMMISSIOh' OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM THAT PETITION FOR VARIANCE N0. 23i0 BE Gl;A; :'ED IN PART WHEREAS, the City F'lenning Commission of the City uf Aneheim did receive a verified Petition for Veriance from A. B. COX and hL~RY COX, in care of Mrs. He7.en Wright,9899 Church Road, Grosse Ile, Michigan 48138, Owners: LOREN J. MEYERS, 21952 Jacalene Lane, Garden Grove, Cali£ornia 92640, Agent o~ certein real property situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of Califor- nia, described as That portion of the south 5 acres of the southeast one-quarter af the south- east one-quarter of the rortheast one-quarter of Section 1?, Township 4 South, Range 10 West, S. B. B. & M., as deacribed as follows: Seginning at a point an the center line of Euclid Avenue as ahowr. on a mep filed i:. hook 27 page 11 of Record af ;iurveys in the office of said recorder dis~ant therecr r.or~h 0° 18' 00" west 210,01 f2EL from its i.ntersection with the center line of Orange 5[reet as ~hown cn said Record of Survey map; tii~r.ce parallel with said center line of Orange Street south 89° 10' 25" west 150.00 feet: thence parallel with said cen~er line of Euclid Avet~ue r.ort}~ 0'~ 18' 00" west 120 feet to the northerly line of seid south 5 acres; thence easterly alor~g said northerly line to said center line of Euclid Avenue; thence along said center line of Euclid :~verue, south 0° 18' 00" east 120 feet to the point oi beginning WHEREAS, the City Planning Commieafon dId hold e public heedng et the City Hell in the City of Anehelm on June 12, 1972, ut 2:00 o'clock P.M., notice of said public hearing heving been duly g~ven es required by lnw end in e4~ordance with the provisions of the Aneheim Munlcipel Code, Chepter 18.68, to hear end conaider evidence for and egeinst aeid proposed varience end to inveatigete end make findings end cecommendetlons in connection therewith; and WHEREAS, eafd Commisslon, efter due inepection, investigatlon, end study =?de by itse:f end in its behelE, end efter due consideration oE ell evidence nnd reporta offered at seid hearing, does fir.d end determine the following fects: 1. Thet the petitloner cequeats variance~ron the Aneheim Municipal Code as follow3: a. S~CTION 18.40.050(a) - Farkin~ to be provided to tlie rear ot a reeidential structure. (Parkiag provided iu tne front aetback) b. SECTION 18.40.070 6-a - b-foot masonry wa1T reQuired alon~ the north proper.ty lir.e. (5-foot wall existing; no proposal to increase height of existing wall) c. SECTION 18,62.155(m) - Maximcro sign area. (8 sGuare feet permitted; 120 s~]cuere feet proposed) 2. That Waiver 1-c, above me::tioned, is l~ereby denied on the baeis that t}~e sigr. size proposed is far in excess of Lhat permitted, and signing should be in accordance witli tlie commercial use of a recidential str~cture. 3. Tliat there are exceptional or extraordinar~ circumstances or condition3 applicable to the pr~perty involved ar to tYie it~tended use of the property tliat do not apply generally to L•iie property or clasa of use in the seme vicinitp and zone. /~. 1'hat the requested variar.ce, as granted, is necessary for the preserve':ion ard enjoy- ment of a suust:antial property right posse3sed by other property in the same vicinity and zone, and denied to che property in que3tio~i. 5. Tliat thE requested variance, as granted, will not be mater:aily dPtrimental to tl~e pui~lic welfare oi injurious to the property or improvements in such vicinity and zone in which the property is loceted. Vl- G -1- •• ~ ~ in part NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the pneheim City Plenning Commiss!on does herety gran~/subject Peti,tion for Veriencc, upon the following -~nditions which are hereby found to be e necessary prereyuisite to the pro- posed use of the subject pcoperty in ori~r to preservt the safety end general welfare of the Citizer.; of the City of Anaheim: (1) That this veriance is granted subject to the completion of Reclaes:ficatio:: No. 71-72-49. (2) That subject property ahall be developed subatantially in accordance with plans ar.d specificaLions ori file with the Citp of Anaheim morked Exhibit Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 arid 6. (3) That subject property shail be developed in r+ccor~-nce with Area Development Plan No, 95, Exhibit "B", THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is ni~ed and approved by me thie ?~nd dey of June, 197~. RMAWANAHE~IPf CITY PRO TEM / ATTES'*: L~S~ i~~~/ SECRETARY ANAFiEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION STATE OF CALiFORNlA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) bs• CTTY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Ann Krebe, Sec~:~ary of the City PlennIng Commission of the City of Aneheim, c~o heiaby certify thet the foregoing resolution •:•a~ pessed end adopted et a meeting of L'~e Clty Planning Commission ot the City ot Anoheim, held on June 12, 1972, et 2:00 o'clock P.M., by the [ollowing vote of the members thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: GAUER, i{EhBST, KAYWOOD, SEYMOUR, NOES: COMMISSIONERS: ALLRED. ABSENT: COMMISSlONERS; FARANO, ROWLA.ND, IN WI'TNESS WHEREQF, I heve hereunto ect my hend this 22nd day of June, 1972. RESOLJTION NO. PC72-131 ~~ %'~~% ~:c.~/ SECRETqRY ANAH::iM CITY PLA.NNING C9MMISSION V2-G -7-