PC 72-139C~ RESOLUTION NO. 'rCiz-Y39 a RESOLUTION OF TSE CITY PLANNING CO'+'IMISSION OF THE CITY OF ANAFIEIM THAT PETITION FOR VARIANCE N0. ~j7 ~ BE DENIED WHEREAS, the City Plenning Commission o( the City of Anaheim did ceceive e verified Petition for Variance fcom TRENE Cli~1PICELLOR, 211 East ~'siencia ~svenue, Ar.aheim, Cai? furnia 92805, Ow:eer; ?TyaN CHANCELLOR, 953 So~th i'epper StreeC, Ar~aheim, CaTifex~i& 92&62, Agent of certsir. real praperty situated ir. the Ciiy of ;r.aheim, Cox:r.ty of Ora•c.ge, St:9te uf Califurnis, described a~s Lot No. 4 of TracC No. 22~ WHEREAS, the City Plonning Coamiaeion did hold a public hearing et the City Hall in the City of Anaheim on June 26, i9i2, et 2:00 o'clock P.M., notice of seid public headn~ having been duly given es re~uired by law end:n eccocdance withthe provisions cf ~:,e Anaheim Municipel Code, Cha~ter 18.68, to hear and consider evidence fos end egeinst said proposed veriance end to inveatigate and mnke findings und recommendetions in connection therewlth; and . WHEREAS, eaid Commission, efter due inspecL'on, investigation, enc study made by itself end in ite behalf, end efter due considecatian of ell evidence and reporte offered at seld heacing, does find and detecmine the following fects: 1. T'het the peliHoner requesta •v~giia :ces a. SL•'CI'1~N Ib.2$.050 3-._'~ - b. SECTTUti I8.'l"d.050!!;'a~4; - c. SEGTION 1d,28.050(F-a-~i ° d. ~ECI'ION 123.Z8.OSO~6°D~L~ - e. SECT'iuN i8.28.050(7-~) - f. Sc;CPTO~ i8.2tS.OSO(10-a1_ - g. 5ECTIOr I8.23.05G 10"ej - from t:Le Ac:eheim Mur.icipel Co3e ss follows: Mircimcm floor ~rea. (`150 sgasre fe~t propo~ed 825~~Lare feet required) 2tinim;:m local. street setoack. (15 feet reqLired; i3 f~Et, 8 ir.ches a.~d 6 feet. 4 i•~:ches proposed) Ve::Lculsr acces~ from an allev or.ly. {~;e4icular access from Vaiencia ~venue propused} t4in:m,~m iz::.erior eect~ack. (16 f~ei: reqaired; 4 feet, 5 ir.ct~es a: d 5 fe~t, 8 ir.::hes proposed) Mi•ri.m_m dfstance oetwee~ tuildin.~s. (10 feeC, 7 irct:e~ propased; i 3 feet. 6 incties required) T~irim.~m •r•.~mber of pat`kine spar_e~. (5 uerki:;g space3 req::ired; 3 parking spaces proposed) ?arki:~e area~ ~crec:.inR. (Yerkir.g areas to be acreened Lrcm Valer~.~i& Av~~rae; par.kiT~g area~ pru- poseu wuulti not oe scree~:ed) 2. Tr.a~ t.}~e pelit:ioner prupoa=~e t.o move ou a d:;plex aad P Chree cer carporr. in conjunc- l-ion wath t.i~e existi~g si:igl~-family unit. 3. Tlzer r.i;ere are r:o EXCEptional or exl•r~ordi:_ary circ~msCS:tcea or cu~.ditiors applicable eo tY~e propere,y iavolved or tc tl•ie int.e~ded use of :'r:e propert;y that do not S~pply gererally to the pruperty or ciacs o`_' u3e in Ciie same viciuit•;4 and zeae. 4. Ct:at ~ae req~aE~ted variar.ce is r.at r:ecaesar.; For elie prES~rvatics: ar:d enjo;ment of a suUs~artial property righc possessed by ocher propert~r in t.he same vicir_i;y and zone, aad de~iied L'o ~l~e property in quesrio~. Vl-D -1- -~ ~ ~ ~ S. That the requested variance will be materially det~imental to the publia welfare or injurious to the property or improvements in sur,h vicinity and zonQ in which the prop~rty is lo- cated. 6. That graating of subject petition wauld be establishing an ur.desirable precedent for similar requests from other small and narrow parcels throughout the City. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED Lhat the Aneheim City Planning Commission does heceby deny subject Petition Eor Veriance on the basis oE the eforementioned findings. AYES: CUMMISSIONERS: ALLRED, FARANO, GAUER, HERBST, KAYFIOOD, ROWLAND, SEYMOUR. NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONF.. A9SENT: COMM1IISSIONERS: NONE. SN WITNESS WHEREOF, I heve hereunto set my h~and this 6th daq of ~uly, 1972. ~~. ~ ~ =~ `~ SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is signed and app:oved by me this bth day of July, 1972. . ~/~~/ ` CHAIFMAN ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION ATTEST: Li~~ ~~~? [iftc/ SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMiSSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) . COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Anrq, Itrebs,,, , Secretery of the City Planning Commission oE tUe City of Anaheim, do hereby cediEy thet the fore- going resolution was passed end edopted et a meeting of the City Plenning Commiss:on ofthe City of Anaheim, held on June 26, 1972, at 2:00 o'clock P,M., by !he following vote of the members thereof: RESOLUTION N0. PC72-139 V2-D -2-