PC 72-141~ RESOLUTION N0. _ .. ~ rc72-i41 A RESOLUTION OF T[iE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM THAT PETITION FOR VARIANCE NO. 2380 BE GRANTED IN P9RT WHEREAS, the City Plenning Commisnion of the City of Anaheim did receive e verified Petitlon for Var.ance from ALFRED D.Y~+INO, iil South Besch Bouievard, Ar&heim, California 92804, Owner of certa~in real property situated in the City of 9naheim, Co;:aty of Orarge, State of California, deacribed as Thae portioc~ of the NorCY,ea,t qLarcer of t~e Southeast quarter of SecCion 14, in Townsiiip 4 Sour.h, Range li West, i~ the Ra;cho Los ~oyutes, ehown as Parcel B on a map recorded in book 12, page 34 oL Yarcei Map3, re::ords of ssid Orar.ge Countp; and NI~EREAS, the Clty Planning Commiaeion did hold e public headng et the Clty Hell in the City af Anehelm on Jc.r.e 26, 15':'2, at 2:00 o'clock P.M., notlce of seid public heering heving been duly given es requiced by law end in ecoord^nce with the pcovisions of the Aneheim Municipel Code, Chepter 18.68, to heer and consider evldence Eor end egeinat seid pcoposed verience and to inveaU¢ate and meke findingc end recommendetions in connectlon therewith; and WHEREAS, aeld Commission, e:ter due inspection, investlgation, end study mede by itself end in its behelf, end efter due considecotion ~f ali evidence ead capods offeced at seld hearing, does Eind end determine the folloaring facts: 1. Thet the petitioner requeats variar.ces from tiie Anaheim Mur.icipal Code as follawe: s. S'"cC'i'i0N 18,40.070(2-s-2j, - Mi:.imum local street setback. (5 feet required; 0 feet propoeed) b. S:t;P'[ON 'Ltf.40.U'10(2-a-6) - Minimum parkin~ area :andsca~i,n~;. (2% of the park- ~` ii~g 8YE8 requlred; ro landscaping propoeed) c. SECTION 18.40.Oi0(6-aj - Zone separation well required. (6-foot aolid masonry wall abcLting a reside;itial zone r.equireZ; no wall propoaedj 2. Tl~c,e tne petitio::er prupuses tu establiah a mini$ture golf course on aubject praperCy. 3. Tl~ac the peL9.tior.er wir.iidrew Waiver i-b, above mentiotied, and stipLlated to providing the required 2'% ~ncerior landac&ping. 4. 'fLs,t Waiver 1-a, above mentio::ed, ~s 1:~reby grauLed on L-he Uasie Chat incorporating tlie req::ired 5-foot setbaa!c witl~ir t.h~ recrEer.i~+~;al use proposed wuuld be more appropriate. S. 'Ti~at Waiver i-c, aUove me-~tioreu, is t:ez•eby granCed or, the b~sis that the petitioner stip;.lated ti~at the weli would be co~at:.:~led olonF; Ciie i~orth property line except for tha easterly 150 feet &djecer,t ;:o ti~e pxc.poezd gsrk[n~; area; ar,d t-hat tha required wall along ehe sout•h property line had been previously.revtewed by the City Council wherein the wall wae re- quir.ed to be conetr:.cted along the wester:~ 152 fe~c snd a bond was r.equired to be pos~~ed to inscr.e co~st.ructior. of said wall along the e~s'~erly 250 feet in ti;e evzr.t L•he property to the soi~cu was retaitied for residenrial ti~se. 6. ThaL there are E:c:eptional or extraardinary circumslances or conditions applicable to tl~e property involved or to the ir:tended vse of ~iie property, es gran~ed, that dc rot apply ger.erally to the praperty or cless of. use in ~he same viciriity and zor,e. 7. 'Ctiat the r.eq esl•ed variance, as grar~ted, ia neceasary for the preservatlon and enjoy- me•,it of a subsCancial propert~• righl- portsessed by oth~er propert~ i.n tP~e same vfcinity and zone, and der.ied to the propercy in question. &. That the req:.esCed varia-ce, ae grarted; F~ill uol be maCerially detrimental co the public weifare o~ injurio:.s to 'he propert~ or improvements ir, s:.cl~ vicinil•~ and zotce in whicn the prope:*_f i3 lo~ated. -1° ~ in part NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Aneheim City Planning Commission does hereby gtant/subject Petition foc Variance, upon the following conditions which ece heceby found to be a necessery prerequisite to the p:o- posed use of the subject propecty in order to pceserve the sefety and general welfece of the C?tize.^-s of the City of Anaheim: (1) That the ~idewalks shall be installed alocig Beach Boule~:ard as required by the City Engic~aer and in accorda~ce with atandard plans and specifications on file in the office of the Citp Engir.eer. (2) 3hat the vehicular access rights to Hayward Street shall be dedicated to the City of Anaheim. (3) Tha~ trash storage areas shall be provided in &ccordance with approved plans on file with the office of the Dir~ctor of Public Works. (4) Tiist aYl air co^ditioai:g facilitie3 shall be properly shielded from view, and the sour.d buffered from adjacent resideatial properties. (5) 'Phat the final parki^g ~rlan sha?1 ba ~tpproved by the Aevelopment Servicea Department, er,d a~::v lar.dscsped .ereas in °.:he par.kirg area sha1Z be protected with 6-inch high concrete curbs and concrete wreel stops 3haI1 be pz•ovided for parking spaces as required by the Development Services ~epartmer.t. (6) Tnat subjec~ property sheil be Zeveloped substantially in conformance with plana and specificatiuns ar. file with ~he City of Anaheim marked Exhibit No. 1 provided, however, that tiie i::terior parki-g area sna~li be iar.decaped in accordance with the site development standards a~ etipulated t•u bq the pe:itioner. (i} 'fha': Conditior No. 2, above mentio:ed, shail be complied with prior to the commence- ment of the activit~ a::Chorized ur:der thie re~olutior. or prior to the time thaC the building permit ie issued or withir. a period of 180 da;ys from date hereof, whichever occurs first, or sLCh f~rCher L-ime art the Pianr.ing Comm;ssioc may grant. (8) That Condition Nos. 1, 3, 4, 5 ar.d 6, above mentionad, shall be compli.ed wit_h prior to final b;:ilding and zorir.g inapecCior.s. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is signed end eppmvec! by me this 6th day of July, 7.972. ATTEST: CHAIRMAN ANAABIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION Ci~ %~~~ SECRETP.RY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) , I, Ann Kreb3, Secretary oE the City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim, do heceby certify thet the foregoing resolution wes passed end adopted at e meeting of the City Planning Commission ofthe CitY of Anaheim, held on June 26, i9%2, at 2:OO.o'clock P.M., by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: ALLRED, FAR4N0, GAUER, HERBST, KAYWOOD, ROWLAND, SEYMOUR. NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE. ABSENT: COMMISSiONERS: NONE. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have heceunto set my hend !his 6th day of July, 1972. RESOLUTION NO. PC72-i41 ~i2~~.~ SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION V2-G '2"