PC 72-160~
WHEREAS, the Clty Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim did receive a verified Petition for Veriance from
ADOLPH W, LEMKE, 125zz E1 Roy Drive, Santa Ana, California 92707, Owner; K AND ;J
DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, Post Office Box 17b, San Dimas, California 91773, A9ent, of
certain real,property situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of
Califorria, as described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and referred to herein as
though set forth in full,
WHEREAS, the City Planning Commiseion did hold a public headng et the City Hall in the City of Anaheim on
July 10, 197z et ]:j0o'clock P.M., notice of seid public hearing having been duly givea es cequicedby
law and in eccordanae with the provisions of the Anaheim Municipel Code, Chepter 18.68, to hear end consider evidence for
and ngeinst seid proposed veziance end to investigete end meke finding's end recommendetions in connection therewith;
WHER'EAS, seid Commission, after due inspection, investigation, and study made by itself end in its behalf,
and eEter due consideration of ell evidence and repods otfeced at seid hearing, does find end detecmine the following
1. Thetthepetitionerrequests variances from the Anaheim Municipal Lode as follows:
a. ScC'T'IGN 18.'L4.030(4-a) - Minimum lo. width. ( 0 feet required; to el
feet propos~ l)
b. SECTI01•! 13.24.030 4-b - Minimum lot area. (Z200 square feet required;
6000-square foot minimum proposed)
~, That the petitioner proposes to subdivide subject property into 50 f<-~ zoned lots.
3. That the requested variances will be materially detrimental to the public welfare
or injurious to the property or improvements in such vicinity and zone in which the
properYy is located.
4, That although the petitioner proposes a maximum density as permitted in the R-1
Zone, it would appear that there is too much density considering the limited access to
this parcel.
5. That in the event of an emergency sucl-~ as flooding in this area, due to the
prorimity of the Santa Ana River, it would be extremely difficult to vacate these homes
since the onl•~ we~y out of this tract would be through the tract to t;~~ west.
u. That due to the limited access to and from subject property it would be extremely
difficult for emergency vehicles to gain access to the proper;ies.
7. That the requested variance is not necessary fcr the ~reservation and enjoyment
of a substantial property right possessed by other property in the same vicinity and zone,
and deriied to the property in question.
8. That the applicant should comply with the site development standards of the P,-1
Zone thereby reducing the number of people who wouid be residing in this rather
inaccessible parcel.
9. That one persun appeared in opposition.
Vl-D -1-
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I':'~'st l nt;~rir.un ~"i:IF? Ins;./:2llt'a Coirtfl~:rJ
4^.1 IJOR711 1.1AItJ STfiL"CT . Sl~NTl~ At~~~ Ch411•'ORNIA • SA7•G0~2
- 1~UU! ~\:7.
Gur Orurr ho. `:Z^i-0~~~'a2_,r,_zr;t3
Form of f'oiicy Covew~c Rcques~ed: CP.I.II'C~3?aL1 TN:D TI273 !t ~~OCTJI~I^II ~'PAI•;Dl+P1) C~Vwn^.G:: POL1G7.
In res;:on:a 1o the abovc refcrenced r.pplicalion for a palicy of titlc insuruncc, this Compony hcrcby reports fiiot i1
is prc~~aic:1 to issuc, c+r causc fo Lc issucd, as o( Ihc datc herco(, a Policy of Ti11c Insvroncc in thc iorn sp. cified
above, dcsc~ibin9 the~ land ond the cstote or interest th~;rein hereina(ter set forlh, insurin9 ogoinst loss wliicli muy
6e sustained by reosonof uny dofect, lien or encum~rance not shown or referred to ns an Cxception bclow ur not
exclud~d {rom cu~•erage pursuont to ahe printed Schedules, Conditions ond Stipulatior.s o( said poliry form.
This repcrl (nnd any supplemenls or emendments thereto)isissued:olelyfortliepurposeo((ocilifating 1hc issuonce
o( o pulicy of tille insuranee ond no licbility is assumed liereby. If it is desircd thot liahilily be ossumed prior lo
thc issuancc of a policy uf title insurancc, o Bind=r or Commilment shoul~l. bc tequcsted.
j ~ I',t ~ ~:~
Dated as of E, rjl ?_l~ 1971 ot 7:30 a.m. _~•=1^"y`:=-'s.~J Cf~ ~' ~"•~•
~' 411113am H, IIi'Liri:, • TITLr UFFICCR
Tit~c to sci:l estatc or imcrest at thc da~e f~crcof is vestc~l in:
/;. ;•], I~..~~E tind. IYD:CIs P:Ii~SC~li~ as their separate property.
~~s:~ ~9~2 ~
RFi~~aV ~~ ,`
O~~~yUN ^~
• ~'~Vi G 8
Thc estatc or intcresf in Ihc land hercine(tcr Jescribed or refcrred to covered by ihis Report is:
f Fee,
At the Jote licrcof exceplions to covarage in additian fo the printed exceptions and exclusions eontnined in anid
policy fo!m would bc as {ollows:
?. Gci-•::ra?. a~:w ~peci~l ;~r.es f;~r i;h^ f~sca~ ye~i• 1971-~aj2, r~ ].-en n~t ~~c1:
~~~y3bl.c. • •
~E~~;~i~;:~~ ~vu.,zo39~
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OR-10?.(>C ~'•-/~-IlltD
»tsscii~ i~rza;t
All i.li.i. ccr~nii~ 1~nct situ:.tcc? !n thc Sta1;e of Ca].3fornia, Cow~ty oS OrL»~;c,
Clt~• oi' /:ntil~~im, dcccribed cu follcus:
Thst• po:•tlcn~of ~cr.tion 3, Toi~r~.hip ~t South, Run~c 9 lieat, Sati Nc;rrLrdino l:a:;e
ons 1•:erid~un, bein3 a pori:ion c~i 1.he 1r.:3 dc:seribcd. in dceQ i;o L•~:nis Lemlce~ re-
, cord^_d Janc 2(~, 1.959 in Bc•nY. ~~%7G, p4~;e c91, Cftici:,+1 Record~, oi' Gra.i~;e Caunty,
Culiforni~, de~cribed a~ follo~;s:
l3eginnirk; c~t the Southcust cerr.er of tl~e 1cu~3 cwrveyed to Jo2m l~i. IIush by d~ed
reco:ded:.~i•il 9, 1~•3~ in Boe~~ J.G, p~~,e 2~-~ o!' D~e3s, records oi' sr:id U~ar.ge
Ccu.nt•y, said S~c~~7t Lli:]ij i.n thc ~enl:er of the Sant2 ~ir.a Vnllcy lrrigution
Cc.~:~r;;'s C~:nal; t::erc= I;oriti alcn~ thc ~ast lir.: of th:: 12rwi r.onveycd to Nu~.d
John h;, laah, 113n.~7 £eet i;o a point in tti~~ North•esterly lir,e oS the l~rd
~.c~cril;^1 i:~ dec:i t~~ the Stn~e of Cali~ornic:~ recorded ~eptersbcr 10, 19r3 i.n
book ~'j.t~+, Pe~e 97). oi Official 'iecord:: of ;aid C~rrnT~ Covnty, eui.ci point beir.~
t?~e trt~e y~int oi' bc~innir.~; i.'.~~:.ce centinuir.,; l~iori.h ~lon~ ~~.id Gast line 773•93
feet to tn~ i~o~•t}i:rect corr.er of Ll;e dec:d to t•!ill Le•~l;e, recorfled J+u~tt~t 30= 1916
in boo:. ._L~, ~cCe c^:~9 of Decd3, rccords of ~•cr_~e Courity, Cnlit'ornin; tllence
North 83° !~5' OU" B:_st 45g,00 ~cet to the 2~ort•he:^.si; corn°r oi' tl~c land described
in said lcst t~ntiorxd cleed; -LLe;~ce Sottthcrly 41c~iz; the liortl~ex•1.y p~olor.~:.:.on
of the 4iesieri~~ lii:: o:° Lot 8 oi 1•trs. ]:uu~'s Subdiai~ion as eho~m on a mt~n
recorded in bool; 36, p1~c 52 0~ 2di~cellar.sous Record~ of I.ns AnUcles County,
CaliSorr.i.~, ~r,d ulor.;,~ t?:e 1~~sterly lin~ of Lot b to the i~TOrthwe~ter7.y liuc of
sAiu lar.cl described 9.n fleed i;o tre S,U.tc of Calii'ori~i.a; tllence Southwesl;erly
e.long seid Itorthz:cstcrly liue i:o 1;he ~true paint of bc~inaing.
Excc~tin~ th~rcfrom tnat rort•ion of said lan3 deNcribed in i;he deed to Oran,ge
Coti:nty 4lai,er Disi;rict, recoi•clcd Septetnbcr 11, 19~+0 in book lOj6, p~.ge 521 of
OSficial Records.
A.lso except;.nn therei`~cm th2t portion o~ se3d lflnd desezibed in i~hc deeQ to 1:he
City- f Ar3lieim recorde3 A;ay 11, 1965 ln bool: 7~16, pe~e 119 of Oi'ficinl Reco?•ds.
WI~.~: rem
Plats enclose3.
Note: 'i'he inforc:>~ian herein set forth ic supplec:~ntl to Preli~ii~.axy Report ]lo.
OR-1U96532-a»I~.B cu:3 3.~ r.:-~de a»<:rt i:h::reof, According to t?ie puUlic records i.1~Are
have bee~i no deed~ canveyin~ the properiy descriUed in this report recorded tiritliin
a perio3 of six nanihs pri.or i:o the dai~e ot' thi~ report except aw i'ollows:
~ ~--;; -...
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,~'ir~~ ~ r,r~~ricarr Tirle firsr~r.~r~ce Conrp~~r.~
42f fJORT11 ~i/ I~l ~TREET . SAIJTJ~ A~A, CALIFORNIl~ • Sq7-G092
-- VOUf n0. ~
Uur'Order No. ~~ ~~ ry~~.,,~~ty, J
Fcrm of Policy Covcrogc fFequcstc~: ~~~~'Vti~y3A 7r^,'ii-J mI7T.E ~SO~:C.^',I'TOR :~:h.i~;~ti~~.U CCiJl~,i:ArE~ P(,l"'.Il .'
In rasponse to the above referenced applicutioi {or a policy oF title insurance, this Compony hereby reports thot it
is prepared to issu~, or ceuse to be issued, os of the dale herecf, a Pulicy cf Title Insurance in 1Fe ferai specified
above, c'~scribing the lond ond the estote ar interest therein hereinafter set forth, insuring against lons whicli rnay
be sustained by reasen o( any defect, lien or encumbrcnce not sliown er referred te as an excuptien below or noi
exciuded from :o~•eroge pursuant to the primed Schedules, Conditions and Stipulalions of soid policy forn.
'fliis rc~ ort (ond o~iy supplcinents cr amendments thcreto}isissuedsolclyfortficpurposoof Fn_ilitating thc issuoncc
of a policy of title insurance and no liability is essumed heruSy. If it is desired !hot lia6ility be o_sumed prior to
the issuance oi a policy of title insurr.nce, a Binder or Commitmenl should be requust/rd.
~•~.o'~~~*~.ct:J C~° ~u.~„tia'~
Q.Me~ cs of :,~r;~* jUj 1j~~ ot 7:30 a.m. TITLE UFFICER
' ljilLi;~:. H. }3runit
l'itlc to said -stafc or intzrest ot the dnir hercof is vested in: .
.'t. i7. Zr~'I~ir',, a m:sricli m~n.
The estolc or intcres; in 1hc lond hercinaftcr described or raferred to covered by this Roport is:
e i•.._
p ~'p ~? L'.~'~;i1-=~f:~
1 b+(LT I C~ j~ ~
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e1.:.~. ~i*:, t c~w ;3n ].;,~d ~±a.;:rte1 i.. 1:'s:e St~n~e of C~.13foi-n! r, C~..'t~!:ty oY Gi•~.r~e, '
~xLy oF l,naitie5.nr, c.~scr~G~a :.~ av"'l~vs:
3~ c~nc° ;:~ t.~ 4'r: ~t.~+;~ nY Cc?.£•~c.=ni.~ by d~e3:: '•eco~ed
~::.c. p:,r•tion ci ~na l~r. :;
~~r,,y a3, 1;5~- in. r~o~: 7:~f3, ~^: e~as e~a serr_:.~>.;er ~:3, :~;~.~ _~~ uoox ~t~";7, r~:~.~
~ CQ~1:~u~Si: i~;; I::' yY.:t~:stei.ly
77t3, L;~Lh oi' Oi'Sic3a1 l:~r,o::cis oa Or:sr;;e C~unty, ,~S
of ~I~e ~°ull~a:~r:a v:scrxbcd J.in.::
F~~••l.~nin„ tt u To2ts°„ in ta~ Waet.~sx~y ].ir.a o~ 1.ot f3 oS Y'rs. Tu~h'e ~~u1+;~S.vizion
cs ch~~.~n oa ~•%c:n r:.cor~..:6. fii 400:~ 3<, T.,~;G 52 0~ l;ie.~~ll~„7~~zri P.~aa:c~ oi Los
i i. cwd c,:at ix::lt.. ~.xv ll~a :.h~c;;t:.•sly cr.~rner t+1 tb::
lez;;el.c~ CCUn~y, Cc+-.2fa:L a- Pr ~~ -, ,?c ~U ~~u3
~7.:~:'3 C4JVCyC::I. S~O {.ll~ ut..?f3 01' CC!~;i'?T': 1:,7 }3Y U^(::1 t'.?CO.c:~G. E'Va ~•`,'.+'~ iC f
c ae.ta c!::ieiel i;~ae~xci:.s t~~,n.~: :,ac:,; :..,;~ ~rtt:~_:~,~tn.r~,jr
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'e.:i,:::r.iun ou ;, _ .. ._.
::ii1'lTl~" ft Z'F:J.~':~l:i Gi i~J~~•~:V ?':";'t:~ ~?1 G_...1G'. );,!,;~1: .._P,'f.lvtlCt2. L-:;`:~.~ l~'ii:1 d'xv.~.=ti•::~ti
,. •' ,gr " ;•:~;~.',^,r '~o 't:;~~~ LasL•~r~,Y tir:~ 02 .,eSd 1G:s7 can'svyed
t~~:~„ i;~>a:a r:w-t~i •(~' s. ~3 ,
L•;• i r.o:: r~Carti~3 J~:11 l.'.rr i.'~~%• -- - -
~ ~
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does heceby deny subjec.t
Petition [or Varience on the besis of the eforementioned findings.
THE FOREGOING RE~OLUTION is signed and approved by me thia ~th day o~f Ju 1 y 1972
I,•r~N e, Secretery of the City Plenning Commission of the City of Aneheim, do hereby eectlfy that the fore-
going resolution wes pessed and edopted at a meeting of thr City Plenning Commission ofthe City of Anaheim, e on
,lu 1 y 10, 197Z et7: j0 o'clock P.M., by the following vote of the memSets theceof:
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I heve hereunto Ret my hand this 20 th day of Ju 1 y 1972.
~ %~J'u.A~i
RESOLUTION NO, p~ 72-160
V2-D '2'