PC 72-166~ ~ RESOLUTION N0. pC72-166 A RESOGUTION OF THE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM THAT PETITION FOR VARIANCE N0. 2397 BE GRANTLD WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission of the City of Aneheim did receive e verified Petitian for Varience from ALDOR CORPORATiON and ALDOR PROPERT7ES COFtPORATION, 363 South Main Street, Suite 208, Orange, C~lifornia 92668, Owners of certain real property aituated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, as described in Exhibit "A" attached herBto and re- ferred to herein as though set forth in fu:l ; end WHEREAS, the City Planning C:ommissicn did hold a public hearing at the City Hell in the City of Anaheim on July 24, 1972 at 2:00 o'clock P.M., notice of said public heacing heving been duly given es requiced by lew and in accocdence with the pcovisions of the Aneheim Municipel Code, Chapter 1$.68,to hear and consider evidence for and egainst said propused variance end to investigate end make Eindings and recommendetions in connec- tion therewith; and WHEREAS, seid Commissina, efter due inspection, investigation, and study made by itself end in its behelf, and efter de.e cansidera4ion of all evidence and repods offeced at said hearing, does Eind and determine the following fects: 1. :hat the petitioner requests a varience Erom the Anaheim Municipal Code: SECTIO*I 18.08.440 - Pu~lic street fronta~e required. (A Parcel without public street frontage ;$ propased) 2. Thet there ere exceptional or extraordinary circumstances or conditions appliceble to the property involved or to the intended use of the property thai do not apply generally to the property or class of use in the same vicinity and zone. 3. Thet the requested variance is necessery for the preservation and enjoyment of e substantiel property right possessed by ot'aer property in the same vicinity end zone, and denied to the propeRy in question. 4. That ti:e requested va~iance will not be materially detrimnntel to the public wetfare or injurious to the pmp- erty or improvements in such vicinity and zone in which the property is loceted. 5. That the petitionar stipulated that in the event Parcel 3(Parcel Map No. 280) ia pur- chased by the owner of the abutting property to the north, that the access and easement agree- ment for Parcel 3 over Parcels 1 and 2 to Lincoln Avenue shall be terminated and become null and void. V1-G -1- • Celifcrnia Land Tiile P~~oci~lion S.end~rd C. craqe Poliry Form CGPYri9hl IYL3 t ~ --'~ ~ S.~ A rt E R/ •)~ 4~~ ~ c 9ti J ~ ~ , , vaRiar~cE ivo.~~~ ~~-- POLICY OF TITLE INSURANCE 1SSUED BY ~'i~st. tlmerican Title Insur~~zce Compa~ay~ FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, a California corporation, herein called the Company, for a valuable consideration paid fur this policy, the number, lhe ef(ective date, and amount of which are shown in Schedule A, hereby insures the parties named as Insured in 8chedule A, the heirs, cievisees, personal representatives of such Insured, or if a corporation, its successors by dissolution, merge~ or consolidation, against loss or damage not exceeding the amount ;tated in Schedule A, together with costs, attorney's fees and expenses which the Company may become obligated to psy as pcoyided in the Conditions and Stipulations hereof, which ihe Insured shall sustain by reason of: ~ 1. Any defect in or lien or encumbra~ce on the title to the estate or interest covered hereby in the land described or referred to in Schedule C, existing . at the date hrreof, not sho~vn or referred to in Schedule B or excluded from ~ ~~ A 1~ coverage in Schedule B cr in the Conditions and Stipulations; or _ T~~"(y ~ Y~~~ 1 2. Unmarketabil Jty"'af such title; or y~j ~~ l E ; 3. Any defeci in~'the execution of any mortgage shown in Schedule B securing an indebtedness, the owner of which is namerl as Insured in Schedule A, but • only insofar as such defect affects the lien or charge of said mortgage upon ,.__.:~ the estate or interest referred to in this policy; or , ~~ ^~ ~- `~~ . 4. Priority over said mortgage, at the date hereof, of any lien or encumbrance/ n, JU:+ 1972 not shown or referred to in Scned~le B, or excluded from coverage in Schedul ii, B or in the Conditions and Stipulations, :aid mortgage being shown in Schedul~N HECc IVr.:J o Z~rnr~G B in the order of its priority, a} Diw°wn all subject, however, to the Conditions and Stipulations hereto annexed, which ~~~~9~$.q~E~2~ Conditions and Stipulations, together with Schedules A, 8, and C are hereby made ' a part ot this policy. In Witness Whc~eof, Fiist American Title Insurance Company has caused its corporate name and s'al~o be hereunto affixed by its duly authorized officers, on the date ;; c:~f:r. in Schedule A. ~ .\.t\iL: l;~,~i,~~'~ ~: ' ~, a.~r ~~~ • :~ `. ' $:fi:!'iCS.~, ~ . ~.:: : t~ . ~.~,' ,;FGcy\~, . First American Title Insurance Company BY ~ ~ PRESIDENT ATTEST l~/ "^^ b1'~`2~ v+~ SF.CRETARY m FOrm No. 7084d ' CeUfornla Lend Titla Assc ~ on , , Shndard Ccwmapa Poliey . .m • ' CopyApht1963 ~~ SCHEDt1LE A ToWI Fee fior Titia Search, Examination and Title Insurance $ ~TT•~5 ~4mount S F~9 ~ 637• 75 Effectivc Date r;sy 3, 1~2 at 8~00 A. I+I. I nwred Policy No.pR u].~7~,3 SAt~f OSP?•SU ItAY.At•~Ultfi, TC:tIKO I?AKI~;•.IlR/1, hI.DdRADO PItO?ER'PIES COI2P. ~ et ~ ecrpo*_~etion .^.~11 l:Z,R~R CCyt~: ~.'~-~TI~~, a corporutioa. -~~ 1. Ti41e to tho estate or interest covered by tliis policy at the date hereof is vested in: ' ~:" . . ALD'JRP.Dp PRO°ERTZ~3 CC~iP., e. corporation, ua to Parcel 1 r.nd ALDC~t CORPORATTCS7, a corl~oration, a~ Forcelcs 2 snd 3• ~-F;'.1 ~i i~- ~" ~.-,^ 45. •o; 2. The estate or interest in the Iand d~cribed or referre~ tn in Schedule C covered by tliis poticy is: ~Q?9~~ A Fhe. _ . 2~' r`~`~~:~ 1912 ~~ a .i;~F:D ' Cv 2U:~~:~r. . . ~ I'~orm No. 7056~ ~ ~ ~ All Policy Forms ~ ~11.~~ v SCH[DULE C The land re(erred to in this policy is situated in the State of CCtlitornio. , County ot ~,~~e~ Cii.y oS ArtE~he3rII and is described as follows: Ptarcel 1. A portSon of thp Scuth 5 acr~s of ~he East he1T oP the .~outheaat guarter aY the SoutY~;:asst c,ur.rtcr of 8ectian 12, Tokmr.hip 4 South, Ftan,ge 11 S;est, ta th~ ite_ cho Lo3 Cr,yo~tc:s, as shcun oa a r~•~n recorded tn bools 51, p;~r,o 11 of t:i~c~l].wneous 2,~pa, neo.ds of Grozl;e Ceunty, California, deecribc3 tsa fo~.Ioua: ' . Co~:.ncing at th~ c::nterlirn: int~r~ection o° Lincoln le~enue end 1•ia13no1ie Strset en cho~~ on nsv recorcL:;i in Look 37, ~a3p 2~+ of i.ecord af Survey~, xccords ei C~ren~e Co~:aty, bein„ ut 1:he : auL?~~KSt corn^_r of ee~id S~c~ion 12; ther.ee a1ar~ sr:3d cen'i,erlirr~ oY Lincoln /:~;en:~~, Soui;h E9° 40' ~3° h'e~t, 175.00 Pcet; thcr.cc psral_cl s~3th tl:e c~nterline ~i 1:^gnolic . txeet, 2dortk- 0° 13' ~7~~ ~'~est, 40.00 fcet to L•''i~ itorth lii:: of Lir.yeln l~vc:?ua ..nd Lh~ true point of b^33ruiin,3; fi,T,c:nce continuin~ liortn 0° )3' ~+7" ~'~~~'~, 17~.00 :c~t; t:,~:ncc South 89° 40' b3" Fle~i:, 3.1~?.i0 fcc~; theace South 0° 1;' ~7" Enst, 176.G0 fect to the Laid I;orth lir,s of Lincoln l~v~.nuc; tk;encc ala~ said 2lorth line, North ~i3° ~s0' b3" L:~~t, llc'•50~'-'7'c,Q Yeeti to th~ true point of b:,ginning. ,~a~ ~+r ~ Porcel 2. A portlon o£ the South 5 acres of tLe Ean~ hclf oY thc Southe t4~ `~~~~V 1972 ~ quester o~P thc Soutcheast c;u^r~:r oP S~ction 12, TownshiP 1E South, Range RFr~IV[,: l+'es~~ in tho Rancho Lc+a Ccr,;roi,^~ ae sborn on u l:~v rr.co~Ylal in Uook 51, s`~?s~ _~~~~nc; 11 oY 2Siaccll~ou~ L:~pa, record.a ot Or~a:t;e County, Calitor:iia, cL:scrib:d "'~s~on SoLlov~: `~9°s~ >i st z~~~ Ca~.nci~q at the centerlinn int::rcection of' Linr.aln Avenue and L'.:~,nolia Street us s?~o~n on a~n recordn.d in booY, 37, ZG:;Q 24 of Record o~ Svrv~y9, z~:ccrfio of Qrange L'ounty, b~Ln; at t.he Sou~chc~t corn~r of ::~i;l ~cation 1?; tl~ence til.on~, se~1d centerlin3 oY Lincoln Av:.r-uo, 5outh Ei9° 40' ~+3~~ ~'~~a~, ~~7• i0 feet; thence p*~rci7lel vith tbc~ centerlir.e of i!~;;nolie Strreet, l{or~1i 0° 13' <<7" F~est, 40.00 ~'eet to the 2iorth lir: of Lincol,n Avanue and the trv~ point oY bc~inning; thence continui.ng Nar'th U° lj' 47" S:z:;t~ 170.00 ~eet; 1:henc:e South &9° 40' 1i3" 11c~t~ 112.50 S'cet~ thence South 0° Z~' 1:7" Eant, 176.00 Seet to thc cnid 2iorth line of Lincatn . l+veuue; tl:~nce alon~ ~aid 1Torth line, ]iorth 89° ~s0' 43" Eost, 112.Sn feet Ld the true point of bc„inning. ~ Percel 3. A portion oY the Sonth 5~rec of the Eest h~1P of the Southeast ~uurartcr oi the Southera.st nu~xter of Scetlon 12, 'Poz~n~hip 4::outh, Rai~~ u, ~y'est, in the Rencho Los Coyates, t~ uhoua on a nan recorciecl i.n beok 51, P~e 11 of Atlacelluneo,Ls Mnps, recorda of Orungo County, Califoraia, describ;:d as Pollove: Consr~ncing at the centerline intersection oY Lincoln Avence and 2:~nalia Street Qa ahoxn on u~.an recorded in bo~lc 37, pe~c 24 oS Rccord of Smw~cyn, records oP Ort+nge County, bein; pt thc Sout.he~~t cnrr~:r oP c¢id ~ction 12i ther.cQ p1o~ [taid ccnterlir.e of L3ncoln Avenu~, South 89° 40' 43" liest, 175•00 xect; L•hcnce pt~rallel rrith the centerJ.ino 03' ti~nnlia Street, 1~orth 0° 13' ~"l° ~1cat, 21.ri.00 teet to the true point oY bc;innin3, thence continui.r~ 2~orth 0° 13' 47" Vcst, 112.29 feet to tha l;orth lir.~3 of uaid 5outh ~ t~creU, th~nce a1~o^g aaid 1+orth ~ins South &9° 40' 3g" ~'ent~• 337• 55 Scet to the ~ outhr c.uterly lin~ of the Ormk,3 County F]oad Control Carbon Creelc ChruuLl, ea dcecribeci in Pa~k 4952, p~Se 291, Oi~ficial o, .~ 'c . Page 6 ~ ~ ~ . . OR 11147~,3 Record~ of oaid Covsty, bein~ ai; e p~int on a curvc, conc~ve ^outhea3terly ~i.rxl having r~ rafliu~ o±' 959.50 Seet. A rr.ulinl line through snid point beese I~orth 57° 52' j4° lle~t; ~r.`nce Soizth~l:sit~r3~v along r.¢xi.d crrve, 'L'hrou 5h a ecntrol ungle af 7° G(>' 3~", ua r,trc distar.cc of 1f:0.32 ;cet to a Yine p+u~.lel ui.th and 223•~ i'ect Iiortherly ei; ri,h~ ~*~~ len 2Yam sctid cenYrrlir.o of Lincoln Avcnue; thence ~long said i»rallcl line, 2iori;h 8)° 40' 43" Eaat, 170.4t3 feet to a li~ie parallc:l w~ith arsd =:OO.CO i'e~t 1.~ater];f t~b ri~lrt c.~,31es 11cm tt~e centerl3z+.e oY ~~.id b!t~noltu Straet; tt:ence ~?org c:aid 7a~a11e1 li:.e, South 0° 13' 47" F.aot, 7.C0 Yect t~ a line ~;lx2.llc1 trJ.~li t~ .a 216.G0 :ect lior~l;erly ut ri~ht analao f1o~ said center- line oY I.incoln tr~nen,z:~; the. e~ clong auic', prirtillel line, North ~i9° 40' ~+3" ~as~, 2~.00 Seet to Lhe truc point of beginnin~;. ~ ~ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED thet the Anaheim City Plenning Commissioa does heceby grant subject Petition Eor Varience, upon the :'ollowing conditions which are hereby found to be a necessary prerequisite to the pro- posed use of the subject pcopedy in order to preserve the sefety and genecal welfe:e of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim: (1) That street lighting facilities along Lincoln Avenue shall be installed as required by the Director of Public Utilities and in accordance with standard plans and specifications on file in the office of the Director of Fublic Utilities and that a bond in an amount and form satisfactory to the City of Anaheim shall be posted with the City to guarantee the inetallation of the above mentioned requirementa. (2) That the owner(s) of aubject property ahall pay to the City of Anaheim the sum of 15 cents per front foot along Lincoln Avenue for tree planting purposes. (3) That the petitioner shall initiate and complete the reclassification of Parcel No. 3 from C-2, GENERAL COMMERCIAL, 20NE to R-A, AGRICULTURAL, ZONE prior to approval of a parcel map by the City of Anaheim, (4) That in the event that Parcel No. 3(Parcel Map No. 280) is purchased by the owner of the abutting property to the north that the accesa and easement agreement over Parcels 1 and 2 to Lincoln Avenue be terminated as stipulated to by the petitioner. (5) That a parcel map to record the approved division of subject property be submitted to and approved by the City of Anaheim and then be recorded in the office of the Orange County Recorder. (6) That sub,ject property shali be developed aubstantially in accordance with plana and specificationa on file with the City of Anaheim marked Exhibit No. 1. (7) That Condttion Nos. 1 and 2, above mentioned, sha?1 be complied with prior to the co~oencement of the activity authorized under this resolution, or prior to the time that the building permit is isaued, or within a period of 180 days from date hereof, whicliever occurs first, or such further time as the Planning Commiasion may grant. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is signed ead appmved by me tl~is 3rd day of August, 1972. HAIRMAN ANAHEIM CI P ANNIN MM SSION ATTEST: !i~!/~~'+~ ~~.~~u~(ro~ SECRETARY ANAHEIM C[TY PI.ANNING CvMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA. ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ee. CTfY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Ann Krebe, Secretnry of the City Plenning Commission of the City of Aneheim, do hereby certify thet the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted et a m eeting of the City Planning Commission of the City of Aneheim, held on July 24, 1972, at 2:00 o'clock P.M., by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: GAUER, HERBST, KAYWOOD, SEYMOUR. NOES: COMMISSIONERS: FARANO. ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: ALLRED. ABSTAIN: COMMISSIONERS: ROWLAND. IN WITNESS WEiGREOF, I heve hereunto set my hend this 3rd day of August, 1972. RESOLUTION NO. pC72-166 _J!~~~ ,, SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION V2-G -2-