PC 72-169_ ~ ~ RESOLUTION NO PC72-169 A RESQLUTION OF THE CITY PLANNING CCMMISSION OF'tHE CITY OF ANAHGIlA THAT PETITION FOR VARIANCE NO. 2401 gE Gl2ANTED WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission of th.^ City of Anahzim did receive e veriEied Petition Eor Vadence irom FOREST LAWN CE[fETERY ASSOC?ATION, 1712 South Glendale Avenue, Glendale, California 91205, Owner; FULLERTON SAVINGS AND LOAN, 200 West Commonwealth; Fullerton, Califoraia 92632, Lessee; AMERICAN SIGN AND INDICATOR CORPORATION, Attention of Ed Duin, 1635 West 135th Street, Gardena, California 90249; Agent of certain rcal property eituated in the City of Ana6~eim, County of Orange, State of California, as deacribed in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and referred to herein as though set forth in full ; end WHERFAS, the City Plenning Commission did hold e public heering et the City Hall in the Clty of Aneheim on July 24, 1972 at 2:00 o'clock P.M., notlce of seid public heering heving been duly given es requlred by law and in eccordance with the provisions of the Aneheim Municipel Code, Chepter 18.68,to heer end consider evidence for end ugeinst seid proposed veriance and to investigete end meke findings end recommendetlons in connec- tion therewith; ar.d Wl{EREAS, said Commissinn, efter due inspection, investigetion, nnd study mede by itself and in its behel(, and a(ter due conslderatlon of all evidence and report.r. offered et aeid hearing, does find end determine the following facts: 1. Thet the petitioner reuuests veriAncee from the Anaheim Municipal Code as follows: (a) SECTION 18.62.090(t~-1 - Minimum dietance between free-standing signs, 300 feet required; 214 feet proposed) (b) SECTION 18.62.090(b-2) - Minimum height of free-atandint~ siRns. (8 feet required; monument type aign prapoaed) (This weiver is no longer necessary) 2. That Waiver 1-b, above mentioned, has been withdrawn by the petitioner after having sub- •:itted xevised plane prior to public hearing deleting this waiver. 3, ~i~at the location of the proposed building and signing for said building was too far re- ~o~v~~ fr,~~ the balance of the ahopping center to succesefu2ly incorporate the sign within the exiaCiTio shopping center signe. 4, Thal E'~iere are exceptionel or extreordinery circumstences or conditions applicable to the property involved or to ehe ~1;ended use a( the property thet do not apply generelly to the property or class o( use in the seme vicinity 8}I~ iOne:. 5. Thet the requested veriance is ne:essery [or the preservation end enjoyment of e substantiel propeRy right pos~.essed by other property in the seme vlcinity and zone, end denied to the property in question. 6. Thet the requested veriance will not be meterielly detrimentel to the public wel(ete or injurious to the pro~ erty or impravements in suc}~ vicinity and zone in which the propetty ia loceted. V1-G -1- ro ~ a~ ro•~>> c~a~ ac~e~..rcc '~ •c,r.~.o.tn ~a~tnea~ ~. s, ~ ~ TI R'~ ~s5a Record Owner Guarantee 'I~tle Insurance and Tst Company • Liability S100.00 a Ca]ifomia corporation, hcrcin ralled tl~c Company, guarantccs F~ S7 • 50 . Your Fullerton Savin~s & Loan As~n. Ref. Forest Lavrn Cer~ete::~ 200 ~~J. Co^~monw::alth Fullerton, California Attn: llarlene Hennlnr • LArcin called thc Assured, agninst nctiml lots not escceding thc linbiliry amount stated above which tho AssureJ shall sustain by . rcason o( any incorrcctness in d~c assuranccssctforth hcrcin LIAIiIL17'Y EXCLUSIOnS a\D LI\11TATI0\5 1. IQo guurantec is given nor liabilily nssumed witli respcct to the idcntit}~ oF any party named or rc(crrrtl to hcrcin or with r~~spect to tha ~~ulidiry. legul cffect or priority o[ nny mattcr sho~t~n hcrcin. 2 The Company's liaUility Lcrcundcr shnll bc limited fo thc amount of nctual loss sustainccl hy thr Axsun•d bccausc ~ of rcltanec a~~on thc assurances hcrein sct forlh, Uut in no evcnt shall the Company's IiuLility eccecd thc liaUility amount sct forth uUovc. The azsuranccs refcrrcd to nUovc are: T6at, nccording to the Campany's property rernrds rclntivc lo tLe following dcscribcrl real propcrtp (b~l ~vit6out examination oE thosc Campany rccords muint,~incd nnd indexed by numc), thc 1.1st recorded tustru- ment purporting to trnnsEcr titlc to said real propcrty is: Doc. recordccl Duc. i~'o. in 13ook Pagc D. T. S. S Iei favor o[ FOREST LA;dN CET~IETGRY ASSOCIATIODI, a corporation. lf in[orniation ~vus rcqucsted by nfcmncc t~~ a strcct aJdress, nn guar:mtrc is maJc thut snid r~?B~iFitk; • thc samc ~4c snid addru~ss. ~;~`~? ~' ~~~ DESCRiP1'IUN: AP 83-051-11 ~~ ~~r~ 1912 ~~:\ See attached for description. N RE~E1V~fl °'~ r o, z~ ., i o ~~v~e~=^ v r C 6's ~°~' y,;~~~~,,:~~ rto. ,.,..~o ~«9~s~b~~~2~. ~1~~~.~7., <<~„ • llntcd:.~JdI1P,~~2a 1972 ~! 7:30 A.'~1. Y*IG/hvr Titlc Insurnnce mnd'~'rust Company by ~Vc~-~. / ~-~.,-.._. rnestneNr /~llefl: ~\-'/ ~~ ~/`~~./`"iW SL•CRC7ARY Lir.,::~L ;~;~~iCi:ll' ClU\ ~?~! ..,.ti:~~~ ,,: ~~c : Ci~ hali oi tL•c soutli~vc::t .iuar~of Secti~ti 1'L, ':':::, t 'l~r.t•ii::hia •1 :;uuCh, 1~:,:~,~c 1(i tiYccC~ i:1 t~'.~c 121iu~ho` atuJu:i'G'Ciior:ii,a, a~ta :~n~, in thc Cit~ u: Ai:a}lC1I:~~ Cour.ty o. O:ar.;;c, z••c 1G GL MiflCCll- .i~ scctiun is ::I1G~Vn on a m1•~~ rccordcci in ::our: ~1, P. ;, ^~ii~wu:; .'.4::i~s. in L~c o:fic~ o: tiic Cow~ty Rccorc,cr ui saici Couuty, acscribcri as follo~~s: . ;~c~;in.ii~i,; at :hc inierscctioii of Gic ~~~rt linc of thc northwust ~.iuartcr o~ u~~ ,J~y•~11~yL~t :;uar~cr oi said Sccti~:. l'L wiG`~ thc ccntcrlinc of . ' A;1.1h,;i::~-Ulivc I~oad (no.v Lincolr. :~vcnuc j as bescribcci in ciccd recorccu ~ ii~ _,oo:: ~7~, Pa~e u~ oi D~eds; thenec South 70° ~Z` 2~" East 1Q2.5U feet alo::s, saiu ce:itc•rline; tlicnce SJ`1Lh 0° 'L~i' 14" tiYest l~oint whichYis ~eC `{ ; S~u~;~ ~;~ ~~~ Zo" East Yaralicl ~:+ith ~aici ccn[crlinc to a p „ 150.00 icct casterly, nlcas oc4tat r~,;htar_;;lc~ from SaLaarallLllwithisain Scctioi: 1~; Jl~::lcc South .0 11 4S 1'Jcst alon,; a Iinc ;~ ~, ' wcst li:ic to its uitcrscatioa wi th a-linc ~vliich is at r:yht anblcs to caici '_ ~ wcst Iiz~ anci which ~a~sus Lhrou;;li a point o:i sai~ wcst linc di~tant soathrriy titcrcon 27G. ~G fcct from thc ccn:crliac of Anohcun-Olivc Road '~~ (now Lir.coln Avenuc); •tl~cncc Suuth b9° ~b~ 1~" .'E4st 1U2. ~J fcet: thcnce d ~,~: ~:~ 0° 11' Y.i" ~ast ~~23• 7'= fcet n:orc or less, to a point• in thP ccnt~r- ~ linc oi Ar.ahcim-Ulivc Roaci (nov~ Lin~ oln Avcaue}; Lhcncc Suuth 7~° ~~' ~~~~ "~ . :'r. ' '' Easi iGSo. :~ fceC along saici centerli.r,c to thc east line oi saiu nortn~vc~t • ~ •• ~uartcr; thc:~cc coati:iui~~ alon;; saiu ccc~tcrlize South 7£s° ~~~ Z~" E~st E' '~'~1, b"L icct to a point thercon; t3:ence S~~u:h ~:~° 10T 39" 1Yest 834.9a iec.~ ~~ thence ?:orth b9° ~=9j 14" ti`lest 315.99 £ect; Yhence North G° 1U' 4:i" ; ~. EasL ' ln=~• ~~ fcct morc or lcss to the sou;hcast corn.cr of thc north hali of j~ Lhc souL'ic~st .~uartcr of saic: aorGhwcst ~uartcr; L`~cncc South S9° ~2' Yd`~ ;; y~cst "oo0.b1 icct alaa~ thc suuti~ linc of c~id lsst ma~~tianed north Half to the ' scuL'~wc~t corncr thcrc~f; thcncc Souti~ o%jO ~~~ ~1'' l~uartcrOot sai6 no:~l:' '' • ,~.lan;; thc soutz linc oi ~LC north half ot tizc socL:wcst q ~ ~vest yuarLer to said ~vest ~in~;. thence Nor:h G~ 119 ~i5" ~st 993.61 fcct ~± ~ .• a2or.;; said west l.iae to thc ~+oii:t of bcyinning. , " E:.cerii.~g therefror~ 4edicated streets. . h E?A,p~q~:~ . _ vNRiF,iVC~ NO..~~~-=-~ -- . ~. ~t;~, »7z ~. ~^ ` ~ , ~r~:t,= 4ytU ;;.I . . . `~• , pri ~~ GN ~ ' ' . • ' :{'.. L ,~l~, _ .,~~~, • ~ i i ~ i `:r I 1 ~ ~ NOW~;TH~REFORE, BE IT RESOLVED thet the Aneheim City Pienning Commission does hereby gsant subject Petition for Variance, upon the following conditions which ere hereby found to be a necessary precequisite to the pro- posed use of the subject pcopedy in order to preserve the sefety end genecal welface of the Citizens oE the ~ity of Anaheim: (1) That subject p:operty shall be developed substsntially in accordance with plans and specificationa on file with the City tif'AnahOim merked Exhibits Nos. 1- 5. ('L) That adequate clefrance of existing electrical lines ahall be provided as required by the Electrical Division, Department of Public Utilities, and the State of California G.0.95. THE FOREGOING RFSOLUTION is aigned and approved by me this 3rd day of August, 1972. PIRMAN ANAHEIM CITY NING COT SS ON ATTEST: 1/~~i~" ~+"'~/ ~J~' _ SECk2ETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORIVIA ) COUNTY OF JRANGE ) ee• CITY OF ANAHEIM ) i 1, Ann Krebs, Secretary aE ffie City Plenning Commission of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify thet the foregoing resoluticn wes pessed and adopted et a meeting of the City Plenning Commission of the City of An•3heim, held on July 24, 1972, at 2:00 o'clocic P.M., by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: FARANO, GAUER, HERBST, KAYWOGJ; RGWLAND, SEYMOUR. NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE. ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: ALLRED. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I heve heceunto set my hund this 3r3 day of August, 1472. ~i~~ SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COM,MISSION RESOLUTION NU. ~C72-169 V2-G "~'