PC 72-202~ ~ RESQLUTION NO. P~72-202 _,__~ A RESOi,UTION OF THE CITY PLANNTNG COMMISSION OF THE CI'IY OF ANAHEIM TFiAT PETITION FOR VARIpNCE N0. 2416 BE DENICD 1VHEREAS, the City PlnnninQ Commi~~Ion oE the Clty of Meheim did recelve e verlfied Petitlon for Vadence fcon~ STANDARD OIL OF CALIFORNIA, Poat Office Box 31, Long Beach, California 90801, OwnQr; AME'etICAN PERMIT SERVICE, Poat Office Box 364, La Puente, California 91747, Agent of certain rcal praF'' erty situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, describeZ +le That portion of the Weat 5.13 acrea of the North half of the Northwest quar.ter of the Nor.the,ast quarter of Section 24, Townahip 4 South, Range 11 West, San Bernardino Baee and Mer;•di+en, in the Rancho Loa Coyotes, described as follows: Beginning at the Northweat corne: of ~4~E Ncsrth- east quarter of said Section 24 and running thence South 0° 12' 35" West 328.90 feet i~loTg the Weat ].ine of said Northeast quarter; thence South 89° 59' 42" East 338.7: feet to the~ South~ east corner of the land conveyed to Gordon L. Hodge, a married mau, by doed to him rec~sded August 1, 1962, ir~ Book 6216, page 580, Official Records; thence North 0 12' 35" Eest 37.9.00 feet along the Eaeterly buundary line of naid land granted to Gordon L. Hodge, a married rnan, to the Northeast corner of the land conveyed to Elmer L. Beeson and wife by deed recarded May 1$, 1948, in Book 1638, page 150, Official Records; thence Sauth 89° 59' 15" West 338.71 f~et along the Northerly line of said Northeast quarter to the point of beginning. EXCE'r'T the Southerly 130 feet and the Easterly 146 feet; and WHEREAS, the City Planning Commtesion did hold a public headng at the Cit;• Hell in the City of Mahelm on Auguat 21, 1972, , at 2:00 o'clock P.M., notice of seid publlc hearing heving bem duly glvm ea required by lew end in eccadence with Ne proviaions of the Maheim Municipa: Code, Chepter 18.68, to heer end conslder evidmce for and against enid prop~aed variance end to investiQate and meke findings end recommendetlons in connectlon thecewith; end WHEREAS, e~id Commiaeion, aftet due inspection, inveatlgation, end study' mede by itselE end in !te behelt, and efter due conaidecation oE aIl ~v!deneo and r_poeto ofEeced at said headng, does Eind end detennine the following facta: 1. That c.he petl.tioner requests variances from the Anaheim Municipal Code as follows: a. SEC7'ION 18.62.090(B-1) - Minimum distance between free-standing siyns. (300 feet required; 19 feet proposed) b. SECTION 18.62.090(B-1) - Maximum number of free-standing signs. (7 signs proposed; 1 permitted) c. SECTION 18.62.090(B-2) - Minimum sign height. ~ (8 feet required; 6~ feet proposed) d. SECTION 18.62.090(B-5) - Minimum distance to ad~acent property line. (60 feet required; 46 feet proposed) 2. That signing as proposed is far in excess of signing pernitted within the Sign Ordinance, and to grant subject petition would be establieh- ing an undesirable precedent wherein ev?ry other ~ervice station in Anaheim could request similar signing. 3. That the Planning Commission earlier in 1972 had denied a similar request witn a finding that approval would establish a precedent for mass signing of ot:~er service stations throughout the city, and no chan,es have occurred to warrant favorable consideration of this petitio~i. Vl-D -1- ~ 4. That tne pe~itione~is proposing to increase ~e number ox signs on these service station sites from four to eight• times that permitted by Code, thereby automatically granting the petitioner a privilege not enjoyed by other commexcial and industrial develupments through- out the city. 5, Tnat there are no Exceptional or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to th~ property involved or to the intended use of the property that do not apply generally to the property or class of use in the same vicinit-y and zone. 6. That the requested variance is not necessary for the preservation aad enjoyment of a substant:ial property right possessed by other property in the same vicinity and zone and denied to the property in question. • 7. That the requested variance will be materially detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to the property or improvements '_n such vicinity and zone in which the property is located. 8. That the petitioner is pro}+osing six signs more than permitted by the Sign Ordinance, or an increase of almost 600$ over Code, and thus he would be enjoying a very special privilege if subjeat petition were approve?. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RFSOLVED :het the Meheim City Plennt~g Commission does hereby deny subJect Fetltlon for Verience on the besis of the eEorementioned findings. ^ THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is sigmed end epproved by me this 31et day of Auguet, 1972. ~~ i ~ ~ i HAIRMAN ANAHEIM CITY PLAN G COMM SION ATTEST: G SECRETARY ANAHEI CITY PLANNING CO6~MISSION STATE OF' CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) f, Ann Krehs, Secretery of the City Plenning Conmission of the City of Aneheim, do herc~y ceK1Ey thet the fore- qoir.g resoluti.m was passed end edopted et e meeting of the City Plenning Commlgsion oE the City of Aneheim, hcld on August 21, 1972, ~! ~:d~ o'clock p,M„ by the following vote of the membecs theroof: nYES: COMMISSIONERS: F'ARANO, GAUEk, HERBST, KHYWOOD, S.EYMOUR. NOES: COMMiSSIONERS: rIONE. ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: F~LLRED, ROWLAND. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I heve hereunto set my hand this 31st day of August, 1972. RESOLUTiON NO. PC72-202 ~~ SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNriVG COMMISSION V2-D 'Z'