PC 72-23RESOLUTI~NO. PC72-23 ~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY PL.ANNING COMMISSION 01289 CITY OF ANAHEIM THAT PETITION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT BE GRANTED WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission of the City of Aneheim did receive a veriEied Petition for Con- ditional Use Permit from WESTERN AVENUE SOUTHERN BAPTIST CHURCH OF ANAHEIM, 219 South Western Avenue, Anaheim, California 92804, Owner; DONALD J. FEARS, i477 South Manchestei Avenue, Suite 360, Anaheim, California 92802, Agent, of certain real property situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, as described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and referred to her.ein as though ~et forth in full ; end WHEREAS, the City Plnnning Commission did hold e public hearing at the City Hell in the City of Anaheim on February 7, 1972 , et 2:00 o'clock P.M., notice of seid public hearing having been duly given as required by lew and in eccordence wlth the provisionF of the Maheim Municipel code, Chupter 18.64,to heer and consider evidence for and against seid proposed conditional use and to investigete end make findings and recommendetions in connecteon therewith; and WHEREAS, seid Commission, after due inspection, investigetion, end ~tudy mede by itsclf end in its be- helf, and after due consideration uE ail evidence and reports oEfeced at seid heering, does find end datermi~~e the [ollowing facts: 1. Thet the proposeA use is properly one {or which e Conditionel Use Permit is authorized by Code Section 18.64.020(1-e) to pe:mit the establishment of an apartment devel- opment foz the elderly, with waivers of: a. SECTION 18.28.050(3-a) -- Minimum dwelling unit floor area. (700 square feet required; 486 aquare feet proposed) b. SECTION 18.28.G50(10-a) - Minimum number of off-street parking stalls. (269 stalls required; 104 stalls proposed) c. SECTION 18.32.050(?) - Minimum building site area per dwelling unit. (1200 square f~et required; 800 square feet praposed) d. SECTION 18.28.050(10-d) - Minimum storage area per carport. (100 cubic feet requir2d; 0 cubic feet proposed) e. SECTION 18.28.050(5-a! - Maximum building height. (Two stories permitted; thxee stories proposed) £. SECTION 18.28.050(7-f) - Maximum exterior stairway projection. (50~ perr~itted; S6$ proposed) g. SECTION 18.28.050(6-a-5)- Vehicular access to garages shall be from an adjacent alley only. (The applicant proposes to provide his own interior circulation system without the use of the existing alley.l CI-D ' i" ~~ r•~,~„ is:~s CLV~ Gu~iantcc Fo:m Plo. 12 T_ ----- __.--i cc » ~-'- ---- -~..-- -- - ~ SCIIL•C.~U! E A L~T L'OQK GU/1fiAP:T[F ~ ~ .. URD6R NO. OR 129o0G2 ;1 The assuranees referred to on th~ taee pa~e are: Thot, aecu:din~ to the Comp~mj s prop.rty reeurds relati~~e to the tollowinp deseribod rcal property (but without ezaminatinn of those Compan~• recnrJs maintained and indexed hy name): 1. S~L•' A'!"fAC}lED FOii LF.GAI. UF.SCRIPI'TO~~. _ ~ A. 'fhc last reeoided ins!rcment purportin9 to transfer title to said ~ea~ property is: 2. }102•IE 2:ISSI0:1 IIOAP.D OF SOliT}iF.RN t;/~YTIST COVVIiS'J'IOiI,FulCOn Cc;t~nty, Ceorfia, as to °atcc.l G, by dced recorded Junc 8, 79G0 in F>aol; 5?.77 yage 364 of Official Fecords. 4TrS1'CRN A~'EtiIIE SOLIifiFi2~1 BAPTIST C'IUk:ClI OF ANAIiIiI~t, as to Parcels 1 and 2 aud 3, by deed reco~~ded February 27, 19G7. in fool: GO7.U pa~c 901 of Official P.ecord,. B. There are io mortc~a~es or deeUS of u'ust which purport to affect said real propt:rty, other th~n~~":~"Oi~7dj tho.c sho~:m hclow imder F.r.ceptions. . ,~~`~'~ ~' y'•'o~ . ~ ~° Jn,~? 1~7~ ~' ~, ~~ , ~~ ,~ ~~ :,+,~cp ~' ~ 'ZU;rfr;c ~, `P ~iVi . ~` S~ON ,~~'i~~ No ~uar;intr.e is s~~ade rec~ardine, ~ny liens, claims of Iien, defects or encumbrances other than tiiose specifica i~`~rPvided QZ~;,`~ for above, and, if information was requcsted by refcrcnce to a strcet address, no ~uarantcc is mado that said real pro~~f:ii~~ is thc sarnc as said address. Exceptions: 1. A Deed of Tr.usC datcd Pfa~ 21, 1971, executed Uy Idestcrn Avenu^_ SoLC~icrn Bapti.st Church of Anahein to l.cli.albe Tit.le Conpany, Trustee, Co securc an indehtcdness of $69,h00.00 in favor of i.i.ncoln Snv3.nLs and Loau Association, and any other. amounts payable undcr Ch2 tcrm; tliereof~ YCCOI'UCd lmie Z•, ].971 in Iloolc 96SII pa~~ E59 of Official P.acurds as Instr.uwent ~o. 295. Sai.d Dced of Tru~t cuvcrin£ the herr.in deccribed 1'arce;.5 1, 2& 3 oL said land. a~ cn~,{1:. ~.!s~ F~,~~:.;~~- ~:~r~ ; ~ ; v r.r~~czit>z~iota ~._.~.1.... .,..._,.._,..._-,~ ~ A.il .s~-. c,:-'~a.fn 1~r.d r.~iCu.^.i-.cd in i:?ic £~;~i~c of ('rl' C`'~y a.:'~Ar,a.h~i.m, d•~~c~3l~~d nn :~,1 ilci, Cc:inLy o.^ Oz•o.n~.: e 1G~~ el: ` PlIT:C:i::G 1: 7::, f3ou".:1: 120.~0 :cc:. o:i ~kt~• Enrit hal!' o;' ~';i~ iTorthcn~~ qt~'i2~a'c oi -'i,h^ Iio~i•ht~.~at ~ir.i..,-~rr q; nection l~}y 2b:rntil~~r, ~~ :,~llt'.i, Rnn~:; 11 I,~c~~ it~ £iiZ R~t~enq I~~ Ct,3'"{:co, city ~f PnahQA:nf CU'911i:V c)S Ot•~~n;,c~ oc~~:~ o: f.nl:tic^nin, nn n~-: r;:~~ a.:ec-,-;?~d. Rn boo1: ~l Pnl:p 1l. oi bttt~cc.ilcn~:c;u:c b:-Z~~n, 1.i~ thc U:; :'3C~ o.i t~ ~ CounCy t,~,co_:d~_~ o:: czid cot~l~:y. Y11i~CGL 2: Thc Ido.r:I1 G7.00 tcet ot ~ne Soue,}i 2.U7.00 fec,t of ~hc Ta~~ Zia11' a~' Cii~ 21o:~~'c}u;i: u qaar~;;~ of ~•,he t~ortinr~o'~ qr.a~-ter cY oee:,ion 11~, 7.ui:nchi2~ lt II~u2h, T:angn ].1 SIQZ';,~ in ~hz Itancho l.c~~ CoyotJ:~~, city or Anahcim, c~~ur.4:y oi' O.~~nG;, a~.^:':c~ nf ~lx!'co::ntn, tt~ p~~r rr.~p rccasled in hoo'.: 51, paE;e 11 of tdinccl]oa~eun ntzp~' itt t?i~• Of~'~c; o,i ~hr. Coiirity recoxd~r of eaid cowity. YARCFL 3: 74xc Sou4i~~a~}- 2Eij.00 ;ecC of Lo~ A of Tr.-ctic'Z P1o. 3Pn~J~ aa ct,atm on a D:an Che:cco.: Y.OCG.(ICCI ~.I] IlOb~i 151, pap3ca ~3, ) nn;l 10 of 'r;iecel.l~ncoun t.1n;;D r^ec~rda 08 c. ild O.an,%,3 Coun~y, Californi:~.~ sa,4.ci yc.~ I! beir~g o n2rip ot' lr~r.cl 1.00 SuoQ 1rJ.cZ~ alon3 Wh~ ~ac,7._~~~y bounrlory of aaicl 'i'z:~ct ilo. 3f?3G. PARCLL 4: The Northerly 73 feet of the folloirinr described ptopcrty: The North 1G5 Fcet of. the South 2II5 feet of thc 5outh 1/2 of thc Isast 1/2 of the Nor[hest 1/4 of the ~orth~aest 1./4 of Sectin~t 14, Toranshi.p 4 SouCh, Ran{~r ll t~~esC, in the Ranchos Los Coyotes, 1s shoirn on a!iap thereo: reccrded in Ronk Sl., pa~;e 7 nf Afi,cellaneou~ Ttahs, records of sai~l County. ' e..~,...- ~~ ~ ~ 2. That the proPcsed use wiZl noE r.lverselx affect tY:~. sdjoining land uses and the growth and development of the area ix_ which i.t iF prn~•osed to be located. 3. That the size and shape of the site proposPd for the u:~e is adequate to ailow the full developm~nt of the proposed use ir a manner n:` ur.+.ri- mental to the particular area nor to the peace, hen.~ :h, ~~afe=y; a..~ u?r.~ra; welfar.e of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim. 4. That the granting of the Conditiona: Use Permit under the cUnni~ir~e imposed, if any, will not be detrimental to the peace, health, safety, aad general welfare of the Cit:~ens of the City of Anaheim. 5. That the petit~oner ~tipulated to mocing the garages and the work shop from the north side of the developmei~t and indicated that 53 parking stalls would be covered. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Plann~ng ~~t~n~.&Siqn does hereby grant subject Petition for Conditional Use Permit upo~; +~;e fullowing conditions which are hereby found to bE a necessary pr~requisite to the proposed use of the subject property in order to preserve the aafety and general welfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim: 1. That this Conditional Use Permit is granted subject to the completion of Reclassification No. 69-70-20, now pen3ing. 2. That a 6-foot masonry wall shall be constructed along the south property line. 3. ThaC any parking area liqhting proposed shall be down-light•ing of a maximum height of 6 feet, which lighting shall be directed away :f.rom the property lines to protect the residential integrity of the area. 4. That subject pzoperty ahall be developed substantially in conform- ance with plans and specifi.cations on rile with the City of Anaheim marked Exhibi.t Nos. 1, 2, 3, and 4; provided, however, that the work shop and the covered parking shall be removed from along the north boundary line as stirulated to by the petitioner. 5. That Condition No. 1, above mentioned, shall be complied with prior to the commence~ent of the activity authorized under this resolutton, or prior to the tzme that the bailding permit +a issued, or within a period of 180 days from date hereo~, whichever occurs iirat, or such furr.her time ac tne Planning Commiseion may grant. G. That Condition Nos. 2, 3, and 4, above merktioned, shall be complie~i with prior to final building and zoni.:g insgsctions. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is g e and app o ed by me this 17th day of February, 1972. ` ~ ~ _./ Tf~ CHA RMA ANAHEIM CITY F'LAPiNING CONlMI£SION ATTES , ri ' /~ SECRE'TARY PRO TEM ANAHEIM CITY PLA NG COMMISSION STATE OF I:ALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OP ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF :~NAHEIM ) i, Lee Bur~cas, Secretary pro tem of the City Planning Commission of the Ci.ty of Anaheim, do hereby certify t1~st the 'or.egoing res.olution was passed and adopted at a cneeting of the City Plannin9 Commissior. of the Csty of Anaheim heid on February 7, 1972, at 2:00 o'clock P.M.,,~~y the following vote of the members there~f: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Farano, Gauer, Herbst, Kafwood, Ro.~lrnd, Se}~mour. NOES: COMMISSIONERS: None. AHSENT: COt4MiSSiONERS: Allred. IN WIT:7ESS WHSREOF, T have herevnto set my hanc this 17th day of Pebruary, 1972. ~ -.,r/, _ ~ C'6'~~ SECRETARY PRO TEM ANAHEIM ITY ;~7,r,'<r:INC~'~ OthMi5520"I ~ RESnLUTION N0. PC72-23 - 2 -