PC 72-230~ ~
~ -
WHEREAS, the City 'Planning Commisslon of thc City oE Aneheim dId recelve a verified Petition for Reclessifice-
tionfrom HAROLD M. 4IILLLIMS, MP.RTIN S. ROBERTS, FRED M. KAY, in cere of Fred M. K?y, ?20
Lagune Road, Fullerton, California 92632, O~mers; ~1lLER AOUSING CORPORATION, 2283 West
Lincoln Avenue, Anaheim, California 92801, Agent of certain real property s:tuated in the
City uf Anaheim, County of Orange, State of Californis, ae deacribed in Exhibit "A" attached
hereto and referred to herein as though set fortn in full
; and
WHEREAS, the Cfty Plenning Commission did hold e public !:aedng at the City Hell in the City oE Ane},eim on
Sepr.etnbe:~ 6, 1972, e~ 2:00 o'clock P.M. notice oE seld puSlic hearing having been duly given as required by
1ew end ln eccordence with the provlsfons oEthe Aneheim Municipel Code, Chepter 18.72, to hear end connlder evldence
for end against said proposed reclessiiication end to inveatigate end meke fladinga end reeommendations ln conneation
thecewith; end
WHEREAS, suid Commission, eEter due inspectinn, investigedon, end study mede by itaclf and in lte behalE, end
efter due coneideretion of ell evidence r7d reports offered et seid hearing, does find end determine the following Eacts:
1. Thet the petltioner proposes a reclessificetion oE the above described property from the County of Orange
2. ThaC the proposed reclaesification is in conformsnce with the land uae designation
of the General Plan.
3, Thet the proPosed reclessiEicetion ot aubfect property is necessery end/or desireble [~r the orderly end pro-
per developmen: oE the cotemunity.
4. Thet the proposud reclesslEicotion of aubJect property does properly relete to the zones end their permitted
useu locally eateblished in cloae proximity to aubjecl propedy and to t.he zonea end their permitted uses generally estab-
!iahed throughout the community.
i. That the proposed reclessification of aubject property requires the dEdicskton and
improvement of abutting streetr. in accordatice with the Circul~tion ElemenL- of the General
Pl~nn due to the anticipated increase i.n treffic, which wil.l be generated by the inteneifi-
aaltion of iand use.
6. That the developer etipulated to submiseion oi house floor plans and ~levations to
tlue Planning Commission and City Council prior to thE re~ding of an ordinance reclaesifying
th~e property.
7. That two persona appeared in opposition and a letter wae received, aleo in opposi-
t:[bn to further residential use adjacent to the railroad kracke.
!I~_p -1-
~ - . ; ~ ~~~~~Jl~ <<~t'i
Firsl Ar~ieri~~trt 7ii.'° Insrcr~iirc~ C.vn:J~1i/I)'
421 NORTH Mh~t~ STREE7 • S~NTA ANl., CALIFGR~I~ • 1'~~~-6D92
Yo~r No.
Our Ordcr no. OR-1102006-RH
Fonu of Policy Covcragc Rcquested: CALIFO?tttl~ ~~tiD TIT1E ASSOCIATI01! STPt~JARD COV~'RnGS 1bLI .
In response to the obove roferenced opi~L'cotion ~ur c i.~licy of 'it~~ insur-nt ~, fhis C:o~noeny her~Fy reporis~that il
is p~epared to issue, or cause te be issur.:i, rs oi Ihe :iufe hereof, a P~IicY ~~• ~~~~' ~nsurance in the ~orm s ecifieu
abo~q dcscribing thc lond and the es'ate or interest thercin !:crcinciier sct iur+ii, ir,auring ay~inst loss which moy
exciuded from coveraga pu svont tto tf:efprintedn5.f~ `c:ules, fCondi~tiori~s6und i5tipuiati j-a`ol Eaid pl~licybiorm, or not
This report (and ony supplements o~ amendments 1her~to)is issueJ solely for the pu:posc o~ facililcting the issuance
04 a po~~~Y ~{ t~t~~ ~nsurance and no liability ia ass~~med hereLy. ~{ it is ar•sired thm I~ubllify be ossumed prior to
the issuer~ce of a policy of title insuronce, a 6inder o: Cammitment shculd be reques!ed.
Do~ed as of J~u~,ry 21a~ 197^ 01 7:3U a.m. Williem H. Br.uns TITLE OFFICER
Titlc to said estatc or intcrest at tlic date hereof is v~,stecl in: ,
H^ROLD M. ~lI?~.IAt~, '.•'~RTTt+ S. RO??'~TS, . nd TR~D ti;. iC^y, eacl~ 1 n~arried m~.n as 4,o an
ixildi•rided 1/3rd interest, Hs t;~*lnts in co~r.on, as to Pr3re~1 1, ~nd Tt~ ~'~~ G~
p~ty~g ~= A. J. KOCH, DEC3AS~, sub~ect to t`ie admin2strc~tion of the estate of
said ~iec~dent, as to Perc~~l 2.
:n the N.r.tte:- of the =stete of A. ,F. Koch, decPased,
Note: Probate proceedinf,a 1~t6 in the 5u~rior
tr_rmirvstin8 ~oint tenancy or. other :Lanci> vrPre fi:eed :-AY 31~
Court o~ the Statc of Ctslifornia, in e.nd for the County of OrarL;P, C~se No. A•-142(2.
Thc estate or interest ~n the land hereinaftci described or reierred to covcred by this Report is: n~y?,5`''S~' `''~~ `
. - ~ ^` ^.J ~ .
, rti^~" ~, '
A Fee. ' c., ~.<<` .~5~
At the date hereof exceptions to coverage in additior~ to tlie printed exceptiuns and exclusion ~on~'Sined':in -€~id
. ~ 4y`•7~CQ
policy form would be as follows: ~~ ~N
1. Sr.c~d lnstr~lL~nent Cryrr.rnl en~i ~neclel Taxras for the fisc~l year 19'f1=~~72",'t'''',
A~r.ou.nt :~1~E379•29; Code P.r.r,rs F3Q-U^8 an: 30-010, ~~. P. Nos. ~'77-18'--33, 35 and 38.
~~ri nc~C. r'~Q. ~~_.S~ _......
. OR-1102006-EFi
• D~5(~21PPIOI7 ~ ~
All that cez~tnin lnnd situated in tho 9t.ate oP California, County o! OranF,~,
deocribect ata follrnra:
~ ,p~:,r. ~l. 1~
~at por~ion of t~~ firrst clana l~nd allotted to F. Yorba, accardltu3 to a 2f.so
a~tuched ~o and m~dc a p2rt or tt~P nP~z~~ of !'artition ui +hc Rancho ~enon ~'a
Fru~ta Pna~ rendcrcKi in C~oc :+o. 1i7~ oP t}:.~- 17th Jii~icial Dictrict Co.;~t of Los
An~]Po County, Califc~rnia, n cQr:ified copy of vhich is rr_cord~d in Book 23,
pa~~ 156 of L`aeda of said ].cs ~n,~lsa Cour~ty, loccted in the Courrty of Ort3n~:.,
SLnte of CalifoYnin~ deccribcd ns follows:
Bat~innqng at, the IJorthea.st corner of the said iirst clnss Iand sllntte8 to
~hodocio Yorba, as shoc.m on said :~.ap Pi],~:d in Case t~o. 19'~$; tl:ence North-
enoterly 7~•05 £aet r~lon~; th? tiortlicr],y lin: ~~ ~uid firct class lund o~ F.
' Yozba, to tltt boundu^,/ line est~.bllahe3 by th~it ce~tnin a~rcK:c~zrft betti'aen A. J.
,x~p~ ~3 wiPe, and Lnurie Ve~ar, end otl~~rs, recerded Deceml~r 21, 1923 in Paak
502~ page 212 of Daeds, 03 sceid Oran~e Courrty, said boundnry lir.e being c~arsig-
• r.ated by n 3" x 4" stnlce m~xkir.~ the i•;orthw:sterly corr~r of tM lesid l.n~led
"Rom~na de la Guerre" on a msp Yiled in Bcok 1, pa~~ 27 of Recc~^d oi Survey~o~ in
tlie officc of tt~ Coanty Recorder of ~aid Orar.r- Courcty; thencc Srnsth 3• 54,
West 125k.24 i'eet alo;i~ an old fence lir~, throuCh an old 3" x L~" sta}.e ~thed
in n~no(~m HCK, to the Easterly prolonF~tion of the South lir~ oP tbe land
deaer3bed in th3 deed to A. J. Koch, record~d ±nril 20, 1g10 in Eook 171, pr.~
170 of Deeds of ctaid a~xi~ County; thence ~est:~rly al.on(~ ssid prolon(~tion
and t~rs Eouth lin:. of said Koc]~ land to th~ South~ster],y corr.ar the~af; tl~nco
NorChrreutcrly 1033•56 feet Esloz~g ~;he westerly 11nc of said Kach land to t~e poirct
04' besinning.
Except ttiat Pox~ion thereoi 3escribed ns foLlowe:
Begitmi.ng at the P:ortheast cor~r of the said ,'irst cl~o lnzid allotted to R~odncio
Yorba; thence 27orth 77° 49' East ~8.25 feet; thence South 2° 05' Ee3t 303.9 Seet;
thenca ilorth 77' S8' Weat 31.25 feet; thence North 5° 30.' k'est to the poinE of
Alno except that portion th~reoi described as follove:
Begiru~ing ~t a poirtt -~8.25 feet I~IOrEh 77° 49' Eaet of a point v.~hich is 303.y feet
South 2° 05' Eaot of the t.rntheast corr~r of the said firat cl~a lnnd allAtted
to 2'eo3ocio Yorba; thrnce South 2' 05' Enst 225.1 feet; thenc^ North 78° 33~ xe~t
17.25 Yeet; thence 1;orth 5" 30' Wect 22g.09 feet; ~~ence Eeaterly 31,25,-fQCt to
the poiat of baginni.n~z. • ~ r,2':: .~~~~`,O~o
2 ~
~L~' )7 '~ n~.
Alao except tbat portion i:hereof described aa Sollnsrs: ~; u~';i> '•~` °4 ,UI
~ ~ ~': <'`.
Begim~t.ng at a poirrt on the Plorther~y line of the land descrili•d in ~tlr ~ed'-tq
A, J, Koch, xecorc'ted April 20, 1910 in Book 171, paF,~ 170 of Drectn,`r-horCts 77° '39'
L~ast ~18.25 Teet fro^~ ttse i•~orther~t corr.sr of said 7`codocio Yorb:i~u ,firat cl'e3o
lon'~ (euid corr~,:r ~rlted by a 2" x 4" RtaiUS) ; tl'.ence North 77° 39,..~?Ati~~733•~
feet to thc bovnd~Yy 1!~ estrsbli~h:d by that c~rtnin a~recra~Yrt be'tti+ean A. J. Koch
pnd viir.~ oa1~ :taurie Vc~er and atl~rs, recorded Lbcenbcr 21, 1923 in Daok 50?, paf~
212 pY ~ceds of eaid Or:u~,~ Cnunt~r, said bounuery beir_¢ deaign_'~t,e3 by a 3'~ x b'~
ett~lce mt~cking the Idort2:Nesterly ccrner of the lend labeled "Ram~na de la ~t~ezce ~
~ ~ l;L~~LASS. til~._~'? c-"~-'~ `
~ I
~~ t1:e eP3'ico of t~ i
• ~n a tr.~p fil~d in P.ook ~~r_e 27 0:' Record of S•arre;;s, ~
Cov~ty recorder of 3nid ~nr~ CountY; 'W~ence nl~nO r~lAn,:atiozci of'~t]:^J~outl_er~l ~
52t' V;eot 477.~ feet, r»:e or ~-L'G3l '!~ thr. e~tcrly•PIIuLach reco:z=d 1•taxch 14, ~~
lln~ oS tlz_ land deceriU~rl in th^ d:~ed to ida .. ~^n~~ +~orth ~u° 29'
1~17 in EooIc 291, g'fi~ u5 of llccus •~P said Orm~re Courrty; ~
30„ Wect nlon6.the caid ~nster].y lnolon~~tion Rnd the Southerl,v lin.= of. i.he Caid ~
Eubach lend, to t~ Er.sterly lir^ o*~ ~l~e~lon~ildes~cfiP~edanodocdiaoo~~P~flC ~y~'n''
recarccd °~p•temb~r 1, lgli~ in 17co1; ..-5 , -~
thenc~ t+orth 2° ~5' `~e~t 255.02 fec-t ulon; the E~ttt line of ~uid Def~:rr,v land 'to
the polnt of b~~isming.
AlaO Cxcept tha.t i~ortion thereof described So11oWS:
g~gi~,ng at a point 52~•7 ~Pet Sol~th 5° 3~' ~ac'~ of the nort}~.ast cernsr oi the
said trnet of iirct c.lass land r.et acsrt to Teodocio Yorrv; thencc South 7$~ 30'
Earit 17.2$ Yeet; thencc south 2' S' ~~t 2'~7.40 feet; th$nce North 5° 3~' S~est
282 Yect to the polzrt. of bcE~.nnin~.
,Also excapt that pori;ion includr_c ~nin book194318~pa~d849 oP Official Rocardo ty
of Ora:n~e recorded October 15, )7
ExceptinB 'thsrefl'°°~ °n ~3ivided 1`3 irxterest in ancl to cill oil, ges, 8~ h1'~o-
cerbon subatances an3 minernls in Pnd un3~r and lyin~ belrn+ a dePth of 500 vcrticai.]-
fcet f~;m tl~e existin ; surfac~ ~~'" lerel of s!~i3 lnn3 as comreyed to Geor~ A.
Kp~h~ ~. mcu-ried faan by deed recordr_3 ~'srch 11, .t9b3 in Book ~lj pase 335, ~~iiciel
Note : Th^ r3~ht to enter upon ~ai~7 ].c~nd to e deP'th of 500 vertical Seet iYom 'th.:
exibting eurfuce ~,rcade level therec:f for the Pur, ose hi~carbon aubetancxa la d
3ng, grodueing, re~ovi:kq and ~aarr~set.in6 All oil, !Sea, Y ~~ h~ ~en
miz~rals in fl.nd uncler und ~yin6 t~elow asid 500 feet or ~or~k ~B~"~ ~~ ~ of
quitc]~sirrcd by r~n instrumcrrt racorr~d JanunrY 13, ~9~
OSPicisl Records.
Alao excep'cing therefron ar. undivii:ed 1/3 interest in and 'to nll ail, ge.s, e~nd
hydro~zbon subsl~^nczs end r,ii.nersls i.n nnd under and ],ying belrnt t~ deFth of S~
~ 1E lY~ch, n widowe byideed recorc3~d N~i~rch l1,e1963 iniBook 646~,cps~y338t',o
0'ficial Rceorde.
tlpte; ~.e xight to enter upon ss~id lc+nd +.o a d.=Pth c:F 5~ `~~ical fee a~~
eXxatizig aurface ~xa~ie lavel thrreoi for the ptu'Po~~ oi exploiting for~
u'-B, P'roducl.n3i rcr.iovinf; tind mnxke'ctng nll oiL, Fasa tlYdrocarbon oubstances and
m]~caln in nnd under end lyinrt be'-rn~ szu.d 5~0 feet ar foz' s~Y P~Poae`;~s been
qulte3sised by on inatrument reeorc~ed Jc~.nuasy 13, 1g66 in book„~8D7,'I~ 431 oP
Officitsl. Recoz'da. /~:~ .~ ".,Y '~vj
jn c~. ~~ r~~ c^'T
Cel I = ' ~ ~' I
'~nat poxtion of Lot 8 in Glock 35 ~~f t~ YoI'ba Lindn 'IYact, e,s`,aho~n ~ori'a btap
es 17 a~ =3 ~ Idiscellan~ous ~`slzv, recax,cL° of Orei~e
recorded i.n book 5r ~"~ `-'•",'"~~~i~~c:~::
CouYStY, C2112'ornia, deacribed na follows: .
g~g~nning at a point E~.?2.7 £eet So•zth 5° 30' East fYom 'the Northcaot cor~r i ion
the txact of firsL-claon 1»nd set f~~ i n C^3e 1o~i 197Ei, of ah~ nintric~~ourt
in the Rancho ~.^•non dr :~^ntn An:s,
oY Lhe 17th Judi~~~lrunntsi.c~t ~nc~hsoutht2'~05Cnl~st 230,84~~i'ect;f thence Southy
pY I,os AnFr~~~ ~ n , ~ ~ ti.7est 23;,1'~ Seet to 'the Point oP
E3~~° 25' Eeat •ltt feet; thence [~orth 5 30
Except thnt pori;ion inc~+.u.~cd 1^ u,tinlbook ~u311b~ _ens49~~~, OYfiCial Recordfl.'1
c , r
py~n„o~ recorded Uctober 1~~ >7~
• NOW, tHEREFORc'., Bc ~ESOL~~EB tha; the Ansh¢i~ City °lrss~ Commission does hereby cernmmend
to the City Council oE the City of Msheim thet subject Petition for ReclesaiEicetion be npproved and, by so daing,
that TiUe 1&Zoning of the Aneheim Manicipel Code be emended ta exclude the ebove desccibed property ftom the
ORANGE COUNTY A1, AGRICULTURAL, DISTRICT and to incorporate said described property into
the CITY OF ANAHEIM R-2-5000, ONE FAMILY, ZONE upon the following conditions which are here-
by Lound to be a necessary prerequisite to the proposed uae of subject property in order to
preserve the safety and general welfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim:
(1) That a final tract mep ot- subject property shall be submountd Recorderpproved by
the City Council and then be recorded in the office of the Orange y
(2) That the owners of subject property shall pay to the City of Anaheim the appro-
priate park and recreation in-lieu fees as determined to be appropriate by the City Council,
said fees to be pAid at the time the building permit is issued.
(3) That these reclassification proceedings are granted subject to completion of
annexation of subject property to the City of Anaheim.
(4) That the developer shall submit house, floor plans and elevations to the PYanning
Commission and City Council for review and approval, as stipulated to by the developer.
(5) Prior to the introduction of an ordinance rezoning subject property, Condition
t1os. 1 and 4, above mentioned, sha11 be completed. The provisiona or rights granted by
this resolution shall become null and void by action of the City Council unlese said condi-
ti~ are complied with within one year from the date hereof or such Lurther time as the City
Counc3l may gr.nt.
THE FQRCGOING RESOLUTION is signed and approved by me thi~ 14th day~September, 1972.
%~`~ ~~~c,~/ -
I, Ann Krebs, Secretary of the City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify thet
the foregoing resotution was pes~ed end edopted et a meeting of the City Planning Commission of the City of Aneheim,
held on September G, 2972, et 2:00 o'clock P.M., by the following vote of the members thereof:
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I huce hexcunto set my hend this 14th day of September, 1972.
RESOLUTION N0. P~~2' 230
.A„~ ~, ~
R2-A "2~