PC 72-252r ---.----- RESOLUTION ~. PC72-252 ~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY PLANNING COAIMISSION OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM THAT PETITION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 1350 BE . Gli.4NTED WHE~=.EAS, the City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim did receive a verified Petition for Con- ditional Use Permit from ANAHEIM HILLS INCORPORl~TED ArID TEXACO VENTURES, INCORPORATED, 380 Anaheim Hills Road, Anaheim, California 92806, Owners of certain real property situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, as described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and referred to herein as though set forth in full ; end WHEREAS, the City Plenning Commission did hold e public hearing et ti~c City Hell in the City oE Annheim on October 18, 1972, at 2:00 o'clock P.M., notice oE said p~blic t~esring heving been duly given as required by lew and in eccordance with the provisions of tbe Maheim Municipel cods, Chepter 18.64, to hear end consider evidence for and ageinst said proposed conditionel use end to investigete ar;d meke findings and recommendetions in connection therewith; end WHLREAS, said Commission, after due inspection, investigetion, end study mede by itself end in its be- halt, and efter due consideration o[ ell evidence and repods otfered at said hearing, does finu and determine the following fects: 1. That the proposed use is proprrly one tor which a Conditional Use Permit is authorized by Code Section 18.28.040(1) to wit: eatablish a 122-unit planned residential development with waivers of: (a) SECTION 18.08.440 - Lot frontaqe. (LoC frontage muat be on a dedt- ca[ed street; proposed lots will not be fronting on a dedicated etreet) (b) SECTION 18.z8.050(1-~ - Miaimum building site area. (7200 square feet required; 1300 equare feet proposed) (c) SECTION 18,28.050(1-b) - Minimum buildinA aite width. (70 feet requirc~; 26 feet propuaed) (d) SECTION 18.28.050(5-b) - Meximum buildinQ heiKht within I50 f:ee~ of an R-A Zona. (One etory required; two atories pro- posed) 2. That WaLvera 1-a, 1-b, 1••c, arid 1-d, above mentioned, are herehy granCed on the basis that these were waivera typically granted with planned residential developmente. 3. That Che proposed use will nol adversely affect the adjoining land uses and the growth and development of the area in which it is propoaed to be located. 4. That the aize and ehdpe of the eite proposed ~or the use is adequate to allow tY:e full development of the proposed use in a manner not detrimental to the particular area nor to thc peece, health, eafety, and general weifare of the Citizens of Che City of At.ah eim. 5. That the granting of the Conditional L'se Yermit uuder L-he conditiona imposed, if any, will nof be detrimental to the peace, health, safety, and general welfare of the Citizena of the City of Anaheim. 6. That the petitioner eLipulated to submiCCing epecial sound atudies of the poten- tial traffic noiaes at ultimete developmen~ alor.g Serrano Avenue; and that the pelitioner stipulated to providing sound attenuatioti devices such ae double pane windowa and wall and ceiling inaulation in the units adjacent to Serrano Avenue, in order to provide a 45 d^1. level inaide the unita. -1- ~ ~ ~11~~LiJS~ it~~)7 ~~ A..~ lL~i~.~uaii ~:Sl~ IZ1::C'_'IYi~ 1~~s~oc2.ateg , CIVIJ I:NGINI:~R~ 125 G. CL/1UOIt~A t'.T. ' FI:%•~~CIM. CALIFORNIA 92004 PHONE 7'l4.5740 n~sc~;~:;~r7c4z ~ on ~,~;~.liLlT~i lIIl,r.s . (nu~ce7.~ ~, aY~d lA oi Lnl-.ev~e:~ Unit} .,~.... . AZZ G;1~~~ cez•~~ .in zcnl ~rapcrL-y i.n the Covnty of Or.an~e, ~~r.t-c . of Caii{~orni.a b~3.n , L•ho~r_ portlcr~~ of SecCions 7, ~, 17 und 18, 1o.rn::i:i» ~+ SouLfi, P.ange B SJcaC, S~~n BcrnArdino tderidiun, der,cri.t;cd ac tollo;as : Tt~~intl:~,•; rL n PpinC ±n thc3 t?or.tt:;oe3terl.y l~ne of Chat ccrCc~in 1Lnc1 c17 c,;'~~d rn L'~n- ^~i~n rua Thcmaa I'1'L11C and i,lc~>>c:? 1~m Li.~:b} ~ in th~ F..rGi.'~:fo,~. oi t:i:v Ra:~c11o SanC~iu~ o da Sant3 i~n~, c;?st~nt Cl~r.cr_on I~o:-t;1 :i~ 5C' 33" L'act, 33~EI.bu f:ceC f~-cm Liic i;r,a:tf;east co~'~^_r ~~ Lha ~.~ nd ci;~ .cribed in L-l~e deed L•o SanL•iago 1~a1-r.:~~rz ltoc~ociaC'Ln:~, 'teco_ccd iu i~no1: 9u ~ Pa~e 544 af Dee6s in t~ic ofrice of C~1C i:e~tnt;r l.eecxdc:r. of: Lo~ :{nc;elc:~ Coui~ty Cali.~oxni:l; t:z~nce 1c.;~viitF, nt:id ;;orCla~r.3tcr1} 1I.nc r~or~h 51~° G:~t 22" SJer3t, ].5::/+.`i3 ;°cet Ln L~~ Sou~r~cc::Cs~zly terL~i~u~ o~ a r~on-ta:i ,ent cti::ve ce~~zcn:~h t~o~_Ci:::.,t::~:'..3~ •~riu hat~lr,~; a r~aiu^ oi ~U0.00 xeat, ^~::ci7.aJ. 1•ine oi c..i~. cuzve t;c~s~ ::;oLeh G~~° 47' 16" l•7esC, L-hrou~ h:~aLd poi.ut;o L'}.u:nc~~ l;or~,1~~-ly a1an.^, snid curve ~l•~r.o~~~h ~i ccntr~l ~uz~;i.c oi ?5 ^•,g~ ~p" ,,n ~i;:c di~Ccincr_ of 'L23.~1 xeel; L-h~nce Can;;entJ23ort11 0° ?.G' OG" 1.1:,t, 391.~~7 £eet to c~ t~n;.;ent curve conc;:ve SoutY~,:e.~•r.erly r~nd hav).nh a r.r.d-Lus oi 5L"J.C~O f:ceC; ~l1^ncc l~ortii,~c;~Ce:r~y ~lo~-fi ~n~d curve Lh~uu;;h n central unt;le of 4>° i9' :3S", an nrc distance oz ;~I,GJ tcet; lhencc t:n:,cnt :~ozLh 45° 03' 29" t~Icse, 3~S.J.S f~~Cr tl~~nce SouL•ti 4t+° S6' 31" t7csL•, 333.9G fcec to a tan~rnC cu~.-ve con- cnva l:ortl-:~•;enL•cr13~ und havin~ a radiuo of '1000.G0 fccL•; t-hc~i~ce Sai~L-:~aea~:c~:'L}~ ;~1ant; ~;~i.ci ct~i'~~e Chrough n central ?n{;le o;` f~°o15' ~ 5).", an nrc cii:;L-::ncc: o~ 253.47 LeuC; th~ncc tan,^,ent Sout-h 5:i 12 21~~ ~T~~C~ ,1?..,~.'~j. ~:CC'C Go n L-an;ent• cui-va conc4~~~ 1~orCf,we~cer.ly :-nd IlAV~.LI(~* Cl 7'uC~'i'73 OL ~.~Ci~.n~ fecL•; tI:C~CCc~OUL'~'~.)CSCQ~:~-}i L11.0~i~; ~~ilC~F et~1-~:e t:lirour;il a cent•r~1 an`lc of 31 2~ 05 , an nrr. cii.:;t~nce a.. G~~.OL S:cci:; Ch~ncc t:~tlF?,~t~t South ~<<° 37~ 2i" Nent, rsG6.27 i~eC tc r~ tan~cnG ctarvc co:~c::vc 5ouCl~ra~L'er.T.y nnd hzvin~ n radiuc of: l.UUO.OQ ~h,~;~t;;;,^.ncr_~ :;ouL'h:~e.~Lr.~-1y u~!.on{; r.:;.id curvr., t:hzcu~;h c~ cential un~lo a~ 33' 7_3' S7" '.tt ~lrc cli: Ct~nee o~ 5u ~.93 faet; thence Lnn;;e:~k a0U'~~l 57° 1:i' 3U" 1lc~t:, 4U5..~ fcct l-o a C: nf;cnr, c:urve conc:i.~e I~orCli:a^_:iCcrl,y :nr.t h~vinr, II 7:Cdi.ua of lOQ0.U0 feeC; L-l:ence :~on~h- w.:sLcrl.v u7.an;; n: id curvc, t:lirou~;h a central nn;;lc o; !}° 7-G' 4G~~ an ui:G uS.rC:~ticn o~: 7~:.~~9 feet to tihe tru~~ poinL• of i:e,^,5.n;ti.n~; oJ: L~~~. 7,~.:1c] d~r;c3-•1..~,cc: hcrcin; L•t:c:ncc conL•i.nuin,.^, Su:ittn;caecrly aLon~, an;.d t~u~vr. Chto~if;b u cc~cil•rnl an,.^,~.e of 7.U° 53' 7.'s" ;in nic di: C.~ce oi :;G~;.Gf) f:rc~L•; tn.^.iti~c: Cai~-;::nt :.iGUL'tl 7G° 23' 40" lJcr~L• ~;U3.~'3 £ceC Co L•hc he;;`~n:ii:-;; of: n tan~;ent. curve concnvc Souttiea..L'er.1y lis•~inv a rrciiu;; ci' LC:i:'~.00 £c:ct; Ci~.cnce Sout•i•~r~cstr.~:'~y a~onr, o~iJ curva L•hr~»i~;1~ a ccnLr•~7 lin;;7.c ot 11° 39' ~FU" nn arc di:~tan,.~~ o£ 303.Z5 f~ct; ~t~.ai:ce tt._~"enL• ~out;h 5i~` 4~' OU" t7cnr, 7,57.71 Lcet; ~t~,<:ncc Cont'ci. . . .. . '~:,t= i~..~~. ~~~ i:~)..~~'i~ (1•'.,,~~,~..- i . 1 ~.~~~. ~r~~~~~~.~, ~~~,~. _Sy1~~a____-- - . ,~. I~eocril+4~.on Fo~ Anaheim Iii3.la (Continu~d> . . ) er x{gl~t an,r,.lcss So~th 3~.° 16' 00" East 574.85 ~e~tP ~henc~ , SouLh IO° 27' S'1" ~•T~a~ 270.Od feet; Lhence North 75.° 2?` ~~~~ En3r. 365.~6 ~eet6 ehe:lc~ on a bearinn ai L'aaL- 8G2.0~ feeto ^~ ~henc~ tvoa:t:h 3° 58' 5I" ~dest 50's.21 S:eet; Chence Itioxth 76 t5 37" t•1e:~t o9.50 i:~eC; ttience on a bear~r.~ of: tlorth 27G.00 ~e~S:, to Che rM~7.ont;~Cioi~ of r~ radisl l~.ne of Chae curve herefri ubo~~c dcscribed us lza~•in~; n rfl~li~is o!: 1000.00 £ceC znd p~tasing Gt~ro~~ta L-l~e C~.~ue poinC ax beglnnin~; ~henc~e ~;ori:;~ ~'4° 29 ~ 41+ WesC a1.on~ said radia7. line :i42.96 tect Co th~ L•rue poinL- of . b~~f.jtning. Contnining 2Go001 Ac~:e:~ ~or~ crr less. S,ub~ect t_o c9vennnC", cor..d~.tions, reac~r.vations, re~~L~cCions, ~i~ttC~, ri~hk nf r~~y ~nd easeL-ienta, ~,~ unyn of r~cord. Z~• ~ ~ 7. That the petitioner stipulated that all of the units in the project would have air-conditioning equipment with condensers to be located on the ground; and that there would be no roof mounted equipment in the project. 8. That the Qetitioner stipulated that all garages located 6-10 feet from both public and private atreets would be provided with automatic garage door openere. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby grant subject Petition for Conditional Use Permit, upon the follawing conditions wh.ich are hereby found to be a necessary prerequisite to the proposed use of the subject pro~ erty in order to preserve the safety dnd general welfere of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim: " , (1) That this conditional use permit,is grant•ed subject to the completion of Tenta- tive Tract No. 8101 and Reclasoification IQo. 71-72-44. (2) That a final tract map of subject property ahell be aubmitted to and approved by the City Council and then be recorded in the office of the Orang,e County Recorder. (3) That any proposed covenants, conditions, and restrictionq shell be submiEted to a~d•app=pvedt:by':the'.'Ci:t~y Attorney's Office prior to City Couaail approval of the final tract map and, further, that the approved covenants, conditions, ar.d restrictions shall be recorded concurrently with the final tract mep. (4) That prior to filing the final tract map, the applicant shall submit to tfie City Attorney for approval or denial a complate synopsis of the proposed functioning of the oj3erating corporation, including but not limited to the articles of incorporat•Lon bylawa,; proposed meChods of management, bonding to insure maintenance of common property and build.ings,.and such othar informstion as the City Attorney may desire to protect the Ci*_y, its citizens, and che purchasera of the project. (5) That trash storage areas shall be provided in accordance with approved plans on file with the office of the Director of Public Works. (6) That fire hydrants shall be installed and charged as required ar.d determined to be necessary by the Chief of the Fire Department prior to co~nencement of structural framing. (7) That all ground mounted air-conditioning facilities shall be properly•shielded from view. (8) That subject property shail be served by underground uti'lities. (9) Thet aubject property shall be developed substantially in accordance with plans and specifications on file with the City of Anaheim marked Exhibit Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 provided, however, that final specific plana be aubmitted to the Planning Commiasion for review and recommendation. (IO) That c Ehree-foot high berm aI1~I1 be constructed along the Serrano Avenue front- age. (11) That spenial sound studiea of the potential traffic noises at ultimate develop- ment along Serrano Avenue ehall be eubmitted and that sound attenuation devices sucfi as double pane windows and well and ceiling insulation in the nnits adjacent to Serrano A~!enue, in order to render a 45 dBA level inside the unit aha:l be provided as atipulated to by the petitioner. (12) That all of the units in the project have air-conditioning equipment. with con- ~~ densers to be located on tne ground, and that there will be no roof-mourtLed equipment ~' ~ in the project as stipulated to by the petitioner. (13) Thet all garagea located 6-10 feet from both public and privste s*_zaets have autamatic gerage door openers as atipulated to by the petitioner_ (14) That Condition Nos. 1, 2, 3, and 4; a~ave mentioned, sha12 be complied with prior to the co~nan.~ement of the ectivity autYorized under this resolution, or prior to the time that the huiiding permit is issued, or within a per~od of one year from date hereof, whichever occurs first, or auch further time as the Planning Commission may gr8at. (15) That Condition Nos. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, end •13, above'inentioned, shall be complied with prior to final building and zoning inspections. RESOLUTION N0. PC72-252 -Z~ ~ : - ~ ~ ~ THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is signed and approved by this 26th day of October, 1972. ~ ~ ~`~ r- ''~.± •.a +-C~" ,{,S / ,,. r'1 :=~-r.: ,<~r: , ~ ~ .ar.s /3. ~ ~ C.HAI~FIAN ANAHEIM CITY 'F.t,A NG COI~A'IISS IOt: ,, ~ . ATTEST : t.` / i • SECRETAR~~ CI~NING COMMISSION STATE OF CAI.IFOkN7A ) COUNTY OF ORANGE } s~• CITY OE ANAHEIM ) I, Ann Krebs, Secretary o£ the City Planning Commiesion of the City of Ansheim, do hereby certify thet the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted at a meetiiig of the City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim, held on October 18, 1972, at 2.:00 o'clock P.M., by the following vote of the membera thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: ALLRED, FARANO, GAUER, HERBST, ROWLAND, SEYMOUR. NOES: COMMISSIONERS: KAYWOOD. ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: NONE. IN SdITNESS WNEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 26th day oE October, 1972. 1~I".ci.i~4~ SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION N0. PC72-252 ~3-