PC 72-254RESOLUTION ~. _ PC 72-254 ~
WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission of the City of Aneheim did receive a verified Petition for Con-
Anaheim Hills Road, Anaheim, California 92806, Owners of cert:ain real propezt3 situated
in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of Californie, as deacribed in Exhibit
"A" attarhed hereto and referred to herein as though set forth in full
WHEREAS, the City Planning Commiscion did hold a public hearing et thc CityHall in the City oE Aneheim
on October 18, 1972, et 2:00 o'clock P.M., notice of seid public hearing having been duly given
es requiced hy lew end in eccordence with the provisions of the Anaheim Municipel code, Chapter 18.64, to heat
and consider evidence Eor end egainst said proposed conditionel use and to investigete and make Sindings and
recommendetions in connection thecewith; nnd
WHEREAS, said Commission, ofter due inspection, investigation, and study made by itself end in its br
helf, end efter due conaideration oE ell evidence end reports offered at a~ld heorin6, doea find end determine the
[ollowing facts:
1. Thet the proposed use is properly one tor which a Conditionel Use Permit is euthorized by Code Section
18.28.040(1) to wit: establieh a 220-unit planned residential development with waivera
(a) SECTION 1a.08.440 - Lot frontaqe. (Lot frontage must be on a dedi-
cated strcet; proposed lots will not be fronting
on a dedicated street)
(bl SECTION 18.28.050 1-a - Minimum buildint~ site area. (7200 square feet
required; 1300 aquare feet proposed)
(c) SECTION 18.28.050(1-b) - Minimum buildinq eite width. (70 feet required;
26 fret proposed)
(~) SECTION 18.28.050(5-b) - Maximum buildinQ heiRht within 150 feet of an R-A
Zone. (One etory required; two stories proposed)
2. That Waivers 1-a, 1-b, 1-c, and 1-d, above m~ntione~, ar? hereby granted on the
basie that these were waivers typically granted with planned residential developments.
3. That the proposed use will not adversely affect the adjoining land uses and the
growth and development of the area in which it is propoaed to be l.ocated.
4. That the size and shape ot the site proposed for the use is adequate to allow the
full development of the proposed use in a manner not detrimental to the parCicular area
nor to the peace, health, safety, and general welfare of the ~itizens of the City of Ar~a-
5. That the granting o£ the Conditional Use Permit under the conditions imposed, i.f
any, will not be detrimental to the peace, health, safety, and general welfare of the
Citizens of the City of Anaheim.
6. 'fhat the petitioner stipulated to submitCing special sound etudies of the poteri-
tial traffic noises at ultimate developmene along Serrano Avenue; and that the petittoiier
stipuleted to providing soend atLe.nuation devicea such as double pane windowa and well and
ceiling insulation in the units adjacent to Serrano Avenue in order to provide a 45 dRA
level inaide the units. _1_
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Lalce~~i.e~a UniL, Parcel 2a
(Revised Ju1y 17, > » ~~ Statc of
ti~-'• io ~ert in the CounCy o~ Orange,
~ All that cc.rtain rea7. P~1tions ot Sectiocis 7, 8, 17 anddlscribed
~i Caliio~'nia, bei.n,; those P
Zot,~nship !+ SouCli, l:an~e S t'lesL> San ~3~=rnardino i~teridian,
as follocas :
~e~;inning at a poinY in the Ilor.thwesterly 7.ine oi:,rthat~l)er~n~-Lhcanc
allotted to ]3enjarnln 1nd T.t~omas Plir.t and Llewel]. n~~~' Y
de Santa Ana distant L-hereon
Partiticn ot the ~~lncho Santiago '
I~or~h 35° 5~~ 3~" LasL, 3341.6(~ feet from the Northcast corner o
the lar.d descr.ibed i_n th~ d~ed tc SanLiag^ ]?almcrs nssociatsatid
~:ecorded in T3eolc S8, Pa~;e 544 of Deeds, in Che otf.ice oi ~he Coun y
~ Cali.fornia; thencc leaving
gecorder. of Los Anfiele5 CounL~, ~ 1534.53 iceL- to the
Nortiiweseerly 1ine, I~or~h 54° 09 22" 47esL,
Southeasterly terminus oi a non-L-an~~niadi3iLli.ne~ofesaidL`curveeti~~~s
~t radius oi 500.00 fceL-, alon ~
and hav9n~ ~ oino• thence anr~~icldi.~tance of
South 64° 47' 16" tdest throu,h s~ca~i 2~ '38' S0"
223~~ilufect;hth~nc~aLan~~nt1Nor.tih 0° 2G' OG" Last3 Y9~ius ofe5U0 00
a tangent curve concave South~•~~s~erl)~ and l~avin~ ? central angle
teet; thcnce No~:l-h~aesterly a7.on~ said curve Lhrougll
of 45° 29' 35" r:in arc distance rf ~nce~SouChe44°L56nc37-"a[desY, 333`96
45° 03' 29'~ ~~1est, 335e15 ie..L; ~- an3 having a radius
feet to a tan~;~nt curve concave NorL-hcae..Ler~1$1id curve througt~~ence
of 20G0~00 Icet; thence Soutli~nsarcldi•sY.ance oi ~88'`~~T11:~CUL'VL' con-
central an~7-e oio8° 15` 51",
cnt South 53 12 2'L ~dest, 912.31 feet t° a t1ng" tl~ence
tang' le ot ?_4° 42'
cave Nortli~:~~sL~lly asaiaacurvea throu~h~a cen~r00 an~ ~
Sout-hwesLer7.y a].ons3
43° an arc distancc of 517 057 feet to CLe true oint of: hC`~C1LnLn;
a radial line oi ~ai~ ci1LVe bears South
of the land herein described;
lZ° 04' 55" T:ast ~V~~rougli saidAtra~d~'1200-fo tr~1~nus~curve throu~h
conti.nuin~ South~acsterly 11on~ ~
a central. ary;lc ofi 6° ~F7~~ 22" an~66C17~ fect"t°fL-1 eoUeginning o~G`~~c
Lan~cnC South 84° 37' 27 ldest, ~ '3 r1dius of lUU0.0U ic~et;
~, havinf;
tang~l~t curve concave Southeast-~"lY~ ,r~re ~al~f,enL 5:,uth 51°
alun~ sai.d eurve tLrc•~.:,;,_ ^, ~~ •,cral angle of
thence 5outi~westerly ~ enti curve. conc~~,r
33° 23' S7" an ai-c disCance of 5~2.93 ieet~oft~a tan~
13' 30" WesL-, 405093 1'eet lo,.,Lh~ 1~e~inning
~ :'~1, i' ~~37?_
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Dc;:cription ior !~naileim
:La :c.~.~iet•~ Unit, Ya•r.cel 2a
1'3~e 'L~ .
~^~~:~-,- ~:~:.~,~
r]or~h~7ester7.y havin~ a radius oL- 100Ge00 "~~.et; Che:~ce Rout:i;~:esLerly
alon~ said curve thruu?h a centr1l ~n;1e oP 4° 1G' 46" an arc
7ist-ance o£ 7~i.G9 teeC; Lhe.izce Sou~n 34° 29' 44" Cast cilong Ll~e
prolungation of a~adial line oi said curv~ 341096 f~et; therc~
on a bearinF ol South, a distance of 27Go00~feetj~ thence Sout-h 76°
25' 37" East, b9.50 ieet; thencc Sou~h 3 5~ 51 ~ast, 504.21
feet; thence t;orth 55° GO' 26" ~ast, 1321~82 fee~; thence Nort11 44°
29' 00" ~ast, 333~31 ieeC; the~lce t~orth 12" 39' 26" L'ast, 2~+1•88
£eet• thence North 61° 25' S8" SJest, 181.070 feet; thence North 5°
2'l' 33" 4lest, 376.34 teet to the true point oi beginning.
SubiecC to c.ovenants, conditions, reser.vat-ions, restricCions, rights,
right. of way and easernenl-s, if any, oi recordo
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7. That the petitioner atipulated that all of Che units in the project would have
air-conditioning equipment with condensers to be Iacated on the goamyi,d~,and that there would
be no roof-mounted equipment in the project. ,
8. That the petitioner stipulated that all garagea lopfted 6-10 feet from both
public and private etreeCa wauld be provided with automatic garage dQOr openera.
NOW, TtiS&E~ORE, BE IT R&SDLVED that the Anaheim City Planning Co~isaion does hereby
grant subject Petition for Conditional Uae Permit, upon the following conditions which are
fiereby found to be a nece9sary prerequi3lte to the proposed uae of the aubject property in
order to preserve the safety and general welfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim:
(1) That Chie conditional use permit is granted subject to the completion of Tenta-
tive Trace No, 7915, Revision No. 1, and Reclaseificati~n No. 71-72-44.
(2) That a final tract map of subject property ehall be submitted to and approved by
the City Council and then be recorded in the office of the Oralge County Recorder.
(3) That any propoeed covenanta, conditioit~:, and reatrictions shall be eubmitted to
and approved by the City Attorney's Office prior to City Council approval of the final tract
map and; further, that the approved-coven~nts, conditions, and restrictions ahaZ'_ be recorded
concurrently with the finel tract map~
(4) That prior to filing the final tract map, the applicant shall aubmit to the City
Attorney for approval or denial a complete synopsis of the proposed functioning of the operat-
ing corporation,..including, but not limi:ed.to, the articles of incorporaCion bylaws, propoaed
methods of managelnent, bonding to insure meintenance of coimnon property and 6uildings, and
su~h.other information as the Cit;~ Attorney may deaire to protect the City, ita citizena, and
the purchasass of the project.
(5) That trash storage areas ehall be provided in accordance with approved plana on
file with the office of the Director of Public Works.
(6) Th~t fire hydrante shall be inetalled and charged ae required and determined ta
be necesaery by the Chief of the Fire DepartmenL• prior to coimnencement of etructura: framing.
from view
(7) That all ground-mounted air-conditioning facilities ehall be properly shielded
(S) That eubject property ehall be eerved by underground utilitiea.
(9) Thet subject property ehall be developed eubstentially in accordance with plana
and specifications on file with the City of Anaheic~ marked Exhibit Noe. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,
8 and 9 provided, however, that final specific plana be submitt~~d ~o the Planning Commisaion
for review and reco~mnendetion.
(XO) That a three-foot high berm ehell be conatructed along the Serrano Avenue
(11) Thet apecinl sound studies of the potential traffic noises at ultimete develop-
ment along Serrano Avenue shall be eubmitted; and that sound attenw tion devices such as
double pane windowa and wall and ceiling ineulation in the unite adjacent ta Serrano, in order
to rendcr a 45 dBA level ineide the unit, shall be provided as etipulsted to by the petitioner.
(12) That all of the unita in the project have air-conditianing equipment with con-
densera~ to be located on the ground and thet there will be no roof-mounted equipment in the
project as etipulated to by the petitioner.
(13) Thet all garagea loceted 6-10 feet from both public and private strer.ts have
automatic garage openere ea stipulated to by the petitioner.
(14) That Condition Noe. 1, 2, 3, and 4, above mentioned, shall be complie~i with prior
to the commencement of the activity authorized under this resolution, or prior to the cime that
the building permit is isaued* or within a pertod of one year from date hereof, whichever c,ccurs
first, or such further time as the Planning Commiesion may grant.
(15) That Condition Nos. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, and 13, above mentioned, ehall be
complied with prior to Pinal building and zoniug inspections.
RESOLUTION N0. PC72-254 -2-
. ~
. ~
THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is eigned and approved by me thia 26th dey of October, 1972.
/'='~ry-~ ~
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ATTEST: i ~'
~~~~ ""~~~
I, Ann Krebs, Secretary of the City Plannir.g Commission ef the City of Anaheim, do
hereby certify ~hat the foregoing reaolution was passed and adopted at a meeting of the
Qi~y Planning Commiesion of the Citp of Anaheim, held on October 18, 1972, at 2:00 o'clock
P.M., by the following vote of the membere thereof:
IN WITNESS WF~REOF, I heve hereunCO set my hand thie 25th day of Qctober, 1972.
RESOLUTION N0. PC72-254 "3'