PC 72-295r - ~
RESOLUTIO ~ . P~ 72~295 ~
WHEREAS, the City P1ennIng Commisslon of the City of Aneheim dId receive a verified Petitlon for Varionce
trom ARTIE P. JEWGTT, .TR., 1835 South Lewis Street, Anaheim, California 92805, Owcier; JESS
JEWETT, 1835 Soutn Lewis Street, Anaheim, California 92805, Agent of certain real property
situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, as deacribed in
Exhibit "A" attached hereto and referred to herein as though aet forth in full
; and
WHEREAS, the City Plenning Commission did hold e public headng at the City Hell in the City of Anaheim
on November 27, 1973, 8t 2:00 o'ciaek P.M., notice of said public hearing heving been duly given es requiced
by lew end in accrordance with the provisiona of the Aneheim Municipel Code, Chepter 18.68,to hear and ~:onsider
evidence Ior and egeinst seid proposed veriance end to investigete end make findings end cecommendetions in connec-
don therewith; end
WHEREAS, seid Commiesinn, aEter due inspection, investtgation, and study mede by itself end in its behelE,
and aEter due consideretion of all evidenee end cepods oEferod at seid headng, daes Eind end determine the l~ollowing
facts: ~ •
1. That the petitioner ceaueats variances from tfie Anaheim~Muninipal Code as followa:
a. ;E(:TION 1d.52.040 - Fermitted outdoor usea to permit the continued uee of
an outdoor "dip tank" for procesaing of el:eet metal
b. ~~CTION 18.52.060(3b/ - Requirement for screeninR of outdoor uaes by a six-foot
hiE masonry wall to permit enclosure by a six-foot
high chainlink fence.
2. Thet there nre exceptionel or extreocdinery circumsteneec or conditions appliceble to the property involved
or to the intended uae of the property thet do not apply genera:ly to the proparty or class oE uee in the seme vlcinlty
end zone.
3. That the requeeted verience is necexsery for the preservation and enjoymmt of a subRtential property :ight
possessrd by other property in the same vicinity and zone, end denied to the propedy in quesUon.
4. Thet the requested verience wi11 not be meterially detrimental to the public weltare or injurious te itie p~op-
erty or improvements in such vicintty end zone in which the property la located.
5. That L•~~e neCf.tioner stipuiated to providing redwood slats ia the proposed chainlink
Environmental ImpacC RePOtt Fi,r.din :
That ttie Ylanning i'ortuni.srio:~ i'inde and determinen that the proposal would have no aigni-
ficant enviXOnmental i.m~~ecl• ar.d, r.F~er.efore, recommer.ds to the City Council that Exemption
Declaration sCatus be granted.
V 1-G -1-
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The estate or interest in the land described or re[erred to in this schedule cavered by this report is:
~ ~ fee
Tide to said estate or interest at the dste hereof is vested in:•
ARTIE P. JEN-ETT JR., a single man.
The land referred to in this report is situated in the State of California, County of Oran~e
and is described as follows:
~ARCEL l: That portion of the Northeast Ruarter of the Ptorthxest Quarter
6 of Section 26, Tovrnship 4 South, Rant;e 10 l~lest, in the Rancho San Juan
Ca~on Ae Santa Ma, in the City o~' Anaheim, as shown on a map thereof re-
corded in book 51, page 10 of I7iscellaneoua Mapa, records of said Orange
County, described as follovrs :
Conmencing at the Northea~t corr-er of the land described in Parcel 2 in
the Le~si tio Jack ~. Riley arid wife recorded 3eptember 13s 1956, in book
line~of~s atd5NorthwestaQuRartera83ou herlyrthereonn968.13~reetntrom thet
T7orth Quarter corner of said Section; thence North 1° 16t 48" West, alonR
said Ea~t line, 33&.50 feet to the true point of beginning of the land
herein described; thence continuinq North 1° 16+ 48" Weat along said ~ast
line 116.50 feet; thence South 88° 43~ 12" West 231.77 feet to the Last-
erly line of the Soutlzern Pacific Raiiroad Rig,ht of Way; thence Southerly
alon~ said Bast line 120.15 feet to a point which bears South 88° 43t 12"
~•Jest i~om the true point oP be~rinning; thence North 88° 43~ 12tt East
202.39 feet to the true point af beginnin~.
PARCEL 2: That portion of the Northeaat Quarter of the 1lorthwest Quarter
of 3ection 26, Totivnship 4 South, Range 10 Weat, in the Rancho San Juan
Ca~on De Santa Ana, in the City ot Maheim, ao shown on a map thereof
recorded in book 51, Pa6e 10 of Miscellaneoua i4aps, records of said
Oran~e ~ounty, described as i'oliov~s:
Commencin~ at the Northeaat corner of the land described in Parcel 2, in
the Deed ~to Jack E. Riley and wife recorded September 13, 1956, in book
3G42, page 258, OTricial Records, said corner being a point in the ~ast
li.ne of suid ldorthorest quarter, Southerly thereon 968.13 f~et from the
llorth quarter corner,^~;ai,~~~ection; thence tJorth 1° 16' 4a" West, along
at11d ~ast line, 220.00 feet to the true point oP the beginninp, :,: the
land therein descriUed; thence continuinP, t~orth 1° 16~ #8" 1~leat alang
said ~,aat line 116.5o feet; thence South 8a° 43~ 1?" Wea~t 202.39 ree.*• to
the ~asterly lin~ oT the Southern Pacific Railroad fL'.ght of 41ay; thence
Southerly alon~ aaid ~asterly line '120.15 fe~t to a point which bears
il~ South !3a° 4~ 12" t•leat from the true point ot berinning; thence North 88°
~'~ 1~~ 12n ~ast 173.01 feet to the true point af begi.nnin~,
m:. r1 1~n8 ia deacribed on the County Tax Asaesament Roll Por the
fisc:al yeur .~?'Id72, an A. P. No. 83-250-49 & 51; CA 01-031.
~~~ ~
.. ~ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ~LVED that the Aneheim City Plenning ~ission doed heceby grant subject
p Petition for Vedence, upon the follo g conditions which are hereby found to be a necessery precequisite to the pro-
posed use of the snbject pcoperty in order to preserve the sefety and genecal welface of ~'~e Citizenc oE the City of
(1) That the owner(s) of subject pro~er~.y shall pay to the City of Anaheim the sum
of $2.00 per front foot along Lewis Street for street lighting purposes.
. (2) That trash storage areas shall be provided in accordance with approved plans on
file with the office of the Director of Public Works.
(3) That subject property shall be developed substantially in accordance with plans
and apecificati~ns on file with the City of Anaheim marked Exhibit Nos. 1, 2, and 3 provided,
however, that redwood slata shall be provided in the chainlink fence enclosing the outdoor
atorage and dip tank area.
(4) Thet the pet4tioner ahall aupply the City with a written certification £rom the
Air Pollution Control District that pollutants from the outdoor dip tank operationa do not
exceed A.P.C.D. Standarda ior this type of ope*ation,
(5) That a self-closing lid ahall be mounted over the dip tank for fire protection
from operations involving flammable and/or volatile materials.
(4) That Condition Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, above mentioned, shall be complied with
within 45 days from date of approval of this reaolution.
I, Ann Krebs, Sectetery of the Ci:y Plenning Commission of the City of Aneheim, ao heceby certify ffiat
the foregoing zesolution was pesaed and adopted at e meeting of the City Plenning Commission of the City of Anaheim.
hek: on November 27, i972, at 2:00 o'clxk P.M.,by the following wte of the members thereoE:
IN WITNESS WFiEREOF, I have hereunto aet my head this 7th day of December, 1972.
~/^i/~ ~~! ""~ -
V2-G '2'
......, ....er,..,,.r~ orm* nTmu ~. et~.~d .nd aoomved bv me this 7th day of December, 1972.