PC 72-3~ ~ RESOLUTION NO. PC72-3 A RESQLUTION OF THE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM THAT PETITION FOR VARIANCE N0. Z 31 Z BE GRANTED WHEREAS, ihe City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim did receive e verified Petition Eor Verience from ANAiiEIM HILLS, INC. AND T:::XACO VBNTURES, INC., 1665 South 5tookhuzst Street, Anahei.m, CaZifornia 928U4; Owners; WILLIAM J. STAP,K, President Anaheim tiills, Inc., 1665 South Brookhur.st Street, Anaheim, Cali£ornia 92804, Agent of certain real prooerty situated in the City of Anaheim, County o£ Oranae, State of Calif.ornia, as described in Exhibi.t A attached hereto and ref.erred to he~ein as tho~.iry.h set forth in fell ; and WHEREAS, the City Plenning Commission did hold a public heering et the City Hell in the City oE Aneheim on January 24 , 1972 at 2:00 o'clack P.M., notice of said public hearing having been duly given es required by law and in accordence with the provisions of the Aneheim Municipel Code, Chepter 18.68,to hear end consider evidence Eor end egainst said proposed veriance end to investigete and make findings and recommendations in connec- tion therewith; and WHEREAS, said Commissinn, aEter due inspection, investigetion, and study made by itsel: a~d in its behalf, and after due consideretion of all evidence end ceports offered nt said hearing, does find and determ:;;.; the following fects: 1. That the petitioner reauests e veriance from fhe Anaheim Municipal Code ns follows to aubdivide sub~ect property into 22 R-A Zoned lots: (a) °ECiI0t1 18.10.050(2-a -::ini:num lot area (One acre required; .5 acre proposed). (b) SBi:i'ION 18.10.050(2-b) -:?inimum lot width (140 feet required; L00 feet prcposed). !c) SECTION 18.16.050(5-a) - Minimum front yard (25 feet required; 15-20 feet propo~ied). 2. .T.hat Y:aivers 1-a and 1»b, are hereby granted on the basis that said property is within a~1 area where the terrain is quite sreep, thereUy making it difficult Co develop loL•s i.n cun£ormance with Code requirements. 's, ,~at "•iaiv r 1- above n ntioned iz rant d r vided.tiowever sa w~ie*e ar.ag~s are proposed ~o o en ~direc€Iy,onto L~ie street, ~.h~re s~ia1Q ge a minimum of ~LO ~ee bet~3een he gar- age door and ~he public right-of-way. 4, Thet there ere exceptional or extraordinery circumstnnces or conditions epplicable to the property involved or ta the intended use of the property that do not apply generelly to the property ar class of use in the same vicinity end zone. 5. That the requested variauce ~~ necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a substentiel property right possessed by other ptoperty in th~ seme vicinity and zone, end denied to the ptoperty in question. 6. That the rrquested variance will not be materially detrimentel to the public welfate or injuriuus to the prop- erty ur impcovements in such vicinity and zone in which the property is loceted. V1-G -1- ~'~~"~~/ r ( `~~'~':~)/'~`,~~ ~ - - ri ''-:Y;.i ~~.-.,•- \\\Z;/,,:::~r,~,i%~~~/i ~ ~ T ' I y t:~ , ~ ~' `~ ~- ~~.i.~~~ -- -~- ~ Fir'sl Americ~!~ ?'-tle Insuraace ra.:~pany . ~21 NORTH MAIN STREET . SAt7TA ANA; CALIFORNIA •:47-6892 pr."DICATIO~ t Your No. ~ _ , Our Ordcr No. ~~ ~1G~7~ B Form of Policy Covcrage equessr : ~~~~~ ~,~ Z,z,1LE .l~SSOCUT~N SPJ1~,1k~ ~V~,RAGE POLICY In response to ihe above referenced epplication for a policy of title in.urance, this Company hereby reports that if is prepared to issue, or cause to be issued, as of the date hereof, a Policy of Title Insurance in the form specified obove, describing the Icnd and the estei~ er interest therein hereinafler set forth, insuring ngainst loss which may be sustn?~ed by reason oi ony defect, lien or encumbronce not shown or referred to as an Exception below nr not excluded from coverage pursuont to the printed Schedules, Cenditions and Stipulations of said policy form. This report (and any supplements or amendments thereto)isissuedsolclyforthepurposcof Facilitating thc issuunce of a policy of title ~r:surance ond no liability is assumed hereby. If it is desired thot liobility be assumed prior to the issuance of a policy of title insuronce, a Binder or Commitment should be requested. • Dated as of ~.~,~ber lk, i97a. at 7:3Q a.m. ~~~~~ $. ~ TITLE OFFICER Title to said estatc or intcrest at the date i;oraof is veated in: AtfAIiE71•i fI7I.LS, ~•;C. , A Ca1i.°oxnin Corporation, as to nn undi~ide3 ono h.R1.P i~lLerea't tuxl ~"'i~..,:ACO VE:f^PtJR ~ TiC. , ~";;~l:zt.nre Corporation, as to nr- unclividcd ono h~lf' inter. e~L. ~.2 ~3 ~z ~ ~ All that certain land situated in the State of California, County ef Jrange, ~escribed as follows: PROPOSED TRACT No. 7558, described as follows:._.._~___....___.~_____.-..-:-•~----••--~---••--• ~_ _.._.--_ __...._. That portion of Section:; 7 and 18, Township 4 JGIi~..il~ F.anse 8 West, S.B.B. ~ M., described as follows: Beginning at a point in the Northwesterly line, o£ th¢,t ce;rain Iand allotted to Benjamin and Thomas Flint and Llewellyn BixUy in the Partition of the Rancho Santiago de Santa Ana; said point being located therein North 35° 50' 38" East 3341.66 feet from the Northeast ~~roer of ti.~ l~nd de>cribed in ' Deed to Santiago Farmers Association, recordeci in Boolc 98, page 544 of Deeds, in the office of the County Recorder of Los Angeles County, California; thence leaving said Northweste:rly line, North 54° 09' 22" West 1534.53 feet, thence South 64° 47' 16" tdesl. 145.71 feet to the beginning ~f a tangent curve concave Southeasterly having a radiu~ of 200.00 feet; thence Southwesterly ~ along said curve through a central angle of 45° 15' 36" an arc distance of 157.99 feet Co the beginning of a tangent reverse curve concave Nortlierly having a radius of 200.00 feet; thence ~desterly along said curve through a central angle o': >:?° 51' 37" an arc distance of 345.09 feet to the beginning of a tangent reverse curve concave Southwesterly having a radza.> ?•`- 400.00 feet; thence Northcoesterly along said curve through a central angle oE 69° 23' 13" an arc distance of 484.41 feet; thence tangent to said curve Sou[h 49° 00' 04" 4lest 167.66 feet to r.he beginning of a tangent curve concave Northwesterly having a radius of 600.00 ::.;,~;-; thence Southwesterly along said curve through a central angle of 13° 32' S_:~` an ~rc distance-of 141.88 feet to the beginning of a tangent reverse curv~ cuncave South- easterly having a radius of 300.00 feet; thence 3ou!•hwester].y along said curve through a central angle of 56° 38' O1" an arc distance of 296.53 feet; r.hence tangent to said curve South S° 54' S8" West 190.00 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve concave Northwesterly having a radius of 400.00 feet; thence South- westerly along said curve through a central angle of 41° 09` 40" an arc distance of 287.36 feet to the beginning of a tangent reverse curve concave SouCiieasterly having a radius of 400.00 feet; thence Southwesterlp along said curve through a central angle of 19° 13' 08" an arc distance of 134.17 feet; thence tange;it to said curve South 27° 51' 30" [JesC 160.00 feet to the beginning af a tangent curve concave Northwesteriy having a radius of 300.00 feet; thence Sovthwesterly along said curve through a central angle of 49° 38' 30" an arc dist.,i.c~ of 259.92 feet; thence tangent to said curve South 77° 30' 00" ',:~~_;;w 140.74 feet; to the trae point ~~~ of beginning; thence North 12° 30' 00" 41est 732.00 feet; thence South 56° 40' QO" West 1322.00 feet; thence West 8G2.U0 feet; thence South 71° 22' 00" West 3G6.00 feet; ther.ce Snuth 10° 27' S7" West 35..00 feet; thence Sout?~ ?6° 20' S5" ~~st 25.00 feet; thence North 53° 39' 05" East 115.00 feet to the beginnir.o of a tar.gent curre concave Southwesterly having a radius of 300.00 feet; thence Southeasterly ' • a7.ong said curve through a central angle of 73° 13' 07" an arc distance of 383.37 feet; thence tangent to said curve South 53° 07' 48" East 195.00 feet to the beginning of u tangent cur~;r concave Nortneasterly having a radius of 300.00 feet; thencc tar.gent to said curve Sou[h 85° 19' 25" East 490.63 feet to thc begi.naing c~f a tanoent curve cencave Northwesterly having a radius of 300.00 fe thence ~ tangent to said curve rorth 27° 44' 03" East 277.05 feet to the bg SflAic~'~,Q~~,a tangent curve concave Southerly havin~ a radius of 300.00 feet; ence~~Easterly along said curve through a central angle of 62° 08' 45" an arc 3sCa~c~~e fj~325.:40 feet; thence tangent to said curve North 8q° 52' 48'' ~ast ].51. (~ Fee~tttu~the Q~, ~.....~ ~ beginning of a tangent curve concave Northerly having a rauius Qf 6~0,40"'feet;-' o t 'ii`til~~ ~/ thence Easterly alcng said curve through a central angle of 11 ~3 ?~w~yar~.arE;, UAR1~~1CE ~4.~J~...~~- &~`29ZSZtiZ£.,???~, ~ ~ Pagc 2 d3::::,~nr..:: of 124.51 feeC; thence tangent to said curve North 77° 30' 00" East 314.16 feet tu the truc point of beginning. J • NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED thet the Aneheim City Plenning Co~ssion does hereby gcant subject Petition for Variance, upon the following conditions which ere hereby found to be a necesssry prerequisite to the pro- posed use of the subject property in order to preserve the sefety and generel welfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim: (1) That this Variance is d.anted subjecc to the completion of Reclassification No. 70-71-33, now pending. (2) That subject property shall be developed subst,ntiaily in accordance with plans and specifications on file with the Cir.y of Anaheim marked °xhibit No. 1; provided, however, that where garages open onto the street there shall oe a miaimum of 20 feet between the garage door and the public right-of••way. THE FOREGOING R~SOLUTION is ei~ed and approvea by me this 3rd day of February, 1972. i CHAIRMAN r1NAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION ATTEST: ~~'/!.''~vn/ %~~~7.(~ SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSIOK c;TATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF 6RANGE ) ae• C1TY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Ann Krebs , Secretary oE the City Plenning Commission oE the City of Aneheim, do hereby certify that the Eoregoing reeolution wes pessed end edopted et a meeting of the City Planning Commission of the City of Aneheim, held on January 24 , 1972 , et 2:00 o'clock P.M., by the following vote oE the members the~eof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: ALLR.°D, FARAP;O, GAUER, Hi:?BST, KAYWOOD, ROWLAND, SEYMOUR. NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONc. ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: NOhli. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I heve heYeunto aet my ?~end this 3 rd day o£ February , 1972 . RESOLUTIONNO. PC72-3 ~~%'i~ ~J~ SECIi£TARY ANAHEi~PLANNWG COMMISSION V2-G 'Z'