PC 72-301~ ! iiESOL~NNO. PC72-301 • A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIlvI THAT PETITION FOR VARIANCE N0. 2452 ~ BE DENIED WHEREpS, the City Planning Commisaion of the City of Maheim did reaive a verified PeUtion for Verlence from RUSSELL AND HETTIE TUCKER, 822 North Anaheim Boulevard, Anaheim, California 92805, ~anere; HERMAN AND DOROTHY GAY.LARDO, 1727~ Meadawview Drive, Yorba Linda, Californie 92686, Agent of certain real property aituated in the City of Aneheim, County of Orenge, State of California,described as Lot 6, Block 1 of Tract No. 304, ae per map recorded in book 14, page 50 of Miacellaneoue Maps, recorde of Orange CounCy, Califor- nie. EXCEPTING TFiEREFROM the westerly 2.75.feet . . ~. . ... .~.. . . .~ ;, WHEREAS, the City Planning Commbs:on did hold a publlc hearing at the City Hall in the City of Meheim on November 27, 1972, at 2:00 o'clxk p.m., nottce of aaid public hear{ng hsving been duly given aa requtred by law and in accorden~b with the provleiana of the Maheim Mwilcipal Code, Chapte: 18.68, to hear and coneider evidence for and agaLiat celd fropoaed varience and to inveetigate and make findinga and recommendatlom in connectlon tharewith; and WHEREAS, said Commiasi~n, after dua inapectlon, inveetigatlon, and atudy mede by ttself and in its behelf, end after due conslderation of all evidence and reposte otfered at aaid h~uing, does tind. and determine the fciiowing facta: 1. Thet t}:e petitioner requsau e vs=lancee . from' ktxe Anaheim Municipal Cade ea followe : (a) SECTION 1E.44.010 AZ - Permitted uses (Auto repair garage ie not per- mitted in the C-2 Zone; C-3 2one le requirad) (b) SECTION 18.44.030(5-a-1) - Minimum varkinq area 2 3 of total eite aree required for parking area in a C-2 Zone; 11.47. " of site area propoaed for garking) , 2. That the proposed uae ie too intense for i:e ?ocetii~n ad~ecent to residential uses. 3. That eevere vehicular/pedeetrian con£licts would be cauee3 by the looation of che vehicular entry off Aiil~.s Drive and that, even though the Traffic EngS.neer hid eug- gested removel o£ a portion of the wall to provide vehicle drivere more peripherel vieion, the vehicles would be over the public aidetaal.k be£ore pedestriene or other vehiclae wquld be viaible to a driver exiting aub~ect property onto Ylilla Drive. 4. Thot aithough the petitioner had submitted revieed plans indicating two buildings with parking between the two buildinge, thie acceas would bt neceeeary to maneuver vehiclen into tha repair bays, thereby making these perking ereae i.neffective. 5. That unmitigated noise from optratione w~uld ba detrimentaY to che health and general welfare of nearby residente. 6. That the aiae and ehape of the lot ie inadequate to devalop with the psoposed uee without creating an undeeirable liv9,ng environment for the adjacent residential uses on Mille Drive. 7. That there are no exceptional or extraordinary circumetancee or conditione appli- cable tn the property involved or to the intended use of the property that do not apply generally to the property or ctass of uae in the same viciuity arid aona. 8. Thet the requested varian~e ia not neces~erq for the prese:vet±on and enjoymenr of a subetantial property right poaeesead by oCher property in the eame vicinity and zone, and denied to the pxoperty in queation. 9. That the requeeted variance will be materially detrimental to the public welfere ~ad injurious to the property or improvemen"te in euch vicinity and zone in whiah the prop- erty or improvementa in such vicinity and zode-!.n which ~he property ie located. 10. That two pereons appeared in oppoaition to the propos~d use. ~ ~ ~ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED thet the Anaheim City Plenning Commission doea heeeby deny ~ubJect Petitlon foc Vadence on the basis oE the eforementloned flndiaga. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION ls eigned end epproved by me this ,.7th dsy of December, 1972. ANAHEIM CITY ATTEST: /~~~ ~~~~~ ~ SECRETARY ANAHE CITY PL?NNINC, COMMISSION ' STATE OF CALIL^`JRNIA ) . " COUNTY OF ORANGE ) es. ' ~ CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, And, jCrei~s„ .~cretery oE the Ctty Planning Commisslon of the Cfty of Anaheim,. do heceby cectify th~t the foro- going cesoludon wae peased end ~dopted at e meeting of the City Plenniag Commlesion ofthe Citq of Aaahelm, held on November 27, 1972, et 2:00 o'clock P.M., by the following vote of ~a membera thareof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: GAUER, F.AYWOGD, ROWLAND, SEYMOUR. i:i/ES: COMMISSION~IZS: HERBST. ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: aLLRED, FARANO. IN WI'fNESS WHEREOF, I heve hereunto set my hand thls 7th day of December, 1972. Li~~ SECRETARY ANAHEDN PiANNIIiG COMbIISSION RESOLUTION NO. PC72-301 V2-D ~ -~