PC 72-311~ ~ RES9LUT10N N0. PC72-311 A RES0~.71TI01~ QF THE ~ITY PLANNING rt1ARMIS5I0N 08 '2'[iL C~'TY ~~'' ~•Id~.,tE1M REL'OMMENbII~G'A'9 R'I'ZE CY'TY COi7NCTr OF `TH£ I;taY ~I+',AIdIWE,OC TlIAT PETITION FOR 12ECLA&SIFI~A':i.01d N0. _~~~_ HE APPFEJJE~ WHEREAS, the City Plannina ~ommissinn of the City oE An~G~Y.a,dld receivt 1 VFttfisd Fetition [or Recl~adflca Uonfmm OTIS AND F'RANCES ?.. BROWN, 609 Eaet MyrtleL Sw•nta Ana, Cal~ifoxnia.92701, Owners; JAMES H. SAU]LS, JR., 137 Glendon Stroet, Anahxim, Ca3~.,~mrnia 92806; Agent of certain reel property situated in the City of ?.aaheim, Caunt; 9E' Ordage, State ~£ California, deecribed. as Beginning at a poinh Ln the So~uth line of Trat't No. 1843, as per map thereof xecorded in book 53, pages 45 and ~. pf:rllECellaneoua Mapa', reco=ds of Orange County, California, eaid point being Narth~89 ~1' 9fi" fiast 171.57 feet from the Northeasc corner of Lot 1 ~f said Tract; thence South 0° 09' S5" Wg9t p~Lml„lel ta the East line ai eaid Northweet ~.~uar- ter of the Southmest quarter 267.95 fei't ~:a 'zha ceetecline ~f Anahaim~OliJe Road, as shown on eaid Mep; ~hence North 78° 52' 26'! West :f!.D2 fee*;, rheRSe North~0,° Or!: 5S" Ees!. paral- lel to said East line 257.04 f~et to aaid ,cu~h 13ae; thence North ff9° '~7~ :;5" East along said South line 55.00 feet to the point of bagietning ; ~nd WHEREAS, the City Pl~nnina Commission did hold a publlc lhuoc~nQ Gk t~ht City Hdl ia :he City oE An~heim on November 27, 1972, at 2:00 o'clock P.M. notlce oE said publlo R,ta~;ug h~vina been duly Qiven ~s requirod bp law ~nd in accordance with the provislons of the Anaheim Muniaipel ~';' .'e; :;h~~pter 18.72, to he~r and con~ldet evldence for and against said peoposed reclassification and ta investi~~te and mrke Un~ilnQe and recommend~don~ !n conaecHon therowith; end WHEREAS, said Commi~rlon, ~Eter due inspecUon, investigatton, ~nd study ~-ae by it~~lf ~nd ln itt beh~lf, and . a@et due eonsideration oE all evldence end repods otfered at said hearing, does find and determine the folloalne f~ct~: 1. That the petltionee proposes a rocla~slfic~tion of the ebove described propecty from the R-A, AGRICULTURAL~ ZONE, to the C-0, COrAlERCIAL-OFFICE, ZONE. 2. That the propoeed reclaeeification ie in conformance with land uee deaignation of the Gsnaral Plan. 3. That the propased roclassiEication. oE subject propedy ls neces~e„~y a~d/or deeinble tor the orderly and pro- pe~ development oE the communlty. -'' 4. 'P(~~f the propoeed recl~ssific~lion oE subfect ptopeety does propetly relate to the zo~es and thelr pem~itEed ise~ locally eatc5lished in alo~e ptozlmity to sub)ect prop,arty and to the zonea and their permitted ucee eenerally est~b- li~hed ffiroughout the communlty. 5, That tha patitioner etipulsted to providing the required height of a block wali in conformance with Code requiremente. R-A -~- ~ ~ NCvI, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLtIED that tha Anahe,~m Ci:~ P1r::t.ii~ng Commiee3oe~ crs.es hereby reco~end to the City Counc+.l of the City of Anahei~ that 8ubjecE ;4etitL.hn £a- Me¢laeaifi« ' cation be approved and, by ao doing, that Titla 18-Zoning n£ the Anshnim 'Mu+n3c~prti Code be amsnded to eYClude the abov~ described property from tha R Ay ,AGRICULTl;~ •: ~~1~F: aad ~o in- corporate said deacribed property into the C-0, COtII~SEP,~IAL-~~FFIC~, 2CIe~ apei. ~ke £~lloxi.~ig conditions which are hereby found to be a neceesary prereqc•is£Ee Ca r.'he ~t;'a{soaed use of aub- ject property in order to preserve the safety and general welfare os the Cii:isens a.' ~i'!e ^_•it~ of Anaheim: (1) That the owner(e) of sub~ect property ehall deed to the City of Anahiaim a atriE+ of land 53 feet in width from the centerline of the street along Lincoln Avanue for strent widening purposes. (2) That the aidewalke and cu"rba ehall be repairad along Lincoln 4:~anue ag rnqui,;rad by the City Engineer and in accordance with etandard plane and specificat,~na,on Li,le+ in tha office of the City Eagineer. (3) That traeh etorage areas ehell be providad in accordance with ap;~roved planr •:+a file with the office of the Director of Public Worke. (4) That all air-conditisning facilitiee ehall be properly phielded from virs~t„ (5) That the exieting etructura ehall be brought up to the minimum standards of the City of Anaheim, including the Uniform'3uilding, Plumbing, Electrical, Houeing~ Mechanical, and Fire Codee ao adopted by the City of Ana%~.eim. (6) That a 6-foot maeonry wall shall be conetructed along the weet property Yine. (7) That the vehiculer accese rights, excapt at street and/or alley openings, to Lincoln Avenue ahall ba dedicated to the City of Anaheim. (8) That the owner(e) of eubject property ehall psy to tha City of Anahaim the eum of $2.00 per front foot along Lincoin Avenue for etrnat lighting purpoeee. (9) That the owner(e) of subject property ehall pay to the City of Anahaim the eum of 15 centa per front foot along Lincoln Avenue for tree planting purpoeee. (10) That subject property shall be served 6y underfy~~ound utilitie~. (11) Thet any parking area lighting prop.:end sbalY be down-lighting of a maximum height of 6 feet, which lighting ahall ba directed aw~y £r.om the prupesty 11nes to protect the reeidential integrity of the area. (12) Prior to the introduction of an urdinance rasoning eubject prope:ty, CondiCion Noe. 1, 7, 8~ and 9, above mentioned~ shall be completed. The provisione or rights granted by thia resolution ehell become null and void by act~lon of the City Council unlaes eaid con- ditions are compiied with within one year from the date hereof or euah furthnr time se Chn City Counctl may grant. (13) That complation of tha exterior facade modificatione ahall be complnCed with eix monthe from dete of approval of thie reclaesifisation. (14) That eubject property ehall be developed eubetantially in conformance with plane and specificetions on file with the City of Anaheim m~rked Exhibit Nos. 1, 2,-and 3 provided, however, that a 6-foot masonry wall ehall be constructed in co~fotm~nce with Code requir~smants ae stipulated to by tha petitioner. (15) That Condition Noe. 2, 3, 4, 5~ 6, 7, 1C 11, and 14, nbove mentioned, shall be complied wiCh prlor to final building and soning inupections. THE FO1tEG0ING ItESOLUTION ie signed and approved by ma this ~ith dsy o~ Decamber, 1972. ATTEST: v G!~~~~~C~e/ SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COPRIISSION RESOLUTION N0. PC72-311 -2- STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHETM ) ~ ~ ~ I, Ann Krebs~ Secrntary o.f tha City Plannicg Co~ission of the City of Aaaheim, do heraby certify thet the foregoing reeolution wae pasend and adopted at a meeting of the Clty Plaaning CowmieBion of the City of Anahei.m~ held on November 27, 1972, ~t 2:00 o'clock p.m., by the follo~ring vote of the membere thereof: AYES; COI1IfISSIONERS: GAUER~ HERBST~ KAYWOOD~ SEYMOUR, NOES: COhAfISEIONERS: NONE. ABSENT: COlIllIS3IONERS: ALL1tED~ FARANO~ ROWLAND. IN WITNESS WNEREOF~ I hava hereunto eet my hand thie 7th day of December, 1972. SECRETARX ANA CITY PLANNING COZ44IS3ION RESOLIT£ION N0. PC72-311 '3-