PC 72-312' ~ ~ RESOLUTION N0. PC72-312 A RESOLUTION OF T'dE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION OF TFFE CTTY OF ANAHEIM 'fHAT PETITION FOR CONDITIONAL USE P~RMIT N0. 13'S5 BE GRANTED WHEREAS, the.City Plenning Commission of the City of Aneheim did ieceive a vedEied Petition foc Condltional Use Permit from OTIS AND FRANCES A, BROW[V, 6Q9 East Myrtle, Santa Ana, California 92701, Owners; JAMES R. SAULS, JR., 137 Glendon Street, Anaheim, California:92806, Agent of certaia real property situated in the City o£ Anaheim, County of Orange, 3tate of California, deac't^ibed ea That portion of the Southweat quarter of the Northwest quarter of ti~e Northweat quarcer of the Southweat.quarter of Section 12, Townahip 4 South, Range 10 West, S, B. B, & M.,•des- cribed as followa: •Beginning at a point in the South line of Tract No. Z843, as per map thereof recorded in baok 53, pages 45oand 46 of Miscelleneoua Mapa, records af Orange County, California, said poinC being North 89 51' 36" Eaet 171.57 feet from the Northeaet corner of Lot 1 of said Tract; thence South 0° OQ' S5" West parallel to the East line of said North- ~eat quarter of the Southweat quarter 267.95 feet to ttie centerline of Anaheim-Olive Road, as shoWn un said Map; thence North 78° 52' 26" West 56.02 feet; thence Nor~h 0° 09' 55" East parallel.to said East line 257.04 feet to said South line; thence ilorth 69 51' 3~'' Eaet along eaid South.line 55,00 feet to the point of beginning ; end WHEREAS, the City. Planning Commistuon did hold a public headng at the City Hall in the City of Aneheim on November 27~ 1972, et ~:00 o'clock P.M., notice of seid public heac!ng having been duly given es required by law and in accordance with t}.e provisioas of the Aneheim Municipel code, Chsptet 18.64, to hear end conaider evidence for end egeinst seld pcoposed conditional use and to investigete end'meka flr.dings end recommendetions in connection therewith; and WHEREAS, sei i Commission, after due inspection, investigation, end study mede by itselE end in its behalf, and Ffter due conslderetion of all evidence and ceports offeeed at said heering, does find end determine the following facts: 1. Thet the proposed'use is propecly one for w:~ich a Conditionel Use Permit is auth~dzed by Code Section 18.38.040(3) to wi~: eatabZiah a real eatate office in an existing resi~ienca with waivers of: a. SECTION 18.38.050(1-A) - l~inimum aite area: (20.000 aquare feet required; 14,672 square feet oropoaed) b, SECTION ].8.38.050(S) - Heiqht of a block wall adiacent to a reai:ential zone boundary: (Six feet required to Che f~ont set- beck (l0~feet) reduced to 30 inches within the front a tbac ) viding a~masonryhwalltiniconformance with~Code~ b' above menti~ .ed, and stipulated to pro- ~~ That the propoc:~t nse wlll noE adversely eEfect.the ad)oining lend uses and the growth end development of the area in which ik is propo:..:o to be loceted. 4, That the size md shepe of the site proposed fo: the use is edequete to atlow the full deve'opment of the pmposed use in e munner not datrimental ta the pettlculer acea nor to the peace, health, sefety, and general wel:are of the C:tizena of the City of Aneheim. 5, That the grenting of the Conditionel Use Pennit under the conditlons impor~ed, if eny, will not he detrimentel to the peace, heal!h, sefety, and generel welfere of the Citixens of the City of Aneheim. Cl•G ~ 1~ _ , ~ ' ~ NOW, T4iEREFORE, BE 1T RESOLVED thal the Anaheim City Planning Commlasion does heroby grent aubJect Petition tor Conditionel Uee Permit, upon the Eollowing condidons which ece hereby found ta be a•neceasery preeequieite to the proposed use of the subJect property in ocder to pceaecve tfie sefety end general welEece of the Citizens of the Clty oE Aneheim• (1) That this conditionel use permit is granted sub~ect to the completion of Reclassi-. fication 2Vo. 72-73-26, n~w pending. (2) That appropriate water assessment feea as determined by the Director of:Public Utilities ahall be peid to the City of Anaheim prior to issuance of a building permit. (3) That subject property ahall be developed eubstantially in accordance with:plana and specifications on file with the City of Anaheim marked Exhibit Nos. 1, 2 and 3. THE FOREGOING RESOLUT[ON is signed end approved by miis 7t~ of Dec ber, 1972. -x . ANAHEIM CITY ATTEST: . , v ~ SECRETARY ANAHE M CITY PLANNING COMMlSSION: ` STATE OF CALIFORN[A ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. C1TY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Ann Krebs, Sec:etary of the City Plenning,Commission of the City of AneheIm, do :~ereby ceitify that the focegoing resolution was passed end adopted et a meeting of fhe. City Plenning Commiseion of the City of Anehelm. held on November 27, 1972, et 2:00 dclodc P.M., by the following vote of the members theceof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: GAUER, HERBST~ KAYWOOD, SEYMOUR. NOES: _ COMMISSIONERS: NONE. ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: ALLRED, FaRANO, ROWLAND. IN WITNESS WHEFEOr, I heve.hereunto set my hend this 7th day af December, 1972. . TARY ANAH M CYTY PLANNING COMMISSION SECRE RESOLUTIQN NO. PC72-31~ C2~G - 2_