PC 72-5~ ~ RESOLUTION NO. pc72-5 A~ESOLUTIbN OF THE CITY PLANNINC CJ376tISS10N OF THE C'ITY Ofi ANAHE:`; THA7' PETITION FOR VARIAN:,E N0. 2 3 2 2 EE GRANTED WHEREAS, the City Pl.anning Commission of the City of Aneheim did receive e verified Petition for Verlenee from HERAERT AND ETHEL MYERS, 529 Victoria i\venue, Venice, California 9009]., Owners; U. S. FACTC~RY-HUILT, INC., 1601 Miller St:i~eet, Auaheim, California 92806, Agent, of certain real property situated i. tY.e Cir.y of Anaheim, Count.~ o.f Orange, State of ~alifornia, described ns ths East 420.00 feet of the Norrherly 120.00 feet of the SouthRrly 240.00 feet of that portion of Lot 2 in Hlock K of the Kraemer Tract, as shown on a Map recorded in Book 12, pages 87 and 88 of Miscellaneous Records of LoR Angeles, California deacribe3 as follows- Seginning at the Northwest c:ornez of said Lot; thence Easterly 660.00 feet along the North boundary there~ofa thenca Southerly 825.00 feet parallel with the West boundary of saic'. Lot; thence Westerly 66U.00 feet parallel with the North boundary of said Lot to the West bou,ldary of said Lot; Northerly 825.00 feet to the point of beginning ; end WHEREAS, the City Plenning Commission did hold e public headng ~+' th~ City Hall in the City of Anehelm on January 24 , 1972, et 2:00 o'cloc~e P.M., notfce of caid publlc heeeing!~eving been duly gi:en es required by law and in eccoedance wlth the provisions of the Anaheim Municipel Code, Chepter 18.68,to near and conalder evidence [or end egeinst said proposed varience end to investigate end meke findtngs and recommendetions in connce- tior. therewith; end l4HEREAS, said ~ommissinn, etter due inspection, investigatlon, end study mede by itself end In its behe;. end efter due consideracyon of all evidence and reports offered et eaid henring, does find end detertnine qhe (ollowing Eects: 1. Thet the petitioner revuest~ e varience Irom ihe Anehelm Mun:cipal Code ae followa: S~CiIO*I 18.52.060(2-a-1) - 8etbeck alon an arterial hi hwa (50 feet required; 12 feet proposed). 2. Thet the petitioner ie proposing to locate a prototype model of the factory-bu:2t home in Che required 50-foot building setback for a period of eix (6) months. 3, Thet there are exceptional or extreordinery clrcumstences or condltions eppliceble to the property involved or to the intended use of the property that do not apply generelly ta tha propedy or class of use in the eame vlclnlty and zone. 4, Thet the requested varlence fs necessary f~ar the preservetion end enjoyment oE e substentia! propec'~r right possessed by other property in the same vlcinity ead zone, end denled to the property in question. 5• That the requestcd verlonce will not be meterially detrimentel to thc public welfetc or lnjurfous to the pmp- erty ur improvements in such vicir,ity end zone in whfch the property is loceted. V1-G -1- ~ flc TT DA~r ~rcn r6ar the Aneheim Citv Plannina Com~m-ssion does heceby grant subject Petition foc,Variance, upon the followirtg conditions which ere hereby found to be a necessary precequisite to the pco- posed use of the subject property in order to pcese:ve the sefety end general welfere of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim: (1) That subject property shall be developed sub~tantially in accordance with plane and specifications on file with the Ci~y of Anaheim marked Exhibit Nos. 1, 2, and 3. (2) That a time limitation of 180 days,expiring July 22, 1972, shall be granted for the use of subject property. THE FOREGOING RFSOLU'TIOIV ls sig~ed end epproved by me this 3rd day of pebruary, 1972. ~%~~C( K CHAIRMAN ANAHEIK CITY PLANNING COMMISSION ATTEST: ~i~n/ , v / SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION ST,ATE OF ~ALIFORNIA ) CGUNTY OF ORANGE ) 8g~ CITY 0~ ANAHEIAI ) I, Ann Ksebs , Secretasp af the City Plenniny Comniission of the City of Anaheim, do liereby certify that the foregoing :esolution wes pessed end edopted at a meeting of the City Plenniag Commission of ffie City of AneheSm, held on J~~nuary 24, 1972 , at 2:00 o'clock P.M., by the following vote oE the membecs thereof: AYF:S: COMMIS9IONERi: ALLRED, GAUER, HERBST, ROWLAND, SEYMOUR. NOES: COMMISSIONERS': FARANO, KAYWOOD. ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: NONE. IN VYITNESS WHEREOF, ? neve here~nto aet my hand this 3rd day of February , 1972. RESOLUTION N0. PC72-5 SECRETAR~ jY?'i PL""~ COMMISSION V2-G ~2~