PC 72-69~ ~ RESOLUTION N0. P ~2'69 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM RECOMMENDING TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM THAT PETITION FOR RECLASSIFICATION N0. ~ 1' ~ 2- 3 8 BE APPROVED WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim did receive e verified Petition for Reclessifica- tionirom PELTZER, SPRAGUE, SKELTON., ROSSETTO, AND PELTZER, c/o Mrs. Urban C. Peltzer, 5138 Serrano Street, Orange, California 92627, Owners; NELOW DEVELOP- MENT COMPANY, 17411 Irvine.BOUlevard, Suite N, Tustin, California 92680, Agent of certain real property situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of Cali£ornia, as described in Exhibit A attacl~ed hereto and referred to herein as though set forth in full ; end WHEREAS, the City Plenning Commission dId hold a public hearing et the City Hell in the Clty of Anaheim on Ap ri l 3, 19 7 2, at 7: 3 0 o'clock P.M. notice of seid public heering heving been duly given as required by lew end in accordence with the provisions of the Aneheim Municipel Code, Chepter 18.72, to hear end consider evldence for and egainst said proposed reclessif:cation end to investigete end meke findings end recommendations in connection therewith; end WHEREAS, seid Commission, after due inspection, investigetion, and study mede by itselE end in its behelf, end efter due co~sideretion of all evidence end reports oEtered et said hearing, does Eind and detecmine the following 4'acts: 1. Thet the petitioner proposes e reclessification of the ebo•ie described pmperty fcom the R-A, AGRICULTURAL, ZONE to the R••3, MULTIPLE FAMILY RESIDENTIA.L, ZONE. 2. That the proposed reclassificetion is in conformance with the land use designations of the Anaheim Generel Plan. 3. That the proposed reclessificatlon of subject property is necessery end/or desicei:e toc the orderly end pro- per development of the community. 4. Thet the proposed ceclassiflcetion of subject property does properly relete to the zones end their permitted uses locelly esteblished tn close proximity to subject property end to the zones end their perrt:itted uses generally estob- lished throughout the communlty. 5. That the praposed reclasaification of eubjecC property requires the dedication and improvement of abutCing streets in accordance with the Circulation Element of the General Plan, due to the anticipated increase in traffic which will be generated by the intensifica- tion of land use, R-A "1" _ ..,.., ,. ;-ti:, _ .:.n• ,~ .;~v ~y .. ~-( . ~ . .. .... . ~ . _ . . ,.• ,--~ v,^ ,,. . ... .~-'J~_ ~~ -_. ..__ .._ . _.. ~ .._.. . .~.`` t ~ ~ . .. . • ~ : ' . ~~~~~~ ~' << » . ' . i i . . ~1J'Sl:`~:1:('/'IC~?/1 Tli~C' I/ZSi'/~i/~C'O COlTI~J~fi?~' .' 42t NOPo'rH IAAIti STR£ET •..:.NTA nMA, C:.UFOR~111 • 54:-G3?2 . , I - YOUI NO. ' . ~ • Our Ord::r No. OF 1110j`33-r •3 • ~, ~ ,•Form of F'olicy Ccvcr.ge Requcsted: CAI.IiORi?A IA:ID 'TITL ASSOCIATIO:i S'lEtJDF~D COV~l3~,G~ ?OiICY. In respor,s= :o the above re(erenced applicction far o policy o( title insurance, t5is Compony h^reby rap~rts fnat it is prcporrd to iss~e, or eausc to bc issued, os of the datc hcrcof, a Policy of Titlc Insuran:e in thc For'r,i speciFied abave, dasc:ibin; the Ic~d cnd tf~e estate or interes: ;herein hereinafter~set Focth, insuring a,oin;t loss which m~y be sustoiied by reoson of any d~izct, lien or encumbrance not sho~m or rc(erred to as on Er.cep!ion bxlow or oct exclude~ from coveroyo pur_ucnt to the printed $chedul~s, Ccnditions und Stipulatiens of said policy Form. This ropc:t {er.d eny supplenents or emer.dments thereto)isissuedsolelyfortfiepurposeof (ccil~tcti~g th~ issuuncr. of o pofi:y of title insurence eid no liebility is ossumcil hcreby. If it i, desircd tnat liobility 6~ ass~med prior to fhe issua~ce of a pol~cy o( tit(e insurance, a vir.der or Comniifinent sho ld F~e requested. // • t/+J ' S~' ~ n~ ~ , ..-~~..~,:.;r_1 v. i ~:' ~r.r:.~~ Datcd os of Feb:l;ex-f cl~ 1~2 ' af 7:30 o.m. -- TITLE OFFICcR • . 4~illilm H. Bruns . Title to said estc,c or intcrest at thc datc hcrcof is vested in: COS_ti'~ SP:~ ~[r.'.~ C?~2ISPTi~ RCSS=.iTO~ J'JDl`I'H SYG:I.lOY er.d. 20~ 3lii~'E; Ff'.T,1Z~R~ 4Yus~e~ for DrVID r~.T2;~, csch as to en lL':C1~Vj,C:~(L 5~2uths interest, ann UF~?_~ C.RL !'~LTZ~iti e~9 20~ Ji3YE Y~.TZ::~, husc.an~ an3 ~ife; as co~r.r.unity pro,~_rty as .o the re:.ai:iner. The estafe or in~erest in the Icno h~reincfter described or referred to eovered by this ReFort is: ' . A FeA. • , n~3~•123~5 . At the dote hereof excep!ions to eoverege in a~dition to the printed exceptio~s ond exclu ~as eontainec~^'~r . soid po!iey ~erm ~e~uld 6~ os folloorr. ^ ~n ~~, '~~ o 1. .~r.or.e ins:a.llr.;~•nt Gen~ral end Speriel Tex~s for th:: fisc~ iv ~fx ~~,: ~ti.pg'fP~' Pscur.t $1,5ju.~6; Cu3s.rLee Oi-0~0, A. ?. t~o. 072~091••Ol ~r.d 0' z_091'~_~'~ ~` ~~ • ~, 2. f7 rn;.~^~,,tt ior rcail ~t~rpo~r.s over t:ie ;~orth 30 fcet of said Ta~ ci~?~6~~Fti,~9r , o~~ ~x h; Cc!:nty u" Or: r.-e~. • . ': Contir.ued '7~_ ) s -3 d ... .1 • ~ os 1i~o563 n~cc~z~~io:: . Al.l tn~~.t c^r~a:~n ?~::lc: sitc= ~eQ in the S;.^tc of Califernia, Ccsn~y of Qrar.~;e,. ----•--- -- City of P~~a~i.~, descri~3 ~c, f~llows: P~rcel 1: `Piet por~io:~ o~ thc ,;orth h^li of L'ne Iiorth::esi; ques'ter o° the South- east cr~art~r of ~ection 8, ioui':ship 4;nuth, Fsnge 10 :dest, in tY~ Far.cho Los Cayotcs, es s'.i ~~:~ on ::~? :•- = ~•-n in boo.: 51, g~~e 10 of 1•tiscellan°ous bS~ps, in thc o"fice o^ the Cc~^tyyn~corcer ef s~1d Ccunt~,•described es ~ollous: B_Einnir:g at tt °.+or'.:he2s1: corr.ar of said if0: Lf:H=S't cu4z~ter of tne ScutY,east qnarter; th°nce :auth 0° C`'' S2" Esst aloa~ th~ ~ast~:ly lin° of said t:orth- xes~ c+.i~ t°r o. th^ °~U~~'~a•c V~4°.='ter to th° :Fortr_ast°rly lir.c of the len3 d=scrii,_d in C~=ti°icate 'of litle *Io. J3252, to the S~ete of Calffornia, f<_?eci ,Ia-G=.:y 10, 1SiC, in th° c•"fice of tt°- Fe~ist~ar of ~itles o; said County; thenca i:o-rth,5o' 1~5` 2~~~ V~~st 217•34 :eei; along ssid 1Torth~asterly line to the most C'+utherTy cox^°r of th~ l~~:d descriL=d to Carl Peltzer, and srife filed Oato:;..°r ~5, 19~~s, as Torrons ~~c~r•.°-nt I;o. 3CCv0, ir. the office of s2id Fegistrar of i~itles tt;~r.c~ clc .~ the °nsterly boand<-_r; of said Feltzer's lenl the follour .ing b~c*_'itl~: y:^•3 c~is~an^c's: T~or'~h 1° 17' S7° 'r:est 1^~.85 £eet, S~uth 88° 55' 52'~ East 5'~,56 ic:et, ::o: th •1° 17' S7" F~: st 50.00 £eet, South ~8° 56' S2" East 107,CJ _°e~~ to A l~ri:: L''-:'c^.1.1@a. D:it3 anfl 4'~sterly 23.C0 feet fr~,n s~id Eesterly line o~ i,he t~or~h:rest qnerter of the 5~:t~e~ st eaerter~ I?orth 0° 08' S2" k'est 313.~2 fze ~ elc.::~ sui:i rarallel lin° to c poini on the i;orth ~.ine oi' said 2forth.est ,Les•ter o: :.he ::ouzh^est qna:•tcr distatit th~reon 23.00 feet from the poin~ of b~'G~n-~ir.~,; ~~=r~= lcavit~, th~ b~ardaiy~jcf said Pclt7cr's land, Sout~ $g° 43~ 30„'~st 23.00 Scet to tre.point of bee~n.~ir.~. ~ Percel 2: Tnat pcrtion oi' the I:ort'h hc:lf of the ~a:•tl~~tast quarter oS the South- eest quarter of S:cl;ion f3, To:ras?~i.o ~+ S~uth, fian3c la 'desi;, S, B, Ei. ~E: t•+., in th_ Fan~ho Los Coyotc+~, Ccu-~ty of fh'an~-~, S~a~~ of CaliSorn;e, es said section is st:o:rn en a n~a~ recorde3 in boo~ 51, pas,e ld, btisc=lJ.~neous 2•i~ps~ in the office of the Cc+.inty fi=cord~r o~ said Coun•~y, deserib°d 2s follox~: Eeginnii:^, ~t a poi::t o:~ t'ae ??o::'~h lir.e of scicl T+o:tli~~.st uverter of t;h° South- er.st q!~e.z•.er t+oxth 8)° w3' 3~" ~'~°~t ~3.C0 feet frcm ti:e 4iorthcast corner of ° ' 0" 4lest ssid ;tor~~h::°st qu~rter o~ the S~u~hcast uuerter, thenc:.• 2:ortli 89 43 3 736.73 rc:.•~~ to tno I;:r_i.t.cast cc.n~r of thc ].and desc:•ibed in Ceri:i:i.cate IIo. 132>2 i,o tr~ Stat° o: Caliiur;,i~, in tl:e o°:ice of th^ Fe~istrlr of Tii;les~ of saicl Coan~y; th_nce ~nth, Gou~~~~resterly an•~ Soutneast°:ly alon~ tne East^rJ.y lin^s of s~ic~. 1a-3 to ~ae S~~i:e o!' Cslifornia to a poi.ni: on said East°rly line ttorth 56° 4j' 25" 4~es+. 2].7.3~t feet inereon frc:n th^ F;ast' lin_ o; sWid 2doz•th•aest qua~ter o£ t`ie ~attl~cest caa: t°r; th~ree i~urth 1° 17' S7~~ ~+ect 1U2.65 feei:; thenee :~uth En` 56' Sa~~ 'r._st itt.56 fect; 1;h<_•ncc tiorth 1° 17' 57" ~+est 50.00 fe~~; tY::•.^.c:: °ou~1~ 88' S'~' S~" ~=~t ~~( feet to a lint: p~rallel ~;itli 1r.3 4?esterly 23,00 feet ::•c:a tY~e I'.:st lir.~. o: the tiertn:r~st ci~aar~ei• ef i:h° ~nuyi.z~2¢~~3~"~~rter of sa<_a S^cti.on; th2::ce t;or;;h 0° C~' S2" F+est 313.72 feei, alo7~ ~ l.d. Eas~~~t:rn~ ~~- p to tti_ pe{n~ of :~egitnii~~. ~n,4 ~ r ~~.'~ ~ o F,xceptir.;; frc:~~ r^rcels 7. an1. 2 th~ t port9o7 of tn~ t:ort.h ha].f of :tL'r; u J~r~'t~~:es~' ~-. quwter of th= ~uth~:.st qu~r'ce:r ef ~ction E~, Tor:nsnin ~ E Sou~a n•-~;; c:~ G'F+~\t~ S. fl, it. &~: ~o. . _:•L:c:.:l~:l•; d~.c_•itr,i in a d~~cd b;; CrL.^_n. C^.•1 Fcltzcr c:na 1 2r.e T, a;,i ~~~; i ~, ~5~.~ ,S*,^,.~ n.^ C,.~] i^c:•r.I:! ~ r~~r.r~?ed l:+:y 7.0~ }.97=~, ~;t bou:: 35~'', t ' - ~ ~, ;+Yu_ 1~1 `.r (`^~ir:'7~ ti::D'::c q_" CX... :^ r,'.t.71~~' ' ~ . / ~ ~__~~ • o NOt9, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVEU that the Anaheim City Planning Commission c,oes hereby recommend to the City Council o£ the City of Anaheim that subject 1?etition for Reclassification be approved and, by so doing tiiat Title 18- Zoning of the Anaheim Municipal Code be amended to exclude the above described property from the R-A, AGRICULTURAL, ZONE and to incorporate said described property into the R-3, MULTIPLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL, 20NE upon the following conditions which are herehy found to be a necessary prerequisite to the pro- posed use of subject property in order to preserve the safetp and general welfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim: (1) That all engineering requirements of the City of Anaheim along Crescent Avenue, including preparation of improvement plans and installation of all improvements, such as curbs and gutters, sidewalks, street grading and paving, drainage facilities, or other appur- tenant work shall be complied with as required by the i.ity Engineer and in accordance with strndsrd plans and specifications on file in the office of the City Engineer; u~at street lighting facilitiea along Crescent Avenue shall be installed as required by the Director of Public Utilities and in accordance with standard plans and specifications on file in the office of the Director of Public Utilities; and that a bond in an amount and fon~ satisfac- tory to the City of Anaheim shall be posted with tt~e City to guarantee the installation of the above mentioned requirements. (2) That the owners ~f subject property shall pay to the City of Anaheim the aum of 15 centa per front foot along Crescent Aveaue for tree planting purposes. (3) That trash sCOrage areas ahall be provided in accordanc~ wi.th approved plans on file with the office of the Director of Public Works. (4) That fire hydrants shall be installed as required and determined to be necessary by tlie Chief of the Fire Department. (5) That a 6-foot masonry wall shall be constructed along the east, west, and southwest property linea. (6) That aubject property shall be served by underground utilities. (7) That the owners of subjecC property shall pey to tt~e City of Anaheim the appropri- ate park and r.ecreaCion in-lieu £ees as determined to be appropriate by the City Councfl, said fees to be paid at the time the building permit ia issued. (8) That drainage of subject property shall be disposed of in a manner eatisfactory to the City Engineer. (9) That r.he alignment of the eouChweaterly property line adjacent to the Santa Ana Preeway sha:l ~~e approved by the Californi.a Division of Highways. (10) '~~ar all air conditioning facilities shall be properly shielded from view. (11) iiiat any parking area lighting proposed within 120 feet of any aingle-family resi- dential development shall be down-lighting of a maximum height of 6 feet, which lighting shall be directed away from the property lines to protect the reaidential integrity of the area. (12) That subject property ahall be developed substantially in accordance with plans and specifications on file with the City of Anaheim marked Exhibit Noe, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. (13) Prior to the introduction of an ordinance rezoning subject properCy, Condition Nos. 1 and 2,above mentioned, shall be completed. The provisions or rights granted by this reso- lution shall become null and void by action of the Cit;~ Council unless said conditiona are complied with within 180 days from the date hereof of such further time as Che City Council may grant, (14) That Condition Nos. 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, °, 10, 11 and 12, above mentioned, shall be com- plied with prior to final building and xoning inspections. THE POREGOING RESOLUTIOtd is signed and ATTEST:~ ~r~~ d , 7.L~(1~0/ SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNfY Or ORANGE ) se. CITY OF ANAHEIDt ) apptov b me hia 3th day of April, 1972. . CHAIRMA Ai~AHEIM ITY PJANNxtiG C0:•IIIISSION I, Aan Krebe, Secretary of the City Planning Conuniesion uf the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted at a meeL•ing of the City Planning Commisaion of the City of Anaheim, held on April 3, 1972, at 7:30 F.M., by the following vote of the members thereof: AIES: COMt~1ISSI0NERS: ALLRED, FARANO, GA.UER, KAYWOOD. NOES: COMMISSIONEkS: NONE. ABSENT• COMMISSIONERS: HERBST, ROWI.AND, SEYMOUR. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 13th day of April, 1972. `~/~' /viv %~/i4GiV'ai SECR~TARX ANAI~IM CITY YLANNING COMMISSION RFSOLUTION N0. PC72-69 R-A -i-