PC 72-80. / ~ ~ RcS~LUTI~N N~. ~C72- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY Or ANAHEIM RECOMMEPJDIIdG TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIh4 AMENDMENT TO TITLE 18, ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE~ CHAPTER 18.26, R-2-5000 ONE FAMILY ZONE WHEREAS~ Ordinance No. 2305 dated July 5~ 1966~ established Chapter 18.26~ R-2-5000 One Family Zone~ and WHEREAS~ as a result of the concern expressed by the Ci{y Council and 4he ~lanni~ Commission as to developments which have occurred since the establishment of said chapter~ the City Council directed the Planning Commission and the Development Services Department to study and make recommended amendments to Chapter 18.26~ and WHEREAS~ the ~ity Planning Commission did hold a public hearinQ at the Ci{y Hall in the City of Anaheim on April 3 and 1~~ 1972,.at 7~30 o`clock P.N.~ notice of said public hearir.gs having been duly given as required by lzw and in accordence with th e provisions of the Anaheim Municipal Code~ to hear and consider evidence for and against said pro- posed amendments to Title 18 and to investigate and make findings and recommendations in connection theiewith~ and WHEREAS~ said Commission~ after due ii~spection~ investigation, and study made by itse'.f and in its behalf, and after due consideration of all evidence and reports offereo at said hearing~ does find and determine the following facts: 1. That the R-2-5000 Zone was intended~to encoura~e a reduction of density in those areas that have been deemed appropriate for low-med•,um (R-2) and medium (R-~) density uses on the General Plan as well as provide ar alternative method of developing a wider range and variety of housing for the City of Anaheim. By permitting 5000 square foot lots~ Single Family subdivisicn~ in ar•eas appropria:e for low medium and mAdium density~ it K•as anticipated a lesser density would ;be achieved than in the R-2 and R-3 residential zones~ yet in actual practic~ it~r developer has been able to achieve a greater density than if the property had been permitted to develop for multiple family land use. 2. That it was contemplated at the time the original R-2-5000 2one v~as adopted that the single family character and environment of a subdivision could be re- tained~ and that adequate open space on ind~vidual lots would be provided. ln examining existing development~ this has nc,'t been achieved. 3. That upon investigation of the develeNir~ents that have already been constracted~ it is apparent that the present coverage factor with no pad re~uirement v~as not providing adequate usable open area on the lots~ particularly where lots have b~en developed with four~ five~ or six bedroom homes. ~, That if the coverage factor is reduced from ~0~ to 33~ for up to three bed- room~homes~ tlien the usable open area on the R-2-~~0 lo+s will be brouQht more into line with the open area ~hat is provi~ed on typical sinQle family lots~ and where more than three bedroom homes are proposed~ additional open space should be substantially increased. K. That the descrip{ion of the zone~ namely R-2-~00 is somewhat oP a misnomer and should reflect its proper residential characterg therefore~ corisideration should be given to designatinQ it as R-S-5000 Zone, i.e.~ Residentiol Single Family Zone on 5000 square-foot lot's. 6. That the 20-foot buildinQ setback where ~araQes are entered directly from the street appear to have created both a pedestrian and vehicular hazard~ since vehicles hsve been protruding over the public ri~ht-of-way ~the sidewalk~ park- way~ and into the street)~ thus consideration should be ~iven to increasing this setback to 25 feet. ~, That where lots are located i~ slope areas~ many times t.he developPrs have included the slope areas as part of the rear yard~ however~ said rear yards were not usable by the property owners ~f these homes~ creating a less than desirable living environment~ therefore~ consideration should be given to requiring that the pad size bE at least 5000 square feet rather than just the lot size. ~~ ~ ~ $, That in order to provide for a variety of ho~s~ dasiQ~s~ it would be desir- able to provide the developer the opportunity to develop with zero lot li:~es provided~ however~ that the ~equired side yard setback of five feet or a total of ten feet is incorporated on the opposite side of said zero lot line. Q. That in order to insure that continued quality of resider.tial environments is maintai~ed,particularly in the canyon area~ a specific plan of development may be required by the Plannin~ Commission and City Council prior to considera- tion of any zone changes. i0. That in order to insure proper light and air as well as providing a recrea- tion area~ the rear yard should be a minimum of five feet for single story struc- tures~ and a minimum of ten feet for two-story structures. NOW~ THEREFQRE~ BE IT RESOLVED that the A~aheim City Planning ~ommission dots adopt and hereby recommends to the City Council of the City of Anaheim adoption of amendments to Title 18~ Anaheim Municipal Code~ Chapter. 18.26 as depicted on Exhibit "A" and referred to as though set forth in full. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council consider incorporatinQ a simila! policy for the enactment of this amendment as was established in Council Policy Nc. 524 in order to provide the parameters for developers who have plans~ zoninp~ tracts~ etc. either approved or processed thereby determininQ what properties shall be affecF- ed by tne proposed amendment. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is siQned and approved by me this 2~th day ~P April~ 19~2. f ~ j '- _y J f/F+~ CHAIRM A AHEIM CITY PLANNI~~G COMMISSION ATT EST: ~~~ ~~ SECRET /,RY ANAHE I N~ C I TY PLANN I P1G C(~JIM I SS I ON STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY Of ANAHEIM ) I. Ann Krebs~ Secretary of the City Planniiu? Commissian of the City of Anaheim~ do hereby certify that the foregoing resolutiun was passed and adopted at a meeting of tha Ci{y Planning Commission ef the ~ity of Anaheim~ held ~on April 17~ 1972, at 7:30 o'clock P.M•~ by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: ALLRED~ FARANO~ GA~JER~ HEPBST~ KAYV¢OOD~ ROWLAND~ SEYMOUR. NOES: COMMISSIONEIiS: NONE. ABSENT: CONMISSIONERS: NONE. IN WITNESS WHEREOF~ I have hereunto set my hand this 27th day nf April~ 1972. ~~~~/./~Z~/ SECRE'(ARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION RESOI.UT ION IvO. PC j2-80 .J ~ ~ .~ ~ ~ EXfiIBIT "A" OR~INANCE N0. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAI~EIM AMENDING TITLE 18, CHAPTER 18.26 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE AMENDING SECTION 18.26.010 BY THE ADDITION OF REFERENCE TO R-2 AND R-3, AND SECTiON 18.26.054 SITE DEVELOPM~NT STANDARDS, AND Ah1ENDING THE TITLE OF SAID CHAPTER THERETO. THE CITY COUNCIL QF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. That Title 18 of the Anaheim Municipal Code be, and thc same is hereby amend~d by amending the title to rEad R-S-5000 ONE- FAMILY ZONE, amending Section 18.26.010 and Section 18.26.050 as folloti~s: "18.26.010 Description and Purpose. This zone is intended to provide for and encourage the orderly devel- opment of single-family residences on minimum five thousand (5000) square foot lots in areas appropriate for low-medium - R-2, and medium density - R-3, rasiden- tial development on the General Plan. "18.26.050 Sit~ Development Standards. In order to assure adequate levels of light, air and density of development, to maintain and enhance the locally recog- nized values of community appearance, and to promote the safe and efficient circulation of pedestrian and vehicular traffic, the following site development stand- ards shall npply. These standards are found to be necessary for the preservation of the community health, safety and general welfare. (1) Minimum Building Site Area and Dimensions. All sites shall be of sufficient size and width to accommodate the anticipated number of dwelling units and parking spaces, ogen areas, and other structures and uses for which provisians are made in this zone. (a) Building Site and IIuilding Pad Area. The min~mum building site and building pad area shall be five thousand (5000) square feet. (b) Huilding Site ~Vidth. The minimu~ build- ing site width shall be fifty (50) feet. (c) Building Site Width for cul-de-sac and knuckle lots. The minimum building site w?~lth for cul- de-sac and knuckle lots shall be forty-five (45) feet measured at the building setoack. The minimum building sitc and building pad requirements shall apply; ':^wever, a building permit may be approved fcr development on any nonconforming lot of record on the date of the ordinance codified in this chapter (July 12, 1966), or annexed after said date. Such developments shall be subject to all other provi- sions of Title 18 of the Anahaim Municipal Code which the size of the lot makes it possible to comply with. (2) Density. The building site area per dwelling unit shall be a minimum of five thousand (5000) square feet. ~ ~ (.>) Coveragc and Open Spacc Requirements. Tlic m~ximum covcrage by all residential and accessory buildings shall be thirty-tlirec (33) pcrcent of th~: lot :ircas for dwelling units with thrce (3) bedroom; or less and with two (2) parki.ng spaces in a garagc. Swimming pouls and semi-cnclosed patio struc- tu:es sli:ill not be considered as structures in x.scer- taini;ig cuverage. The open space requir~ments shall be increasc~l cight hundred and fifty (850) squarc fcet for each additional bedroom. (A1: rooms other than a living, dining, or family room, kitchen, bathrooms, and c?osets sliall Ue cunsidered bedrooms.) (4) Ruilding and Structural Hcight Limitations. Thc maximum hcight of any building shall hc two (3) SLOTII'S. (5) Yards and Building S~tUack Rcquirements. (a) Pront Yard. A landscaped satback :ir~:i sl~alJ. bc provided and maintained for each singlc-famil;~ dwclling unit site and said setback shall be measured from thc planned highway right-of-way lin.^. indicatcd by tl~e General Plan or othar adopted plans. The set- back sha11 be as follows: A minimum of ten (10) feet, except 2. In arder to encourage varied set- backs whcre a tract or a minimum of one block (one si.l~ af the street) is to be developed concurrently, tl~e setUack shall bc an average of ten (10) feet with the minimum setback five (5) feet, except that 3. Where vehicular access to the garage is gained by means of a driveway that is perpendi.cular or nearly perpendicular to the center line of the strc:et, the mi.nimum setback between the f.ront property line and the garage entrance shall be twenty-five (25) feet. (b) Side Yard. Minimum side yard shall be five (5) fEet from structures to the property line or a minimum of ten (10) feet between structures on adjacent lots. (The latter requirement provides for zero side yards.) (c) Rear Yard. Minimum rear ynrd shall bc fivc (5) feet for singie-story structures, and a minimum ten (10) feet for two-story structures. (6) Off-Street Parking Requirements. Thcre shall be provided for each dwelling unit a minimum of two (2) parkirtg spaces in a garage. (7) Development Review. In order to gromotc con- tinued quality devel.opment in Anaheim and to safeguard and enhance both potential and establi:;lied community values through the encouragement cf compatible develop- ments, a specific plan of development may be required by the Planning Commission and City Council. All building and site plans shall be subject to review by the develop- me;:t review comrt~ittee of the building and planning division of the development servicas department. Where a question arises as to the admini.stration of specific sections of this code, the Flanning Commission shall hear the matter at its next regular meeting. Appeal from the de~ision of the City Planning Commission shall be to the City Council in written form, stating the reasons for said appeal." • ~ SECTION 2. Thc City Clerk shall certify to thc passage of thi, Ordinance and sliall cause the same to be printed once within fifteen (15) days after its adoption, in the Anaheim 3ulletin, a n~wspaper of general circul2tion, printed, publish.:d and c-ir- culated in said City, and thirty (~0) d.~ys from and after its final passag~ it shall take effect and be in full force. TIiE FOREGGING ORDINANCE i.s approved and signed l~y mc• this day of , i9_ MAYOR OF TIIF. CITY flF ANAHEIhf ATTES7': CIT't' CLERK OF THE CITY OF ANAiiEIM